bang bang bang ~~~~

In a dim palace, there was a sound of broken sounds.

“Asshole, this is an asshole. Those who killed us dare to send their heads to the door!”

In front of the palace, Gu Family’s contemporary Patriarch was so angry that the ground was full of fragments.

Not far away, there were several heads of people, all of them dead, eyes wide, as if they were telling something.

The people in the palace are peacefully, and the atmosphere is afraid to come out!

Patriarch is angry!

They are also angry!

Gu Family is one of the three aristocratic bloodlines of Chaos Ancient Country, and its influence is undoubted.

Someone don’t give face now!

This is the face-beating of Guoguo, which will not make them feel better about Gu Family.

I can’t bear it even for a good-tempered person, not to mention Patriarch.

“Patriarch, the Gu Family mining area is very important to our Gu Family. In any case, it must be taken back, not in the hands of the family who fell in the wind, and not in the hands of the abyss demon!” Gu Xuantao came out first.

He is responsible for this!

Okay, that’s it!

The loss of three pseudo-Paragons is no small image for them.

In any case, Gu Xuantao must come out to express his stand, otherwise he will be struck by the rest of the forces, and at the same time secretly thought, “Emperor Heaven is really lucky, this kind of thing can come across, this time he is cheap!”

If this happens, Gu Xuantao will not be shooting Emperor Heaven for the time being.

“The mining area in Fengluocheng will earn a few 10 million Middle Grade Saint Stone in a year. The Gu Family mining area will definitely be taken back. I strongly recommend sending the family War Soldier!”

“Three Great Families in the wind, peeping at our mining area for a long time, maybe he will join forces with that foreigner, we must send War Soldier over!”

“As soon as War Soldier is gone, no matter who it is, we dare not swallow our mining area. As for the foreigner of the abyss demon, we had better bring it back and ask!

Everyone at Abyss World is negotiable.

Those people are savage, committing any imaginable misdeed, and it really is not a good thing to confront a demon who has the ability.

Several branches of the Patriarch have commented.

Dealing with the abyss demons is second, and getting back the Gu Family mine is the focus.

Gu Family’s contemporary Patriarch is very angry, but also has to consider one thing. The other party’s origin is not small, and can kill the ancient Yuan Paragon. At least the other party is also a 1-Star Paragon Peak guy.

Gu Family includes Paragon and Paragon offerings are in double digits, but also reluctant to lose!

This is the main battle strength. If you lose a few positions, it will hurt the Gu Family.

“Xuanshan. Feng Luocheng Gu Family Mining Area is under your management. You are responsible for this matter, and you will take the Gu Family Mining Area back anyway!” Contemporary Patriarch put down the task!

鈥淎s you bid!鈥?


There was a recent news around Fengluocheng.

Several Paragons joined forces to acquire the broken Paragon weapon, and the wind has been spreading outside, causing a lot of fluctuations in Paragon’s circle.

No one knows what these people want to do.

For every broken Paragon weapon, there are almost six or seven hundred thousand 100,000 Low Grade Saint Stones.

There is no shortage of such things in the territory.

Especially the Paragon who went to adventure will have broken Paragon treasure on his body. The power of this kind of thing is less than 30%, and even 30% is not there. It is useless to stay with him.

Now someone buys them, and they simply shoot.

Get a few broken Paragon weapon and you can buy a complete Paragon weapon. Where can I find such good things?

In order to acquire the broken Paragon weapon, Wan Family, Murong Family, Kujia, Three Great Families all voluntarily.

everyday all Paragon will come to Fengluocheng to complete the transaction, and then leave happily.


“City Lord lord, the abyss demon is still in the Gu Family mining area, and he doesn’t know what the abacus is!”

Inside the City Lord House of the Wind.

An aide is reporting the situation.

The Gu Family mining area was occupied by people, Paragon was killed, and City Lord 鈥檚 government would not do not know. No one wants uncontrollable forces around, and it is still a threatening force.

This is even more uncomfortable.

“As long as you do n鈥檛 act recklessly, follow him!” Kitamiya Chiaki said indifferently, “Anyway, the Gu Family people are coming soon. This does not require us to worry. Instead, there are three families in the Wan Family. Why did they acquire the Paragon weapon? Is there any news? It’s up! “

As a City Lord, the situation in the city must be understood.

Wan Family They bought the broken Paragon weapon, and the lower level people do not know, but almost everyone in the Paragon circle is known to everyone, especially in the nearby circles.

The only thing I do n鈥檛 understand is that they spent a lot of money and money, and why they did not acquire it without restraint.

For external reasons, Chihiya also heard about it.

Used to extract the original material!

The North Palace Chiaki didn’t believe it at all.

“This … we are still investigating!” The aide lowered his head. “We found out that the abyss demon once went to the Wan Family, and then there were three moves. Maybe … this thing fell into the abyss demon’s foreign village. On people! “


Kitamiya Chiaki couldn’t afford to offend that abyss demon.

But I was very curious about acquiring so many broken Paragon weapon.

“Continue to stare, but you can’t offend that guy!”

…… ..

Lin Fei has been in the Gu Family mine for a month.

In this month, Lin Fei did not appear in Immortal Mansion except to kill the monster up.

100,000 demon warriors mine ore every day. In just one month, more than 1 million Low Grade Saint Stones have been mined, and the Middle Grade Saint Stone has about XNUMX million.

This is a great gain!

“Master, they are coming!”

Hairball carried a grilled barbecue and ate from the outside while eating.

This guy just walked outside all right lately, these Immortal Beast bad luck, and three punches and two feet were killed, which became Hairball’s lunch.

As for the Scarlet Three brothers, they were all sent out to manage the mining area.

“Bring them in!”

Lin Fei know They’re here to trade.

As early as ten days ago, they sent ten broken Low Grade Paragon weapon and treasure. It was also a tentative test. Today I came to see the results and whether I can continue.

“Do not know how much they have collected Young Master ttreasure!”

Lin Fei wished that the more they had, the better, and back home to arm their own troops. ,

Can’t Paragon weapon be motivated?

The Low Grade Saint Stone is not mined for nothing. At least Bao Mie can fully urge them to spur the power of Paragon. You can kill anyone you want.

Wan Zhong Paragon and three other Paragons rushed in.

Things become insuffcient depends on today!

The wind spread and bought some broken Paragon treasures, depending on the results today.

“Three, please sit down!”

As soon as they came in, Lin Fei smiled and greeted them to sit down,

“Three look forward to a long time!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “Now is the time for you to witness the miracle!”

Ten Low Grade Paragon treasures flew out, so they floated in the middle of the sky, with a seal on them, to isolate the power of Paragon treasures. (To be continued.)

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