Please read the phone synchronously.

Endless’s territory in Starry Sky.

A huge red bed, passing by at a blazing speed.

Immortal under the Territory Starry Sky, chose to retreat for the first time, as if to see the existence of terror, until the red bed disappeared in the distance, everyone was sighed in relief.

“Just now ~~~ Is that the Heavenly God of Hongyan at Paradise Palace?”

“The breath is too terrifying!”

“Like a mountain of terror.”

… ..

“Yan big brother, you Amazing!”

“I’m going to die!”

Under the veil around the entire red bed.

Under the veil of haze, I could see the silhouette squirming on the bed, and the sound of ** from time to time was irritating.

At this point, the center of the bed.

A fair-skinned man leaned against a Fairy’s arms, and Fairy behind him was faintly veiled, a lithe and graceful figure was clearly visible, and there were two beauties beside him, also wrapped in a veil, slender fingers holding the fairy fruit, handing For men, brows, sexy bearing and charming temperament.

This kind of peerless beauty, no less than dozens of people in the bed, is a woman’s fragrance.

If you look closely, you will find that any of these peerless beauty is on 8-Star Paragon Realm, they don’t care about the faintly discernible spring light on their bodies, the whole mind is on the man in the middle of the bed.

“How far is it from Chaos Ancient Country!”

Fair-skinned man extends the hand. A pair of charming peach eyes attracting spirit seizing soul, lazily leaned against the woman’s arms.

If Lin Fei is here, he will definitely recognize that this is the Hongyan Young Master of the Ten Great Young Masters, and it is now Hongyan Heavenly God.

Lin Fei would even say that this guy is so blessed that he also brings so many beautiful women out. Man’s Top Grade enjoyed it.

A childless giant / breastly peerless beauty said, “Yan big brother, at most one day is coming!”

“Yan big brother. What’s so good about that Liu Ziyue, that will have me sisters who are beautiful. They will be waiting for someone.” A peerless beauty smiled hehe asked.

Hongyan Heavenly God is more imposing than that day, but at this time gentle as water and charming smile, “Liu Ziyue is also a big beauty, could it be you don’t want to have another sister? Besides, he is useful to this Young Master, you That’s all it takes! “

…… ..

Lin Fei had a great evening at the Liu Family.

Bang bang bang!! !

Early the next morning, Lin Fei also slept with two beautiful women. There was a knock on the door.

Lin Fei is in a bad mood.

“Devil Serpent, what do you eat, do not know your Young Master is going to sleep!”

There was a grieved voice from Devil Serpent outside, “Young Master, Liu Ziyue Young lady is here, she said she wants to see you!”

“Zi Yue?”

Lin Fei narrowed his eyes, “Liu Family can’t sit still!”

“Two beauties, get up!”

Last night, Lin Fei went to the bath first, halfway through. I took the beautiful woman to bathe together, and then it was ashamed.

The two beauties are physically fit and can’t withstand the lashes of Lin Fei. The last was a complete defeat.


“This pervert!”

Liu Ziyue came in and saw the two beauties, and couldn’t help but feel a little unhappy, and she didn’t even think she was angry.

“Zi Yue Young lady!”

Two beautiful women low said.

Lin Fei was thick-skinned and didn’t care, so he stopped the two beauties and took out two High-Grade Paragon weapon. “This is for you, one for each!”

“Thank Young Master for the reward!”

The two beauties left happily, a High-Grade Paragon weapon. They will not necessarily have the opportunity to get it in their lifetime, with the High-Grade Paragon weapon at hand. It is bound to get family attention.

“Master Young Lin, what a great reward.” Liu Ziyue said with a sneer.

Lin Fei looked at Liu Ziyue. “Why do I listen to you, it seems sour, isn’t it jealous!”

Liu Ziyue fiercely gave Lin Fei a glance. “You’re jealous. I just didn’t expect you to be such a person.”

Lin Fei reluctantly said, “What’s wrong with me, have you ever met such a nice person? That’s a High-Grade Paragon weapon. Of course, if you want, you can come and promise not to call you. Disappointed!”

“Without being serious, I won’t be fooled by you, you can save it!” Liu Ziyue didn’t want to talk to Lin Fei, and do not know what Lin Fei would say shame, “My Old Ancestor, please go over trip!”

Liu Ziyue turned and went out.

Lin Fei shook his head and said, “No way, is Zi Yue really jealous?”

… ..

Liu Family, four Old Ancestor, didn’t rest well all night.

In the eyes of the City Lord House, the major event is in their eyes. Especially when the situation is up, it is definitely a good thing for the Liu Family to improve the strength.

Early in the morning, they asked Liu Ziyue to invite Lin Fei.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, did you have a good rest last night?”

As soon as Lin Fei came in, Liu Yizheng said with a smile. Just a moment ago, he also knew two clansmans and got two High-Grade Paragon weapon. He was a little shocked.

At least, they can’t do this generously.

“Very good, I’m satisfied!”

Liu Ziyue said lowly, “Can you be dissatisfied with two big beauties?”

Liu Yizheng’s face was positive, “Zi Yue, what are you underestimating!”

“Nothing!” Liu Ziyue hurriedly explained, afraid to look at Old Ancestor’s face at all.

Liu Yizheng saw that Zi Yue didn’t seem to be in the state today, and didn’t care much. Now it is the most important thing to understand the real purpose of Lin Fei, and everything else is trivial.

“Emperor Heaven Fellow Daoist, I heard you gave us Liu Family, two clansmans, and two High-Grade Paragon weapon today. This thing is too important. Please take it back!” Liu out of the ordinary said solemnly. .

Here comes the drama.

When he came, Lin Fei was still thinking, Liu Family would open in that direction.

This reason works well.

“Oh, this is what you said, there is no need for it!” Lin Fei don’t think, “I do n’t ever take back what this person gave me. In your eyes, the High-Grade Paragon weapon is quite Importantly, in my opinion, it’s just a normal weapon! “

The Liu Family Old Ancestor’s faces were unnatural.

High-Grade Paragon weapon is an ordinary thing, then what kind of thing is upscale.

“Maybe, Fellow Daoist has a lot of this Paragon weapon on hand?” Liu Yiren said.

They would be happy to ask that, and Lin Fei could install it.

“Ah, are you interested in this?”

Install, you continue to install. Liu Ziyue secretly thought that she knew that Lin Fei hadn’t kept herself secret, she must have told Old Ancestor.

Liu Yizheng knows to speak on his own. The Liu Family has Heavenly Fortune Building and masters a lot of resources. There are not many such Top Grade resources. If you can get a batch from Lin Fei, it will undoubtedly expand for Heavenly Fortune Building Influence, increase the right to speak in the Chamber of Commerce.

“I don’t know what Fellow Daoist is. Our Heavenly Fortune Building is a Chamber of Commerce with branches in many territories. Paragon weapon and Paragon Battle suit belong to high-end treasure ~~~~~~~”

After waiting for Liu Yizheng to finish speaking, Lin Fei said, “It turns out that you have Chamber of Commerce, which is good. I don’t have anything else, Paragon weapon and Paragon Battle suit!” (To be continued) )

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