Long Xuanxin lightly shouted, slim eyebrows, staring at Lin Fei not far away. ..

Hot temper is like pepper.


When Long Xuanxin saw father being beaten and flew out, the whole body rushed over and turned into a female dragon.

“Beauty Dragon!”

This is Lin Fei’s first encounter with a female giant dragon.

Compared to a giant dragon transformed by a man, it is rude and brutal. A female giant dragon has a beautiful body, smooth lines, and a beautiful appearance. There is nothing like the female tyrannosaurus imagined by Lin Fei.

“Master, the beauty of this beautiful dragon is so hot. You did n鈥檛 even hit a heavy hand, she killed it. I really do n鈥檛 know in any case!”

Little Devil coaxed, “It’s better to catch up as a maid and bring you tea!”

Lin Fei rolled his eyes.

Oh la la !

Long Xuanxin grabbed each other with a claw.

This is how she fights.

As a Dragon Clan, everyone who fights likes turns into an ontology, which can be greatly improved in terms of strength and defense.

“Beauty, are you tickling, if it is, then take a few more and feel comfortable!”

Lin Fei laughed, letting the opponent fall on his body with one claw, wearing a Heavenly God Battle suit, properly defended.

Long Xuan stared, “You shameless!”

Hua hua hua!

Claws blasted on each other.

Dragon Clan look at each other in shock from afar, and someone actually teased their Goddess on Dragon Island, this Human Race brat is shameless.

“Princess, kill that brat!”

“That brat is too arrogant!”

“Princess, come on!”


Long Xuanxin stared at them with a gaze, and they closed their mouths obediently and never dared to speak again.

For your own strength. Long Xuanxin is very confident.

One of the Experts on Dragon Island.

But today, she has no advantage over this shameless guy. Seeing the other’s shameless smile, Long Xuanxin’s attack was more violent.

No matter how Long Xuanxin attacks. The opponent is not a strong body and is always intact.

“Xuanxin, come back!”

The sound of scolding came from behind.

Long Xuanxin found father behind, punched out several times in succession, glanced unconvinced, and backed away. In fact, she was more and more surprised by herself, whether the other party was so powerful.

“Father, this guy is too shameless!” Long Xuanxin was very unwilling.

Dragon Profound Nether gaze complicated looking towards each other. Archway, “Many thanks, Your mercy to the little girl!”

“Che learn that’s all!”

Long Xuan’s heart was even more unconvinced, and his mouth was unconvinced. “Father, we Dragon Clan has the advantage. Daughter and he will definitely win!”

At this time, the dragon Profound Nether was also extremely shocked. He in any case was the strength of 9-Star Peak Paragon. Although there was no full power shot, the opponent easily blasted out, leaving him with some minor injuries, which is enough to prove that the opponent is powerful. He also learned from his son that his own clansman has been stung by this black robe brat.

This is also where Profound Nether feels odd.

Why this person doesn’t hurt the killer, really killer. Now maybe it’s a blood flowing into a river, even he can’t take any advantage.

Dragon Profound Nether prevented daughter from continuing his shot. He said so again.

When he came to this Realm, he would know the depth. There is no need to go deep, but fortunately, there is Dragon King sitting in the town, and there is no worry about losing each other.

Long Profound Nether glanced at daughter, “Nonsense, I haven’t apologized to you yet, people are already sympathetic to you!”

“Father!” Long Xuan was not convinced, gritted his teeth, and One Revolution flew out. “I won’t apologize to him!”

Dragon Profound Nether couldn’t bear a trace of his face, “Not good, I’m a habitual daughter!”

Lin Fei is really afraid that the Dragon Clan people will fight to the end. If that is the case, Lin Fei doesn’t mind coming to the brother blood flowing into a river, so he can get a batch of dragon meat back.

“Little child is wayward, but it’s normal!” Lin Fei said with a smile.

Dragon Profound Nether can’t figure out the origin of the other party now, but there is no heavy hand from the other party, there should be no maliciousness, sweeping the clansman not far away, “Let 鈥檚 go, do what you want to do!”

As soon as Great Elder’s words came out, the clansman on the sidelines fled,

“If you do not hate, you might as well sit in the cold house!” Dragon Profound Nether invited with a smile.


…… ..

Lin Fei and Seven Color came to the largest island.

Dragon Profound Nether entertained Lin Fei and Seven Color.

As long as it is not an enemy, the dragon Profound Nether can still let go of the previous thing. At a young age, there is this strength. The future is infinite. It is not a good thing to offend. This enemy would prefer one less. The current Dragon Clan is not Dragon Clan of the day Can’t stand any toss.

“Master, this Dragon Island seems to have a small number of Dragon Clan. It looks like a branch, but I’m curious why there is a branch in Dark Night Galaxy!” Seven Color sound transmission said.

“We have nothing to do with this box anyway, as long as we find Hairball, let’s leave here!” Lin Fei is not interested in why Dragon Clan is here.

Dragon Profound Nether and Dragon Profound Heaven are both here.

They are also discussing.

“Great Elder, I think these two people are very mysterious, especially this Lin Fei, there is almost no fluctuation in the breath, perfect convergence, even I can’t see Realm, maybe only the Dragon King lord can see through!” Dragon Profound Heaven They communicated secretly.

The Dragon Profound Nether hasn’t seen it until now, and can only feel that Lin Fei is very mysterious. When did such an Expert appear in Dark Night Galaxy, the important thing is why he broke into Dragon Island.


It doesn’t look like, otherwise, Dragon Clan is dead and injured, and even Dragon Clan’s Dragon King will be dispatched.


It doesn’t look like it.

After a few greetings, Dragon Profound Heaven got a signal, saying, “Lin Fei Fellow Daoist, I don’t know why you came to our Dragon Island. If Dragon Clan can help us, we will try our best to help you!”

This kind of person is not easy to offend. In case there is a big background in the family, it will cause big trouble for Dragon Clan.

Talk to the past for the time being.

When was Dragon Clan so direct?

Although Lin Fei didn’t talk to Dragon Clan much, he also had contact with Dragon Clan. People who know Dragon Clan are always proud and don’t whisper easily.

But the situation now seems. There is something wrong with this Dragon Clan.

“Actually, I’m looking for my brothers.” Lin Fei determined that Hairball was on the island. “My brothers are called Hairball. Maybe you don’t know, but if you see this, you will know!”

Great Elder and two Elder glanced at each other with a look of shock.

“This is Hairball!”

Lin Fei stroked Void at will, and the Hairball silhouette came to life, as if it were real.

“It’s him!”

Despite knowing, the two were shocked when they saw Hairball.

“This person actually came to look for Antique Evil Dragon. If you can’t get it, it’s the Master, things are not easy to do!” The Profound Heaven expression of the dragon is a little uncertain. Although he didn’t make a shot, he still has eyesight, and it is not Lin Fei’s opponent.

Dragon Profound Nether also discussed with Dragon King just now, how to take down Antique Evil Dragon as soon as possible, just after finishing here, the master came, and the strength is still unfathomable. This is not a good thing.

He has a headache too!

could it be said no? Dragon Profound Nether doesn’t think the other party will believe it, if it is not good, the other party will shoot immediately.

But to say it, could it be really handing out Antique Evil Dragon? Dragon King would not believe it first.

Lin Fei was indifferent and didn’t rush to rush.

I felt it just now. The Hairball is in a space somewhere on Dragon Island. If you guessed right, you should be temporarily trapped inside. There is no danger.

Dragon Clan is also a powerful race, and Lin Fei does not plan to solve it with Martial Power.

Good things to say. No more Martial Power, enough to give them face.

“Lin Fei Fellow Daoist. Your good brothers are on our Dragon Island, but just ~~~~~~”

Hong long long ! ! !

Wait for the dragon Profound Nether to finish talking.

Loud noise from hong long long came from the palace, and it shook with it.

“Nine Dragon King, we are here again, this time see where you are going! Haha ha!”

The dragon Profound Nether and the dragon Profound Heaven complexion greatly changed, and then showed their anger and disappeared directly into the palace.

“It seems something happened!” Seven Color said.

Profound Nether voluntarily admitted to the dragon that Lin Fei’s impression is still very good, and most people really dare not admit it.

“Let’s go and see, it seems that this is the enemy of their Dragon Clan.” Lin Fei left the palace with a smile, and they immediately came over the island.

When they went over the island, they saw a black shadow in the distance, and there were few hundreds more.

“Master, the one who looks headed seems to be Dragon Clan!”

Lin Fei looked in the direction. In the distance, a silhouette surrounded three people. The one in the middle was a middle age person, exuding a slight coercion on his body.

I only heard that person said with a smile, “Profound Nether, Profound Heaven, long time no see. I remember that the last time I met was like an Era of Chaos. I didn’t expect that now you are all promoted to 9-Star Paragon Realm. Unfortunately, You are not my opponents, but let Nine Dragon King come out! “

“Want to see Nine Dragon King, also depends on your ability!”

Dragon Profound Nether and Dragon Profound Heaven looked at each other, and they added a Top Grade Paragon weapon on their hands to cooperate with the left and right to attack the middle and upper people.

“Okay, it’s a joint fight!”

The middle age person still smiled and walked away at Teleport.

They are attacking faster and faster, such as two spinning tops.

People with poor strength only see the shadow in Teleport, and they can’t see the attack trace at all.

“They are going to lose!”

Lin Fei can see clearly.

This is a guy with half a foot into Heavenly God Realm.

“You still don’t deserve to be my opponents!” The middle age person shook his head, disdain in his eyes, raised his hand, and patted each of them, forcing them to change color again and again and flew out.

“Nine Dragon King, if you haven’t come out yet, I will do it myself, then it will not be so kind at that time!” Middle age person took two hands and did not do it again.

“Ten Dragon King, I never thought you would step into this Realm!”

A silhouette appeared in vain, one in each hand, catching the two, and then appeared in front of everyone.

“It’s Dragon King!”

Lin Fei was shocked.

There will be a Dragon King on Dragon Island. This Dragon King is not an ordinary Dragon King, but the Imperial Family is eligible to become a Dragon King, and it is still nine Dragon Kings and has a high status.

“The big brother joked, compared to the big brother, I 鈥檓 not a little brother, so I 鈥檓 not as good as you, who do not know then that you were us in public, the most powerful one in cultivation.” Ten Dragon King in a black robe, Even with such a smile on his mouth, there was always a smug smile on his face.

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