In Devil Space.

Lin Fei first refined Devil’s Wings and became part of her body.

Then he started cultivation Paragon-level Cultivation Technique “Claw of the Claw”.

This Sect Master slaughtering Cultivation Technique is purely made by close combat. The Rank 1 demons rely on this to put Lin Fei at a disadvantage.

With this claw, Lin Fei couldn’t bear it anymore.

If it weren’t for World Storm or Instant Eternity Divine Ability, which would delay the Rank 1 demon, I am afraid it would have been Serious Damage.

So Cultivation Technique is better than big Sword Qi Secret Technique.

It is for this reason that Lin Fei has to go to cultivation, especially after refining Devil’s Wings himself, the Sect Master Cultivation Technique is more and more suitable for himself.

…… ..

Wait until Lin Fei comes out of Devil Space.

I have already introduced this Cultural Technique cultivation, now it is to find a time to pile up and become a fairy Venerable level attack. Once at this stage, the power is more formidable than the large Sword Qi.

When he came to the stone tower, Lin Fei single thought appeared on the first floor of the training place.

Bao Mie They are all here in cultivation.

When Lin Fei came, they were sitting on the essence of the refining Immortal Beast. The fierce breath rose into the sky and turned into twelve clouds with twelve Ominous Beasts on it.

This is the result of their hostility.

The stronger the hostility, the more formidable the proof of their strength.

“It is indeed Twelve War Generals that Insect Queen values ​​most. Innate talent is unimaginable!”

Lin Fei Divine Sense took a glance and was very happy with their speed.

At this time, the strongest strength is Bao Mie, who has entered the third level of Grand Dao. The battle strength can definitely play against the fourth level of Peak Immortal Emperor.

The rest are also the second Level Peak.

This speed of improvement is what they can do. As long as they have the Immortal Beast, they can break through all the way without Realm, and they have the most potential.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms are not quite right now.

Lin Fei needs a full-time Expert to sit in the Great Heaven World.

“wake up!”

Lin Fei’s voice passed over them, and everyone woke up.


Twelve War Generals swallowed the hostility and stood up.

“Your speed is good, but it’s still too slow,” Lin Fei said. “So, I brought you something good!”


Millions of Immortal Beast blood essences flew out and piled up like mountains.

“This thing is of great use to us!” Tiger howled with a big bald head, his eyes brightened.

“Master, is this thing for us to cultivate, as long as we have these good things, we can improve faster!” Crocodile narrowed his eyes.

Their Twelve War Generals are most sensitive to this thing.

Okay, you can see it at a glance.

“The twelve of you are divided equally, and I want you to break through in the shortest possible time!” Lin Fei explained, and left Shita Space.

Twelve War Generals is thrilled.

This thing is much better than the flesh of Immortal Beast, a gap in the sky.

“Everyone is thinking about what they are doing, so they can break through the existing Realm!” Bao Mie snorted.

“Bao Mie, wait until I break through to Immortal Venerable Realm, and see how you become the first general!” Crocodile air combat will shoot out fighting intent.

“Also will have me!”


“These guys!”

Lin Fei shook his head. These guys, aren’t they the names of the first generals? There is nothing to fight, but it’s good to fight.

How many times has Lin Fei do not know this situation.

Leaving Immortal Beast blood essence behind, Lin Fei went to Hairball and caught it, throwing it in one of the layers.

“Master, what good food is there!”

Hairball devoured a lot of good things, and it was still a long way from maturity. Lin Fei was already pretty good without being eaten.

No, I’ll ask for food as soon as I meet.

“What do you think about this thing!” Lin Fei took out the demon blood essence.

gu lu gu lu ~~~

As soon as things came out, Lin Fei knew that Underball’s appetite was underestimated.

“I want to eat, I want to eat!”

Hairball was originally lazily, but after seeing the demon blood essence, the whole body seemed to see the beauty, staring at the demon blood essence, drooling the flow of hua hua.

“It won’t burst!”

Rank 1 The power of the demon, Lin Fei has the experience, but it is comparable to the existence of Paragon, the energy contained in the demon blood essence, and Complete is terrifying.

“We can eat anything from the Antique Evil Dragon!” Hairball drooled. “Also, the thought came to my mind just now. As long as I eat this thing, maybe I can break through to maturity and become a true Antique Evil Dragon At that time, you can Gang Master, who dare not listen to the Master, eat it all! “

The current Hairball battle strength is not high, and it can defend formidable terrifying.

Lin Fei is looking forward to how mature it will be.

At least the battle strength of Immortal Venerable Level!

“Give you!”

Lin Fei lost the demon blood essence, Hairball shook, returned to the body, swallowed it, and a terrifying demonic energy swept out.

Hairball’s huge body shook.

“So cool, so cool!”

Lin Fei had already left around the Hairball, stood on the sky, and saw that Hairball was so addicted that his huge body broke apart constantly, and then he grew up and returned to normal in a blink of an eye.

The Hairball was already long.

The energy effect of the demon blood essence still makes Lin Fei suck in a breath of cold air.

Hua hua 哗~~~

Hairball’s body is constantly growing up, from several 10 million feet, breakthrough to billions of feet, fortunately, the World Master Stone Tower Space is large enough, otherwise it will be burst.

Hairball under constant addiction and pain, his body steadily expands and becomes a behemoth.

Fairy Venerable level The monster dragon is very big, but compared with Hairball, it is completely comparable, which is directly the grade of the small land.

Lin Fei is a little bit worse, now that the Immortal Venerable Demon Dragon meets Hairball, for fear of being a claw, he will shoot the Demon Dragon. “If Hairball casts a cracked claw, do not know how about it.”

Hairball took the blood essence of the demon, and Lin Fei didn’t dare to leave.

If the medicinal power is too large to suppress, Lin Fei will inevitably have to do it by himself. This demon blood essence also does not know when it comes into contact and must be cherished.

Hairball’s body stopped moving when it reached 200 million miles.

At this point, looking at the undulating body, such as the winding mountain range, you can’t see the end at a glance, and the black scales on Hairball, at this time, all become dark golden, shining with a bright luster.

The momentum on Hairball is also increasing.

That coercion became more and more grand.

Half a day later, the coercion was no less powerful than the Immortal Venerable breath, ten times more powerful than the Immortal Venerable Demon Dragon. Two gas streams entered and exited, and Void was shaking.

“Good posture, no wonder that during Ancient, Antique Evil Dragon can become a Top Grade race, and the battle strength is really not weak!”

Lin Fei know This time the Hairball was lucky.

If Devil Space is not turned on and the demon blood essence is obtained, several Era of Chaos may not make Hairball make such a big change.


Lin Fei spent three days in practice.

These three days are motionless.


With the world-shaking roar, Hairball’s huge body turned into a black mist, a fierce young man came out of it, and quickly walked in front of Lin Fei, grinning, “Master, I finally entered the mature period! “

A young man appeared, all up and down, exuding hostility. If it was not a familiar atmosphere, Lin Fei would have thought he had mistaken him.

“This is what you look like in maturity!”

Lin Fei was happy to hear that Hairball was maturing.

The mature Antique Evil Dragon.

“Yeah, this is how we mature. If there is no blood essence of the Master, I want to enter the mature period, at least dozens of Era of Chaos!” Hairball excitedly said, “Master, I can help you kill now , Who does n’t in a bad mood Master, eat it all! “

Lin Fei still underestimated the time when Antique Evil Dragon entered maturity.

Dozens of Era of Chaos, too long.

What happened during this period still do not know.

Lin Fei looked at it with Divine Sense and didn’t see Hairball’s Realm. “You have entered the mature period, do not know what Realm is now, tell me!”

“How do you say this!” Hairball clutched his head. “I can’t say it!”

“Fuck, you can’t say it.” Lin Fei was surprised. Did the Antique Evil Dragon in the mature period, could it be so awesome, “You try to attack me!”

Hairball What strength, Lin Fei knows as soon as he tries.

“Really trying?”

“Come on, your Master is not as fragile as you think!” Lin Fei patted his chest.

“Then I … come here!”

Hairball shot in vain, Lin Fei just felt saw a flash, the horrible palm fell on his chest, and the whole body was shot out and smashed into the depths of the earth.


Hairball catches up as if doing something wrong.

“I depend, so strong!” Lin Fei was also stunned. “At that shot, there was a slight Paragon coercion, could it be Hairball to become Paragon!”

Lin Fei saw Hairball and seemed to see the Rank 1 demon.

“Master, are you okay!” Hairball appeared next to Lin Fei and lowered his head.

“It’s okay!” Lin Fei was also beaten by this shot, Zhen’s blood twitched, “You try to attack me again.”

Hairball was reluctant at first, and Lin Fei ordered him to continue his shot. This time Lin Fei turned on Devil’s Wings to barely one after another to avoid Hairball’s attack.


Lin Fei took back Devil’s Wings, watching Hairball could not help but suck in a breath of cold air, secretly thought, “Good guy, this progress is too great, although it is not the real Paragon, but the body’s rigidity is not the same as the Rank 1 demon. and down, the attack also contains the power of Paragon, barely Paragon! “

The news was so exciting for Hairball.

“Hairball, your Antique Evil Dragon family, is really a horrible race, you are almost a Paragon now!” Lin Fei said with a smile, “I’m not your opponent anymore!”

Lin Fei didn’t even think about it. The Hairball picked up that year would eventually become a Venerable Lord.

It’s also Paragon with top speed and attack.

“Master is the strongest. If there is no Master, I will not enter the maturity period in my life, maybe it will fall down halfway.” Hairball flattered, “I enter the maturity period, I also have inheritance memory in my mind, as long as cultivation With those Cultivation Techniques, I should be stronger than I am now! “

I go, this is too heaven defying!

This speed has already killed people.

Coupled with the formidable defense and attack, even if the real Paragon shoots, I am afraid that it will be out of reach! (To be continued.)

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