Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 62 Luo Tian Was Arrested

When the waiter saw Lin Fei leaving the door, he immediately asked politely: "Sir, do you want to try the Shiquan Tiger Pencil Soup in our store? It's very replenishing."

Lin Fei's face darkened!

"Does this young master seem to be the kind of person with bad kidneys? Besides, I haven't done anything yet, yet this innkeeper looks down on me!"

He waved his hands angrily and said, "I don't need this."

The waiter went downstairs and muttered: "I'm starting to hold on to the wall. Isn't that just being vain? I'm still trying to show off my strength. I recommended Shiquan Tiger Pencil Soup to him but he didn't even ask for it!"

When Lin Fei heard this, he almost couldn't hold himself up against the wall, staggered and almost fell to the ground!

When the two women came out of the room, they heard the waiter's muttering. Xia Ruoxue burst into laughter, and even Chen Ling'er couldn't help but chuckle!

"Why are you two laughing? One day I will revive my husband and deal with you two..."

Xia Ruoxue was still smiling from ear to ear, and joked!

"Don't worry, even if you are vain, sister Ling'er and I will not dislike you."

Lin Fei looked depressed and went out with the two girls to take part in the third round of assessment!

At this time in the Prime Minister's Mansion, Luo Tian was carried by someone and thrown in front of Yang Lin. Luo Tian was trembling with fear, kneeling on the ground and not daring to raise his head!

Yang Lin said gloomily at this time: "Why did you run away? Do you know who killed my son? Why didn't you tell me!"

Luo Tian was shocked: "Master Prime Minister, I didn't know that the second young master was dead. I found out that Lin Fei did it. A group of us besieged Lin Fei, and I was the only one who escaped!"

"I have a grudge against Lin Fei. I was afraid that Lin Fei would cause trouble for me when he came out, so I ran away."

"I thought Lin Fei didn't dare to kill the second young master, but I didn't expect Lin Fei to be so cruel. The Prime Minister Mingjian must kill Lin Fei!"

Upon hearing Luo Tian's words, Yang Lin smashed the table in front of him into pieces with one palm, scaring Luo Tian so much that he didn't dare to move!

After a long silence, the air in the hall was quiet, and he was still ready to take Luo Tian to the palace, ready to avenge his son!

Even if he killed a person with inferior cultivation talent, His Majesty and the elders would not say anything! ""

Lin Fei came to the palace, and everyone was waiting. Not long after, Xia Dongsheng and the three elders arrived!

Xia Dongsheng said slowly: "This round of assessment is very simple. It is a martial arts competition. The three elders need to see if you are suitable for their sect."

"You just need to show your strength. You have passed the first two rounds, and you all have a chance to be accepted into the sect!"

"You can be admitted into the sect even if you are not strong enough. I hope you can perform well and try to show your best side to the three elders!"

It's just a discussion, no killing!

"The first place can get heaven-level low-grade weapons and heaven-level low-grade martial arts, and the second and third place can get heaven-level low-grade weapons!"

Congratulations to the host for winning the mission and ranking first. The reward is 5 million experience points, 5 million gold coins, the skill Feiyun Ba Jue "Heaven Level Middle Grade", and 500 middle grade Yuan Stones!

Arrange your opponents based on their strength in yesterday's test, so that the match between those with similar strength can show your personal strength very well!

Because the three of Lin Fei are all martial masters, the three of them will compete against each other to determine the top three. After the rest of the people decide the winner, those who think they are strong enough can challenge the three of them again!

This kind of rule made Lin Fei look a little sideways, it was indeed straightforward enough!

Soon the two-by-two battle began. The ones with the lowest strength were the ones who came on first, but the battle was also exciting!

The three elders on the stage were also observing carefully to see who would be suitable for their sect!

Brother and sister Lin Yu performed very well. They are both four-star martial arts kings now, but they can already compete with six-star martial arts kings without losing!

The results of Lin Fei's training during this period were shown, and the three elders on the stage nodded with satisfaction!

There is also a woman, the Seven-Star Martial King is stronger than the Nine-Star Martial King. A person with extreme talent is really powerful!

Lin Fei was also a little surprised. Later he heard that she was the Duke's daughter. She was highly talented and had been nurtured by her family. She was strong and had nothing to say!

Among them, the second prince used the strength of the nine-star martial king to defeat three ten-star martial kings one after another. He was also gifted and had outstanding strength!

Until he met Chen Ling'er, he was quickly crushed and defeated. Chen Ling'er beat him to the point of vomiting blood with just one move!

So I reluctantly gave up!

Soon half a day passed and everyone's rankings came out. It was Lin Fei's turn to fight against the three martial arts masters!

Since there are only three people, we can only draw lots to decide who will fight first!

Lin Fei was very lucky and got a bye, leaving Liang Yong and Yan Wu to fight!

The two ridiculed Lin Fei and said, "What kind of bad luck did you have?"

Lin Fei smiled lightly and was too lazy to pay attention to the two of them!

The two of them were very angry when they saw Lin Fei's indifferent expression, and wanted to teach Lin Fei a lesson now!

Then the two walked to the martial arts stage and started fighting!

The two of them just did a simple test at first, with bare hands and vitality in their bodies, without using any powerful martial arts!

Seeing that they couldn't do anything to each other, the two used martial arts and weapons one after another!

""A spark that starts a prairie fire""

Yan Wu's powerful fire attribute essence flew towards Liang Yong, and Liang Yong was not to be outdone and shouted loudly!

""Heavenly Crane Slash""

The attacks of the two offset each other, and their strength was equally matched. The battle between the two made the others watch with gusto!

In the end, both of them started to use their big moves!

"Fire Explosion"

Yan Wu condensed a huge fire energy ball and threw it at Liang Yong!

"Earth Evil Ghost Fist"

Liang Yong carried the extremely powerful true energy and attacked the incoming energy ball. The collision of their martial arts made a loud noise!

The low-strength person next to him was immediately shocked to the point where his mouth bled, and he hurriedly stepped back far!

In the end, Yan Wu was the better and won the battle. Liang Yong was unable to withstand Yan Wu's attack and was seriously injured!

So he took the initiative to admit defeat, because he knew that he was no match for Yan Wu, and there was no way he could beat him if he continued to fight!

I still wanted to preserve my strength and wait for the next challenge, so I took the initiative to admit defeat!

The elder on the stage threw two pills directly to the two of them!

"After taking this elixir, your true energy and injuries will recover quickly."

The two of them took it without hesitation, and the real energy consumed and the injuries on their bodies recovered in a short time!

Later it was the turn of Yan Wu and Lin Fei to fight. If Lin Fei won, he would be ranked first. If he lost, Liang Yong could still fight Lin Fei to compete for second place!

Yan Wu came to the stage and looked at Lin Fei proudly!

"Although you are a two-star Martial Lord, you are still no match for me. You are a wild boy from a small place. You should admit defeat if you are wise enough."

At this time, Yanwu felt that he was already number one, and he would definitely be taken seriously if he entered the sect!

So he arrogantly said to Lin Fei!

Lin Fei is not used to this guy. These people have a natural sense of superiority. Lin Fei must teach them a lesson!

"I'm afraid you're not a fool. How dare a one-star Martial Lord be so crazy?"

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