More than a dozen consecutive attacks by the demon were successfully avoided by Lin Fei, but Lin Fei did feel the power of the demon’s shot.


Very strong!

At this point, after seeing the blood strip of the demon again, Lin Fei could not help but suck in a breath of cold air. The devil has 30 million blood.

According to the current 10,000 XNUMX attacks, it would take three thousand to kill the demon.

In the words of the game, this demonic rough skin and thick flesh is very difficult to deal with.

“You can’t run!”

World Storm was broken by the demon and moved towards Lin Fei again.

“Big Sword Qi Secret Technique!”

Five to Big Sword Qi has drawn in the past.

clang clang clang ~~

Rank 1 The demon’s huge wings become the best defense, swipe up and down, and blow out the big Sword Qi.

“So hard!”

Lin Fei is confident in his big Sword Qi Secret Technique Complete.

The first step is Paragon Secret Technique.

Power can imagine.

But at this time, it was really easy for the demon to fly away, and Lin Fei felt a little bit hot, even if the demon is not Paragon battle strength, it is not much worse.

“These attacks are useless to me!”

Rank 1 The devil laughs, ignores World Storm, breaks through all blockades, and kills Lin Fei. Lin Fei is also taken aback by his hands.


Lin Fei whole body was shaken out.

Rank 1 The devil’s eyes scarlet smashed up, “You are too vulnerable!”

Lin Fei merged into World Storm, constantly changing positions, avoiding the attacks of Rank 1 demons, and was extremely shocked.

“Devil Space is not as simple as you think. A demon boss is so powerful. What a joke.”

A few moments ago, Lin Fei’s whole body was about to break apart.

If it weren’t for the full power urging the True Self Grand Dao to bless the fleshly body, it is estimated that it would be blown up.

“The leveling system is also too foolish. For such a task, if my strength is not weak, it is estimated that I can lay the corpse now.”

A demon with almost Paragon battle strength, can Lin Fei be shocked.

“The devil’s speed is very fast, it is almost unavoidable, and thanks to the World Storm, he can barely get it so batteryd and exhausted. It is not the way to go!”

Lin Fei Teleport in World Storm, the demon constantly attacked, I saw that there was no less than a second.

That’s why Lin Fei is very passive.

“I found you!”

The demon grabbed a broken claw, and a dark shadow struck. Lin Fei had just prepared Teleport. He was locked and penetrated into Void, showing a smirk expression, and grabbed a claw on the remnant of Lin Fei.


World Storm dissipates, and people disappear.

The devil came back and forth again and again, he did not see anyone and left unwilling.


“Paragon-class battle strength is horrible!”

Lin Fei appeared in the stone tower. Recalling the scene just now, Immortal Venerable Divine Sense was unable to capture his own traces. The demon actually caught it and calmly killed him.

“No wonder System gave me three days and know Rank 1 the devil is hard to deal with.”

Lin Fei sat down on the throne and frowned.

How can this demon clean up?

If it’s not time to teleportation himself, Lin Fei has no doubt that he will definitely be in danger, and it is still very dangerous.

Three days, now one day has passed, and the rest is two days.

The two days are separated. In other words, Lin Fei has only two chances. Otherwise, even if it is a failure, Lin Fei will not accept it, no matter if it is a grade drop or if it is not allowed for three months.

Lin Fei calmed himself down and recalled the scene just now, hoping to find a solution.


Lin Fei finds the gap between him and the demon.

Although the demon strength is very strong, almost having Paragon battle strength, Lin Fei can block it. The only thing that scares him is the speed of the demon. The super strong attack power combined with the daunting speed is definitely a scary thing. thing.

Lin Fei thinks nothing else is bad, the only difference is speed.

“As long as the devil’s speed is slowed down, I’m not afraid to kill the guy!” Lin Fei opened the Top Grade System and started searching for related things.


The next day is up.

Lin Fei entered Devil Space again, where he came in from where he left earlier.

Before coming in, Lin Fei was ready. Once the demon was alive, he left the attack range as soon as possible.

It’s just that the devil is not here at this time.

The giant dragon’s body was gone.

“The demon appears here. It should be within this area. Let me look for it. I don’t believe it can’t be found!”

Lin Fei Divine Sense hiding the sky and covering the earth.

It ranges from 10 million and goes beyond 100 Million Li.

“found it!”

Lin Fei quickly found a valley.

There were a lot of bones in the valley, including the giant dragon’s bones. Lin Fei immediately determined that the demon was in the cave.

“World Storm!”

Lin Fei turned on World Storm before reaching the valley.

A huge valley was razed to the ground.

“It’s you again, disturb me to sleep!” The demon rose to the sky, glaring at this fragile human race, “You were run yesterday, you can’t run today!”

oh la la ~

As yesterday’s attack.

The speed is too fast!

Lin Fei plunged into World Storm. The mountain range behind him was blasted by the devil and became messy.

Five Dao Sword Qi were killed. This time, the Five Dao Sword Qi were all separated, like a golden ribbon, moved towards the demon.

“Instant Eternity!”

Seeing to be entangled, the demon’s huge wings were ready to bomb the big Sword Qi.

Just at this moment, Lin Fei played a Divine Ability Method Secret Technique.

This is the Secret Technique from Eternal Immortal Emperor.

Time stopped, as if staying in this jain.

Big Sword Qi successfully wrapped around the devil, like Bao Zhizi, wrapped tightly.

Instant Eternity time is too short, with only one breath or so, the demon recovers, hua hua rushes to shatter the big Sword Qi entanglement.


True Self Extinguishing The World Sword appeared in Lin Fei’s hands.

A terrible Sword Move exploded.

The demon was entangled, slowed down, a sword went down, bursting a lot of blood, and World Storm’s attack also fell on the devil.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Fei greeted.

It’s time for you to lose your blood.

The entangled demon, Teleport slowed down. As expected, the devil’s wings could not be spread, and the speed slowed down, unable to capture the trace of Lin Fei.

Uh ~

Lin Fei came out, slashing with a sword, leaving a wound on the demon.

“You can’t kill me!”

The devil yelled, his body grew in vain, and shattered the big Sword Qi Secret Technique.

“Instant Eternity!”

Just after a breakthrough, Lin Fei hit Divine Ability again, and the big Sword Qi entangled again. This entanglement caused the demon to lose blood again.

After all, the big Sword Qi is close to the Paragon-level Sword Qi, which is not so shattering and takes time.

And this is how Lin Fei figured it out.

In order to hold the devil, it took one night and the acceleration time to turn on again. This Divine Ability Method Secret Technique was upgraded to have the effect of holding the devil to breathe.

“It’s cool now!”

Lin Fei is going to consume the devil to the end today, to see who can’t survive.

Demon entangled, World Storm also began to shrink, control within 10 million range, power also increased, double attack inside and outside.

Lin Fei’s powerful moves greeted each other.

They are all moves from the Paragon sword technique.


“5 million blood left!”

Lin Fei was so exhausted. Once the devil was about to break free, he used this move.

Even if the devil knows this move, there is no way to crack it, but he can only swear at the other side. Lin Fei will care about it and kill you, then everything else is false.


A sword light was shining like a fiery sunset on the devil.

The demon made a desperate sound, drained the last drop of blood, and died on Lin Fei’s hand.

hū hū ~~

The death of the demon, Lin Fei long put out a long breath, True Self Grand Dao inside the body, consumed 80-90%, which is not available in the past, it is really difficult for this demon to deal with.

“Ding, Congratulations Player kill the Rank 1 demon and earn 500 million Experience Points!”

“Ding, Congratulations Player complete the mission and earn 1 billion Experience Points!”

“Ding, Congratulations Player gets Rank 1 Devil’s Wings from the Devil!”

“Ding, Congratulations Player gets the copy key dropped by Rank 1 Demon.”

“Ding, Congratulations Player gets demonic blood essence!”

“Ding, Congratulations Player gets a crackle from the demon Secret Technique (Paragon)”.


Lin Fei’s eyes were straight.

“So many good things!”

Experience Points are nothing new. Lin Fei was attracted by Devil’s Wings and threw a System appraisal.

Devil’s Wings: From the devil, blessing eighty times Heavenly Dao’s speed limit is an ancient thing.

“No wonder the speed is so fast, it has reached XNUMX times the Heavenly Dao speed limit!”

This thing is really good.

“It also said that Devil’s Wings needs gangster meat to be able to motivate. My fleshly body is so gangster, it is most suitable. However, in cooperation with World Storm, no one can stop my shot!”

Lin Fei’s fleshly body speed is less than fifty times the Heavenly Dao limit speed.

This Devil’s Wings is domineering to this extent, whoever encounters bad luck.

This thing exploded on the devil, Lin Fei was very happy, has not been very satisfied with the speed, now with this Devil’s Wings, completely satisfied.

“And this demon blood essence, the blood essence contained in it must be very terrifying!” Lin Fei took out the demon blood essence, although it was only about the size of a fist, but it contained terror, and even he was shocked.

“This thing eats Hairball, I believe it will definitely mature!”

When thinking of the maturity of Hairball, that is the only Antique Evil Dragon in All Heavens and Myriad Realms. Lin Fei is exciting to think about it.

The demons are so powerful, they are almost comparable to Paragon. People around them can take them except Hairball. If others take them, they will definitely explode.

Lin Fei has no doubt about this. (To be continued.)

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