The fourth year of the Alien race under siege to All Heavens and Myriad Realms!

The Paragons of the three Alien races jointly arranged a team to the Great Heaven World.

They were going to target Great Heaven World, and tore a hole from here, like stabbing a knife into the belly of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The siege by the three parties had no effect for the time being.

So I plan to start with Great Heaven World now!

This is the weakest part of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

In four years, the three major Alien races have mastered a lot of information, including the Great Heaven World. After some research, they intend to open the gap from here.

A 50,000 Immortal army bypasses All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Goal Great Heaven World!


Lin Fei’s life is very relaxing!

Emperor Chao is now focusing on the Alien race. He has no heart to pay attention to himself. The small movements around him are all in his eyes, and he is not ready to trouble them.

Like ants, Lin Fei couldn’t fight with them, and he would clean up sooner or later.

Accompany his wife daughter every day, or go to Devil Space level up, and arrange the time properly.

Hidden in Hairball’s own Space mining area, a large number of Saint Stones have been mined for Lin Fei.

These Saint Stone sources are constantly mined.

For the time being, this All Heavens and Myriad Realms doesn’t do much.

Originally intended for Bao Mie to use them, but found out that this thing has no effect on them, except for restoring the energy within the body, it has little effect on level up.

Lin Fei had no choice but to give up.

Entering Devil Space to hunt demons has also become more frequent. For their collection, the demonic blood essence, the effect is not as good as Rank 1 The demonic blood essence is undoubtedly several times higher than Immortal Beast blood essence.

Bao Mie After taking them for a long time, they have successively broken through to High Rank Immortal Venerable Realm.

As soon as they entered the High Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength, the progress was rapid, and the battle strength let Lin Fei startled. They could actually compete with the pseudo-Paragon.

Once the battlefield opens, you can fight against 1-Star Peak Paragon.

This result, Lin Fei quite satisfied.

do not know Can others use Immortal Beast blood essence cultivation?

With this idea in mind, Lin Fei used Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable as a guinea pig, gave him Immortal Beast blood essence, and threw the other party into the training ground, waiting for the final result.

Don’t you say it.

Lin Fei’s approach was successful.

Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable quickly broke through from Middle Rank Immortal Venerable to High Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength.

This unexpected proof, Lin Fei knows how to create a batch of High Rank Immortal Venerable. As long as there is blood essence, this matter can be solved perfectly.

“Master, this blood essence can only be useful for Middle Rank Immortal Venerable, High Rank Immortal Venerable has no effect!” Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable is now full of enthusiasm for Lin Fei.

In a short time, he recovered the High Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength.

“Try it with this!” Lin Fei threw a few demon blood essence.

Ten Thousand Evils Immortal Venerable grabbed it and refining it on the spot. Whenever a demon blood essence was refining, the life force was raised and his eyes lit up. “Master, as long as there is this thing, I can completely impact Paragon Realm, this blood Essence is full of magic! “

“Are they useful?”

This result was anticipated by Lin Fei.

Ordinary Immortal Beast blood essence is useful, then demonic blood essence, a higher rank blood essence, does not need to prove much.

“This thing can’t be fully supplied for the time being!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “I plan to train a batch of Immortal Venerable Expert first!”

On the ground of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Immortal Venerable is as long as the battle strength.

The wonderful use of Immortal Beast blood essence is equivalent to a level up shortcut. This shortcut is only owned by you.

The experiment was successful and Lin Fei summoned Demon Immortal and the others.

These are Followers. First of all, they will increase their battle strength. Some of them are low rank Immortal Venerable battle strength. With the help of Immortal Beast blood essence, they quickly became Middle Rank Immortal Venerable in less than a month.

Lin Fei took out a lot of Low Grade Paragon treasure and weapon.

Two hands!

Lin Fei armed them.

Paragon Battle suit Well, this is passive defense.

Paragon weapon, they can’t exert much power, don’t forget, Lin Fei has a mining area, mining Saint Stone, and using Saint Stone to stimulate Paragon weapon, luxury is a little bit extravagant and can’t hold the power that erupts.

It can be said that at this time, Lin Fei armed all of his Immortal Venerables, I am afraid that the people of the imperial dynasty have now shot. Seeing this kind of armed, it is estimated that they must look at each other in shock.


“Report, outside our Great Heaven World, someone was detected heading towards us!”

An Immortal King’s men would report the situation when they came in from the outside.

“It should be them!”

The Alien race is attacking from three directions, and Lin Fei is well aware that this is a decentralized strength.

My own position was originally an attack of the Wolves. Now someone is moving towards this side. Lin Fei is no surprise. Who makes himself the weakest place.

After three years of fighting, Lin Fei believed that they should have an incident with the Wolves.

At this time Alien race Paragon will inevitably choose to start here.

“Master, let me take someone out, kill them without leaving a piece of armor, just for their goods, you can crush them a hundred times with a finger!”

In the Invincible Palace at this time, Immortal Venerable is standing on both sides.

The Invincible Palace at this time is not like the two or three kittens before. The Twelve War Generals at this time are all High Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength, and the Demon Immortal is not bad. All are Middle Rank Immortal Venerable battle strength. They absorb Immortal Beast blood essence more slowly and take time to refining.

Such a strong strength can be said to be no worse than any of the top ten Immortal Gates.

“Master, let’s clean them up!” Feng Demon Immortal Venerable Lord asked for it.

If you do not follow the Master, it is estimated that it is still an ordinary low rank Immortal Venerable, where it can become a Middle Rank Immortal Venerable, and even after a short time, it will inevitably become a High Rank Immortal Venerable. It may not be Paragon in the future!

They had never dared to think about this dream before.

But now they are full of hope for the future, all of which will be realized in Great Heaven World, and the Master gave them a chance.

Twelve War Generals has its own system, and then Demon Immortal is also a system. Both parties wanted to take a shot, and soon became noisy like a vegetable market.

“Okay, don’t make a noise!”

Lin Fei is used to this kind of thing, it is normal to compete.

The Invincible Palace quieted down immediately.

“The people in the Alien race do something to us, and we will give them a deep lesson!” Lin Fei stood up. “You are ready to fight together. Sweep these Alien races. I believe that the people of the imperial dynasty will be very complex. good-looking!”

“Aren’t they trying to test, let them see the real strength of Great Heaven World now, and I want them to know that Great Heaven World is not for anyone to beat!”

At this moment, Lin Fei, like a dormant fierce tiger, finally opened his eyes and exposed his fangs.

“As you bid!” (To be continued.)

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