ps: Change it today!


The cloud certificate is now no other choice.

In order to prevent the family from getting in, Yun Zheng will not choose to fight against each other.

In the case that the family is not involved, the Yun Zheng promised the other party’s conditions. Once the Old Ancestor of the Li Family and Feng Family appeared, even if War Fortress is not necessarily able to deal with it.

The result of the black robe guy’s battle should be a tie.

Everyone can’t do anything to each other.


“They withdrew!”

The giant Leviathan withdrew.

Yun Family up and down as if to see the sun again.

The original depressing breath was disappeared without a trace.

“Patriarch, Dragon King is too believe oneself infallible. If Old Ancestor comes out, the first thing is to pack him!”

“Patriarch, why don’t we join the Li Family Feng Family to fight Dragon King together, how can we make Dragon King step on our heads!”

“You have to pay Dragon King!”

… ..

Yun Family was furious with Elder.

Yun Zheng said indifferently, “Shut up!”

Yun Family Elder absolute silence on the spot.

“What if we have Old Ancestor, in case it is not the opponent or the end of our Yun Family!” Yun Zheng was very dissatisfied with Elder’s attitude.

Lessons from Dragon King?

If it is normal, Yun Zheng must not have personally taught Dragon King, but had to make Dragon King pay the price.

Right now.

Dragon King has a patron.

Still a guy of mysterious background.

Yun Zheng is not willing to take a blind shot, but not as good as let Feng Family and Li Family test each other’s true strength, it is best to force two Old Ancestor to appear.

Regardless of the end result. The Yun Family is in an advantage.


Lin Fei urged War Fortress to come over the Li Family.

The Dragon Profound Nether leads someone to surround the Li Family.

Seeing War Fortress coming, Dragon Clan up and down beat chicken blood.

Lin Fei stands on War Fortress. condescending, watching the Li Family on alert. “Lord Li Family, do you surrender yourself or do we kill it? This is your last chance!”

Li Chengfeng was furious. “Who are you!”

Seeing the black robed man, Li Chengfeng was stupid enough to realize that this person background is quite extraordinary, maybe it is related to Dragon King.

“Dragon King is my man!”

Li Chengfeng took a deep breath. In fact, after seeing this result at first glance, Li Chengfeng had a judgment.

“Dragon King. Then I want to congratulations you!” Li Chengfeng said, “However, if you want our Li Family to surrender, we can’t think of it as believe oneself infallible. You have the ability to attack.

Li Chengfeng didn’t play a hole card.

Li Family Old Ancestor!

As long as they dare to attack, once the Old Ancestor Half-Step Heavenly God comes out, the other party must be uncomfortable.

How can Lin Fei do not know the other’s mind, coldly smiled, “It seems that the Lord Li Family has a choice. Then I do as you wish!”


The massive War Fortress slammed into the Li Family Formation Restriction.

Bang bang bang!! !

every single time impact. Everyone at Li Family felt great pressure.

“Patriarch, it’s not good, several Formation hubs are about to crack!”


“Three hubs collapse!”

“Five more crashes!”


Each and everyone bad news is coming constantly.

Li Chengfeng worked hard to calm himself down, “Anyway. As long as he kills in, Old Ancestor will shoot himself, everyone don’t be impatient!”


Li Family Formation Restriction was smashed.

War Fortress hit Li Family Immortal Mansion.

Hong long long !

A large building collapsed after one after another.

Li Family also did not know how many clansman were killed.

No one can bear War Fortress’s random hit.


at this time. A surge of interest broke out within the Li Family.

divine light

A huge Galaxy City up and down can feel this horrible momentum. Everyone do not know, Li Family Old Ancestor appeared.

“Who is disturbing old man cultivation!”

The old voice carried an overwhelming killing intent.

Everyone was beating.

“It’s your uncle!”


Holding the breath source. War Fortress slammed into the opponent, and instantly did not know how many layers of Space were broken.

“cough cough cough!”

Li Family up and down saw a dark shadow flying out, smashing the building behind him.

“Who sneak attack old man!”

Heiying stood up. It was an old man, Li Family Old Ancestor, Li Yi’an.

Li Yi’an is cultivation all year round and wants to break through this last first step to become a Heavenly God. All matters are handed over to the Patriarch deal with, except for the safety of the Li Family.


Another shadow fell.

Li Yi’an was in a bad mood at this time.

Immediately after breaking through the barrier, before the voice fell, he was attacked, and the blood that hit him twitched and spit out several spits of blood, where could Li Yi’an feel better.


Seeing that the other party also came to sneak attack. Li Yi’an was so angry that he patted the black shadow of the attack.

This palm is already the strength of Half-Step Heavenly God.

No matter what the sneak attack is, Li Yi’an smashed it before he said it.

This palm force was fierce, and it was shot on the black building. Throw a stone and see it sink without trace in the sea. After having no interest, the black building hit Li Yi’an again and knocked him out again.

“Old Ancestor !”

Li Chengfeng looked at the air conditioner.

This is Old Ancestor.

Realm by Half-Step Heavenly God.

That palm down, can’t break the War Fortress, then how strong is this War Fortress?

“Old Ancestor, be careful, that’s War Fortress, Battle Clan Top Grade war weapon!”

Li Yi’an emerged from the ruins.

The sharp gaze swept away and landed on the black building without smiling and angrily. “Okay, it turned out to be War Fortress. No wonder you can stop Old Ancestor from attacking!”

War Fortress, Li Yi’an knew it.

After recognizing it was War Fortress, a greed flashed across his dry face.

“inescapable net !”

Li Yi’an took out a scarlet treasure.

This treasure was made by Li Yian at a great cost. The important thing is that this is a Low Grade Divine Equipment. Belongs to the treasure of sleepy people.

Scarlet treasure opened, Heaven and Earth seemed to fall into the net. It also shrouded War Fortress.

“Chengfeng, you did good!”

Lowes Divine Equipment’s inescapable net hood. Trapped War Fortress.

Li Yi’an is in a good mood.

Li Chengfeng lowered his eyebrows, “Old Ancestor Powerful!”

The scarlet giant net tightened.

“Originally the old man was going to punish you, and seeing that you brought in a War Fortress, it was considered to have made up for it!” Li Yi’an said indifferently.

Li Chengfeng bowed his head. “Old Ancestor, there is a mysterious person in War Fortress, Old Ancestor must be careful, this time, it is that guy who is behind the scenes. Surrender to Dragon Clan caused us the Li Family to suffer heavy losses. Old Ancestor can Want us to vent! “

Li Yi’an was coldly snorted and said, “The Dragon Clan branch, which was chased by people, dare to do something to our Li Family, wait for the old man to break the War Fortress, and slowly pack them!”

“Old bastard, you’re not bad, just use this one to break the net?”

oh la la ~~ oh la la ~~

The Scarlet Web that tightly wraps War Fortress. Opening a lot of mouths, and in the blink of an eye, a large net fell apart.

“Old man’s net!”

Li Yi’an opened his mouth to vomit blood and took back the Scarlet Giant Net.

It’s a pity that the insuffcient look of the bloody giant net broken at this time. Almost belong to the degree of scrap.

“Old man is going to kill you!”

Li Yi’an flipped his hands, took out a bloody long sword, and stabbed at the dark shadow on War Fortress. Scarlet sword light swept away.

This is his last Low Grade Divine Equipment.

Nor is it a complete Low Grade Divine Equipment.

This is from the same place as the Scarlet Giant Net.

A bloody giant net was broken, which made Li Yi annoyed. Lost the sleepy treasure, the strength greatly weakened. The only thing that can be done right now is to win War Fortress.

Lin Fei shoots at Sword Intent.

Divine Strength flips, breaking Sword Intent with one palm.

“You too weak!”

Lin Fei thought that the Li Family Old Ancestor strength would be very strong, and the result was far worse than expected.

“Not good !”

Li Yi’an was killed with one sword, which contained Divine Strength. As long as the person came or Paragon Realm, he could kill at will.

But when one’s attack was broken by one’s attack, Li Yi felt uncomfortable when he settled down, and broke his attack at will. The strength must be above himself. If it is not good, it is a Heavenly God. If it is bad, it is also a stronger Half -Step Heavenly God.

Lin Fei raised his hand to Li Family Old Ancestor and smashed the Divine Strength into a torrent.

“Senior is forgiving!”

The majestic torrent of Divine Strength frightened Li Yi’an and made his hands and feet weak. At this time, he had the heart to kill Li Chengfeng, how to provoke such a terrible opponent.

Just this Divine Strength torrent, Li Yi’an couldn’t stop it.


The Divine Strength torrent rolled over Li Yi’an.

The Li Family behind was also mobbed.

“Old Ancestor !”

“How could this be!”

The horrendous Divine Strength torrent instantly made the entire Li Family feel weak.


The torrent flooded, the Li Family was completely destroyed, and Li Chengfeng, the Patriarch, was crushed into fragments.

“No hit, no hit!”

Lin Fei shook his head, urging War Fortress, and bumped his head against another Formula Restriction.

Feng Family up and down like an earthquake!

But at this time on the face of Feng Wuqing, it was no longer a cherished mind, but with fear, he looked at the black robed man with disbelief.

In fact, Dragon King was also very shocking at this time.

Although know Lin Fei’s strength is overbearing, this is the first time that he has seen his own shot. In one move, he killed Li Family Half-Step Heavenly God and crushed the opponent’s Divine Body.

In fact, the Li Family Old Ancestor of Half-Step Heavenly God Realm is much more vulnerable than Ten Dragon King.

“Following Lin Fei, maybe a good thing!”

Dragon King ordered clansman to besiege the Li Family.

Since it is to be done thoroughly.

Dragon Clan’s people yelled at those who hunted down Li Family, and some were looking for Treasure House to fully expand Dragon Clan’s temperament.

The side of Yun Zheng is also looking at the scalp tingling.

“That guy is cunning!”

Yun Zheng has also been fooled.

Watching Li Family Old Ancestor crushed and killed, he was particularly shocked.

“Small card, what happened, why Li Yi’an’s breath suddenly disappeared!”

A gray shadow appeared next to Yun Zheng.

“Old Ancestor!” Yun Zheng respectfully said.

The gray robed old man is Yun Xiaotian’s Old Ancestor Yun Xiaotian, and the innate talent is not bad. He has been on the road to becoming Heavenly God for too long, and most of his youth are used on it.

“Li Family Old Ancestor is dead!”

As if Yun Zheng found the backbone of his heart, he simply said things again, and Yun Xiaotian’s face became dignified.

“That’s the case, no wonder!”

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