Li Family and Feng Family are still very strong.

The two 50,000 cultivator armies of both men were also trained.

With the offensive order going on.

The 100,000 army was formed into four squares, without a brain rushing up, showing the opponent’s battle experience.

“Li Family and Feng Family, some strength!”

Lin Fei glanced.

Aiming at this, anyone can see clearly that the three nobles still have strength. The 50,000 army formed a Great Array, and the battle strength instantly improved.

“Well, they will fight in battle. It ’s very difficult to match the equipment!” Dragon King acknowledged that. “We are not afraid of Dragon Clan. With the equipment of the lord, it is not difficult to deal with them!”

This kind of confidence, Dragon King still has it.

Lin Fei believes in the battle strength of Dragon Clan. The 100,000 troops in front of him seem to be a lot. In fact, it is the same thing. He does not want to lose manpower at this time.

The battle front is still very difficult to deal with.

“They have some power in this battlefield. It really needs to be broken, and it takes time. Maybe there will be casualties. Or I will let people break the battlefield. You Dragon Clan will try again!

Lin Fei called out Hairball.

It’s the best thing to give Hairball this kind of battle-breaking thing.


“How long can you say someone from Dragon King can last!” Li Hong Elder said with a smile.

“At most two hours, after all, Dragon Clan’s battle strength can’t be underestimated!” Feng Muyan followed with a smile without much attention.

Although they heard that Dragon Clan has recently advanced to a great extent, they were not much better in front of their army. As long as the army kills it, Dragon Clan will have a headache.

“Haha. Are they scared!”

“Send a dragon!”

The two had just finished speaking and saw a giant dragon flying out. The two laughed.

It came out of Hairball.

As soon as Hairball came up, he rushed towards one of the battlefields, and didn’t even look at their attacks.

Ignoring the attack, Hairball slammed into the battlefield, and the sharp claws caught the battlefield, then a charge. A huge battle array collapsed instantly.

Breaking a battle line, Hairball rushed into another battle line, vomiting blood from the crowd, opened bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, ate some cultivator, and those cultivator crashed.

With 100,000 troops and four battle formations, Hairball was broken in less than a moment.

Cannot be reorganized again.

“The battle is over, kill everyone!”

Long Tianxing waved. The first one killed.

After no battlefield, the ten great cultivator army is facing beasts like wolves and tigers, and the 100,000 army is torn into several areas.

“Haha ha, killing fun!”

“Shit army. Kill if you don’t want to kill!”

“I killed eighteen!”

“Hehe, I killed twenty!”


There is too much anger at Dragon Clan

The 100,000 army became their outgas.

The battlefield was broken and no one could stop Dragon Clan’s savage. The battle suits and weapons that Li Family and Feng Family built for them are like a torn copper in front of the Dragon Clan Paragon. unable to withstand a single blow.

The 100,000 army collapsed quickly.

Li Hong Elder and Feng Dumbstruck dumbfounded, a little incredible.

Did the Tenth Army collapse?

The power of both.

This is different from what they had imagined before.

“Two Elders. The people who lost today are you!” Dragon Profound Nether led someone to kill, and the target was exactly those of them.

Li Family and Feng Family unwilling.

Several battles have been organized, with the presence of Hairball, they can’t stop the battle, as long as it looks like it, Hairball goes up to eat.

Nothing is simpler than this.

“It’s still a lord!” Dragon King convinced himself.

The battle line, Dragon King can only use violence to crack.

As easy as Hairball, breaking into the formation inside the battlefield, Dragon King asked himself not to do it.

“It’s nothing bizarre!” Lin Fei said casually. “Killing so many of them, Li Family and Feng Family will inevitably sit still!”


The first battle between Dragon Clan and Li Family Feng Family.

It ended with the defeat of Li Family Feng Family.

None of them returned alive, and the army of 100,000 cultivator was completely destroyed.

Dragon Clan continues to Galaxy City.

Li Family, the main hall!

“Li Hong killed Elder, and his 50,000 troops also died!”

Li Family Elder was present.

Listening to this news, it is difficult for them to accept that it is true.

“How can this be!”

“Our 50,000 troops have cultivated the battlefield against a Dragon Clan with a few thousand people. If you don’t want to kill, just kill!”

“Did someone help Dragon Clan!”


Elder who was present didn’t really care about Dragon Clan.

With the strength of Li Family and the influence of Old Ancestor, no one would dare to offend them in Dark Night Galaxy.

Today, it ’s better. A Dragon Clan killed their 50,000 troops, which is equivalent to losing one of the Complete ’s forces. How can they not be hurt? Fortunately, the Feng Family has also lost 50,000, and it ’s a tenth Elder. It’s a big loss.

Li Chengfeng as Patriarch, also frowns at this time.

With the loss of 50,000 cultivator troops, my mood is getting worse.

“Patriarch, I suggest sending an army immediately to kill Dragon Clan!”

“I’m willing to lead the army to besiege Dragon Clan!”

“I’m willing to lead the army!”

Li Family Elder went up and down and requested to lead the army to besiege Dragon Clan.

The loss of 50,000 cultivator is not good news for Li Family.

Li Chengfeng is also hesitant to continue shooting.

At this first step, if their Li Family just gives up like this, they will be laughed at.

But now they can’t figure out Dragon Clan’s strength.

The 50,000 cultivator army was annihilated, and the Li Family began to pay attention to Dragon Clan.

“hold on!”

Li Chengfeng did not allow their request.

Elder didn’t dare to say anything.

“Feng Wuqing Patriarch is here!”

That night, Li Chengfeng saw the wind Wuqing, and waited during the day. It is actually waiting for the wind Wuqing.

The wind Wuqing is long and unrestrained, and Yan Cheng ’s face is full of Li Chengfeng.

“I know you will come!” Li Chengfeng said.

Wind Wuqing said with a smile. “Let’s lose again this time, and Dragon King is hiding so deeply. Brother Li also has a headache for this!”

Li Chengfeng said with a sneer, “Everyone is birds of a feather, so there is no need to say this. Is your Feng Family determined to continue sending troops to besiege Dragon Clan, or wait for Dragon Clan to come!”

After paying 50,000 cultivator troops, Li Chengfeng didn’t want to send any more troops.

No need for this.

not as good as Waiting for Dragon Clan to come to your rescue, take control of the initiative.

Feng Wuqing did have a headache because of this incident, when he heard that 50,000 troops were damaged. All were killed by Dragon Clan. Feng Wuqing’s expression was actually similar to Li Chengfeng’s, but he didn’t believe it too much, and couldn’t hold back the news that came constantly.

In desperation, Feng Wuqing came to Li Chengfeng to discuss.

“I heard that Dragon Clan got a lot of weakon, strength advanced greatly, and killed us a completely unprepared. In my opinion, sending troops to continue to besiege. It is not a good way, but not as good as waiting for Dragon Clan to come over!” Feng Wuqing said.

The two thought the same.

The loss of 50,000 troops, in case of repeated losses, has a great impact on the family strength.

“I agree too!” Li Chengfeng nod. “Brother Feng, do you think that this time things are a bit weird. Why did the original Dragon Clan of Wanuo Nuo seem to be cut out this time? Is someone secretly directed!”

Li Chengfeng thinks deeply.

Dragon Clan dare to have this courage, it is really unusual.

“You mean ~~” Feng Wuqing actually had the same idea.

Since the arrival of Dragon Clan. Looking for a place of safety outside, they respected their three nobles, and put away their former temperament, this time is really inexplicable.

Both were silent.

“No matter who does it, as long as Dragon Clan arrives at Galaxy City, I’m not afraid he won’t say it out obediently!” Bright light flashes in Li Chengfeng’s eyes.


Dragon Clan is annihilating 100,000 troops, beheading Li Family Feng Family Elder, and gaining a lot.

In the end, almost all these things fell into Lin Fei’s hands.

Lin Fei allows Dragon Clan to redeem points for changing weapons, battle suits, etc.

This great temptation stimulated Dragon Clan up and down again.

No one does not want to raise the Paragon weapon and the Paragon Battle suit rank, not only improves the strength, but also improves the defense and is more secure.

After the 100,000 troops were killed, as long as they could be exchanged, Lin Fei took it all in and exchanged points for a certain percentage. Lin Fei also gained a lot of Energy Points.

“They won’t come!”

After the first battle.

Dragon King thought they would shoot again, but did not see the last silhouette.

This made him very disappointed, Li Family and Feng Family are too courageous.

No matter small or small, at least disappointing.

Lin Fei doesn’t care about this, “What’s so disappointing about this, they can’t shrink back, we came to go to the pot, it’s a matter of time!”

Dragon King thinks this makes sense.

They don’t come out, we come to one’s door.

There was almost no trouble along the way.

The 100,000 army was damaged, which gave everyone a head start. Everyone also understood that Dragon Clan is indeed a better than it was today, and has a certain battle strength.

Li Family and Feng Family have almost 1 million troops, and now each loses 50,000. At most, there are 100,000 cultivator troops. How can it take half the amount to win Dragon Clan?

Many people are waiting for the good show.

Others are guessing what Dragon Clan’s motive is. With thousands of people fighting against the two nobles, could it be do not know. Is this a praying arm blocking the car?

No one knows this answer.

Everyone knows that Dragon Clan is getting closer and closer to Galaxy City.


“That’s Galaxy City!”

10 million miles away from Galaxy City.

Lin Fei saw Galaxy City.

This is a giant city built on stars. It is not a single star, but a dozen or so stars. It looks exceptionally domineering from a distance.

“It’s really domineering!” Lin Fei has seen many domineering cities, and Galaxy City is also a relatively domineering one.

Dragon King has come to Galaxy City several times, and every single time has been repressed against Galaxy City.

“Are we waiting for them next!” Dragon King asked.

“After a long journey, let’s take a break first,” Lin Fei said casually.

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