Dalong took his friend to Dragon Island.

Originally Dragon Clan was restricted, and people were not allowed to come in. Now everyone chooses to ignore it. No one mentions it. Everyone cares about how to make a profit for themselves.

The outside Formation Restriction is always on.

“What happened to your Dragon Clan!”

Dalong’s friend is called Xu Jiang, who also wandered from other places to Dark Night Galaxy. I have heard some things about Dragon Clan before and I have some understanding in my heart.

But when this time came in, I almost doubted everything I saw.

The entire Dragon Clan was empty and quiet.

Xu Jiang had to wonder if Dragon Clan had changed places, otherwise, where did these people go?

“What’s wrong?” Dalong didn’t understand.

“I’m talking about people, don’t you guys at Dragon Clan say on Dragon Island!” Xu Jiang asked curiously.

Dalong chuckled, “I’ve gone out, I’ll take you to exchange good things now, and you will thank me later!”

Xu Jiang is not a Paragon with a background, but a loose cultivator. If the background has no background, he can only wander around. The strength was stronger than the big dragon. This time, he lost unwilling.

I heard that there is a place to change Paragon weapon, whether it is real or fake, the first time is here.

Try it whenever you have the chance.

“As long as I can switch to Paragon weapon, I’ll give you my pot of Immortal Wine!” Xu Jiang knows that Dalongyan stabbed his Immortal Wine several times and he never agreed.

Da Longmei smiled, “I’ll drink it!”

Not far from an island.

Xu Jiang always saw Dragon Clan on the island and seemed to be in charge.

“those people?”

Seeing those people, Xu Jiang startedled again. He knew him, not Dragon Clan. I was able to come in, and my heart became even more confused.

“Wait now!”

Arrived on the island. There is a place dedicated to collecting Vein of ore.

“I want a Low Grade Paragon weapon, a glove type, is there!”

Asked an air of glomyy and cold from an Alien race Paragon.

The person in charge is a Dragon Clan Paragon with a stare in his eyes, “We have everything, as long as you can get Saint Stone Vein of ore, even if you want High-Grade Paragon weapon, Top Grade Paragon weapon, it is not difficult. ! “

Pay a lot of Paragon weapon every day. Paragon, who worked here, worshipped Lin Fei as a Top Grade worshiper. When I saw some people questioning, it was natural to maintain Lin Fei.

“This is the Vein of ore!”

Alien race Paragon is crazy, but here in Dragon Clan, he doesn’t dare to be crazy, throwing the Storage Ring out.

Someone will check immediately.

“The right amount!”

“Here you are, this is a Low Grade Paragon glove. What name do you want?”

A Low Grade glove was thrown out.

The Alien race Paragon’s eyeballs were about to fall, and he quickly took it. Complaining in my heart, this in any case is Paragon weapon, and it will be like throwing garbage in your hands?

Alien race Paragon checked it a little and his eyes were bright.

“Good stuff. Really good stuff!”

The perfect Low Grade Paragon gloves. Alien race Paragon is also the first time I have seen this. Invisibly you can improve yourself a lot of strength.

It’s a good deal.

Immediately there was a person Dragon Clan dragged him to a place where no one was.

“How about it, I’m right!” Dragon Clan smiled broadly. “I tell you secretly, this is because I used human feelings to help you get it. I don’t even say to ordinary people, who makes us friends.

Alien race Paragon is very grateful, Dragon Clan is really nice.

“Here you are, ten Immortal Venerable Vein of ore.”

“If you have a friend who wants to redeem, you can find me. I like this person most to help others!”

“I thank you for everyone!”


Xu Jiang brought by the dragon came out blankly.

I looked at the Low Grade Paragon weapon on my hand and suspected that I was dreaming. I nudged my arm and looked at the Low Grade Paragon treasure on my hand. Then I knew that I was not dreaming.

This loose cultivator Paragon also got Paragon weapon.

I heard that it can be exchanged for things like Battle suit. Xu Jiang took out Immortal Wine and pulled Dalong to have a drink.

This happens every day all.

Everyone left with shock. After leaving, they inevitably had to tell their friends about the news. When they arrived at Immortal Venerable and Paragon Realm, even if there were not many friends they knew, there were only a few, and the spread was not as fast.

The Dragon Clan of Dark Night Galaxy can be exchanged for the news of Paragon treasure.

Just have Saint Stone Vein of ore.

Anyone can redeem Paragon treasure.

The news spread quickly in an area.

Those who have already exchanged for it, stand up and promote it immediately. More people know this, especially those who have a weak weapon rank, regardless of whether they came with Saint Stone Vein of ore.

… ..

The star that was dead.

It immediately became lively.

At first, some nearby Venerable Lords were killed, and they could drift on Dark Night Galaxy alone, at least the strength of Immortal Venerable and Paragon. No one wanted to come in and die.

People are growing.

Constantly there are people in and out on Dragon Island.

Every Celestial Being has increased, and this kind of thing spreads out is the major event.

Some homeless families in the neighborhood, etc., came the first time.

Given that there are more people.

Lin Fei simply moved out of the position. Outside the Formation Restriction, he put on a line and refused to come to those who came in exchange.

Dragon Clan, after receiving the benefits of Lin Fei, has become the best beater, responsible for the exchange.

Some people with other ideas had no idea after seeing a large group of Dragon Clan.


Don’t look where it is.

This is the site of Dragon Clan. They are now strong and powerful.

Because there were several Paragons trying to cut in, the strength was more formidable, and the Dragon Clan people came to clear it up. Those people don’t give face. Dragon Clan took out the Middle Grade Paragon weapon.

If a Dragon Clan person took the shot, they might not know how about it.

But the seven or eight Dragon Clan shots are all Middle Grade Paragon weapon. He still wears Middle Grade Paragon Battle suit, which can scare everyone.

Especially some of them know some of them Dragon Clan. A few years ago, it was Low Grade Paragon weapon and Battle suit, but this is a big change soon. Can be described as a shotgun for a cannon.

At this time I wanted to offend Dragon Clan, it was courting death. ,

After this incident, everyone was honest. Of course, my heart also guessed, who was such a big hand in exchange for Saint Stone Vein of ore.

What else could this be used for?

No matter how they think about it, they can’t think of the final result.


“Good news, king. Great news!”

On a dead star in Dark Night Galaxy.

It’s cloudy here.

And deep in the stars, there is a huge black Immortal Mansion, fattly discernible in the gloom.

In the hall of Immortal Mansion.

A group of fairy Venerable Lord Jae was eating meat, watching Fairy dancing and the laughter coming out constantly.

At this point, an Immortal King ran in, kneeled on the Main Hall, and said to the farther throne.

“Little eight, what’s wrong with your brat. Today is a good day for the king, what do you run in for!” Immortal Venerable, a little boss, reprimanded.

“Captain, it’s news, such as the good news of fake replacements. It’s too late, there is no shop after this village!” The man named Xiao Ya bowed his head.


The people on the throne spoke, with a slight flair of tone.

“Let’s talk. There’s nothing good about it, I can’t tell you. I hacked you!”

Xiao Ba was pale and scared, brace oneself. “Back to King, a friend of mine told me that at Dragon Island, not far from us, someone was redeeming a lot of Paragon treasures, and they only needed Saint Stone Vein of ore to exchange them ~~~ I thought it was false, and later I could n’t stand the temptation. I went there myself and found out that this is true and I do n’t know who it is. I ’m really exchanging it for Paragon treasure.

Xiao Ba described the completeness of the event as realistic.

All the leaders present laughed.

“Xiaoba, what are you talking about, how could this be true!”

“Yeah, this is Dark Night Galaxy, but it ’s not outside. Now Galaxy City can buy some Paragon treasures, the quality is just average, but it is also eye-catching. How can Dragon Clan get that many Paragon treasures? ! “

… ..

Many people don’t believe it.

This also includes the throne of Starlight Paragon.

“Talk nonsense, a nonsense, pulled out and chopped Lao Tzu!”

Xinghui Paragon is not a loose cultivator, nor is it from a family, but a group of robbers from Dark Night Galaxy who go out to commit crimes and rob all kinds of property.

“King, what I said is true!”

Xiao Ba constantly scratched his head for mercy.

People who come in outside, regardless of that many, will pull their heads when they go out and pull their head off.

“What’s the head to cut!”

At this time, there was a laughter outside. I saw a one-eyed middle age person and walked in with two men.

When Xinghui Paragon saw the people, he shot two stills in his eyes.

“What are you doing!”

“Of course for the major event, I have no time to talk to you today!”


Dragon Star.

This name was actually taken by Lin Fei.

It can never be called an unmanned star.

These days, Lin Flying has a smile on his face, and the Energy Points rolling in every day are bigger than the harvest in Shenshan.

Your enthusiasm is too high.

Especially Dragon Clan, all kinds of methods came to mind, and honestly they began to flicker.

Lin Fei ignored these choices.

“War One, these war Angels and Giant Warbeast, you have arranged for me!”

After spending a lot of Energy Points, Lin Fei fixed the problem inside War Fortress.

The next natural battle is Angel and Giant Warbeast, which will be fought by summon. They are preparing to build a group of war forces, which will be used at critical moments.

“Let’s figure it out, Dragon King should be back!”

It is exchanged every day outside. Lin Fei doesn’t care much. Dragon King’s side makes him care. It will be a huge income.

“Lin Fei Fellow Daoist, are you there!”

A few days later.

Lin Fei was still enjoying, and Dragon King’s voice came.

“Obientiently, brought so many people!”

Lin Fei Divine Sense swept away and saw Dragon King returning with a lot of people, each of them with majesty, and at a glance, know is a lord.

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