The little-known Great Heaven World is well-known. √∟,

Less than ten days from the Grand Auction, people from all walks of life came one after another, and whether they were famous or had strength, they basically came to lively.

Fortunately, the integration of Small World and Medium World before Great Heaven World made the territory virtually expandable.

As soon as people from outside the territory came in, they immediately felt the strong Immortal Qi, and they were immediately shocked as Celestial Being.

I originally thought that the location of Great Heaven World was remote and there was nothing to attract. When they came to Great Heaven World, everyone realized that it was unusual.

Many people immediately sought Heavenly Paradise for cultivation.

There is no shop in this village.

Others gathered in the same area as the Heavenly Fortune Building.

A large area belongs to the Heavenly Fortune Building.

At this moment, Immortal Mansion was erected outside the Heavenly Fortune Building, surrounding the Heavenly Fortune Building.

These Immortal Mansion are all from Invincible Palace.

The area of ​​Immortal Mansion is large or small. As outsiders enter, Immortal Mansion is all a place to stay, and the price is not cheap. It costs 100,000 Saint Stone per night.

Without Saint Stone? Sorry, I can only live outside.

There are also some people who have the idea of ​​Heavenly Fortune Building. When they just came up with the idea to act, they were drowned by Dragon Clan and thoroughly.

The Dragon Clan guards shook everyone.

each and everyone Dragon Clan armed to the teeth can scare everyone down.

When did Dragon Clan come to Great Heaven World, and as the guard of Heavenly Fortune Building, Dragon Clan was constantly infested. Up and down are all armed together, watching their scalp tingling. Is Dragon Clan an upstart?

The strength was originally similar, but the result was compared with the Dragon Clan armed to the teeth. There is a big difference in strength. Thousands of people were killed in three days, and they were all killed in a short period of time. The surroundings of Heavenly Fortune Building calmed down and everyone was honest.

Seven 8-Star Paragon is honest, not to mention that they lack the strength, or honestly shrink their necks.

Heavenly Fortune Building Rare and peaceful days.


“This is Great Heaven World!”

The Black Saint Heavenly God who came all the way, finally arrived at the Great Heaven World, looking at this remote World. Sneered, plunging into Great Heaven World.

After meeting Alexandre Heavenly God, Black Saint Heavenly God came all the way, and his handsome face also had a little tiredness, so he was afraid of falling behind.

It now appears that Alexandre Heavenly God is behind him.

Upon entering the Great Heaven World, the rich Immortal Qi fluttered, and the Black Saint Heavenly God was a little surprised. This is how much capital has been put down to create this rich Immortal Qi.

“Lin Fei. Get out!”

Hong long long ! !

The voice of Black Saint Heavenly God, such as Five Thunderbolts, echoed throughout the Great Heaven World, and everyone changed color.

Heavenly God’s momentum is too strong!

Inside the Invincible Palace.

Lin Fei is lying lazily, this is after coming back. One of the few leisurely days.

“Finally came, slower than I thought!”

Lin Fei eyes opened, cold glow flashed. People also disappeared at Invincible Palace.


“My defeated, I lost last time. You’re embarrassed to come, know do not know shameful!”

Black Saint Heavenly God didn’t look at a tiny World.

If Lin Fei doesn’t come out. Black Saint Heavenly God is about to destroy the Great Heaven World. It can be done easily with his strength. He will not be afraid that Lin Fei will not show up.

The sound of smirk echoed instantly in Great Heaven World.

Black Saint Heavenly God flashed a moment of anger on his tired face. This shameless guy dared to speak out in public. Being robbed and defeated on the mountain was something that Black Saint Heavenly God could not forget in his life.

It was now spit out, how Black Saint Heavenly God could bear it.

Her anger was not small. When stimulated by Lin Fei, Black Saint Heavenly God couldn’t control her anger.

“Asshole, I want to kill you!”

A terrifying punch hit the sound source.

The whole World also trembled.

After all, Heavenly God’s power is too powerful, a World is not enough to support this power fluctuation.

“Not good, Heavenly God’s strength is too strong, Great Heaven World can’t bear this power, can’t fight here, or the whole World will be blown up!”

This fist came, World shivered.

Lin Fei noticed that it was not good, and found that she had overlooked a problem. Her World is not a territory, but a remote World. It is Star Core that maintains the stability of the World.

Heavenly God War Blade took it out and slashed it with one hand.

“Come and kill me!”

Lin Fei smashed and attacked, and the man rushed out.

“Have guts, don’t go!”

Black Saint Heavenly God caught up, thinking that Lin Fei was afraid of himself and was about to run away.


Outside World, under a piece of Starry Sky.

Lin Fei stood up.

“After this incident, I will arrange a Great Array to prevent the Great Array of Heavenly God, so as not to ruin the World!” Lin Fei secretly thought.

Lin Fei did not notice this before.

Had it not been for the one-punch attack, Lin Fei wouldn’t have noticed the change in World.

“Why didn’t you run Lin Fei, weren’t you very arrogant last time!”

Black Saint Heavenly God chased it up, Divine Sense looked around and found that there was no ambush nearby, so he didn’t even care, especially when he watched with Divine Sense, the other party had not yet entered Heavenly God Realm, completely sighed in relief.

As long as you don’t enter Heavenly God Realm, Black Saint Heavenly God need not worry.

Lin Fei stands up against his shoulders, “Why did I leave, I thought you were in awe at Heavenly God Realm. In my opinion, it’s still the same thing as before, but you, what good things have you brought this time, but Your fortune! “

Black Saint Heavenly God has never seen an arrogant person like Lin Fei, without anger and laughter, “This is so straightforward, don’t kneel down and ask for forgiveness!”

“Hei Xuan Hands!”

As soon as Black Saint Heavenly God raised his hand, he took a black hand and took a great hand seal. Then he took out a Low Grade Divine Equipment, a blue long sword, a long sword, and a sword glow piercing Lin Fei’s eyebrow.

“Aren’t you very difficult to deal with, see how you stop!”

After being promoted to Heavenly God, the strength of Black Saint Heavenly God increased ten times not just.

For example, this sword drew the power of Heaven and Earth and its mighty horror. One sword can kill Half-Step Heavenly God Expert.

Black Saint Heavenly God wants to hit Lin Fei with a sword. In his eyes, Lin Fei is of great value. He first hit the opponent, then took the opponent, interrogated the Low Grade Divine Equipment, and the 2 Clones that swallowed the opponent. Pushing strength to the first step again might be a way to push strength to XNUMX-Star Heavenly God.

This temptation cannot be rejected by Black Saint Heavenly God.

Black Saint Heavenly God has made Lin Fei his prey.


Seeing a sword stabbed on the opponent’s eyebrow.

An attack in the dark came to the back of Black Saint Heavenly God, forcing him to give up the attack and returning with a palm.

“Who, get out!”

“Black Saint Fellow Daoist, so responsive!”

Under the Starry Sky in the distance, came out a young master of a fan, and appeared with a big swing.

“Alexandr Fellow Daoist, what do you mean?”

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