“Eight Immortal Venerable treasures!”

“Ten Immortal Venerable treasures!”

“Twelve Immortal Venerable treasures!”

I have to admit that Immortal Venerable Expert is very tempting for everyone, and no one wants to miss this opportunity.

As for where these Immortal Venerable came from, everyone is not interested in going to know, and there is no fear of revenge. Can I buy Immortal Venerable Expert and worry about retaliation? Who does not have a backing and a background.

The first Immortal Venerable Expert was auctioned away by twenty Immortal Venerable treasures.

This is a high price!

For twenty dead objects for a living Immortal Venerable, the family Sect strength can be improved a lot.

This sale is a good deal!

“Damn, I’m going to destroy them!”

In the box, Gu Tianren was furious, and Murderous aura was soaring, “You guys go out, could it be do not know to bring more Immortal Venerable treasure!”

“We don’t know it will be like this!”

“One of our family’s Immortal Venerable is gone!”

Several family bosses are now vomiting three liters of blood. I heard that Immortal Venerable was about to be auctioned off. I was planning to take it back and found that there were not a few Immortal Venerable treasures on them, all dumbfounded. I watched the Immortal Venerable family bought.

They didn’t dare to say anything to Gu Tianren, and resentment could only be buried in their hearts.

If it weren’t for Gu Tianren’s request for a shot, their Immortal Venerable wouldn’t have been hit. How would this tone come out?

Blame it on Emperor Heaven!

Gu Tianren couldn’t help it anymore. The nice to hear mentioned earlier, when an auction found that there were few Immortal Venerable treasures on his body, he just withered away.

Take a photo!

Gu Tianren transferred the resentment to Emperor Heaven with a brain.

“Good Emperor Heaven, let’s wait and see!”

… ..

Auction was very smooth on this day.

Five Immortal Venerables were auctioned out, which is undoubtedly the day of Gao Yao. This kind of scene can never be encountered once in a lifetime.

It happened today!

As for those who photographed the Immortal Venerable family, after paying the Immortal Venerable treasure, they left Great Heaven World without a word, and took people back to talk.

There are also some experts sneaking out of Great Heaven World, and no one dares to do it in Great Heaven World.

They are afraid of being auctioned.

Soon after, battles came out under Starry Sky, and someone secretly shot to steal Immortal Venerable, with heavy casualties.

For all of this, Lin Fei didn’t care about it at all, anyway, he himself received the Immortal Venerable treasure. As for whoever snatches likes, it has nothing to do with his dime.

“Well, five Immortal Venerable sold ninety Immortal Venerable treasures!”

With a Paragon-level weapon, Lin Fei really didn’t look down on the Immortal Venerable treasure, glanced at it, and returned the Storage Ring to Jin Feng.

“If you prepare well, the price can actually go up. It’s too hasty today, and they picked it up!” Jin Feng was unhappy about today’s harvest. “Otherwise, when will you catch more?

Damn, you’re addicted!

Lin Fei didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and after thinking about it, this is also a method.

It’s boring to fight and kill.

This is worth considering and it is a good deal!

…… ..

The three-day Auction was over soon.

Great Heaven World was full of money this time, and everyone was satisfied with it, and the harvest was great. I was fortunate to see the Immortal Venerable auction and went back to bragging capital.

Not long after the auction ends.

Great Heaven World breaks into a group of uninvited guests.

The expert led by Immortal Venerable released his momentum and headed for the Invincible Palace.

The people of Great Heaven World are now accustomed to this kind of scene. There is a great Emperor Heaven World Master. There is nothing that cannot be solved. It is already full of blind faith.

Not far above Invincible Palace, the entire group arrived.

“Emperor Heaven, I’m from Wind and Rain Palace, come here, ask you something to discuss, come out quickly!”

Immortal Venerable headed, without a bit of awe, he sent the last sentence, “Emperor Heaven, get out of it ‘.”

Lin Fei is who I am now, and it’s not what anyone wants to see. If everyone sees it, I don’t think there is any free time in a day.

Twelve War Generals is out!

Ominous Beasts, all over the head by the hostility, swallow the clouds and mist.

“My Master is very busy. If you have anything to say, leave it alone!”

The opening is Tiger Roar, with a big bald head, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he glanced at each other in the past.

“What do you say!”

Opposite is an Immortal Emperor shouted, “Know do not know, who we are, we are Wind and Rain Palace people, you are the ones you can’t offend!”


Tiger roaring wild, Great Heaven World, few people can make him obedient, but not a few people across,

As soon as the words fell, Tiger Roar reached out and grabbed. The proud Immortal Emperor was caught and burst, and the blood mist fell down, fearing that the Immortal Emperor would not even know why they dared to shoot.

“Hehe, Wind and Rain Palace!” Tiger Roar was full of disdain, “I am the least afraid of this person, even if I catch it, I can’t stop it, so sorry to say this!”

“You dare to kill!” Immortal Venerable, headed by him, was furious.

Tiger roar stretched out his hand and said, “Why not dare, if you have the ability, please say one more thing, and see if I can’t kill you, or that sentence, just say something, get out!”

Twelve Immortal Venerable generals, each of whom can fight Middle Rank Immortal Venerable.

Lead the Immortal Venerable, Middle Rank Peak.

Faced with twelve Immortal Venerables, they feel pressured. The twelve Immortal Venerables now have Battle Techniques. Once they are displayed, ten of them are not enough to look at, and they are very afraid.

“We at Wind and Rain Palace have heard that you Great Heaven World auctioned Immortal Venerable, we want to know what’s going on. Could it be you guys do not know, is All Heavens and Myriad Realms not allowed to auction Experts?” Immortal Venerable Suppressing the anger, threw away the problem and see how you explain.

The twelve generals laughed.

“Nonsense, this is Great Heaven World. Our Master can do whatever he wants. Can you care?” Crocodile sneered. “If you want to try it, we don’t mind taking you down and sending it to the auction floor ! “

“You dare!” Immortal Venerable was furious, these guys were too don’t give face, and in any case was Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace, and dare to say such a thing.

“I heard that your Wind and Rain Palace is one of the leaders of All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Lao Tzu would like to see you. What exactly is your Wind and Rain Palace !?”


An afterimage moved towards the Immortal Venerable caught!

The Immortal Venerable was also taken aback, throwing out a shield of Immortal Venerable treasure, trying to stop it, unexpectedly being hit by the afterimage, and faintly heard ~ snap ~.

Twelve War Generals are all Ominous Beasts. They are so powerful that not everyone can fight them.

Seeing that the afterimage was killed, Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace could only firmly resist, and then used Killing Move Divine Ability Secret Technique. This block, a huge force surged, and flew him directly.

“too weak !”

Void Shadow came out, smirking.

The Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace is the opponent of the opponent. The wild Storm rain in the close-up state hits the blood continuously, and the fleshly body is blown once.


The Immortal Venerable didn’t dare to take a shot anymore and turned around to run.

“You wait, Wind and Rain Palace won’t stop there!” Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace came out of Great Heaven World, and then dare to leave a hard word.

This face is so big!

No way, the warlord Immortal Venerable is so powerful that he can’t resist it at all. Looking at the tattered Immortal Armor, he just wants to cry without tears.

What is this called!

“Hemp, this all blame Gu Tianren!”

The Great Heaven World of Wind and Rain Palace is a Huairou policy, and he has never done anything against Great Heaven World. This time, he also came here in private. Who knew that the Great Heaven World was fierce, and beat himself down three or two times, he even Suspect, if you are not Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace, you will be caught if you can’t make it.

“Never listen to Gu Tianren again!”

Immortal Venerable from Wind and Rain Palace left with people.

After leaving Twenty Worlds, under a piece of Starry Sky, Wind and Rain Palace Immortal Venerable was healing. In vain, a giant hand appeared in the sky, covering the entire Starry Sky, and was photographed against their entire group.

“Not good !”

Wind and Rain Palace secretly thought a bad voice, and the huge palm was photographed.

Starry Sky 100 Million Li calms down within an earthquake.

The flying boat in the sky turned into a fragment, with broken limbs everywhere, without a living mouth, and Immortal Venerable of Wind and Rain Palace also died under this attack.

“It’s weak!”

The giant hand stretched back, and Starry Sky sneered with laughter.

Until half a day later, people passing by here found traces of battle. When they saw the sign on the flying boat, they couldn’t help but suck in a breath of cold air.

This is the logo of Wind and Rain Palace!

Who killed the Wind and Rain Palace so cruelly?

The life I encountered was afraid of being suspected. I immediately reported the news to someone. I did not leave but stayed there, waiting for the Wind and Rain Palace people to come.

This is not a trivial matter!

Wind and Rain Palace is angry, do not know how many people want bad luck.


Not long after, there were three more Immortal Venerables on the scene, and their faces were not very good. They were all closest to Immortal Venerable, and they rushed over when they heard the news.

Wind and Rain Palace’s people were actually killed without leaving a living. Isn’t this provoking them Wind and Rain Palace.

“What do you think!”

A fat Immortal Venerable asked.

“What else can be seen, someone must be targeting us at Wind and Rain Palace!” Said a grumpy Immortal Venerable coldly snorted and said, “Call someone to investigate right away, what’s the matter!”

“I’ll use Space-Time to see it back!”

This is an effective way to look at the evidence!


The Immortal Venerable, who is proficient in Space-Time, has just exhibited the Space-Time countercurrent, and it changed color directly. “Someone disrupted the Space-Time here, people can’t see it. This is because we will use this move ! “

“Could it be the guy in the third temple!”

“Should it be impossible, the people in the Three Palaces should not have this ability to fight against our Wind and Rain Palace, who do not know that our Two Palace is about to establish a dynasty!”

The three Immortal Venerables didn’t discuss a feasible solution for a while.

Only people can be arranged to investigate!

This investigation found that the people of Wind and Rain Palace went to Great Heaven World and were abused by them. This time they were so angry that a Medium World dare to teach them Wind and Rain Palace.

Could it be by someone from Emperor Heaven?

As the investigation deepened, they began to wonder if it was Emperor Heaven’s hands and feet, others may not, but this Emperor Heaven has this suspicion. (To be continued.)

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