Paragon has shot one after another!

It was a shocking scene, with four Paragons shooting together.

It is just a random shot, which contains thousands of changes. Even casual attacks are not something everyone can resist.

In less than a moment, a huge emperor dynasty was established!

This imperial dynasty is very large, amazing, and from the hands of four Paragons, full of horrible Paragon powers, no matter who it is, it can’t help but be shocked.

The establishment of this emperor dynasty, the luck of the entire All Heavens and Myriad Realms, one after another poured into the imperial dynasty.

“St Emperor Imperial Court stands!”

Tian Ju Paragon’s voice spread like this, spreading all over the whole All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

At this time, regardless of the corner of All Heavens and Myriad Realms, everyone felt the power of Paragon, as if Paragon was around.

Immortal Beast, a prey, lay directly on the ground and did not dare to move.

Immortal, who really played against Immortal Beast, all stopped, and there was a horror in the voice.

Heaven’s Paragon’s voice not only sounded everywhere in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, but at the same time kept echoing outside.

“St Emperor Imperial Court stands!”

“St Emperor Imperial Court stands!”

“St Emperor Imperial Court stands!”

The sound is still magnificent!

When these simple words resounded, the huge Emperor Palace looked like a new student. The grand feeling was unknowingly felt by everyone.

This is a new imperial dynasty!

Since then, All Heavens and Myriad Realms is no longer a scattered World, but a truly organized empire.

Everyone lives under All Heavens and Myriad Realms. At this moment, there seems to be a sense of belonging, a very strong sense of belonging.

…… ..

“It was originally called the Imperial Dynasty!” Lin Fei thought secretly.

This dynasty is called Imperial Dynasty!

Holy words can have many meanings.

This is an unusual dynasty, otherwise it would not be named after the holy word.

For Lin Fei, all this doesn’t actually have a sense of belonging to how big is it. All Heavens and Myriad Realms this time. The establishment of the emperor dynasty is actually the reason for the combination of multiple forces.

It is with the combination that today’s Imperial Dynasty appears.

Announcing the establishment of the imperial dynasty, spreading through All Heavens and Myriad Realms, Lin Fei blessed luck on the imperial dynasty with know Heavenly Dao. For the time being, the dynasty is great, and no one can resist it.

This is a general trend!

When it came to Lin Fei’s Realm, it was clear what the potential was.

In the face of potential, any struggle is futile.

At least temporarily, this is the case!


Saint Emperor Imperial Court is established!

Four Paragons entered the Imperial Dynasty first.

I saw the place where four Paragons flew, flowers and birds flocked, and flowers blossomed, which gave the Imperial Dynasty a new life, and it was no longer dead.

The Imperial Dynasty has become the rising morning sun!

In front of this huge imperial dynasty, everyone felt pressure. This was the pressure from the imperial dynasty.

Even a World Master will feel a lot of pressure in this place.

This is the pressure from deep in Soul!

Except for a limited number of people, everyone else is not immune to this feeling, so they have become embarrassed, for fear that there is something wrong.

In the huge palace, everyone entered after one another.

Everyone knows that there will be a change in the pattern of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

The imperial dynasty was established, and under Heaven Sealing, this is a must.

The World Master and the others present were all courtiers of the imperial court, and no one could be spared.

How to stand firm in the new Imperial Court has become something that many people want to do. The times are different. It is now the Imperial Dynasty era and it is no longer the scattered Two Palace era.

The seat of the four Paragons is the best proof!


“From today on, the Imperial Dynasty will be dominated by all four of us!”

The words of God Paragon are no surprise!

This is a must!

The four Paragons settled in the Imperial Dynasty. Anyone knows. In the future, the contest will become more intense and the inward direction will become more chaotic. Without the ability, it is really difficult to stand still.

“Meet the four Saint Venerable!”

Everyone was high, and the voice went outside.

Hong long long ~~~

Hong long long ~~

Heavenly Dao also acknowledged that the sky above the Imperial Dynasty lowered the rich Heaven and Earth Immortal Qi, the flowers and plants that live in the Imperial Dynasty, and the Immortal Beast and the like, all of them were mortal, showing out of the ordinary strength.

This has not happened for a long time!

The appearance of the four Saint Venerables, Heavenly Dao all agreed, it can be said that this position is very strong, and not everyone can shake it.

Heavenly Dao’s position is the best proof!

After the announcement of the four Saint Venerables, the next step is the Heaven Sealing.

This is not a good thing for the World Master present, especially some World Masters who do not have a backing, know all know, this time may not be able to sit in this position.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms will undergo a new shuffle.

The shuffle will also start from the World Master.


Under Heaven Sealing.

In fact, it is the division of the four Saint Venerable forces.

Those World Masters who have already trusted in this time are sighed in relief, not only have a just and honourable identity, but also have the opportunity to devour the surrounding World.

Yes, this is an opportunity to expand!

There is no World Master backing, then I’m sorry, who made you not choose backing properly.

As long as you are not in these four Saint Venerable forces, this time will be cleansed and devour your World at the same time to expand the Great World.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms was originally a complete World in itself, but after a big war, they were completely separated, and finally they have the current All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Expressions are bad for anything that hasn’t been assigned a name.

The World Master who was beaten into another World can only help but sigh.

Resist? There is no such capability at all.

So I had to be honest and accept the disposal, World Master has been a long time, and the benefits are enough, at least not to worry about being killed.

The first World Masters to be sealed are all World Masters of Great World, and they are all in the central area.

Finally, the World Master of Great World was sealed down, and there were XNUMX World Masters in total.

This is a new shuffle!

Originally, in All Heavens and Myriad Realms, the existence of Great World was not just one hundred and eight, but it was compressed directly at this time.

The original Great World, under the guidance of the four St. Venerable Lords, directly became the XNUMX World Masters.

quite This is the prince!

After the closure, the identity of the XNUMX world masters is not low.

It can be said that the rights are extremely high, and you can participate in the Imperial Dynasty grand meeting at the same time.

This is the qualification!

Then comes the division of Medium World!

This is also a compression process, and there are a lot of Medium Worlds, all relying on the Great World.

Now there are XNUMX Great Worlds left in the Great World, and Medium World will be annexed. Do not know how many Medium Worlds will be left. As for the Small World below, this time will announce the complete disappearance of the long river of history. Let the wheels of history pass.

There are not many subcontracts of Medium World.

There are 72 Medium World in total. (To be continued.)

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