War Fortress continues to dominate.

Bunches of black ‘color’ energy cannons rolled up an infinite horror.

Every Immortal who has been on Realm, whether in Great Heaven World or Heavenly God outside, has no cause for a while.

Top Grade Paragon Battle suit is afraid and unable to resist this fierce attack.

The paragon ‘fine’ heroes brought by the five Heavenly Gods were almost blocked by an energy cannon by an Insta-kill, but they were unable to resist the second beam, but the third beam.

“War Fortress is indeed a Battle Clan Top Grade war weapon. With such intensive attacks, Heavenly God is hard to resist. This Emperor Heaven is even more vicious than imagined!” Tian Yang also had a dignified face, “I thought he would endure one. Yes, young people are young and vigorous! “

“It’s really eye-opening. Emperor Heaven is an attack without capital. The price of one shot can make many people bankrupt. It seems that our Emperor Heaven is rich and imposing!” Arakawa looked envious.

They were anxious to do both.

If Lin Fei loses, they don’t mind selling their personal feelings. As a result, Emperor Heaven is better than the savage of imagination, and they take advantage of them while they are not in harmony.

Feng Xing means fiercely, they are very likes.

“They’ve lost their faces!” Arakawa said again. “Today’s story will definitely spread.”

Tian Yang nod, “If Emperor Heaven can suppress their five Heavenly Gods, no one dares to do anything to Great Heaven World in a short time. Unfortunately, our Chamber of Commerce is so influential that we do n’t have a War Fortress in our hands. ! “

They both sighed.

It’s not good to be unconvinced.


The five Heavenly God faces are not ugly.

Low Grade Divine Equipment all sacrificed, resisting the attacking energy cannons, and their eyes were terrifying sharply, giving out a cold cold killing intent.

No one has ever dared to call them cowards.

Emperor Heaven is the first.

“Emperor Heaven. You have guts, wait for the old man to regret saying this!” Chi Huo Heavenly God urged the defense of Divine Equipment, “you all come to the Immortal Mansion of the old man!”

Chi Huo Heavenly God wants to put away all his men.

It’s not good to confess when you’re all dead, even if he’s a Heavenly God.

Lin Fei tilted his feet. “You’re right. I’m a man. How can I be seedless, could it be You are not a man, castrated?”

“Fire Dragon Dance!”

Chi Huo Heavenly God’s eyes were blood red, and he was taken up by Immortal Mansion. Hit a breathtaking Fire Dragon and head straight for Lin Fei in the black ‘hole’.

Bang bang bang!!

The War Fortress in front of the black ‘hole’ was smashed.

The energy cannon continued to ‘fire’.

“Void Shadow?”

Chi Huo Heavenly God startled, then immediately shook his head, “It’s not Void Shadow, this is the Space Method ‘Door’. Thought it was the Space Method ‘Door’, can’t the old man deal with you!”

“Under Fire Burning The Heavens!”

Chi Huo Heavenly God plays a Divine Fire.

The Divine Fire stretches continuously, reflecting more than half of the Starry Sky, and then turns into a Fire Dragon, rushing into the black ‘hole’ successively, smashing the 1st Layer heavy Space.

“Old bastard, do you have that ability?”

Lin Fei on War Fortress smiled, “However. You’re pretty good, you can use it for barbecue!”

After all, a large piece of grilled ‘meat’ appeared outside War Fortress. Infinitely weakened flames are burning ‘meat’, and golden ‘colored’ ‘meat’ oil falls down, breathing flames.

Grilled ‘meat’? Thanks to this brat.

Tian Yang and Arakawa couldn’t help laughing when they saw it. This is the rhythm of madness. Seeing Emperor Heaven easily avoids the attack of Chi Huo Heavenly God, it is because of this ability. You can stand on the ground of Undefeated.

Don’t forget, and the attack of War Fortress.

Heavenly God also has a headache.

“Chi Huo. Your flames won’t work, watch my Frost!” Heavenly God, the cold snow of Heavenly Palace, rushed up. A piece of ice and snow rushed into the black ‘hole’, which also shattered pieces of Space.

It’s just that this attack hit the black ‘hole’ and was smashed by energy cannon.

“Old man won’t believe in evil!”

Chi Huo Heavenly God was furious, wearing a Low Grade God Armor, and rushed in, beheading Emperor Heaven on the spot to exit the air, and the thoughts brought back were thrown behind his ears.

It’s really Emperor Heaven.

“I’ll go with you!” Bingxue Heavenly God rushed in.

They both took out to defend against treasure and resist the attack of energy cannons, but even so, they still felt the attack from all around, and did not resist a lot of Divine Strength, but Emperor Heaven always searched in that position. Not coming out.

“Aren’t you trying to kill me, I’m right in front of you, come quickly, don’t let me down!”

In the distance, the scalp tingling of the two men with intense energy running.

Xiu xiu xiu!

Three Daoist shadows rushed in, and they would bring their men to Immortal Mansion. They did not want to be killed by the energy cannon, and the loss was too great.

“This guy used Space treasure to hide in countless heavy space. It’s really shameless.” Heavenly God from Wan Yao’s bear storm blasted out Monster Qi, showing his Complete anger.

“The most shameless is this energy cannon. Each one is abnormally horrible. It consumes our Divine Strength every moment. This is the most troublesome. This guy’s energy cannon seems to have no limit!” Devil Heaven Heaven God has a headache very.

Space counts countless.

Magic Cloud Heavenly God also do not know how much Space has been destroyed, and they can never catch up with others, but Divine Strength is constantly consuming.

“Everyone breaks Space together, so that the speed can be faster. War Fortress is the top war weapon. Even if there is money in Emperor Heaven, the energy cannon is not infinite. Maybe we survive again and we won! I haven’t said much Heavenly God said.

“Fellow Daoist is right, War Fortress is known as a bottomless ‘hole’, and Emperor Heaven will not take long!”

“Everyone breaks Space!”

Everyone believes that if Heavenly God is empty, his back-end Saint Demon Overlord has a War Fortress. How precious is such a thing as energy. Emperor Heaven is not just luck. As long as it is consumed, the winner must be them.


“Master, why don’t you call out Clone and destroy them all!”

Little Devil likes this slow and slow way.

Lin Fei sat on the War Fortress and didn’t care about the energy expended.

“What’s the matter, anyway, they won’t go out when they come in, don’t you think it’s interesting for the thief to do this.” Lin Fei smiled.

“Don’t you distress the energy consumed?”

“Distressed, but someone will return it to me sooner or later.” Lin Fei stood up and took the roasted ‘meat’ back. “The roasting is not bad, came to watch while eating!”

Little Devil watched five Heavenly Gods who were still breaking Space.

“Poor baby!”


Bang bang bang!!

The five Heavenly God shot together, almost crushed.

Similarly, the Divine Strength is also consumed quickly. They take out the Dan ‘medicine’ several times to eat it, and recover the Divine Strength consumed, but they cannot hold the Divine Strength consumption.

Emperor Heaven, which seems to be far from the first step, is always not far away in front.

“Come on!”

“make persistent efforts!”

Lin Fei brought another lounge chair, leisurely.

“By the way, old bastard, can you set the fire, I’m going to grill the ‘meat’ again.” (To be continued)

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