Invincible Level Up

Vol 6 Chapter 335: Mom, that bald head is coming again!

Chapter 335, Mom, that bald head is coming again!

I am grateful to the ‘Sansheng Taoist, give up God’ reward, thank you for the ‘unspeakable cloud’ reminder, and thank you for the support of ‘喜雨ご斩’, the old cow is very grateful!



"Target lock is complete!"

The crisp and pleasant system sounds in the mind, Qin Tian mouth rises, the smile on his face gradually thickens, and after hopping into the air, he stares coldly at Hong Wanjian under the formation, saying: "First take your turtle The shell is smashed, seeing when you can hide. The church

I had the attempt of Jingxinzhai.

Qin Tian knows very well that it is very difficult to break through the ‘the heavens and the earth’s squad’ in a short period of time with his own strength. He can only use the ‘shocking sword’, as long as the tactics are broken, the killing can be opened.

"Ha ha..."

"Qin Tian, ​​you are still too tender."

"I want to use the anti-day power method to kill me? First break it, haha..."

Hong Wanjian felt that the breath of Qin Tian suddenly changed, and the power of heaven and earth emerged. The heart immediately knew that Qin Tian’s exhibition was 'shocking a sword', and he could not help but be proud of it. If there is no law, he can’t resist it. A sword, but now that he is under the law, even if the sword is strong, it is impossible to hurt him.


What Hong Wanjian thinks is completely true.

However, from the beginning, Qin Tian did not intend to kill Hong Wanjian with a shocking sword. The murder of a sword was too fast, and it was so fast that he could not feel the pleasure. To deal with some monks, he would use a heavy punch. He is terrified when he is a ghost.

"Shocking a sword!!!"

Qin Tian smiled coldly and stared at Hong Wanjian. The cold eyes made Hong Wanjian shudder.


The whole body blasted and turned into a giant sword, and the power of heaven and earth broke out like a sky.

The heavens and the earth are eclipsed, and the sky above the Jianfeng Peak is extremely incompressible. The power of heaven is filled with the hearts of everyone, and it is extremely uncomfortable.

Hong Wanjian’s face changed slightly, and the power of Heaven’s power was oppressed in the mind, and he furiously yelled: “I can see what you can rely on when you use this trick.”

"Ha ha..."

"As long as Qin Tian uses a shocking sword, we don't need to be afraid of him."

"Without this sword, he is not our opponent at all. The Church"


Everyone was proud of it. I didn't expect Qin Tianyi to use ‘shocking a sword’, which was unexpected.

Although 'Stunning a Sword' can only be used once a day, and can only kill one person at a time, for them, this is Qin Tian’s most tricky way for them to be jealous. Now, the 'Stunning Sword' is displayed to indicate Qin. If you want to display again, you must wait until tomorrow.


The daylily is cold, and Qin Tian may not have been in this world for a long time.

The more I want to go on, the more people's smiles become more fanatical, and my heart is sneer. Qin Tian is too young. I don't understand the more powerful moves, the more I have to stay until the end. Only in this way can I save my life. For them, Qin Tian It’s like a silly hat.


Qin Tian was heavily squandered, and a shocking sword broke out.


The sky made a deep dark crack in the day, and the thunder of the thunder was one after another.

The power of heaven must not be violated!


A heavy sword smashed in the heavens and the earth, and the strength of the formation increased sharply and resisted. However, in less than half a second, the power of the formation was sharply reduced, and the power was relieved. The power of heaven and earth is a sword.

Strong opponents can't resist Qin Tian's nirvana.

"Hey, hey, hey,"


Breaking through!

The world’s first line of defense, the first line of defense of the Tibetan swords, crashed!

Hong Wanjian’s proud ‘Heaven and Earth’s squad’ was thus broken, and a sword shattered and could not resist a sword.

At the time when the formation of the ‘咧咧’ broke, Hong Wanjian did not dare to stay, and quickly returned to the Tibetan sword hall. He had just settled, and the formation broke into countless pieces and dissipated in the air.

"Hong Zongzhu, how can this sword not be able to withstand a sword?"

"I just said that it is a solid soup. It seems that it is just a sword that is shattered and useless."

The array was broken, and their hearts trembled violently. Even some people’s smiles that were still hanging were too late to react and stiffen.

"You don't have to worry."

Hong Wanjian frowned and said: "Now Qin Tian can no longer display ‘shocking a sword’. Are we still afraid of him?”

"Not bad." ""

The Golden Wheel, the head of the four ancient guardians of the ancient times, stepped out and stared at the air. "As long as Qin Tian can't cast a sword, he will be a dead end, and he need not be afraid of him."

"Yes, now we don't have to worry about his amazing sword, but also what he is doing?"


Tens of great perfect people have been attached for a time, and morale has increased.

Hong Wanjian smiled slightly and said: "Okay, start the second defense now."

Everyone smiled and walked outside the hall.

"The Qiankun team, a comprehensive kill."

"Hey, hey."

Two bells rang, and instantly spread. Thousands of Qiankun masters ambushing in the vicinity of the mountain gate were ready to go. As long as Qin Tianyi appeared, all of them would be shocked. Even if he could not kill him, he should be stripped of his skin.

The second defense consists of 1,800 masters of the Qiankun realm.

The realm of Qiankun's peak is only one step away from the realm of great perfection, but the strength is very different, but the 1800-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-hundred-thousand-thousand-thousands of giants will be swallowed up instantly.

This joint is about the life of the family, all the sects are all out, not saved.

One thousand and eight hundred masters of Qiankunjing deal with a big perfection, and it is simply killing.

"Your sister."

"A big battle."

After Qin Tian fell, the law of breath sensed thousands of people around, the atmosphere was very strong, and the strength must not be weak.

"Boss, we have to go out..."

"Yes, let's go out and play."

The little devil and the furry pleaded.

"You two have given me honestly, not yet when you are playing." Qin Tian smiled, then looked at Meng Leidao: "Fat, afraid not afraid?"

"Not afraid." Meng Lei's smile.

Qin Tian stepped out, faintly said: "kill!"

The voice just fell, Meng Lei screamed fiercely, heavy artillery bombardment in general, one step deep pit, two steps into the mountain gate of the Tibetan swords, the enchanting blood lotus on the top of the head sparkling red light, very incomparable.




A series of screams sounded like a pig screaming.


Meng Lei received a blow, and he retired heavily. His face was not red, and he was not breathing. He smiled and said: "Young master, there are many people inside."

Looking at Meng Lei's smirk, Qin Tian couldn't help but smile. "Would you like me?"

"Young Master, you should take a break first, I will open the road."

After that, it was a roar and a quick impact.

"Ah, ah,,"

"Kill, oh,,"



Not long after, Meng Lei was knocked out again. At this time, the whole body was stained with blood. He smiled at Qin Tianqi: "Young master, there are many people inside, huh, huh..."

The laughter just fell, Meng Lei once again roared, such as a fast-loaded heavy-weight Tuck, a huge impact.

"Ah, ah,,"

"The bald head is coming again, killing him, killing him,"

"Ah, rumbling..."


It was a series of screams, and Meng Lei was once again forced to quit, looking back at Qin Tian, ​​revealing a shy look, but this time did not say the words 'a lot of people inside,' but two eyes glare, A sly glimpse, a crazy shock into it.

"Oh, my mother, that bald head is coming again."

"Kill, ah, ah,"

"I can't stop it, he is still not a human."


The blood splattered and the screams were heard. After ten minutes, Meng Lei came out. The whole body was like blood rising from the blood pool. He smiled at Qin Tianqi: "Young master, the mountain gate is cleaned up."

Meng Lei is like a **** of killing, standing on the domineering side.

On several occasions, Qin Tian almost laughed, and Meng Lei’s appearance was so cute.

Qin Tian walked up and looked at the piles of corpses around him. He smiled coldly and said: "It seems that they are really going out, fat people, from now on, no need for anyone to soften, all killed me. ""



Outside the hall of the Tibetan sword.

"The singer, the first team of the Qiankun team, all died."

Hong Wanjian’s face changed slightly. The super team composed of 100 people was completely annihilated in such a short period of time. The heart could not help but sink, and the anger was released. He said: “Let another 17 squad team together, be sure to kill Qin Tian, ​​who Kill one of the Qin Tian reward artifacts, one of the god-level exercises."


The golden wheel exhaled a breath and walked to Hong Wanjian. He said: "Hong Zongzhu, we should bring out Qinglian and Yunman, and it is time to give Qintian a color."

"The Golden Wheel Protection Law is a good one. Qin Tian wants to go further and kill one first, let him know that we can't afford it."

"Yes, bring those jealous women up, does Qin Tian care very much about them? He wants to violate our meaning, killing his woman in front of him and seeing when he can be arrogant."

The people reconciled and let him kill like this. The 1,800 masters of the realm of Qiankun will die in Qin Tian sooner or later.

These can be the mainstays of the major gates, and any one of them is a major loss of the Zongmen.

Hong Wanjian looked at a few people around him, his brow wrinkled and said: "Okay."


"Young Master ~ I say a lot of people."

After Meng Lei slammed one person, he laughed.

It’s just that there are so many people, it’s just a crowd of people. If it’s not the blood of the gods, Dafa couldn’t kill the masters of Qiankun, Qin Tian had already smashed them all and killed them all.

These Qiankun masters are more and more brave, and they are playing with chicken blood.

For them, artifacts and god-level exercises are all things that they dream of. As long as they kill Qin Tian, ​​they will get it, so they will fight more and more, and desperately rush to go up, and Qin Tian has the power of hell, and is extremely powerful. From time to time, you will be slightly injured, which makes those who are keen in the world more crazy.

This speed is too slow.

Just as Qin Tian wanted to take countermeasures, there was a sharp shout in the air. "Small day, let us go, let's go!"

Qin Tian suddenly stunned, and the anger exploded, and the four high-ranking masters who had been turned upside down, the two eyes were congested, slightly raised and staring at the air, murderous and raging.

"Qinglian Aunt..."

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