“A lot of resources are recycled, I heard you right!”

Lin Fei blinked, skeptical.

There doesn’t seem to be much recycling here.

“Young Master, look at this, it’s quite odd, you know my strength, and it doesn’t break, I’ve pinched it several times.” Hairball clutched the dark red stone and shook it.

“Can’t it be broken? And this thing!”

Lin Fei snatched it from Hairball.

The color of the stone is very dark, and it is full of dark red, and it has an odd breath. With a pinch of the hand and a little hard work, the dark red is completely motionless.

So hard?

Lin Fei really doesn’t believe in evil.

Yicheng strength.


20% strength.

Or not.

Lin Fei was really fucked with stones.

30% strength, 40% strength ~~~ Up to 100% strength, every single time thought it was done, but it will not work until the end, the dark red stone is still intact, and there is not even a crack.

This time Lin Fei stared wide-eyed.

“Why is there such a stone in this place!”

Lin Fei up and down looked at it and couldn’t recognize what it was. It seems surprising that there is nothing as hard as this.

“Young Master, there are so many of these stones here!”

Hairball was still pulling over there, and there were seven or eight dark red stones at his feet, which dazzled in Lin Fei’s eyes.

“Could it be this thing?”

Lin Fei came up with a single thought.

“I’m really stupid. Take it to test it, it won’t be known anymore. I need to think about it here!” Lin Fei pats’ mind, turned on the detection function of System.

Isn’t that just consuming some Divinity points?

What’s so distressing.

Less than a few breaths. The result came out.

“Ding, this object contains a lot of Divine Strength. It is extremely thick and extremely recyclable. System certified, this object is God Stone!”

Lin Fei forgot the words in front of System, only two words in his mind.

“I rely, this thing turned out to be God Stone!”

Lin Fei immediately picked up a dark red stone and checked it with Divine Sense. Sure enough, he saw a very thick Divine Strength with a terrifying and dangerous atmosphere.

“Good guy. This place has God Stone, it’s incredible!”

Lin Fei never thought that there would be a God Stone here.

Looks like a lot.

Lin Fei felt happy to die.

Although the Top Grade Saint Stone is good, it is totally different from God Stone.

This is directly converted into Divine Strength without any consumption, and Top Grade Saint Stone and other transformations will consume a lot of losses during the conversion. 50% of Top Grade Saint Stone will only be about XNUMX% of the original after conversion, nearly Half the loss.

“Hairball. Dig again!”

Hairball didn’t understand, wasn’t it just a few stones, as for being so anxious, still honestly dug up in the vicinity.

One after another many God Stones were dug up.

“Hairball, let’s take a look below. Are there any more stones?”

Lin Fei also instructed Hairball to pick up the God Stone on the ground, but did not redeem it for Divinity points. This thing is so meaningful.

“Master, I seem to smell God Stone!”

War One in War Fortress. Contact Lin Fei.

Lin Fei controls War Fortress, and War One is a steward-like character of War Fortress. Naturally, Lin Fei can be reached.

“You know God Stone too?”

Lin Fei was a bit surprised. War XNUMX reacted too quickly. I just knew God Stone, and you know it too. The news is so well informed.

“Forget to tell the Master that when Battle Clan made us, we delivered some necessary knowledge, and God Stone was one of them!”

Lin Fei was shocked and seemed to understand something.

“Could it be Battle Clan is a powerful race in the World above?” Lin Fei secretly thought, “If that’s the case, Battle Clan isn’t young, but how did it get underneath and finally besieged?”

“I do have God Stone, could it be War Fortress to use God Stone!” Lin Fei asked.

“Master is right, God Stone is our second source of energy for War Fortress. Using Divine Strength to motivate War Fortress, the power will increase by more than XNUMX times.”

Lin Fei’s eyes were all bright.

For a long time, Lin Fei thought that War Fortress was awesome. Now it seems that War Fortress is more powerful than expected, and there is actually a second energy spring.

“Then how did I not know before!”

“The Master didn’t ask again!” Said War One.

Lin Fei thought that he hadn’t really asked this before.

“Young Master, come down, there is someone below!” Hairball’s voice came, and there was a hint of fear in his voice.

Lin Fei secretly thought a bad voice, rushed down from the top, and went to the ground.

After reaching the ground, Lin Fei found that there is no Heavenly Cave underneath.

At a depth of several 100,000 feet below the ground, a large plaza appears, suspended in midair, and the surrounding ground is blessed with one after another God Stone, densely packed.

Lin Fei didn’t have time to watch it, and the man reached Plaza.

In the center of the plaza, Hairball was standing in the distance, his body shaking.

“Young Master!”

Hairball hid behind Lin Fei immediately, pointing at a person not far away, “that person ~~~ very terrifying ~~~ really ~~~”

Lin Fei is well aware of the courage of Hairball. He has never been afraid of anyone, but now he is scared of a person. It has never happened before.


Lin Fei appeased Hairball and looked up.

Seeing this, Lin Fei was also taken aback.

“Young man, we’re meeting again!” Yin Yin’s voice came from the opposite population.

Even if there was no wind on plaza, Lin Fei seemed to be blown by a gust of wind.

“It’s him, it’s him!”

Lin Fei sucks in a cold breath of air.

In the center of the plaza in front, I don’t know who built a black stone tablet, and in front of the black stone tablet, there is a round platform. A red-clothed boy sits on the round platform and looks over at him.

“What a hell!” Lin Fei secretly thought.

“Senior, you are mistaken, I don’t seem to know you!” Lin Fei was still in shock, and he never expected to see the man here again, as if calling Chaos.

“Young man, you are young, so deliberate, so no wonder my deity will be interested in you!” Red-clothed boy still said vaguely.


What is this

Lin Fei observed it secretly, and found that the red-clothed teenager in front of him was different from what he saw at first.

This person feels very glomy and cold.

The previous red-clothed boy had Endless’s vicissitudes of ancient aura on his body.

“I still don’t know!” Lin Fei shook his head.

Seeing the weird red-clothed boy here, Lin Fei was also worried about the appearance of the yellow-shirted man, so he had to run again.

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t know, I’m chaotic, came to lack of people, not as good as you have come to me disciple!” Red-clothed young man said with a smile, “Follow me and help you become Deity. It’s easy.”

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