Tian Ju Paragon left before long!

I was despised!

When leaving, Tianjue Paragon saw this from the other person’s eyes and said it was not angry. It was false. He went to the door of Saint Venerable and sent some treasures.

This makes Tian Jue Paragon’s heart very in a bad mood!

In a bad mood, in a bad mood, Tian Ju Paragon has no intention to do anything.

Emperor Heaven’s backstage is not normal. Alien race Paragon said that it is cleaned up when it is cleaned up, and its full power shot may not be enough.

After receiving the gift, Tianjue Paragon was relieved. After all, this time solved a lot of troubles, and was originally prepared to fight in person.


“It’s poor!”

Lin Fei does despise Tianjue Paragon. As for what the other party thinks, he doesn’t want to know, and there is no need to know.

Twenty or more Immortal Venerable treasures, a Paragon Battle suit, plus Saint Stone, this personal gift is not too light, placed in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, a Paragon Battle suit alone will cause a slaughter.

But at this moment Lin Fei couldn’t get into these things.

It’s too shabby!

The Paragon Immortal Symbol in Lin Fei Storage Ring can be redeemed for each Low Grade Paragon Battle suit.

Lin Fei has no doubt that he really wants to shoot against Tian Ju Paragon, and Paragon Immortal Symbol can kill Tian Ju Paragon.

This is the benefit of rich and imposing.

Don’t say you use the money to bully people.

“Decades of God Will Stage, it really makes people look forward to ah, my Invincible value, hehe!”

…… ..

Ever since Paragon left.

News of the night attack on Alien race Paragon spread at High level.

After all, the day’s movement was not small and could not be concealed at all. If Ming Shan Paragon did not use the method, it is estimated that people at High level would have known it.

As soon as Tianju Paragon left, Ming Shan Paragon also returned to the imperial army with the imperial army division, and the news spread immediately.

No matter whether it is wind and rain Paragon or Wu Par Paragon, or even extinct Paragon, they have scolded Tian Ju Paragon shameless. This guy must have contacted Emperor Heaven, and it was difficult for them to talk about the cooperation.

A few days later, wind and rain Paragon came to the door, leaving a few treasures after a ugly greeting.

Immortal Gate Major Sect’s Immortal Paragon also came over, and also gave a gift. During the trial, he found nothing.

Only extinction Paragon did not come!

Their Immortal Courtyard still has the heritage, and naturally it won’t be too daunting.

Paragon is all on the door, and the nearby Medium World each and everyone is scared to pee. Alien race Paragon has gone back and forth, and there is such a strong neighbor in there, just in case they try their best ~~~

So, in front of the Great Heaven World, there was a lot of traffic.

For the gifts delivered to the door, Invincible Palace did not take it wrong. Anyway, this is what they should give, otherwise I really thought that Invincible Palace was a weakling.

…… ..

After some busy.

Lin Fei once again invested in level up.

In the near future God Will Stage, if you want to hunt down Paragon, you need to raise your strength to a Level again, how can you have a 3-Star Paragon Level.

Every day, Lin Fei is leveling up.

The monster that was killed was not Immortal Beast, but a demon warrior. This also brought a lot of demon blood essence to Lin Fei. As long as the fleshly body can withstand it, it is a shortcut to break through quickly.

For now, the demon blood essence is overbearing.

Except for Hairball and Twelve War Generals, it is not easy for outsiders to refining and assimilating.

“Ding, kill the demon warrior ~~~”

“Ding, kill the demon warrior ~~~”

“Ding, kill the demon warrior ~~~”

In Devil Space.

On the scarlet plain, densely packed demon warriors.

Lin Fei held the Low Grade Paragon Paragon and cut off the Demon Warrior’s head with one stroke. The Low Grade Paragon weapon in his hand became a fragment.

A Low Grade Paragon weapon crippled!

“Without some capital, it is difficult to level up!”

Lin Fei shook his head and added a Low Grade Paragon weapon to his hand, which is a big axe. This is not the first time that a Low Grade Paragon weapon has been crippled.

Demon warriors have high defenses and thick blood, and Lin Fei is not easy to kill.

“Ding, kill the Demon Warrior, successfully reaching a 10 million number!”

“Ding, kill a 10 million Demon Warrior and get the Demon Medal!”

A sudden warning came from System.

Lin Fei opened the virtual package and saw a demon medal full of evil demonic energy.

“Devil’s Medal, quality 1-Star, can release pure evil energy information, at the same time has a crit effect, and can also play a Divine strike, is a good equipment for killing!”

“It’s a crit!”

Since level up, Lin Fei has been equipped, and none of them have a critical strike effect.

After getting a demon medal, Lin Fei was full of joy, especially rich in the impact of Divine. This is simply Insta-kill. Although the efficiency is very low, once it comes out, it is the peerless Insta-kill.

Lin Fei looked at the Devil’s Medal and found that the crit bonus was not high, so it became a crit. Quite then ten crit, which made him very satisfied.

“Try again!”

Lin Fei killed with a big axe.

The big axe slashed across with a slash, and suddenly a crit broke out, hitting the demon warrior with a few breaths and killing the demon warrior.

Lin Fei researched that basically ten attacks would produce a critical strike effect. As for Divine’s hit, it was temporarily gone.

“Well, there is this!”

Lin Fei soon found something exciting.

I did n’t know how to trigger Divine’s blow, but I found the time of Divine’s blow. On the attribute of the first page, I saw Divine’s blow.

It was something like a bloodstain, full of flames.

It ’s just that there is a small flame in front, Lin Fei is not a fool, and immediately know that as long as the flame fills this blood bar, you can perform a Divine blow.

This is undoubtedly a good news.

This made Lin Fei happy for a whole day. In addition, Lin Fei even saw a demon warrior killing task. When he killed 50 million demon warriors, he would get the 2-Star Demon Medal and increase the crit power.

Lin Fei was suddenly motivated.

This task is too like, directly take on the demon warrior hunting task.


Thirty years after the Alien race army left.

Lin Fei slays the Demon Warrior and is promoted from 2-Star Paragon to 3-Star Paragon!

At this time Lin Fei was already a Paragon with a low rank peak.

70 years in the Alien race.

Lin Fei advanced from 3-Star Paragon to 4-Star Paragon and entered the rank of Middle Rank Paragon.

In less than a century, he was promoted to 4-Star Paragon. Lin Fei’s speed is not as fast as the whole All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

During this period, the Young Master of the Immortal Courtyard never appeared.

For this guy with Divinity, Lin Fei wanted to destroy the other party and get Divinity from the other party, but unfortunately the guy didn’t show up.

Lin Fei not just sneaked into the Immortal Courtyard once.

After becoming a 4-Star Paragon, you can easily dive into the Immortal Courtyard after paying a certain price.

Young Master did not find it, Lin Fei even found that the silhouette of Su Feng Immortal Venerable was also missing, apparently without a trace.

Lin Fei’s harvest is still there.

know a 3-Star Peak Paragon in Immortal Courtyard!

This is a very old Paragon. It seems that there is not much life. Lin Fei didn’t go into the first step to check it. Immortal Courtyard, this Supreme treasure, has a lot of restrictions, and Lin Fei didn’t dare to act recklessly.

In addition to a 3-Star Peak Paragon, there are actually three Paragons in the Immortal Courtyard, excluding the extinct Paragon, all of which are 1-Star Paragon. It seems that it is not advanced.

This strength is already strong.


Centennial of the Alien race army leaving!

It’s been ten years since God Will Stage.

High-level Paragons are in a commotion. This is a grand event in the Endless territory. The truly grand event. Those truly peerless Paragon geniuses will appear on the God Will Stage to compete.

This secret is also known to Paragon!

Immortal Venerable is not qualified to know!

A hundred years later, Lin Fei received an invitation from the imperial court, from the hands of Tian Jue Paragon.

“God Will Stage’s god guard is coming soon!”

Looking at the information on the invitation, Lin Fei frowned slightly, this god guard was know.

They are Puppet people at God Will Stage.

The strength of each Puppet is terrifying. Killing Paragon is as simple as drinking water, has great authority, and spreads in the territory. Offending God ’s guard is dead.

These news naturally came from the collection of Moro territory.

As long as they are willing to pay the price, and Paragon and they slap themselves together, these messages will be easily available, and Lin Fei naturally knows about God’s guard.

At home, Lin Fei had already arranged.

For a hundred years, Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable also broke through to Immortal Venerable Peak, which is already a pseudo Paragon and can compete with 1-Star Paragon.

With such a Paragon, Great Heaven World has another eight pseudo-Paragons.

A lot slower than speed.

Lin Fei is already satisfied.

At the same time, some Paragon Immortal Symbols are left, which can be used at critical moments.

After giving the matter to them, Lin Fei took Hairball to the imperial dynasty.


A hundred years.

Lin Fei has never been to Emperor Chao!

There is really no interest in the imperial dynasty, might as well is comfortable in his Invincible Palace.

Looking at the Hairball constantly eating next to him, Lin Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, this guy eats the demon blood essence, except for Bao Mie, they prepare a copy, and the rest are Hairball.

Hairball’s hostility is getting heavier, and one eye can scare 1-Star Paragon’s heart down. Today, the battle strength of Hairball is almost 3-Star Paragon level.

That’s why Lin Fei brought Hairball.

By the time you kill Paragon, Hairball is the best helper for corpses.

Lin Fei stepped into the imperial dynasty Saint Palace, and immediately there was a person Immortal Venerable to greet him. This time, there is no previous trouble, who has the courage.

“Several Saint Venerable lords are in the Main Hall, please follow me!” Said the cautiously.

Although Lin Fei has not appeared for a hundred years, everyone knows that there is a horror in the Great Heaven World, especially just now, this Immortal Venerable felt Paragon’s breath in Emperor Heaven.

Promoted to Paragon!

This is the biggest touch of this Immortal Venerable.

How long is this?

Emperor Chao Temple!

Lin Fei was drawn in by Immortal Venerable.

At this time, there were many people standing in the Temple. Gaze from hua hua shot, and it was all Paragon.

“What to see, never seen Paragon!”


1-Star Paragon’s coercion erupted, and gazes were crushed. (To be continued.)

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