Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 65 Ye Xingchen Is In Trouble

Not long after, Lin Fei met Lin Feng and Chen Shuai who were going home. The two looked surprised and didn't understand why Lin Fei was here!

Lin Fei briefly explained the outline of the matter, and then prepared to return to the family with the two of them!

Two days later, Lin Fei came to Guming City, a city larger than Yunjiang City, and saw Ye Xingchen. At this time, Ye Xingchen was being besieged by five people!

There was a little girl behind Ye Xingchen, who was guarded by Ye Xingchen to the death. The little girl looked about ten years old, with pear blossoms in her eyes!

He cried and said: "Brother Xingchen, you don't have to worry about me. You are no match for them. If you continue like this, you will die here!"

Ye Xingchen turned to the little girl and said, "A man is a man who does what he wants and what he doesn't do. Since I promised to take good care of you, I will definitely not let you get hurt!"

The attack became even more ruthless, the starlight was flowing on the Divine Hammer, and the true essence contained the power of the stars. This is the specialness of the Star Sacred Body!

"Boy, you can't even protect yourself. You still care about this dead girl. If you dare to offend our young master, you must be taught a lesson today!"

A young man said arrogantly next to him:

"Boy, your weapons and martial arts look good. If you hand them over obediently, I might be able to spare your life if I'm in a good mood!"

Lin Feng and Chen Shuai wanted to go up to help, but Lin Fei stopped them!

Lin Fei wanted to see Ye Xingchen's progress during this period. Lin Fei just took a look and found that he was already a one-star Martial King, and his cultivation had improved rapidly!

The people who besieged him were all four-star and five-star martial kings. There was also a seven-star martial king standing next to the young man who led him, but he did not take action!

Although Ye Xingchen was at a disadvantage when being besieged by the five people, he still had the power to fight back. The five people would not be able to take him down for a while!

Ye Xingchen's powerful force of the God Hammer Dance, coupled with the power of the stars, created a powerful energy that completely destroyed the surrounding area!

Seeing this, several people used the little girl to break Ye Xingchen's heart. For the little girl's safety, Ye Xingchen could only guard her side and could not fight the enemy with all his heart!

Soon his body was covered in scars and bleeding!

Ye Xingchen saw that something was not going well. If he continued like this, he would die of exhaustion sooner or later. He shouted "Star Hammer"

The God-Destroying Hammer hit the five people, and several of them were knocked back a long way with one blow. The ground beneath their feet was shattered, and a trace of blood flowed from the corners of their mouths!

But at this time, Ye Xingchen obviously couldn't hold on any longer. Using this move cost him a lot of energy!

Ye Xingchen quickly took a few pills to restore his true energy, but the situation was still not optimistic!

Seeing Ye Xingchen's bravery, the leading boy immediately ordered the Seven-Star Martial King next to him to take action, preparing to capture this boy quickly!

Ye Xingchen is only a one-star Martial King. Although he has practiced god-level skills and a star holy body, he is not a match for the seven-star Martial King yet!

Forced to retreat, he was soon seriously injured and fell in front of the little girl!

Then he said to the little girl guiltily: "I'm sorry, I couldn't protect you!"

The little girl touched Ye Xingchen's face and cried, "You have tried your best, don't blame yourself!"

"Although we are going to die together today, when my grandfather comes back, he will definitely avenge us!"

After saying that, his weak body stared hard at the people in front of him!

The leading boy laughed arrogantly!

"My grandfather, father and uncle are all strong martial arts masters. What can your grandfather do if he knows, haha"

"Let's see who can save you today!"

Ye Xingchen, who was holding himself up, was a little surprised but more excited when he saw Lin Fei coming out!

"Boss, why are you here?"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and said: "My little brother is being bullied, can I, the boss, not come over?"

The leading boy asked Lin Fei crazily: "Why, boy, do you want to stand up for this boy?"

Lin Fei ignored him, walked to Ye Xingchen, patted him on the shoulder and said!

"Take a rest first and leave the rest to me!"

The young man at the head was very angry when he saw Lin Fei ignoring him so much, and ordered several people to attack Lin Fei!

As soon as the five people took action, they were stopped by Lin Feng and Chen Shuai. The two of them had made good progress during this period, and they still had the upper hand with two against five!

"Good boy, it turns out there are helpers. Quickly kill these boys!"

This shocked him, and he immediately asked the Seven-Star Martial King's men to take action!

Just as the man was about to take a few steps, Lin Fei returned his vitality with a three-pointer and killed him instantly!

His entire body was shattered, his limbs and arms were broken, and his blood was all splattered on the young man!

Congratulations to the host for killing the Seven-Star Martial King, gaining 300,000 experience, 300,000 gold coins, 300 low-grade Yuan Stones, and the eight-door martial arts sword "Earth Level Low-grade"

The young man screamed in horror and collapsed on the ground. Relying on his family's power, he had never encountered such a thing in Guming City!

Lin Fei said calmly to Ye Xingchen: "Kill"

Ye Xingchen didn't show any pretense. He had just recovered a little from his injuries and walked directly towards the boy!

The young man looked at Ye Xingchen who was walking towards him with a sledgehammer and said, "You can't kill me, otherwise my father and grandfather will not let you go!"

Although the young man is arrogant and domineering, he does not have the matching strength. He is only in the realm of martial arts, and he usually relies on the power of his family!

When encountering this situation, I quickly became frightened and begged for mercy!

"Please, let me go, I promise I won't trouble you again, and I'll give you whatever you want!"

Ye Xingchen was unmoved and directly hit the young man's head, causing the white stuff to flow all over the floor!

The girl covered her eyes and did not dare to look at this scene!

Then Ye Xingchen took off the space ring that the young man carried and threw it directly to Lin Fei. Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction!

""This guy can do things well, he has his own style""

The five men who were still fighting Lin Feng were frightened when they saw this scene!

For a moment, he was unsettled. Two people were killed, and the remaining three began to run away. However, only one escaped in the end, and the remaining two eventually died at the hands of Lin Feng and Chen Shuai!

"Boss, why didn't you take action and even ran away with someone? You will definitely bring someone to cause trouble for me!"

Lin Fei said with a smile!

"I did it on purpose. I killed the younger one and then the older one. What should I be afraid of after killing the older one and then the older one!"

Ye Xingchen nodded in agreement!

"Xingchen, what's going on with this little girl?"

Ye Xingchen scratched his head in embarrassment and said! "This is a little girl I rescued on the road. Seeing that she was helpless, I had no choice but to take her with me!"

Who knew that the little girl rushed over at this moment and held Ye Xingchen's arm tightly!

He said angrily: "My name is Ouyang Xiaoya, you can call me Xiaoya, brother Xingchen is my future husband!"

Lin Fei was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing!

"Little girl, how old are you? You want to get married at such a young age!"

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