“A big aura!”

Lin Fei in Paragon couldn’t help but look up.

In the Moro territory, Lin Fei already knew that God’s guards were all Puppets. Knowing that they were powerful, they realized that they were stronger than the ordinary Paragon when they saw them with their own eyes.

1-Star 2-Star 3-Star Paragon is Insta-kill in their hands!

Lin Fei dares to say so!

From them, Lin Fei felt the same formidable breath as himself.

Their bodies should be very arrogant!

Lin Fei himself wondered if he could break his defense with his current strength.

“Little Devil, help me Scanning, how strong their battle strength is!” Lin Fei communicated with Little Devil and did not let Little Devil show up. These god guards come from mysterious origin, and he doesn’t want to be discovered by them.

“In Scanning ~”

“Master, you have to be careful of them!” Little Devil sound transmission said, “These Puppet people are formidable, Realm is at 6-Star Paragon, and real battle strength is at 7-Star Paragon!”

Lin Fei suck in a cold breath of air, “So formidable!”

Originally, they had 5-Star Paragon. Lin Fei already overestimated them. System Scanning actually turned out to be 6-Star Paragon, and the battle strength could explode to 7-Star Paragon.

This kind of Paragon battle strength, Lin Fei was also shocked.

The important god guard is the Puppet.

“At God Will Stage, I have to be cautiously!” Lin Fei felt more and more mysterious at this God Will Stage.

This terrifying Puppet people have.


“You are Saint Venerable of the imperial dynasty?”

The Puppets of the Dark Armor were differently said, full of irresistible majesty.

Tian Ju Paragon Their power in the imperial dynasty, in front of this black-armored person, couldn’t lift their heads at all, and was terribly oppressed by terrifying coercion.

“Back to the lord, we are!” Tian Jue Paragon brace oneself said.

At this time, they lowered their proud heads.

They have no doubt that as long as they are slightly disrespectful, they may die in the other’s hands, this feeling is constantly reminding them.

This is someone they can’t afford to offend!

“Take out your list!”

Tianjue Paragon submitted the list, and the black armored guard fell on the opponent’s hand.

There is a person Paragon registered next to the Blackguard.

“God Paragon!”

“Wind and rain Paragon!”

… ..

Bit by bit Paragon was clicked to the name.

It was a joy to click on the name’s face, and then flew to Territory Warship, honestly.

“Emperor Heaven Paragon!”

Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief and flew into Warship.

Upon entering Warship, a fierce gaze shot, as if to see through everything on him, Lin Fei had been prepared when he came up, not afraid of what they found.

“Here’s your number plate. Enter your own Divine Sense … put away, go down there!”

The registered Paragon rudely tossed a piece of jade talisman, with a warm texture, which was High-Grade.

According to the instructions, Lin Fei left a touch of Divine Sense, jade talisman lights up, and an avatar is left on it, which is exactly what Lin Fei looks like, with a few words below.

“Imperial Dynasty, Emperor Heaven Paragon!”

This is tantamount to proof of identity.

Eighteen Paragons are registered, and everyone is on the Territory Warship.


Territory Warship turned into Void and left All Heavens and Myriad Realms.


Within the Territory Warship.

Separate the area for each and everyone.

They were arranged in an Imperial Dynasty in an area where there were no outsiders except them.

Everyone can feel that in addition to them, there are other Paragons in the cabin, for the time being we can’t see each other.

As for how long it will take to reach the destination, no one knows.

After arranging the location, everyone went to the room for cultivation. When they arrived at this Realm, they did n’t need to eat and drink. The long years were closed cultivation.

Lin Fei is also simply cultivation into the room!

Now he is 4-Star Paragon, level up in Devil Space, and it takes time to break through. Lin Fei estimated that it should be more than 5 years away from XNUMX-Star Paragon Realm.

A little Realm for over a hundred years, this is already fast!

In this God Will Stage, Lin Fei is Invincible value, and there is Divinity. Subconsciously, Lin Fei thinks that Divinity is more important than Invincible value.


Sit inside Territory Warship.

Every so often, the Territory Warship will appear in the World of each and everyone, take away a batch of Paragon, and then proceed to the next World.

These World Paragons are more or less.

When I was young, there were seven or eight Paragons. The overall strength was weaker than All Heavens and Myriad Realms. In many cases, there were often 30-40 Paragons, and the overall strength was Complete formidable.

This process has been going on for fifty years.

Thousands of Paragons have entered the Territory Warship one after another. With this power, they can sweep many worlds.

A hundred years after leaving All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Territory Warship shuttles from Void into a magical space.

This is a multi-colored World.


On the endless ocean, a giant creature turned over, revealing a body of hundreds of millions of long, this body is just a drop in the ocean.

Paragon Class Immortal Beast!

Lin Fei’s eyes narrowed.

Apart from Hairball, this is the first time I’ve seen a Paragon Ominous Beast. Of course, those Rank 1 demons are not counted.

“This God Will Stage is getting more and more interesting!”

Territory Warship went all the way, countless countless Immortal Beasts, and was shocked by Paragon on Territory Warship.

Many of them have Paragon strength no less than them.

If anyone breaks in here suddenly, no one needs to take a shot, these Paragon-level Immortal Beasts can tear people into fragments.


Ten years later!

Territory Warship finally stopped.

Everyone saw a Sky City, and the huge Territory Warship fell on it, and it looked very small. It can be seen how this Sky City is big.

“This is the Eastern District. All of you live here temporarily!”

The voice of the Blackguard’s guard echoed within Warship.

“Slaughter is not forbidden here, as long as you have strength, everything can be done here, and here you need to live for ten years, ten years later, the door of the East District will open, so you must live well!”

“After the Warship, your position is the only safe place in the Eastern District. Within this range, as long as you do not go out, it is safe, but you need to pay 1 million Low Grade Saint Stone every day. If you want to die, then If you have enough Low Grade Saint Stone, the first time you come, there will be a free day, and the next day, if there is no Low Grade Saint Stone, it will be teleported to the outside area automatically! “

“Now you and everyone disembark and enjoy your life, maybe ~~~ This is something you will never forget in your life!”


The chilling tone of the black armor guards showed a little panic.

God Will Stage is crueler than they think.

This God Will Stage has not been started, they will need to live here for ten years, and regardless of any slaughter, can imagine how easy it is here.

Maybe ~~~ God Will Stage is on, they are going to die here.

The Black Guards ordered, and thousands of Paragon came out of the cabin and one after another appeared on the land of Sky City.

Lin Fei also appeared on Sky City. Looking around, it was all surrounded by Paragon. Fortunately, this place is very large. In the distance, the stone house of each and everyone appears, so it appears on plaza.

Some plazas are red above the stone house, and some are green.

It can be seen that this is cultivation, 1 million Low Grade Saint Stone a day, not everyone can consume, now they can only enjoy one day of free time.

“Too terrifying here!”

“It’s not to die if I go out, I’m only 1-Star Paragon, so I wouldn’t come here!”

“Who plans to work together!”


Thousands of Paragon are not fools.

The danger here made them all frown. Among them, there were several Paragons. After laughing, they left plaza directly, passed through the light curtain of plaza, and entered the building outside.

These are all asking for strength.

Lin Fei saw that there was a person who was 3-Star Paragon and was wearing a Paragon Battle suit, so he rushed out.

“Master, this is a good place!”

Little Devil flew out and looked around, “There are many powerful Paragons outside, isn’t the Master trying to kill Paragon, the outside is the most suitable!”

Lin Fei does have this idea.

Now he is 4-Star Paragon, not far from 5-Star Paragon.

It is not appropriate to use 1-Star Paragon to play the pig to eat the tiger. I believe that I can harvest a lot of Invincible value and Divinity, and through several experiments, the higher the Paragon level, the more Divinity.

“That’s for sure, now I’ll take a day off!”

Tian Ju Paragon, they both chose to stay on the plaza. Plaza is too dangerous outside, do not want to take risks. The Low Grade Saint Stone on their body can still support it for a period of time.

One year is just over XNUMX million Low Grade Saint Stone.

Naturally they don’t have that many Low Grade Saint Stone in their pockets, and now they can only take the first step as the first step.


the next day!

Many people choose to pay 1 million Low Grade Saint Stone.

The situation outside was unclear, and they were afraid to go out temporarily.

But today, there are many people Paragon outside Plaza, all of them are 1-Star Paragon.

“We have recruited Iron Blood Hall, regardless of Realm!”

“The fog cloud helped recruit people to collect fairy fruits. 1 million Low Grade Saint Stone a day. There are not many opportunities. I missed this village but there is no other shop!”

“Recruit and kill Paragon Immortal Beast, one hundred and fifty thousand Low Grade Saint Stone for a day!”


Lin Fei sounds interesting!

This Sky City is really unusual.

Those who come to recruit Paragon should have a patron outside and promise how much to pay a day, which is a good place for Paragon present.

By doing one day’s work, you can spend an extra day on plaza.

This choice is also good!

Lin Fei has no plans yet.

Sky City is certainly not as simple as you think.

God’s guards put them here, and they must have their purpose. They are not for the benefit of them. Now they can only take the first step as the first step. (To be continued.)

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