Lin Fei told them very clearly when he came up.

I want this place!

This remark made the five Elders angry.

When did someone say such ruthless words in front of Feng Family.

Without waiting for their answer, the eighteen Clones killed them and lost their helmets and armors, and couldn’t say half a word. With the clone of Low Grade Divine Equipment in their hands, the light defense let them breathe air-conditioning, not to mention weapons.

The fate of the five Elders is clearly visible.

All killed!

Stay as captive? Lin Fei had no idea at all, and might as well simply killed.

Lin Fei does not need to be hands-on.

When the Dragon King saw that five Elders were dead, he could not help shaking his head. The people were more popular than the others. The five Elders in the Feng Family were all hidden Elders. They were rarely out, and they were killed without saying a word. Chop melon and cut vegetables as fast.

less than one hour.

Throughout Space, the people of Feng Family are dead and clean.

Except those who mined stayed.

Lin Fei had no interest in killing them, killing who they expected to mine Top Grade Saint Stone.

“Fuck, no wonder they have to stay and mine!”

Lin Fei tried it. The Top Grade Saint Stone was very hard and very difficult to mine. He had to use Divine Strength to mine it. He also felt that it was difficult to mine during that time.

Dragon King keeps eating, and when he hears Lin Fei ’s words, he ca n’t help laughing. “Lin Fei, you do n’t know. Top Grade Saint Stone is actually not far from God Stone. It ’s really not easy to mine. It requires a lot of manpower. , Otherwise, don’t expect to mine it in a short time! “

Lin Fei doesn’t know much about Top Grade Saint Stone.

After hearing it, I realized.

“So, I want to take away the mountain of Top Grade Saint Stone, is it impossible?” Lin Fei asked.

If it was someone else said. Dragon King would don’t think of course.

Gao Shan, composed of Top Grade Saint Stone, is also taken away by anyone who wants to say it. This is not a joke.

If it can be taken away, Feng Family will not be mining here all the time. Five strong Elder guards were also arranged, but unfortunately there was no resistance in front of Lin Fei.

“Maybe ~~~ You can!”

Lin Fei was reluctant to stay and mine. ,

Soon after, he was destined to leave here.

In places like Dark Night Galaxy, genius is willing to stay.

You can search as many things as you can here, but you cannot waste the good things here.

“Let me try!”

Lin Fei couldn’t help but say that he turned into a towering giant, grabbed his hands to the senior year of the Top Grade Saint Stone, and pulled it out.

Hong long long ~~~

Lin Fei’s moves are big.

The entire Space shook.

Those miners who watched were dumbstruck. Someone can influence Space, and dare not have a half smile on his face.

“Fuck, so strong!”

When Lin Fei pulled out, Space started to shake, and the vibration became more and more obvious, but he couldn’t pull it out, which made Lin Fei very disappointed.

Buddy has a lot of energy!

“Don’t pull it out, pull it down again, the entire Space will collapse!”

Dragon King doesn’t look good.

Lin Fei stopped. Very unwilling, “This thing is connected with Space, no wonder it cannot be pulled out!”

Dragon King is something that Lin Fei can’t do.

“Still mining right now!” Dragon King didn’t think of a good way.

Lin Fei was unwilling to delay.

It’s best to pull it out now.

“Don’t worry, I’ll find another way to try it!” Lin Fei really consumed this thing.


Lin Fei does have a solution.

Can’t pull it out with force.

That Lao Tzu was transformed on the spot.

This is also after Lin Fei asked Little Devil. Draw one of the best ways.

Take out the equipment in War Fortress, then release the eighteen Clone, holding the Low Grade Divine Equipment for cutting. Don’t you say it, it’s a good idea.

oh la la. oh la la! !!

Low Grade Divine Equipment is extremely sharp, everything on Top Grade Saint Stone. Just like cutting tofu, a large piece of Top Grade Saint Stone fell off.

This makes Lin Fei happy.

“Dragon King, look at me how about it!”

Dragon King’s thumbs with a bitter smile, “Still you are terrible. If the people of the Feng Family have met, it is estimated that they will vomit blood. They can only be mined by humans. You are better, directly mined with Low Grade Divine Equipment!”

“It’s called convenience!” Lin Fei said thickly.


The other side.

Dragon Clan killed Xinghui and Feng ten thousand li.

Coming up.

Neither the Li Family nor the Feng Family can swallow this breath. They have long thought of keeping an eye on Dragon Clan and want to control Dragon Clan to become a professional thug.

Well now, Dragon Clan offered the reason.

Li Family and Feng Family hit it off.

Look for such good things.

The news was publicized for the first time, and then the manpower was organized, with a total of 50,000 troops, two of whom were XNUMX, most of which were Immortal Venerable and Immortal King.

As soon as the news came out, everyone thought Dragon King was finished.

The two shot together and there was nothing to resist.

Galaxy City up and down also shook, many people echoed the words of the two.

Yun Family was surprisingly quiet once. There was no movement. It seemed that they didn’t care about it. In everyone’s opinion, it was worried that the two would work together against Yun Family.

50,000 people set off like this.


On Dragon Island.

The Dragon Profound Nether was alert.

What daughter blamed for the daughter that day took the lead.

Dragon Clan’s blood is combat.

After killing the people of Xinghui Paragon and the wind ten thousand li Paragon that day, the entire Dragon Clan up and down seemed to come alive, and there was no longer the gloom.

“Sure enough!”

I heard that 50,000 people are coming.

Dragon Profound Nether looked towards Hairball not far away. There was a touch of stability. Looking at clansman who was eager to try, Dragon Profound Nether’s mood improved.

“Come and see who is afraid of who!”

Dragon Profound Nether is also a smart person.

What Lin Fei did, in fact, vaguely guessed something. What can’t say, others on own initiative not at all wrong. could it be Let them fire.

Right now, Dragon Profound Nether has an idea. Maybe it would be a good thing to be able to ally with Lin Fei.


Li Family and Feng Family move quickly.

It didn’t take long to kill someone outside Dragon Island.

The Li Family and Feng Family each have three Elders and a son of Patriarch, who are solely responsible for the affairs here.

“So is Dragon Clan!”

“Dragon Clan with thousands of people, in front of our army, is not thinking about how about it!”

Both talkers are young, and it’s time for spirit.

With an order, 50,000 men and horses formed the Great Array and killed the past. Majestic and dark.

“Dragon Clan warriors, kill me!”

Dragon Profound Nether hasn’t been so bloody in a long time.

The same goes for Dragon Clan up and down.

Fighting is their nature.

“This bunch of bastards are here!”

“Kill them, grab their Storage Ring!”


Dragon Clan each and everyone screamed like chicken blood.

They are now eyeing each other’s Storage Ring.

This is a good thing.

As long as they have Vein of ore, they can go and get what they want, and look for such good things.


Dragon Clan is so powerful.

A one-piece Paragon weapon, coupled with a powerful defense. Immediately showed terrifying lethality.

If it had been before, Dragon Clan would have struggled with it.

It’s different in the past.

With Paragon weapon in hand, killing is not easy.

Oh la la !

Several Immortal Venerables were bombarded and a corpse was dropped.

“Hehe. I sent it!”

Take away the corpse’s Storage Ring.

50,000 people penetrated Battlefield, could not stand Dragon Clan’s toss, and began to suffer casualties. Dragon Clan was hurt at best.

This is not the most terrifying.

The most terrifying one was Hairball.

This guy except eats. Still eat.

Upon returning to the body, the huge body swept away. The 50,000 army was separated by seven or eight pieces and could not be gathered together. As for the formation, what a joke.

The horrible strength of the Hairball pulled them down.

Dragon Clan rushed in again, killing was not easy.

“good to eat!”

“Really tasty!”

Hairball took a sip from the east and the other was seriously injured.

Hairball didn’t take a look at the attack, and ignored it.

The people of Li Family and Feng Family, looking at the side-by-side scenes, their faces are not good, especially the two leaders, especially dumbstruck.

“Damn, how could they be Paragon weapon!”

“Still one!”

“Even Paragon Battle suit is there. At this time, Dragon Clan is so rich, isn’t it the poorest!”


Those who came seemed to see ghosts.

Although Dragon Clan is powerful, there is still no major improvement in equipment.


No one wants Dragon Clan to be equipped to enhance the strength.

Dragon Clan itself is powerful, plus the blessing of external forces, it is not easy to deal with it.

The situation now is that they see startled startled, so many treasures, and the two families who are watching are jealous. If they reach their family, they can definitely improve a lot of strength.

Must be taken down!

This is the common thought of the two.

If this is done well, it will be a big credit, and no one will stop.

“Elders, kill that behemoth first!”

Li Family and Feng Family still have eyesight.

In Battlefield, the cannibalist looks strong, and if he kills, he can attack Dragon Clan’s morale and reverse the situation.

The two hit it off.

Elder started, and killed Hairball.

Hairball was so easy to kill, the first wave took over all the work, and turned back to chuckled.

~ snap ~!

Looking back is ~ snap ~.

This killed Elder several, and the remaining ones were soul destroyed.

“do not run!”

Hairball turned around and killed.

They scared the six gods, and the human-eating giant dragon is more terrifying than expected. No matter what treasure they use, the other party is fine, and they catch up with them.

“It’s good to kill!”

Dragon Profound Nether applauded.

Hairball was swept on Battlefield, pulling Elder down, and the battle was once more down. The army of 50,000 was killed in less than two hours, except for a few who became captives and the rest were killed.

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