“Gu Yuan Paragon is dead!”

“Fortunately, we didn’t do anything, otherwise we would die!”

“Too terrifying, what exactly is this young man in Abyss World, with two Paragon demons around him.”

The three Paragons not far away secretly took in the air.

Gu Family has opened more than a dozen Era of Chaos in the mining area here, and has been occupying this mining area, sending the mined Saint Stone to Gu Family.

It wasn’t that no one had messed up during this time, and every single time was easily resolved.

Since then no one dares to come to this mine!

I didn’t expect to be uprooted today, even using Supreme’s Paragon Destruction Run.

The ancient Yuan Paragon strength is almost the same as them. I did not expect that they were almost insta-kill under the siege of the two. This attack was too formidable.

Send two Paragon demons, who are so big.


“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon and get two 1 billion Experience Points!”

Blockbuster Experience Points in Hand!

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon and get a little Divinity!”

“Ding, kill 1-Star Paragon and get a thousand Invincible value. Turn on Invincible Defense!”

Suddenly a message came from System!

Lin Fei laughed immediately when he heard it. He didn’t care about the Experience Points. He didn’t have a lot of 1 billion Experience Points. He went to Devil Space for a few hours and was not worth the number. He was concerned about the Divinity mentioned later.

This is where Lin Fei is curious.

Unfortunately, no matter how Lin Fei views it, there is no introduction about Divinity.

Lin Fei had no choice but to wait until Divinity reached how many points to know what Divinity does.

“Invincible value? Invincible Defense?”

This is something Lin Fei cares about.

Seems terrific.

This is also the first time Lin Fei killed Paragon. Although he did not do it himself, Demon No. XNUMX and Demon No. XNUMX were their own. Of course, System had to count as its own.

As soon as Lin Fei checked it, he had the display instructions.

“Invincible Defense, a Paragon-class Secret Technique. Once used, it will start to consume the Invincible value. After it is cast, the whole body will be in Invincible Defense. No attack can break the defense!”

Lin Fei’s eyes were bright.

“Good thing, really good thing. With this Invincible Defense, I can leave calmly even with 3-Star Paragon, and even give each other a lesson!”

After beheading a Paragon, Lin Fei laughed.

“A thousand points of Invincible value survive at most fifty breaths, so to speak, isn’t it going to hunt Paragon?”

Invincible Defense has fifty breaths. In fact, the Quite is long, and you can leave calmly. Lin Fei is very satisfied. The only Invincible value seems to be difficult to get.

I’ll talk about this later!

There are now three Paragons around, and Hairball barely does. It seems easy to siege Paragon.

Do you want to chop them all together!

Lin Fei’s gaze fell to the three Paragons not far away, and chopped them. They might have harvested XNUMX Invincible values. By then, they would have XNUMX breathing Invincible Defenses.

Where can I find such good things?

“Fellow Daoist, we are not from the Gu Family, and we have no hostility towards you!” Wan Zhong Paragon spoke for the first time, swept by Gaze, and suddenly sweated from his back.

Less than ten breaths destroyed the ancient Yuan Paragon, Wan Zhong Paragon asked himself not to be an opponent.

The Gu Family mine was destroyed, and Paragon wanted it.

“We are not enemies and we will not shoot Fellow Daoist!”

“We are purely lively!”

All three Paragons hurriedly took their stand.

In case you think of yourself as a Gu Family, maybe someone will kill you, in case it falls, it will be a big loss.

This kind of Expert can’t offend, especially the eyes glanced over, the hairs stand upright.

“I misunderstood it!” Lin Fei hehe said, “I thought you were from the Gu Family!”

Just know this guy is not at ease!

This is to prepare for them, fortunately, to stand in time.

Lin Fei cut off Gu Yuan’s head with one sword, took out the heads of the other three wolf owners, and put them in a jade box. “Gu Family is my enemy, and a few Fellow Daoist should know the latest division of Gu Family, think Trouble Fellow Daoist give me something, it should be fine! “

Wan Zhong Paragon thinks this guy is still underestimate.

It’s been a long time since someone killed someone. You’d better kill someone, put your head up, and send it to your door. Such things can’t be done.

“A trivial matter, we will arrange it immediately!”

In the face of Lin Fei’s gaze, none of them dare to say ‘no’, even if they are the three families in the city, they must think about the family.

Just like that, the box was taken away by them, and people left with it.

They worry about not leaving again, maybe something is waiting for them.

…… ..

“I didn’t expect them to be so afraid of death!”

Watching them leave, Lin Fei shook his head in disappointment. If they didn’t agree, they would be in the middle of it, and it was necessary to kill a Paragon.

For Invincible value, everything is worth it.

Lin Fei came up and down from the sky and took the black long barrel treasure from Hairball. It was the Paragon destruction cannon used by the ancient Yuan Paragon. Check it out and understand the principle.

This is motivated with Saint Stone.

I had to re-install Saint Stone without urging it once, so Quite consumed it all at once, plus two at the end-infinity.

“Hairball, here you are!”

Lin Fei didn’t have much interest in this thing.

“I like this!” Hairball couldn’t help but, “Whoever is right with me, I’ll give him a shot to see who can stop it!”

Lin Fei thumbs up.

This trick is vicious!

“Go into the mine and mine Saint Stone!”

Lin Fei went on in a word, 100,000 Demon Army, entered the mine below, and mined Saint Stone.

This is a good thing!

Hard currency in territory.

That’s why Lin Fei didn’t leave in a hurry.

As long as you don’t come with a few 3-Star Paragons, Lin Fei doesn’t care, even if you meet a 3-Star Paragon and turn on Invincible Defense, I’m afraid you’re a feather!

100,000 demons mine, Lin Fei walks into an Immortal Mansion not far away.

This Immortal Mansion is now also Lin Fei’s.

Lin Fei took out the Storage Ring of Palagon and dumped everything out.

Hua hua 哗~~~~

The stone that actually poured out was Saint Stone, piled up like a hill.

Lin Fei Divine Sense has 3,000,000 Low Grade Saint Stones, including 100,000 Middle Grade Saint Stones. As for High-Grade Saint Stone, there are none.

“These Saint Stones gave Bao Mie their cultivation, do not know if there is!”

Lin Fei tried to refining a piece of energy that was indeed high purity, Berserk was pure, no wonder that High Rank Immortal Venerable was able to bear it, and cultivation with it was indeed much faster.

Something like Saint Stone, Lin Fei is useless, except to complement Paragon.

Hairball doesn’t work!

The only estimate used was Bao Mie them. (To be continued.)

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