Hundreds of Paragons besieged a Paragon, let alone a spectacular scene!

Hundreds of Paragon can take the initiative to deal with a Paragon, except in places like Sky City, things that are basically impossible to happen elsewhere.

This result is obviously doomed!

It’s just that the nine paragons are all gloomy and uncertain.

This is the tenth day of the siege.

Since the day of the siege, if the black robed man didn’t fall to War God and didn’t stop shooting for a moment, Grand Dao’s power seemed to have no end.

Thousands of Paragon shots, and now there are XNUMX Paragons in succession.

More than half of Paragon died under the sword of the opponent.

What a concept this is!

It seems that I have never seen a 4-Star Paragon so formidable that it can survive to ten days.

All that’s left now are 3-Star Paragon and 4-Star Paragon.

In the beginning, they were under siege. The opponent, such as Xiaoqiang who could not be killed, was incredible in defense of the fleshly body. Even without wearing the Paragon Battle suit, it was difficult to leave too much injury on the opponent.

This formidable fleshly body, they met for the first time.

The opponent’s Paragon Storm also made them very sad. Dao Heart was attacked from time to time, and the Paragon Battle suit on him was broken one after another.

If they consume it like this, they can’t survive too.


“The situation is not good, how could the strength of this black robed man be so powerful!” Shijia Paragon slumped, “the fleshly body defense can be so formidable, do not know that it is from that territory, our Stone Race defense innate talent, Maybe not as good as each other. “

“Hmph, no matter how powerful and how about it, there are still XNUMX Paragons under siege, even if he still has the ability to survive, don’t want to survive in this situation!” Blood offering Paragon didn’t care, it was only slightly stronger. .

“This guy’s fleshly body cultivation method should be a good method. It’s not easy to cultivate fleshly body to this extent!”

“In a few days, the black robe guy should be survive!”

Nine Paragons are surprised by the out of the ordinary strength shown by the other party. In this case, they do not think that black robe guys have great ability.

They have this confidence to take them down!

As for Paragon being killed by the black robe guys, they didn’t care much.

This is a kind of consumption behavior, came to consume each other’s strength, and can save you trouble at that time.


“These Paragons are really smart and become cautiously!”

Lin Fei’s sword fell through, Divine Ability’s attack fell on his body, and he couldn’t help spitting a mouthful of blood.

In these ten days, do not know how much blood was spit.

If there were only a few 3-Star Paragon and 4-Star Paragon, Lin Fei wouldn’t take it to heart, hundreds of Paragon would be different, and Quite would be a big mountain.

It’s not easy to deal with it!

It costs a lot to kill each Paragon.

Lin Fei wants to kill them, and the difficulty becomes not small, even if using the shuttle ability in Paragon Storm, it may not be successful in a short time.

They also don’t want to reinvent themselves for some time.

Until now, Lin Fei did not show his hole cards, such as Invincible Defense, such as Hairball.

Lin Fei is now delaying time.

As long as the Nine Paragons don’t make a shot, Lin Fei can delay it. As long as the War Fortress refining is successful, these guys don’t want to leave War Fortress.

There is not much difference between killing them early and killing them late.

…… ..

“No, it’s been half a month!”

Inside the palace.

The fighting continues.

For fifteen days, they still failed to kill the black robe guy, but their Paragon is still falling.

The Nine Paragons also had ideas.

With hundreds of 3-Star and 4-Star Paragons, survive to this day, no such 4-Star Paragon can be found in the territory.

They do not know how long the other party can survive, but they cannot survive, and each day they pass, their desire to control War Fortress deepens.

No one can suppress this desire!

All of them know, as long as they refining the throne, they will have Top Grade war weapons.

I originally thought that I could enter the contest of the first step of the last test. The black robe did not die, so they didn’t dare to refining, so as not to become the first bird. If so, they would be killed instantly.

Everyone is now very restrained.

“The black robe guys are not easy to deal with. It seems that our Nine Big Paragons have started!” The most eager one, Paragon, is so unstoppable and uncomfortable. “What do you think?”

It stands to reason that a 4-Star Paragon cannot survive so long.

The other party’s survive came down.

The fire Paragon said to everyone’s heart.

The men they bring every day are falling, and they are not very comfortable. Clearly knowing is a kind of exhaustion. I still want to keep some of the elite in my heart, maybe they can play a role in the future.

“We still underestimated this guy’s battle strength. It is not a way to go this way. I suggest that we take a shot and kill him directly!” Tianchong Paragon also agreed with the fiery paragon.

Paragon, ranked third and ranked second, is also considered more appropriate.

‘Dao’ Paragon also said nothing.

Everyone agrees with this result.


“You back!”

Nine Paragons spoke, and the remaining four hundred Paragons all returned, and their faces were not good-looking. Killing a 4-Star Paragon could not kill him, and no one felt comfortable.

To be honest, they are afraid of killing.

In their Realm, as long as they do not encounter the powerful Paragon, they can live a very long time.

But when encountering such a perverted guy, they can still survive under their siege, then they have to shock and fear them.

2-Star Paragon is dead!

3-Star Paragon is dead!

4-Star Paragon is dead!

As long as in these three little Realm, everyone do not know if the person who dies tomorrow will be himself.

Now when they heard that they had returned, they secretly sighed in relief. They didn’t have much courage to take the black robed man. If they were one-on-one, they would have no doubt that they would die in each other’s hands.

“Why not fight!”

Lin Fei’s body was full of wounds, and the whole body came out of the sea of ​​blood, “It’s boring, people haven’t killed enough!”

As soon as these people retreated, Lin Fei knew that Paragon was going to make a move.

These are the hard bones!

Especially the top three Paragon.

Lin Fei didn’t dare despise, fortunately, there is Invincible Defense.

“Fellow Daoist, you have a good tone, you can survive the attack of hundreds of Paragon, you are very good, but unfortunately you are our enemy!” Tian Chong Paragon stared at each other, “I have to kill you!”

Tian Chong Paragon is also a genius himself, and he is very interested in this black robe guy. In their territory, this genius can be counted on one’s fingers.

Lin Fei laughed. “If you want to kill Lao Tzu, you also have to show your ability. Your mouth will move. Who won’t!”

The blaze Paragon also do not know whether he is envious or jealous. When he was 4-Star Paragon, he was not as formidable as the other side. He told himself subconsciously that such an enemy must be killed.

“You guys, it’s not too late, everyone shot together!” Blaze Paragon didn’t want to drag too long.

“it is good!”

Nine Paragon shot in an instant!

…… ..

Lin Fei feels a lot of pressure!

“I’m Paragon of Stone Race, I really want to know, is it your defensive formidable, or our Stone Race defensive formidable!” The paragon of stone armor turned into white rocks, spread all over a Dao Mark road.

Stone armor Paragon greeted for the first time.

This is about to force Lin Fei to face him.

A big mountain suddenly appeared. It was the Divine Ability attack of Paragon of Stone Armor. Two stone fists rushed forward, giving Lin Fei no chance to think at all.

Lin Fei is not afraid!

5-Star Paragon, I really want to give it a try, and weigh the power of 5-Star Paragon.

Two fists greeted!


The two fists matched the stone fist of Paragon.

This is the first time Lin Fei has played against 5-Star Paragon. The first match is full power. There is no hidden strength, and this is not the time to hide strength.

Two overbearing forces struck together, and the two became a vacuum behind them.

Lin Fei’s body shook, just feeling that his hands were to be shattered, not under his own control, and with his opponent’s attack attached to his hand, he actually petrified himself.

“Is this the battle strength of 5-Star Peak Paragon?” Lin Fei secretly thought.

Shijia Paragon is also uncomfortable, his heart was shocked, the other party actually blocked his fist?

As a 5-Star Paragon, Shijia Paragon’s most powerful melee attack, especially a pair of fists, is invincible. Last time in Sky City, a 4-Star Paragon was directly hit by his double fist.

Seeing that the other person just shook his body, he knew that this was a difficult opponent.

“Fellow Daoist, your stone fist is useless this time, it’s up to me!”

The sound of ridicule came suddenly behind Lin Fei. A single blow of blade light chopped it, and the timing was very good. Came to the moment after the fight, that is, when Lin Fei’s body shook.

Lin Fei turned back and patted it on the blade light. The blade light was as soft as water, a rebound, overbearing firm and fierce, and chopped on Lin Fei.

This is Realm, which is rigid and flexible.

This stabbed Lin Fei vomits blood!

“Haha ha, 4-Star Paragon, I don’t think so!” Lin Fei heard a voice over his head and saw a big tripod, suppressing it.

Lin Fei’s body shocked again!

The nine Paragons are all Peak Paragons in 5-Star Paragon. They can become the top ten Paragons. How can strength be weak?

Lin Fei’s one-to-one, or one-to-two, is probably not a big problem. Now I’m facing the nine paragons, and the pressure is naturally quite big.

With this shot, Lin Fei was on the downside, and the blood throbbed constantly.

“You can be proud to die in the hands of our Nine Paragons!” Another blade light was cut down, and Zhen Ding went out to suppress it again.


Devil’s Wings turned into a shadow, avoiding the attack of the two.

At this moment, Lin Fei used Devil’s Wings, his speed increased, and two exclaiming voices came. The two were shocked, and the other side avoided the attack of the two of them.

“Ability is not small, but you still have to die!”

A cold voice came from beside Lin Fei, but when he saw ‘Dao’ Paragon pointing, time seemed to stop at this moment. (To be continued.)

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