Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 87 Battle Against Gongsun He

Qiu Congyun's face was a little confused. He didn't know the two people in front of him, so he didn't know why Lin Fei and Lin Fei wanted to help him!

Qin Shou looked at the two of them with disdain!

"I can't stand you two, I have to mind your own business today!"

Gongsun He next to him said elegantly: "It turns out that Brother Qin Shou has broken through to the realm of Emperor Wu. No wonder his tone is so arrogant!"

"Young master is so arrogant to begin with, Gongsunhe, what can you do!"

Gongsun He still said elegantly at this time: "Brother Qin Shou, even if he breaks through to the Martial Emperor realm, he is no match for us. I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, otherwise I am afraid that you will accidentally stay here forever!"

"Bah, Gongsunhe, you hypocrite, come here if you can, I'm not alone, the two of us plus this beauty will definitely beat you two up today!"

Gongsun He, who originally didn't take Lin Fei seriously, couldn't help but look at Lin Fei after hearing Qin Shou's words. Although he couldn't see through Lin Fei's realm, he found that there was nothing surprising!

Gongsunhe stared at Qin Shou in confusion, seeming to look down on Lin Fei!

"Brother Lin, it looks like someone is looking down on you. Leave this person to you. The beauty seems to be injured. I'm going to help her, hehe!"

Lin Fei nodded and said nothing!

Qin Shou flew to the woman's side in an instant, and Qiu Congyun said gratefully: "Thank you both for your help, but can your friend cope with it?

Although I am injured, it is not a big problem to deal with one of them. How about you two deal with Gongsun He! "

Qin Shou waved his hand and said: "Don't worry, beauty, my brother is a fierce man, don't worry!"

We can't blame Qiu Congyun for being a little suspicious. No one can see anything surprising about Lin Fei, but Qin Shou said so!

She didn't say anything else. She was already injured, and Qin Shou should be able to deal with Li Mushan in front of her!

At this time, Lin Fei also flew up. Between the fluctuations of his true energy, several people could tell that Lin Fei had not yet reached the realm of the Martial Emperor!

Li Mushan laughed mockingly at this time: "Haha, Qin Shou, you must be crazy, do you think that someone who has not even reached the level of Emperor Wu can deal with Brother Gongsun!"

Qiu Congyun was about to say something when he was interrupted by Qin Shou!

"It doesn't matter, let's wait and see the good show. The two of us can just deal with this Li Mushan in front of us!"

Then he took the lead and rushed towards Li Mushan, Qiu Congyun followed closely behind, and the two of them fought together instantly!

Qin Shou's breakthrough to Emperor Wu has greatly improved his strength, but Li Mushan, as the core disciple of the Jinyang Sect, is not bad at all!

The two of them could only gain a slight upper hand by joining forces, mainly because Qiu Congyun was injured and could not use his full combat power, otherwise Li Mushan would definitely be defeated soon!

Although Qin Shou is a one-star Martial Emperor, he is very powerful, and Li Mushan has to deal with it carefully!

At this time, Gongsun He exuded all his aura, looked at Lin Fei and chuckled: "I want to see if you, a martial master, have the confidence to dare to challenge me!"

"You'll find out later!" Lin Fei immediately turned on his violent rage, his strength increased twenty times, and the momentum from his whole body suddenly emitted!

It was not much worse than Gongsun He. This shocked the faces of Li Mushan and Qiu Congyun who were fighting. Lin Fei's strength instantly increased greatly!

Not weaker than them at all, I don’t know how Lin Fei did it!

Gongsun He's face became serious at this time. He didn't expect Lin Fei to suddenly increase his strength so much, and he didn't dare to take it lightly!

The two of them fought together instantly, and during the collision of true energy, Lin Fei did not lose at all!

Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "The core disciples of the sect are different. If they were ordinary three-star martial emperors, they would have been suppressed by me long ago!"

Lin Fei held the Blood Drinking Demon Knife in one hand, and Gongsun He held the folding fan in the other. Although Gongsun He's folding fan was only a mid-level weapon of the Heavenly Grade, he was able to fight Lin Fei on equal terms with his own strength!

In the blink of an eye, half of the time had passed. Lin Fei couldn't delay any longer and had to get out. Otherwise, when the violent time was over, he would not be his opponent!

Gongsun He became more and more frightened as the battle went on. He could see that Lin Fei had temporarily improved his strength with a secret method, but he could fight with him for so long without losing the upper hand!

It was enough to show that Lin Fei was extraordinary. Seeing Lin Fei get away, he didn't dare to let down his guard!

At this time, Lin Fei shouted: "Three-point Return to Yuan Qi" "Nine-star Combo"

Lin Fei used the Nine-star Combo to bless the Three-point Return to Yuan Qi, and the power was different!

I saw that energy balls were condensed in front of Lin Fei and thrown at him. Gongsun He easily blocked the first few with the folding fan in his hand!

The latter ones were more powerful than the previous one, and Gongsun He had some difficulty in resisting them!

"Bang Bang"

Lin Fei's nine three-point return to the origin energy condensed into a huge energy ball, emitting terrifying fluctuations! !

This last huge energy ball made Gongsun He feel a little threatened, and he had to use martial arts!

"Flying Feather Strike"

The folding fan in Gongsun He's hand flew out with powerful true energy, and soon the two martial arts collided with each other!

Lin Fei's three-point return to the origin energy was broken, and Gongsun He's folding fan also flew back. He took back the folding fan and felt the impact of it and couldn't help but be secretly surprised!

Lin Fei's hair was also a little messy due to the impact of the aftermath. He simply tidied his hair and tried to keep himself calm!

"This guy is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. His fighting power is not comparable to that of an ordinary three-star martial emperor!"

Li Mushan was not so lucky at this time. He was beaten by two people and had suffered a lot of injuries!

He was shocked and angry. Qin Shou was too insidious. He always liked to attack his vital points. Once he almost lost his life!

Even Qiu Congyun next to him blushed. He didn't expect Qin Shou to be so unethical!

This made Li Mushan have to be on guard against Qin Shou all the time, for fear that he would be caught by him accidentally!

It was because of this that he suffered a lot of injuries. Gradually, he had almost no power to fight back and could only resist bitterly!

Gongsun He also saw his situation, but unfortunately he couldn't help. Lin Fei in front of him was not weaker than him, and he couldn't get away!

"Ashura Tyrant Blade Slash"

Lin Fei raised the Blood Drinking Demon Blade and slashed at Gongsun He!

Ashura Tyrant Blade Slash condensed a black sword energy of dozens of meters. After using it many times, Lin Fei understood that the smaller the sword energy was condensed, the greater the power!

If there are more people and they are not very strong, it is better to use a machete that is several hundred meters long!

Gongsun He also used martial arts to resist Lin Fei's attack. Except for the old man Yinshan, this was the first time that Lin Fei faced such a strong person! !

Although the old man Yinshan was a five-star martial emperor, he didn't use it at all and was killed instantly by Lin Fei's sky-slashing attack! !

Gongsun He didn't understand why Lin Fei in front of him was so difficult to deal with, and he couldn't do anything to him! !

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