Qutian World!

This is one of the more powerful in the Small world, and the battle strength is not bad.

Qutian World Master plus the auxiliary role of World, his strength also surpassed Rank 4 Immortal Emperor Peak, and then entered the power of Grand Dao, the mysterious level, plus the backing seat, this World Master is very interesting.

Central palace of Small world!

Qutian World Master sits on the throne of the palace to enjoy the performance of the singer below.

But at this time Qu Tian World Master chapter is not in a good mood, and is indifferent to the following performance.

“Lord, doesn’t it look good?”

An Immortal Emperor sitting in the lower position arched, “Is the lord could it be thinking about Emperor Heaven?”

“This Emperor Heaven is getting less and less decent!” Qu Tian World Master said coldly. “This guy has big ambitions, he made such a big move so quickly. Last time, he broke Demon Immortal. This is how long it has passed. time!”

“Lord don’t have to worry, Emperor Heaven is so ambitious, there will definitely be many people who can’t see it and will do something to him sooner or later!” Said Immortal Emperor.

“I hope so!”


The words of Qutian World Master had just come down, and a breath of horror came down.

The entire palace collapsed, everyone was angry, and somebody had come to Qutian World. Could it be do not know what is this place?

“right here!”

Twelve black clothed silhouettes descend on the sky.

Qutian World Master is angry and blessed by the power of World, but the other person’s breath is too strong. Pressing it down will cause Qutian World Master to change color.

“Who are you, why break into this World Master’s palace!”

“Qutian World Master, offended!”

One of the twelve Daoist movies rushed towards Qutian World Master, Qutian World Master was shocked, and a black whip was drawn over, and Qutian World Master was pumped out.

“too weak !”

Qutian World Master was horrified, “Immortal Venerable, you are Immortal Venerable!”

“Hehe ~~~”

The black whip on the black clothed silhouette is like a giant dragon. Qutian World Master’s power blessing is not an opponent. Within a few moves, it is Serious Damage.


Qutian World Master jumps continuously, dare not stay.

Too terrifying!

A black giant dragon rushed out of Void, and gave Qutian World Master a rigorous twist.

“You’re still honest!”

A person walked in Void and caught Qutian World Master.

“You can’t catch me, this World Master is the man in the Three Palaces.” Qutian World Master roared and lifted his backing.

“Hehe, there are three temples and three temples. In front of my Master, they are all inferior goods!” Heiying don’t think sneered.

“What is your Master?”

“Hehe, listen, my Master is Emperor Heaven!”

Qu Tian World Master sank directly with a single heart, “He … actually wants to devour the World Master’s World, no, absolutely no!”


Qutian World was easily breached.

Twelve black clothed men descended like Heavenly God, the power of Qutian World was easily dispelled, and the treasure of Qutian World was swept away.

“Let’s go to the next World!”

Leaving Qutian World, the twelve shadows disappear in this world.

The cold voice echoed in the different worlds of each and everyone.

Wind and Snow World.

Fengxue World Master was smashed to the ground by a stick, Heaven and Earth shook, a big foot came up and down from the sky, one foot stepped on the other side, and do not know how much blood was spit out.

“Just as you are, you dare to threaten Lao Tzu, you can save it!”

The person who mentioned the Snow World Master disappeared.

Black Flame World.

The Black Flame World Master is also an expert. It encountered twelve black clothed attacks. The Immortal Emperor Expert, which was easily organized, was broken by one move, and countless.

Such things happen in the world of each and everyone.

Twelve black clothed men are like Heavenly God. As long as they come to whose World, none of the World is an opponent, regardless of the other ’s support, they choose to ignore it.

In just a few days, more than XNUMX Small Worlds were captured in succession, while more than XNUMX World Masters were captured alive.

These invincible World Masters are vulnerable to withstand a single blow in front of Immortal Venerable.

The matter was quickly spread, and All Heavens and Myriad Realms were uproar.

At this time, some people dared to do this kind of thing and swallowed more than twenty Small worlds in one bite. Although it is a Small world, that is also a Small world.

The twelve black clothed man was also a surprise, the strength reached the immortal Venerable Realm.

It was too arrogant to send XNUMX Immortal Venerables at once to sweep the Small world in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Before they can guess where these Immortal Venerables came from, another amazing news comes out that Great Heaven World is beginning to devour Small World again.

Emperor Heaven?

Now everyone is dumbfounded!

How much Immortal Venerable is on Emperor Heaven’s hand!

There were more than a dozen Immortal Venerables before, and now there are twelve more, fierce, not inferior to the previous batch of Immortal Venerables, even better, what an incredible thing.

Emperor Heaven’s move quickly caused a scolding.

These scolds are almost all from the nearby World.

Originally, I was frightened. Now, Emperor Heaven’s shot is great talent, which has swallowed more than XNUMX Small Worlds in a row, and the Great Heaven World is constantly expanding. This is how they can bear them.

Scolding and scolding, they didn’t dare to do anything, didn’t see the twelve black clothed Immortal Venerable. One was better than the other, and even a World Master barely comparable to Immortal Venerable. They were pumped out with a slap. How can this be played?

The crowd couldn’t stop, they could only send a message to the backer behind, and let them stop Emperor Heaven.

Within the Iron Blood Alliance.

It was a restless moment.

Demon Immortal broke his original spirit, and after Emperor Heaven hit the incident, he refused to go out easily, and he was busy looking for equipment and improving his strength.

As soon as he heard the news, there was a flash of fear in Demon Immortal’s eyes.

“Not the last group?”

Demon Immortal sat in the palace, listening to the reports of his subordinates, and his brow almost turned into the word “chuan”.

“No, we asked. The people who came here this time were all black clothed. The hostility was very heavy. The hostility alone could not bear those Immortal Emperor. It was too terrifying!”

Demon Immortal can’t get angry now.

The Emperor Heaven at the time was not something I could deal with, it was so strong that I needed to look up.

“Not good, Immortal Venerable lord!”

At this moment, another Immortal Emperor came in, panicking.

“You in any case is an Immortal Emperor, panic-like!” Seeing his subordinates, he broke Demon Immortal’s esteem and didn’t fight in one place, said gloomily, the more critical it was, his own The more people are useless.

“Immortal Venerable lord, Emperor Heaven’s Twelve War Generals, they just captured a World, not far from our Lost World. Immortal Venerable lord has to find a way, Emperor Heaven is ambitious, this is to kill us to the last one! “

Demon Immortal has always ignored the outside world, but he can’t control it.

At this time, when I heard that Twelve War Generals had captured the most recent World and broke Demon Immortal, he couldn’t help but be furious. “It’s an Emperor Heaven. This deity has been tolerant everywhere. It’s not enough. Is this to occupy our Lost World!”


A terrifying momentum swept across the setting sun World.

“It’s over, it’s over, Twelve War Generals is here!” Fairy Maiden, who came in, collapsed to the ground, no blood on his face. (To be continued.)

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