Wang Xiaoyao kept calmly observing.

It is easy to win the Galaxy City, although their family also has this strength, I am afraid that there is no clear-cut interest from the other party, not even paying too much.

Ominous Beasts entangled around Galaxy City are also seen in Wang Xiaoyao’s eyes. Many of them are big names and difficult to tame. Now they are guarded near Galaxy City. Ominous Beast strength is overbearing and not easy to deal with.

The news did not know how many people would be shocked.

Wang Xiaoyao Complete was stunned, and looked forward to that Mysterious person in his heart. Where did this person come from, and how great is this talent?

The important thing is that in such a place, their family Half-Step Heavenly God was all dispatched, and not necessarily won. Some people have strength, and they don’t care about the influence of Half-Step Heavenly God. Li Family and Feng Family are the best proof.

“Young Master is inside!”

Yun Xiaotian took them to the back garden.

“Senior Yun is here!” Wang Xiaoyao said politely.

A Half-Step Heavenly God, Wang Xiaoyao is quite face-saving.

Wang Xiaoyao let his men stay at the door and strode in. As for worrying, there was no such thing. People could easily kill Half-Step Heavenly God. How strong the strength can be imagined.

“Are you the Wang Family of Shijiecheng?”

Wang Xiaoyao met a young man in a black robe by the lake in the back garden.

On the spot, he was fascinated.

How could it be so young.

In the imagination, the other person is also a middle age person, or an old man, by no means young as imagined.

“Back to Senior, I’m from Wang Family!” Wang Xiaoyao felt a lot of pressure. The pressure shocked him. Compared to the Old Ancestor at home, the pressure is even higher.

Lin Fei sits by the lake. Holding a fishing rod while fishing.

“I’m coming all the way, just say anything!”

Wang Xiaoyao secretly sighed in relief. This person doesn’t seem to be as difficult to speak as imagined.

“We Wang Family want to buy a batch of Paragon weapon and Paragon Battle suit from Senior!” Wang Xiaoyao said.

Now Lin Fei can harvest a large number of Energy Points every day. With the exchange of some nearby families, Energy Points have begun to decrease. Lin Fei has been waiting for large customers to come.

Wang Family is a big customer.

“How much, and more, can give you a discount!”

Lin Fei threw this down, and Wang Xiaoyao was shocked in his heart, secretly thinking, “It really is the same as outside rumors. This person has a lot of Paragon treasures!”

“We want three thousand Low Grade Paragon weapon, five hundred Middle Grade Paragon weapon, eighty High-Grade Paragon weapon, and ten Top Grade Paragon weapon ~~~~~~~~”

Wang Xiaoyao is also worried whether the other party can come up with so many treasures.

After all, this is a big number.

Even their Wang Family had a major bleeding episode.

Being able to redeem it back is of great significance to Wang Family.

“that’s it?”

Wang Xiaoyao’s feet were almost unstable. Would like to come to the last sentence, is this still small?

“That’s true!” Said Wang Xiaoyao, brace oneself, wondering what the other party meant for a while, could it be be too few?

Lin Fei doesn’t look down on general business now. He felt it necessary to remind Wang Family.

“I heard that your Wang Family has a great influence. Couldn’t I be interested in going to the first step. For example, exchange some Low Grade Divine Equipment and go back and say Low Grade God Clothes. Good thing for life, or Low Grade Divine Equipment. Chopping Paragon weapon, it’s as easy as chopping melon and vegetables ~~ Lin Fei blinked.

Wang Xiaoyao sucked in a cold breath of air, his body shivered slightly.

“Low Grade God Clothes , Low Grade Divine Equipment ~~”

Being able to take out a large amount of Paragon weapon and Battle suit in one breath is already very sensation in Dark Night Galaxy, even if it is a ten-million-city ruined family, it is not necessarily taken out.

Originally such a large business, Wang Xiaoyao was still wondering if the other party could take it out. Now it is better, there are too few people, and he directly recommends Low Grade Divine Equipment.

Low Grade Divine Equipment, Low Grade God Clothes.

As Wangage’s lineage, Wang Xiaoyao knows the importance of it.

Due to the limited location, these two things are almost very rare. Wang Xiaoyao knew that one of their family, Old Ancestor, still uses the shabby Low Grade Divine Equipment, and the power is 20% complete. But that’s it, still like a baby.

“Really ~~~ Really redeemable?”

Lin Fei said with a smile, “I can sell it to you as long as you want, but Low Grade God Clothes and Low Grade Divine Equipment need to be exchanged with Top Grade Saint Stone. The influence of your Wang Family should not be Hard! “

“Not difficult, absolutely not difficult!”

Wang Xiaoyao’s breathing was short.

“However, this is too big. I can’t deal with it by myself. I need to notify clansman. I wonder if I can report it next!”

Lin Fei has a lot of Divinity points, in exchange for these things the price of Chinese cabbage.

Naturally find some big customers.

The Shi Family, Wang Family is one of them.

“Galaxy City is safe. You can live in Galaxy City and let you know clansman come over!” Lin Fei suggested, “To show my sincerity, I can allow you to take a look at Low Grade Divine Equipment!”

Hua hua 哗~~

More than ten pieces of Low Grade Divine Equipment and God Clothes flew out.

Various divine lights are soaring into the sky, but they are all limited to a certain range by Lin Fei.

“Divine Equipment, really Divine Equipment!”

Wang Xiaoyao looked in the past, and the breath of Divine Equipment can be determined to be true. It is by no means a flickering thing. If these Divine Equipment ~~~

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyao came from Great Clan. He has a good psychological rating and strives to calm himself.

Wang Xiaoyao couldn’t sit still. After seeing Low Grade Divine Equipment, he couldn’t wait to notify clansman.

He left.

Lin Fei called to Dragon King.

“Young Master, are there any orders!”

Recently, the pressure on Dragon King has been a lot less. Don’t worry about Dragon Clan. Today, all of Dragon Clan are fighting mad and their tempers have become wild.

“You listen!”

Lin Fei tells Dragon King what to do with Divine Sense sound transmission.

Until Dragon King left, Little Devil flew out, “Master, you’re really bad, and once the news spreads out, whether it’s true or false, those Great City families will come over. The Master can get a lot of money. Pen! “

Lin Fei said in a serious way, “You are mistaken. I am nothing more than maximizing the benefits. Maybe they all have to thank me, lest the Wang Family be the sole proprietor, and I am a supplier. You fight, I fight Everyone fights, I will have income! “

After the next day.

A gossip spread wildly.

Wang Family, a top XNUMX city, is negotiating a big sale with Galaxy City, which involves the Divine Equipment transaction, and Wang Family’s people have also come to Galaxy City, which undoubtedly adds a bit of authenticity.

As soon as the news came out, it was quickly spread by some caring people.

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