“Master, that guy is so interesting, how could there be such a fool.”

Deep into Immortal Mansion.

Little Devil rolled his eyelids and said disdainfully.

“Clearly know they don’t want to step in. They have to pull them in and watch them panic. It’s more interesting than that. When they leave, they have to look good!”

Lin Fei didn’t want to entertain these people.

Half-Step Heavenly God is nothing more than honor.

“Hehe, they are all big customers. They have a lot of money in their pockets. Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore, it’s not a big deal.” Lin Fei squinted and squinted. Hearing them asking once was a joy.

Since they arrived, Lin Fei knows what’s next for him.

“If they are know, Low Grade Divine Equipment is worth a few bucks at Master, do not know what expression it will be!”,

“It’s also true that it must be big eyes staring at small eyes.” Lin Fei smiled.

Thirty Low Grade Divine Equipment is enough for them to bid.

Seven Color’s performance also made Lin Fei very satisfied. In addition, with the cooperation of Hairball, he pressed people down three or two times, Half-Step Heavenly God? What the hell.

For example, Mu Anshan tried to draw people to a conspiracy just now.

The result was a busy one, no one was involved at all, everyone’s mind was on Low Grade Divine Equipment, and no one paid attention to such risky things.

There is really no need to do it with mysterious Lin Fei.

Mu Family becomes unimportant.

At the beginning of the auction, more than a dozen of the Half-Step Heavenly God Old Ancestor, quarrelled bids, no one let anyone. Before or is good, in a blink of an eye.

“I have ten Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore!”

“I have one more. Eleven Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore!”

“I have thirteen, don’t rob me!”


The auction was extremely fierce.

No one wants to give up this good opportunity.

Prices for Low Grade Divine Equipment have been rising.

The first Low Grade Divine Equipment used XNUMX Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore.

Even Great Clan. A Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore is also very important. At this time, you can’t control that many, add it directly.

“Good stuff, really good stuff!”

The first Low Grade Divine Equipment was delivered on the spot, and the Half-Step Heavenly God that I got was in love with it. I clapped her hands constantly, and Mu Anshan’s face sank constantly.


Thirty pieces of Low Grade Divine Equipment, which took less than a stick of incense, were quickly divided up by the half-step heavenly god present.

Some Old Ancestor can get two pieces by themselves. It also paid a huge price.

With Low Grade Divine Equipment in hand, everyone’s faces are smiling.

Even if they are hostile to each other, they all have smiles on their faces and do not know what they are thinking.

There were two Low Grade Divine Equipment bids, namely Chai Family and Xue Family. These two forces are very powerful. The clansman members are widely distributed, and they have more Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore than everyone else.

Chai Family and Xue Family strength are instantly improved.

Some of the Half-Step Heavenly God Old Ancestor’s faces have changed.

“Congratulations everyone participates in the Galaxy City auction today. I believe that once there is a cooperation, you should know more about Galaxy City, especially what we have!” Seven Color smiled.

Everyone followed nod.

With the Low Grade Divine Equipment in hand, they dare not despise Fairy Maiden in front of them.

There is a backing behind them.

Seven Color didn’t say much. Straight to say that this kind of auction will be held in the future, and the next time, the auction will be Low Grade God Clothes. Stird them again, anxious to open immediately.

Whether it is Low Grade Divine Equipment. Or Low Grade God Clothes, all of them are what they want most.

Everyone said they would come to participate in the auction next time.


“Chai Ning. Blood traceless, what do you mean!”

In Starry Sky outside Galaxy City.

Mu Anshan glared darkly at the two in front of him.

“Why did n’t you follow the plan, could it be do not know, as long as we took down the Lin Fei of Galaxy City, we could master the perfect Divine Equipment refining method! At that time, the entire Dark Night Galaxy is not ours? “Muan was so angry that everything was screwed up.

Chai Ning and Xue Traceless glanced at each other, each flashing a different color.

“Muan Anshan, you idiot, if you want to go to courting death, don’t pull us on, we have no intention to accompany you to play with fire!” Chai Ning coldly snorted, “with you, sooner or later.”

Blood traceless squinted, “In order not to let you fool, pull us down the fire sea, we decided to do a good thing!”


The two took out the Low Grade Divine Equipment they had just arrived.

divine light.

The two killed one by one.

Mu Anshan didn’t expect that they would take a shot, and they were in a hurry under rush. The power displayed by Low Grade Divine Equipment was far from their opponents.

Within a stick of incense, Mu Anshan was beheaded on the spot.

“Good stuff, really good stuff!”

“With such a perfect Low Grade Divine Equipment, who would oppose Lin Fei, wouldn’t it be a dead end to seek it!”

The two had long wanted to kill Mu Anshan.

In case they passed out, they wanted to misbehave with Galaxy City and fell in that person’s ears, fearing that it would cause a lot of disturbances, and they would just keep doing it and kill Mu’an Mountain outside.

The only thing I didn’t expect was that Low Grade Divine Equipment was more powerful than expected.

Their own Low Grade Divine Equipment is a rubbish compared to this, and they can’t wait to throw it in that no one’s corner immediately.

Mu Anshan was killed, the two discussed and went straight to the Mu Family. Since the killing, they had to be uprooted.

… ..

“Your young Master wants to see us?”

Wang Xuan and Ling Yun walked on the way to the back garden, which was always unbelievable.

The Master of Galaxy City wanted to see them.

In the previous auction, they each had a Low Grade Divine Equipment, and they also used the Top Grade Saint Stone Vein of ore on their hands. They regretted it very much. Why didn’t they prepare enough before.

The slaughter outside Starry Sky, both of whom saw it, could not help but startled.

Very terrifying Low Grade Divine Equipment! “

“The strength of Mu Anshan is not bad. I did not expect to be suppressed after the fight. It is indeed terrifying!”

They said terrifying. In fact, what really terrifying was that the strength of Chai Family and Xue Family should be improved a lot, and the coverage of the forces would also increase accordingly. Mu Family would naturally be removed.

Seeing the scene under Starry Sky, the two were even more afraid of Lin Fei this person.

Taking out thirty pieces of Low Grade Divine Equipment easily, it caused a huge change to the original Dark Night Galaxy’s layout, and do not know how many slaughter to start.

All this they can’t stop.

The only thing is to go back immediately to re-arm the family and adjust the corresponding countermeasures.

In the back garden, the two were shocked when they saw mysterious Lin Fei, a guy younger than them.

“I heard that it is fair to work at Dark Night Galaxy. There is one thing that came to want to get rid of the two ~~~~~”

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