Please read the phone synchronously.

Lin Fei is just flickering Dragon King.

If you don’t flicker, how can you let Dragon King do things for yourself.

With the cooperation of Seven Color, Lin Fei was tangled for a long time, and then he behaved as if he was going out. This also made Dragon King and Dragon Profound Nether happy for a while.

The two of them are Dragon Clan themselves, and they are also members of the Imperial Family. They know many secrets. In some large Sects, many potential disciplines have to go out to perform tasks.

These tasks are big or small, and they are all used to test the ability.

When they heard it was not one, they were even more shocked.

A disciple is terrifying enough, not only has XNUMX Low Grade Divine Equipment on her body, but also has an extinct Antique Evil Dragon, not everyone can do it.

Listening to the other person, it seems like he has a disciple not just like this, then it is really terrifying.

How many hidden world Sects are hidden in Endless territory.

If it wasn’t for their own eyes, killing the two would not believe that the Disciple of Eight Supreme Gates is not necessarily comparable to Lin Fei in front of them. No wonder three Dragon King’s sons killed and killed.

“Fellow Daoist joked, we can help you, we are too happy to be too late!”

Lin Fei took a deep breath, slowly said, “Actually speaking of which, it is not difficult. We, the walking disciple, every single time have some messy tasks, and I have several messy tasks, first of all, First, I need a collection of Saint Stone Vein of ore, preferably Paragon, if not, there is no problem with the Venerable level! “

Dragon King’s ears had risen early.

Actually, I just worry that I can’t finish it.

It sounded Vein of ore. Whole body sighed in relief, I was wondering, could this Sect could it be lacking Vein of ore? Really a messy task.

“As long as Immortal Venerable and Paragon Vein of ore. This is not a problem, Fellow Daoist is in the right place!” Dragon Profound Nether said hastily, and Dragon Clan really helped them.

“Come to the place, what do you say?”

Lin Fei now needs Vein of ore. Without Energy Points, it is very uncomfortable, so. When it comes to tasks, no one will doubt anyway.

Seven Color also admired Lin Fei’s wit on the side. In this way to meet the needs of Vein of ore, Dragon King, they will still be stupid, seriously, it is interesting to think about it.

Dragon Profound Nether said with a smile, “Fellow Daoist forgot one thing. Here is Dark Night Galaxy, there are Endless stars everywhere, some of them have a large number of Vein of ore, and we have a star in Dragon Clan , Controlling more than a dozen Vein of ore, as long as we heard the wind from Dragon Clan, I believe many people will send Vein of ore! “

After Lin Fei said this, they immediately understood.

Vein of ore does exist on the stars. There are a lot of cultivators here, and if they are not in their possession, if you really want to acquire them. Really don’t worry about not being able to acquire.

Lin Fei laughed, “It seems I’m lucky, but I need a little more Vein of ore, do not know if they will be sold, and it will be fine if the rank is lower!”

Lin Fei took out a jade bottle.

“Two help me see. How much is this thing here!”

Dragon King is afraid that Lin Fei cannot be satisfied.

When I saw Clean Jade Bottle, the first impression was that this Medical Pill should be out of the ordinary. I took it from the other party, and using Divine Sense, I can’t see what kind of Medical Pill is Medical Pill.

“this is?”

Lin Fei explained, “Forget to say, this is a kind of Medical Pill I made, called Divine Pill, which can be used to improve strength, and Dragon King can give it a try!”

This Medical Pill was exchanged by Lin Fei for Divinity points.

The price is very cheap.

The same price for Chinese cabbage.

“His Excellency or Master Pill Refining?” Dragon King’s hand shook slightly.

A Pill Refining division, meaning is very important.

In Endless territory, any Pill Refining division who has entered Level is the preferred target for solicitation by major powers. The higher the Level, the more popular it is.

Dragon King itself is a Pill Refining division, but unfortunately, Level is not high, and Dragon Clan has no genius, resulting in Dragon Clan strength Level gap is not small.

“Nothing to learn!”

Dragon King pours out a red-colored Medical Pill, and the eyes immediately light up, seeing the out of the ordinary, secretly thought of Medical Pill, “It’s really good Medical Pill. The refinement is so perfect, it really came out of the hidden world Sect!”

Looking at the eyesight of Medical Pill, Dragon King still has it.

At this glance, I immediately realized that this was good Medical Pill.

At least better than their own refining.

After viewing it with Divine Sense, Dragon King took one by himself, and even stopped his son. Medical Pill gave a belly, and Dragon King couldn’t help but exclaim.

“Good Medical Pill, really good Medical Pill!”

The Dragon King whole body was stunned, and saw this rare Medical Pill.

“Dragon King said yes, then I also sighed in relief, if I use this Medical Pill to exchange Vein of ore, do not know what proportion is better!” Lin Fei asked.

Seven Color is very curious, what exactly is the Medical Pill?

“Master, what was your Medical Pill just now, why is Dragon King so big a change!” Seven Color sound transmission asked.

Lin Fei replied with a smile, “In fact, it is not a precious Medicinal Pill. It can enhance the strength after taking it, and the effect is very significant, especially for people of his level, because there is a hint of Divine Strength in Medicinal Pill.”

“Master is so bad, clearly know that they are stuck on the way to Heavenly God Realm, even if a trace of Divine Strength is of infinite use to them, I am afraid they will immediately take out Vein of ore to redeem!” Seven Color realizes the importance .

Dragon King has high vision.

Such a Divine Pill, do not know what kind of refining, contains a trace of Divine Strength, which is very useful to him, like him within the body has Divine Strength, but once consumed, want to add Going back, do not know it ’s time that will never come, especially this time fighting, urge Low Grade Divine Equipment, consume almost the Divine Strength within the body, and have been worrying about how to re-aggregate, really want to condense, few 100,000 years, do n’t even think about it.

Dragon King was shocked at this time.

This is really the most suitable Medical Pill.

For a while, the Dragon King wanted to take down the opponent and ask for the method of refining, but when the idea came out, he was immediately suppressed, and there were eighteen Low Grade Divine Equipment at his disposal. As long as Clone came out, he would die There is no chance to struggle.

“This Divine Pill is indeed a precious Medical Pill. It has infinite uses. Fellow Daoist intends to use this Medical Pill to redeem Vein of ore?” This is the most rich and imposing guy Dragon King has ever seen.

Most people who are willing to redeem this way.

“When I came out, I didn’t take any time, so I used this Divine Pill to redeem it!”

Dragon King pondered, and finally said, “This Divine Pill, in my opinion, can be exchanged for 20 cents of Venerable level Saint Stone Vein of ore, plus five Paragon-level Saint Stone Vein of ore. Of course, this is also my personal idea!”

This ratio, Lin Fei know Dragon King did not pit himself, a very fair exchange ratio.

For Lin Fei, this ratio can still earn a lot of Energy Points, which is not a loss at all, and it is very big.

“Okay, then this ratio is good.” Lin Fei refreshed, “Saint Stone Vein of ore, the more I need, the better, right, do not know Paragon weapon, how much Vein of ore can I exchange?”

Dragon King was amazed by Lin Fei’s great talent. He exchanged it with Divine Pill. He couldn’t do it. He heard the Paragon weapon again, and was shocked again, “could it be Fellow Daoist and many Paragon weapon!”

Lin Fei has many Paragon weapon.

Not to mention the murder, it ’s cheaper to complete the exchange. Lin Fei does n’t look at this Paragon weapon at all now, but for others, Paragon weapon is still very useful.

Lin Fei discovered during the battle of Dragon Clan that some Dragon Clan did not have any Paragon weapon. It was based on the fleshly body to attack, Lin Fei only had this sentence.

Dragon King is glad he came.

Whether it is Divine Pill or Paragon weapon, it is very important for them.

This kind of good thing came to the door, and Dragon King was breathing a little quickly. Who makes Dragon Clan poor for all these years, not as rich as imagined outside.

“Low Grade Paragon weapon, you can change fifty Venerable Level Vein of ore, or ten Paragon Vein of ore!”

“Middle Grade Paragon weapon can be exchanged for five hundred cents of Venerable level Vein of ore, or one hundred paragon of Vein of ore!”

“High-Grade Paragon Vein of ore, directly XNUMX Venerable level Vein of ore, Paragon Vein of ore requires XNUMX!”

“Top Grade Paragon weapon, 10,000 cents of Venerable level Vein of ore, and XNUMX paragons of Vein of ore!”

… ..

Dragon King said exactly to a fair ratio.

Whether it is a Venerable level Vein of ore or a Paragon Vein of ore, it is just a Vein of ore, which is used when fighting, or it is used during cultivation.

Paragon weapon is different.

Using any Paragon weapon can increase the battle strength by several percent. Depending on the rank, the power of the explosion will be different accordingly.

No one will ignore Paragon weapon.

For example, High-Grade Paragon weapon and Top Grade Paragon weapon are almost priceless. No one will sell them. Even if there is, it will not be your turn to buy them.

The Dragon Profound Nether originally had a Top Grade Paragon weapon. Unfortunately, it was broken during the battle. The original power was 20%. Now it is using the High-Grade Paragon weapon.

“This ratio, do not know, is not appropriate!” Dragon King asked, worried.

“It’s good, then this proportion is good!” Lin Fei waved, and the large and small Paragon weapon appeared in front of the two of them. “Are these all right?”

Both of them suddenly noticed that the heartbeat was quickening, and then they were short of breath.

“A lot of Paragon weapon, how can there be hundreds!”

This is the common thought of the two.

If in Dragon God’s territory, they would not be surprised to see hundreds of Paragon weapon, but now not as good as in the past, non-stop wandering, Paragon weapon is less and less in their Dragon Clan.

They do not know how long haven’t seen so many Paragon weapon.

“Yes, that’s all right, do not know, can we redeem Dragon Clan first!” Dragon King found that he couldn’t sit still, which was too tempting.

“Of course!” Lin Fei replied, “I’m not familiar with Dark Night Galaxy, and I hope Dragon King can help me out to promote it. Of course, if Dragon King can be exchanged for Vein of ore, as long as it is Vein of ore, I will follow That ratio is redeemed! “

With such a big mouthful of fat, I don’t see your heart moving.

“This ~~~ Is this really okay?” (To be continued)

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