ps: There was a mistake in the last chapter. It was not Saint Demon Overlord who contacted Li Shan Heavenly God, but Dark Overlord. Sorry to be mistaken. △,


Something similar to Demon Profound Sect happened on another Sect head.

In particular, the four Sects of Monster Sect, God Heavenly Palace, Saint Demon Overlord, and Paradise Palace are all thunderbolt anger. Immediately they must send Great Heaven World to suppress Emperor Heaven.

With the news coming back constantly, they had to calm down.

Emperor Heaven It would be really difficult to deal with.

They can’t watch Sect’s Heavenly God Expert killed by Emperor Heaven.

The loss of a Heavenly God has a great impact on Sect, especially with Demon Profound Sect in front, and two Heavenly Gods have been folded in succession, and the Heavenly God Expert of Geneva is not a big loss.

According to a message from Heavenly God at the Invincible Palace, this Emperor Heaven is not easy to deal with, and the five of them have no resistance at all in the opponent’s hands.

With the formidable Space treasure and War Fortress, Emperor Heaven can consume them alive.

Heavenly God must be brought back.

A living Heavenly God is too important.

The only thing they need to do now is to bring people back. They can postpone Emperor Heaven, not to mention they are not sure.


Invincible Palace.

Four Heavenly God Experts are temporarily under house arrest in a courtyard.


That is natural.

They didn’t dare to do anything but to be honest and wait for the people from Sect to come over.

They still haven’t figured it out yet. Emperor Heaven has any powerful Space treasure that can resist their attack. The result was a complete defeat.


everyday all there is.

Perhaps this is the only way to defuse the fire.


Heavenly Fortune Building Division.

With Emperor Heaven Slaughter God again, Heavenly Fortune Building is completely quiet here.

There are no more people with ideas.

Everyone is honest. I dare not have any ideas, waiting for Auction to begin.

“Do you really believe they will redeem Divine Spark?”

Liu Ziyue is accompanying Lin Fei in a box in the Heavenly Fortune Building.

because. Today is Auction.

Five Heavenly Gods came aggressively, and Liu Ziyue was very worried that Lin Fei would be in trouble. The pressure outside Starry Sky was a huge pressure, and it was heartbreaking.

The final result was Liu Ziyue startled.

The one-sided battle in the eyes of everyone looked like another.

Lin Fei looked at the people who came in, “They will, Divine Spark is good, and can build a Heavenly God, that is also the battle strength of Half-Step Heavenly God. How they choose, they understand better than anyone!”

“Aren’t you afraid they will unite again?”

Lin Fei laughed, “No, they are really united. I want to clap their hands and welcome them to join us as a group!

Liu Ziyue really convinced Lin Fei, “Your courage is getting bigger and bigger, Heavenly God dare to blackmail!”

“They don’t deserve as good as they deserve!” Lin Fei didn’t want to say more about it. “By the way, the auction is coming, won’t you go down?”

Liu Ziyue glanced resentfully at Lin Fei, “You just want me to go down?”

Lin Fei laughed. “Nowhere!”

… ..

“You also come to participate in Auction!”


“Today’s auctions are all good things. It’s a pity not to come. Many people didn’t come. I’m afraid we will miss the opportunity!”

“Look, Tian Yang from the Chamber of Commerce!”

“Isn’t Tianyang Heavenly God next to Arakawa in Hell’s Paradise?”

Heavenly Fortune Building doorway. Constantly someone comes in.

Immediately someone saw the Heavenly God of the two Chamber of Commerce coming in.

Tian Yang and Arakawa walked while walking, during which some Heavenly God showed their goodness to their nod. Offend anyone, nor can you offend the two big Chambers of Commerce. One day, you will not buy things from each other.

After they went in, many powerful people also entered one after another.

For example, the man under Dark Overlord, Li Shan Heavenly God.

Li Shan Heavenly God expressionlessly came in, he came on behalf of the dark Overlord.

“Li Shan Fellow Daoist, I trust you have been well since we last met!”

Not waiting at the door, a familiar voice came not far away.

“Luo Xian Fellow Daoist, you are here too, it’s rare!” Li Shan Heavenly God recognizes Luo Xian who is the head of the Ten Great Young Masters.

Luo Xian Heavenly God indifferently said, “It’s not yet a matter of Heavenly Fortune Building, came to the territory near me, came here to make fun, but unfortunately, Black Saint them ~~~”

Li Shan Divine Dao, “That’s because their lives are bad. No one can blame them. If I’m lucky, I’m afraid I’ll have to follow suit. This Emperor Heaven is really hard to deal with.”

Luo Xian Heavenly God closed the gate after returning from Shenshan, and successfully broke through to Heavenly God Realm, but unfortunately, Divine Strength is limited, strength has been affected, and I also hate Emperor Heaven.

Before he found his revenge, Luo Xian Heavenly God heard the last thing he wanted to hear.

Hongyan Heavenly God, Black Saint Heavenly God, and the others were killed one after another. How brilliant the original Ten Great Young Masters were, and five Heavenly Gods fell in the blink of an eye. It made Luo Xian, who had always been proud of everything, a great hit.

Emperor Heaven, again Emperor Heaven.

Not waiting for the Great Heaven World, the top five forces once again suffered a big loss. One was killed and four were invited back. This record he asked himself not as good as Emperor Heaven.

“I came with Elder today, but not for Emperor Heaven.” Luo Xian Heavenly God hates Emperor Heaven, and I dare not act recklessly on others.

“I, like you, bid for things!”

“Together, together!”


Heavenly Fortune Building worked hard to hold this time Auction.

All those with status are arranged in the boxes of each and everyone.

The reputation is common, and it is arranged in the hall uniformly. The whole hall can accommodate tens of thousands of people.

Not convinced?

No one dares to say.

This Emperor Heaven is not something they can offend at all.

To put it bluntly, they are here for fun.

What really participated in the auction were the XNUMX boxes in the air, among which were the top forces such as the Chamber of Commerce and Hell’s Paradise.

The hall was full, and XNUMX people in the boxes were also there.

Auction for Heavenly Fortune Building has also begun.

Formation was also opened on the outside, a huge piece of Heavenly Fortune Building, fell into the Wanzhong Space, and was teleported by constantly, so that Immortal outside looked at the dumbstruck.

Because they couldn’t sense the location of Heavenly Fortune Building.

Immortal who came the first step late was confessing and missed a grand Auction.


“Everyone is quiet!”

After the crowd arrived, the Heavenly Fortune Building auctioneer also appeared.

A 9-Star Paragon.

Today 9-Star Paragon stands for Heavenly Fortune Building, and also Emperor Heaven behind it.

The scene also calmed down.

“I am an auctioneer today. I welcome people from all places to participate in today’s Auction. This will be a rarely seen auction event. You will also see what is the top good thing ~~~ In your eyes, the Paragon weapon you are using is all a bunch of junk goods ~~~~ Things that can’t go up the stairs, and you will know what is really good ~~~ Now, I announce that Auction is officially started!

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