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Liu Ziyue is getting married?

Lin Fei thought he had heard it wrong. Purple Shadow appeared in the distance, and then there were several tyrannical breaths surrounding the Purple silhouette.

“Liu Ziyue, you dare to disobey the family’s orders and not give me down!”

“What do you see, get out of here!”

“Do not want to die away!”


As soon as Dao Aura came up, he not only surrounded Purple, but also drove everyone around.

“I won’t go back, I won’t go back to death. For so many years, I have made enough contributions to the family. Why should I marry that person in a word!” Liu Ziyue showed a frost and a cold voice.

The voice echoed over the sky.

Liu Ziyue was disappointed and sad about the family.

After Know was about to marry that person, Liu Ziyue’s movements were restricted, and she managed to find a chance to rush out. She would rather die than go back.

“It’s Liu Ziyue!”

Lin Fei in the distance recognized it at a glance, which was a surprise.

“Tsk tsk, Liu Ziyue of the Liu Family has a really good temper, and here is a good show!” Said with a smile.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Lin Fei asked casually.

The fierce one didn’t hide it, and said it with a smile. Even if Lin Fei didn’t ask, he would find a chance to speak for himself. After all, after entertaining Lin Fei, there will always be various benefits.

“Hehe, this thing is not actually duplicated. It is the Liu Family who climbed a big tree. The Heavenly God of Paradise Palace in Eight Supreme Gates fancy Liu Ziyue of the Liu Family. To marry back and be a puppet, this was originally Good thing. But who knows that Liu Ziyue disagrees, and is foolish, I did not expect to run out today! “

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed, “The red-faced Heavenly God you said, wouldn’t be the red-haired Young Master of the Ten Great Young Masters!”

“Yes, it is Hongyan Young Master!” Said Xionglai Nod. “You said that a Heavenly God fancy Liu Ziyue. That is the Liu Family who climbed high and wanted to do it. Do not know what to think!

After listening, Lin Fei understood what was going on.

As I speak here, I start my hands.

Several Paragons besieged Liu Ziyue together, ripples of energy.

“It’s really shameless, so many people besiege a girl!”

“In my case, they didn’t know each other if they called early!”

The war will be whispered behind Lin Fei.

They kill a lot of people, but they do n’t see much bullying people, especially bullying a girl.

“Lose to lose!” Fiercely said.

The situation over there has changed again.

Liu Ziyue was also promoted to Paragon Realm in a short time, Realm is not high. In other words, how can the 3-Star Paragon Realm withstand the siege of Elder in several families, the combat range is constantly suppressed and contracted. Event Space is getting smaller and smaller.

“Zi Yue, come back with us!”

“In a few days, Hongyan Heavenly God will come to your door to marry you back. This is a good thing, so don’t resist it!”

Elder persuaded several families. Hand movements continue to shoot.

“I won’t go back, there is the ability to kill me here!” Liu Ziyue avoided the attack. moved towards One of the clan Elder attacked and was easily stopped by the opponent.

“Go back with us!”

Taking advantage of Liu Ziyue’s hands, a golden light suddenly rolled onto Liu Ziyue’s body, rolling her tightly and with a long cable on her body.

Elder was apparently sighed in relief in several families.

Fortunately, in a timely manner, Liu Ziyue really left and couldn’t find it. They do not know how to explain to Hongyan Heavenly God, Heavenly God’s anger, they couldn’t stop it.

“Take Zi Yue Young lady back, I’m so happy to watch!”

A guard was coming up immediately to bring Liu Ziyue back.

“This girl is pretty, we Young Master see it!”

Hong long!

A silhouette rushed out, knocked several guards out, and reached out to raise Liu Ziyue.


Liu Family Elder was furious. Someone dared to snatch someone under his eyes and dared to say such things. Are you afraid of being chased by Liu Family and really want to be taken away? This is not a slap in the face of Liu Family.

Several people shot one after another, bombarded each other, and at the same time quickly Teleport, to rush to the other side.

“Just because you want to stop Lao Tzu and dream!”


The terror was swaying, and Liu Family Elder flew upside down like Willow Leaf, vomiting blood all the time, one after another showing a terrifying look.

“Zi Yue Young lady, long time no see, you are still so beautiful!”

Liu Ziyue’s original helpless face, a little more joy, “It is you ~~~~ I know you will not be easily killed!”

Seeing Lin Fei in front of him, people who had no reason for Liu Ziyue also relaxed.

Since the news came back, Liu Ziyue has not believed that Lin Fei will be killed. In her eyes, Lin Fei has always been a mysterious existence, from an inconspicuous existence to becoming a World Master. Believe it, how could such a person be easily killed.

“Many thanks Zi Yue Young lady caring, I am a hard-dead person, I can’t die!” Lin Fei said with a laugh, “However, I haven’t congratulations Zi Yue Young lady yet, I’m getting married soon!”

Liu Ziyue glared, Murderous aura Teng Teng, “Who said that I would marry, I will not marry!”

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~~

Zhen Fei’s Liu Family Elder rushed up again, and was again out by Zhen Fei, all falling on the stone road.

“The opponent is too powerful, it’s awesome!”

They realized they were not the opponent of the man in front of them.

“Emperor Heaven lord, do you know Zi Yue?” The ferocious confused, wondering.

Lin Fei has a good impression of Liu Ziyue. The two have been cooperating, even several times. Liu Ziyue also helped himself a lot. Since this happened, Lin Fei must help.

Hongyan Heavenly God is angry? Lin Fei is not the same thing at all.

I had robbed the other party at the beginning, and how about it if I did another destruction.

“We are old acquaintances!” Lin Fei said with a smile.

Liu Ziyue didn’t notice the people next to her at first. After glancing casually, there was a flash of light in her eyes. This person she knew was not the person from City Lord House. When did Lin Fei know the people from City Lord House, and It seems that City Lord House is very kind to Lin Fei.

The fierce came to realize, glanced at Lin Fei, and glanced at Liu Ziyue, and chuckled up, “Emperor Heaven lord, Liu Family is the Great Clan in Chaos City. Would you like me to help you say a few words, City Lord House Face, they dare not give it! “

Lin Fei politely refused, “many thanks for the kind intentions, a Liu Family, so I haven’t looked at it yet.”

The fierce come to think about it too, the few generals behind him, strength is not what it used to be, although Liu Family can’t do anything to Lin Fei.

“Are you brat taking Liu Ziyue?”

whoosh whoosh whoosh ~~

Several horrifying auras appeared in the Liu Family, the same 9-Star Paragon appeared not far from Lin Fei.

One of the older middle age persons yelled at Lin Fei.

“To be clear, I am not a brat. I am Emperor Heaven. Call me Emperor Heaven lord!” (My novel “Invincible Leveling King” will have more fresh content on the official WeChat platform, and there are also 100 % Lottery gift for everyone! Open WeChat now, click the “+” sign “Add friend” on the upper right, search the public account “qdread” and follow it, speed up!)

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