The ten fierce and insane Immortal Venerables came out.

Immortal Expert, who was standing on the sky, was shocked by this momentum, all like birds with broken wings, falling from the sky and hitting palaces.

The original intact palace was almost smashed by this smash.

Immortal Expert from the ruins, each and everyone’s eyes widened, their eyes were full of horror, their bodies couldn’t shake.

“Ten Immortal Venerable, unimaginable!”

“It’s too savage. I saw it. The black fish Immortal Venerable was pumped out with a slap. It’s an Immortal Venerable!”

“When was the Immortal Venerable all sold out, ten Immortal Venerables appeared all at once, and this Emperor Heaven was too awesome, so no wonder you can kill it with confidence!”

“Break Demon Immortal, this is terrible!”

“Fortunately, I didn’t think about it at the time, otherwise, it would be a bad mold today!”

Looking at the five Immortal Venerables who were besieged and vomiting blood in the sky, the others were long sighed in relief, watching the black hair young people on war chariot, showing deep fear.

Emperor Heaven is no longer something they can offend.

But for those Fairy, this scene is undoubtedly handsome.

“I think I’m in love with Emperor Heaven!” Said Fairy, a nerd.

“It’s too domineering. Last time I saw a Young Master who traveled with ten Immortal Emperor. I felt very prestigious. Now compared to my Emperor Heaven, it’s just a sky and an underground. This is my mind. Man! “

“Don’t think about it, don’t look at it, do you deserve to be Emperor Heaven!”

A large group of Fairy quarreled.

Centered around Emperor Heaven.

…… ..

“Ten masters!”

Broken Demon Immortal’s original proud face, it was really dark at this time.

Because now, Demon Immortal is honored by four Immortal Venerables. Immediately after his shot, one Immortal Venerable is killed and a punch hits him, making him have to resist with full power.

There was another Immortal Venerable next to him, and flew him out with a kick, hitting a palace.

“Why is it like this, how could he have so many Immortal Venerables around Emperor Heaven!” Broken Demon Immortal just got up, stepping down with horror in the sky, and smashing his steps.

The five Immortal Venerables, or low rank Immortal Venerables, were defeated in the hands of the ten Immortal Venerables.

The inner Realm of Immortal Venerable is different from the Realm by a small, and the strength is a long way off. There is no comparability at all.

Three times or two times, Demon Immortal was broken once. With the help of the Undying Body, Demon Immortal was resurrected. He saw four Immortal Venerables under his control and was abused hovered between life and death.

“You too weak, just your strength, and dare to trouble our Master!”

After breaking Demon Immortal, he was blown out.

These Immortal Venerables are all thugs from Land of Forsaken Immortals. Once shot, they will not give any face at all.

This is equivalent to a group of wolves entering the flock.

“Take it lightly, OK, Master said, can’t be killed!”

Hearing this, the arrogance before Demon Immortal was lost, but I was Immortal Venerable, and I was so abused, especially after hearing this, was he so weak, in any case is also an Immortal Venerable what.

The Immortal Venerable turned his head, “You can rest assured that we will not kill you, we will only give you a profound lesson!”


Lin Fei sits on the throne.

Looking at the five abused Immortal Venerables below, I was in a very good mood. It was good to have a henchman by my side, and I didn’t need to do it myself.

“It looks like I’m too high-profile.” Lin Fei secretly thought.

Thinking so, Lin Fei didn’t stop them.

“Master, this brat just didn’t put the Master in his heart, and he dared to boost shamelessly, the little one caught you!”

Lang Ya Young Master was raised on his neck and still on war chariot.

At this time, Lang Ya Young Master, pale, and originally a good strength, was suppressed with one hand in front of Immortal Venerable, and was thrown onto it.

“Emperor Heaven, please, don’t kill me, those were just a joke, you can’t take it seriously.”

Lang Ya Young Master, who was thrown on war chariot, just wanted to stand up and was stepped on by Immortal Venerable. He spit out several painful pains and hurriedly begged for mercy.

Lang Ya Young Master also did not expect that in a short time, his father was being beaten up by himself, and he himself was arrested by Immortal Venerable.

“This joke isn’t funny at all!” Lin Fei smiled. “Did you not be very prestigious just now? Why? I have nothing to say now. Remember how I told you last time?”

The last time he was imprisoned, all his treasures were stripped.

Lang Ya Young Master had a fresh memory and shuddered.

“I know Treasure House and I’ll take you there.” Lang Ya Young Master didn’t want to be killed, and immediately got an idea.

“Go get me everything from the Iron Blood Alliance Treasure House!”

When he came to the door, Lin Fei did not intend to be polite, and sent an Immortal Venerable to Treasure House. In front of a Middle Rank Immortal Venerable, no Treasure House Formation could stop the attack.

Not long after, there was a booming sound in the depths of the palace.

“Emperor Heaven, you dare!”

I heard the movement over Treasure House and broke Demon Immortal’s anger, but that’s my lifeblood. Without Treasure House’s stuff, how can I cultivate my own person? Who will follow me at that time? Death of his own son is not enough to fail.

As soon as the voice fell, he was blown away with a punch.

Lin Fei don’t think Of course, “You are not qualified to speak here, right, you two, you have to take out the Storage Ring on them, the Battle Armor on them, and you ca n鈥檛 waste anything, anyway. waste.”

“Master, no problem!”

Nine Immortal Venerable, and still Middle Rank Immortal Venerable, have no chance to resist.

Within a while, all the treasures of Immortal Armor on them, including the Storage Ring, were taken off, don’t they? Grab it directly, smash Divine Sense, whether you agree or disagree.

Five Immortal Venerables turned into light boards.

It can be said that they want to cry without tears.

Lost the treasure Immortal Armor, four of them Immortal Venerable holding their heads for mercy and dare not to survive, this is the rhythm of being killed alive.

I am afraid that Demon Immortal, who has a hard tone, will soon be fainted when he sees that Treasure House is broken and everything is searched.

“Master, everything is being collected!”

henchman Immortal Venerable handed over ten Storage Rings with a large space inside. At this time, the contents were full and the contents of the Treasure House were taken away.

“Yes, you are doing great!”

Lin Fei isn’t the same as Realm now, how boring it is to kill.

Encouraged, henchman Immortal Venerable was excited, “This is something small should do!”

The battle not far away was over.

It’s a one-sided battle, no matter what they can do, they have already been eaten in front of Middle Rank Immortal Venerable. From Lin Fei’s decision, the end is already doomed.

Demon Immortal can’t wait to give himself a slap now. As early as Know Emperor Heaven is so awesome, you shouldn’t send any invitations to kill chickens and monkeys.

Well now, I was completely slaughtered.

The treasure on my body and the contents of the Treasure House were all taken away, which means that I was busy for a while, and the battle strength also plummeted. It was a return to the past.

“Break Demon Immortal, many thanks for your gift. It’s not too late today. Come back when you are free. Let’s go!”

Everyone fought and things were stolen, Lin Fei was content.

Several Immortal Venerable threw them away, “You’re in luck, my Master won’t kill you today!”

Immortal Venerable all returned to war chariot, spread left and right, 99 heads of Immortal King Immortal Beast, pulled war chariot away from the dust.

Until they disappeared, the people present were relieved. In the presence of Immortal Venerable, they didn’t dare to move.


Lin Fei took someone away.

Some of the Spiritual Vein of the Lost World were captured by Immortal Venerable.

Afterwards, after hearing the report, Demon Immortal shouted, weeping without tears, “This bandit!”

It turned out that as long as the good Spiritual Vein of the Lost World was taken away, the Immortal Qi of the Lost World dropped a lot, and the Immortal of cultivation had a lot of grievances.

Of course, this is the last word.

“Master, why didn’t that broken Demon Immortal kill him!” Feng Demon Immortal couldn’t figure it out.

“What to kill him.” Lin Fei didn’t even think about it, “in any case, they are our neighbors. If we kill them, there is one less neighbor. It is not easy to go to the door!”

Sealing Demon Immortal’s eyeball One Revolution, hehe smiled.

“Still Master.”


The Lost World can’t be concealed at all.

It’s really too big.

All Heavens and Myriad Realms’ Immortal Venerable constantly emerged, but took ten Immortal Venerables to find someone in one breath, and it was the first time in All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

There are even rumors that these ten Immortal Venerable Realm are at least Middle Rank Immortal Venerable.

This is the most difficult to accept.

Emperor Heaven is just a little World Master. When did it become so bullying, not only Immortal King Immortal Beast, but also ten Immortal Venerables were around, and immediately became All Heavens and Myriad Realms power figures.

The Demon Immortal of Iron Blood Alliance, before the majesty.

Now I am afraid to go out in the old nest.

Lost all face!

Something about Emperor Heaven spread like All Heavens and Myriad Realms, and even moved towards All Heavens and Myriad Realms.


Deep in Heaven Absolutely Palace.

Things about Emperor Heaven have also spread to Heaven Absolutely Palace.

At first, people didn’t believe it very much. It happened that someone recorded it with treasure this day, and this image was also sent to Immortal Venerable of Heaven Absolutely Palace.

“It’s them!”

When that scene appeared in front of Immortal Venerable, Immortal Venerable immediately gave a shock.

“That’s a demon Immortal, it’s actually a Middle Rank Immortal Venerable!”

“There is that, it seems that it was also low rank Immortal Venerable before. Now it has become Middle Rank Immortal Venerable. How could it be improved so fast!”

“Immortal Venerable of Land of Forsaken Immortals, how could you walk with them, who can tell the deity!”

There are many Immortal Venerables in Heaven Absolutely Palace.

All were stunned at this moment.

In terms of the number of Immortal Venerables, their Heaven Absolutely Palace and Wind and Rain Palace are the largest, accounting for about two-thirds of All Heavens and Myriad Realms.

Now in a Great Heaven World, ten Middle Rank Immortal Venerables popped up all at once, and the influence immediately became apparent. Even Heaven Absolutely Palace had to pay attention to it.

The three sitting at the top, each with a long beard, looked very old.

In Heaven Absolutely Palace, these three are the Palace Hosts of Heaven Absolutely Palace. Under Paragon, they have the most power.

Emperor Heaven played the Iron Blood Alliance to show the strength of out of the ordinary, and shocked the three Palace Host lords. When the wind and rain floated, ten Middle Rank Immortal Venerables could be regarded as a strong side horizontal force.

If you can join them, you will definitely increase the strength and occupy a certain degree of dominance.

“Go to Treasure House and get a great gift for Emperor Heaven!” (To be continued.)

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