Three Alien race wolves are out!

If no more shots are taken, one of their men will die, and they will become commanders of bare poles.

A short time lost XNUMX%.

The situation is terrible!

Hairball continues to attack madly, if not for the defense of Territory Warship, it is estimated that the ship has died early.

“Third Brother, you have to deal with that Human Race brat!” The black wolf ordered Third Brother to deal with the Human Race brat.

This Human Race brat looks problematic no matter how it looks.

Inexplicably attacked!

There must be something wrong with it.

“Good!” Azure Wolf Lord loudly shouted, “Human Race brat, die!”

The power of Immortal Venerable gushed, turned into a roaring Azure Wolf, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, and bite in, Starry Sky went dark, one of the unique Divine Ability of Azure Wolf’s master.

This is already the power of Paragon attack!

Lin Fei stood completely motionless, very disdainful of this attack.

“Get out!”

I don’t have a good impression of the Alien race itself, especially for his Great Heaven World.

Bang bang bang ~~~

The giant Azure Wolf’s head was roared, and Azure Wolf’s body shook, his chest burst into blood.

“You are … Paragon!”

In a word, he attacked himself, no one except Paragon.

The three wolf owners have seen winds and waves, but never thought that in this case, they would encounter two Paragons. This is a wild place in the countryside.

When are they eligible to hit Paragon!

“Paragon lord, are we misunderstanding!” The Azure Wolf lord looked scared.

“When you die, you will know, there are no misunderstandings!” Lin Fei didn’t want to say anything, the people of Gu Family should die Thoroughly, there is no one left.


Lin Fei slaps himself on the main body of Azure Wolf with a slap.

Kaka Kakaka ~~~~

This slap can’t stop it.

The Azure Wolf Lord was pumped out and blasted off under a tumble of Starry Sky.

Lin Fei’s eyes shot a golden light, and he struck Starry Sky, and the sound of ‘don’t stop’.

Lord Azure Wolf!

“Third Brother !”

Lord White Wolf and Lord Black Wolf are besieging Hairball.

“Who is your lord, we and you lack hatred and enmity!” Although the Lord White Wolf was indignant, he could only suppress Endless’s hatred in his heart.

Originally thought that they should deal with this Paragon-level Immortal Beast, there should be no problem, who would think of terrifying the other person’s fleshly body formidable, which was hardly undying and unextinguished, and could not cause any harm. At that time, their hearts sank, and they met a powerful opponent. !!

It didn’t take long for this idea to happen, Third Brother was slammed to death!

“You offended me, and the Gu Family behind you!” Lin Fei indifferently said, “Now you and your brothers are going to be partners!”

It turned out to be Gu Family!

They seemed to understand everything instantly.


The two did not have the courage to shoot.

As long as I can leave today, Gu Family will definitely shoot at full power.

“Instant Eternity!”

Starry Sky stopped at this moment.

Promoted to become Paragon, Lin Fei’s Instant Eternity, naturally raised to Paragon Level.


Lin Fei cut it out with a single sword, Sword Intent stunned, and the head of Lord White Wolf flew up.

“Soul Searching Technique!”

The White Wolf Lord only felt the arrogant Divine Sense, and went all the way like a beast, breaking through the depths of the Knowledge Sea and into the long river of memory.

“No … yes!”

Another sword flew, and Lord Wolf’s head was cut off.

This is a one-sided fight.

Useless strength, Lin Fei killed them.

When Hairball opened his mouth, the two bodies fell into Hairball’s stomach. This was comparable to Paragon’s Alien race. He had strong blood and was very addictive.

“The Wolf Lord is dead!”

There was a whine within Warship.


After conducting a soul search of Lord White Wolf, Lin Fei mastered the method of controlling the Territory Warship, easily opened the Territory Warship, and withdrew the defense formation.

“Let’s swallow it!”

The demon summon flag flew out.

A large block of demon warriors rushed out, turned into a scarlet blood, and rushed to the War Wolf.

“Master, they’re really fragile and not interesting at all!” Hairball was in a bad mood.

“Not in a hurry!” Lin Fei squinted.

The Warwolves struggled for a while. Within a short while, they were slaughtered and devoured. The loss of the demon warriors was not much, and dozens of demon warriors were killed.

“Territory Warship, this is a good thing!”

Lin Fei stood inside the boat.

The entire Warship was cleared again.

“Gu Family really spent a lot of money to train the Warwolves!”

Territory Warship is outside, and a ship can be worth as much as a 1-Star Paragon, which is why Hairball didn’t break the shot.

Territory Warship has super defenses!

A must-have for traveling.

“Gu Family suddenly lost a Territory Warship, three Alien race Experts, do not know what expression it will be, hehe!”

“Master, are we going back now?” Hairball asked.

“Don’t go back, let’s go to another place!” Lin Fei took out a territory map, which was found from the main White Wolf, a perfect territory map.

Lin Fei’s fingers fell into one position.


Moro Territory!

This is the closest territory to the Imperial Dynasty.

Fengluocheng is one of the most remote places in the Moro territory.

After more than a year, Lin Fei came to Fengluocheng and entered the territory of Moro.

“Master, I smelled a lot of delicious things!” Lin Fei dressed as a black robed man, Hairball turned into a man, and appeared in Fengluocheng.

“It is indeed a large territory. The Imperial Dynasty is really inferior. It is a long way off. It is really a small country in the countryside.” Lin Fei nod, with the formicable Divine Sense, faintly captured that there were actually winds in the city. Several Paragons.

That’s right, Paragon!

The windfall city is also amazing, Quite is the sum of ten Great Worlds.

And this is a remote city in the territory.

This made Imperial Dynasty ashamed and unable to show one’s face.

… ..

“Master, don’t you enter the city?” Hairball wanted to enter the city.

Today, Lin Fei does not intend to enter the city, but to go to a mountain range near Fengluocheng.

There is a mining area in Gu Family!

Very big mining area!

Produce a trading ore suitable for circulation in the territory-Saint Stone!

“Let’s kill!”

According to the memory of Lord White Wolf, Lin Fei concealed his body and flew all the way. After a while, a huge mountain range appeared, and the whole mountain range was over, and Warship came and went. Crowded!

“Gu Family is really huge!”

Lin Fei stood in the sky and Divine Sense cautiously swept past.

“One 1-Star Paragon, eight pseudo Paragons, hundreds of Immortal Venerable!” Lin Fei squinted, knowing Gu Family’s strength arrangement in this mining area, “the bottom line is really thick!”

Lin Fei thinks Gues is still underestimate!

It is indeed the three nobles of Chaos Ancient Country.

There are so many experts sitting in a mining area.

From the memory of Lord White Wolf, Lin Fei also knows that there are four mines in Fengluocheng, and the Gu Family is not the strongest one.

It can be seen that strength is staggered here, not easy! (To be continued.)

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