There is less than a day left, so hurry up and find the Nine-Pattern Dragon Sword!

"According to the location provided by my father-in-law, I should be not far away. There is a sixth-level peak monster, the Earthly Bear, guarding me!"

"The earth violent bear is so powerful, with rough skin and thick flesh, that even a one-star Martial Emperor may not be able to kill it. Even if it can be killed, it will have to pay a heavy price!"

But Lin Fei is not worried at all. When the time comes, he can just kill him instantly with a Sky-Destroying Strike. It won’t be a big problem!

After searching for a long time, I came to the cave where the Nine-Pattern Dragon Sword was hidden, only to find that there were two monsters fighting!

Lin Fei quickly calmed down and observed breathlessly. One of them was a violent earth bear, and the other was a white jade rhinoceros!

The two monster beasts were more than ten meters tall, which made Lin Fei a little frightened!

Take a look with your discerning eye!

"Good guy, both of them are level seven elementary monsters. I don't know if my father-in-law is trying to trick me!"

Two seventh-level monsters asked me to come here to die. Fortunately, my strength has been upgraded to the realm of Martial Master, and my strength is even stronger!

"Xia Dongsheng shouldn't trick himself like this!"

It was probably during this period that the Earth Fury Bear advanced to level seven monster, but I don’t know what happened to the other monster!

Both monsters can already speak human words, and Lin Fei bends his ears to eavesdrop!

The white jade rhinoceros exhaled and said, "Hurry up and give me the dragon pattern grass in the cave, or I will eat you alive today!"

The Earth Fury Bear said angrily: "You despicable guy, you came to rob me while I was weak during labor, don't even think about it!"

"If you have the ability, come here. We don't know who will win!"

Dragon Pattern Grass is a seventh-level elixir. Monsters can increase their strength a lot after taking it. No wonder the two monsters are fighting over it!

Wherever there are rivers and lakes, there is competition. Regardless of people or monsters, the seventh-level monsters can already speak human words and have great intelligence. It is normal to compete for natural resources and treasures!

Then the battle between the two beasts was about to break out. The fluctuations in the battle were shocking. Lin Fei carefully stepped back, for fear of being affected by the battle between the two monster beasts!

One of them can barely deal with it with a Sky-Destroying Strike, but the other two are in trouble. If they are discovered, they may only be able to escape with the help of the Immortal Golden Body!

Both monsters were rough-skinned and thick-bodied, and they soon started fighting at close quarters, but it seemed like the Earth Fury Bear was at a disadvantage!

It was obviously no match for the white jade rhinoceros, but it didn't suffer too much. The earth-violent bear also suffered a lot from its pair of bear paws!

The two monster beasts shot from the ground to the sky. The seventh-level monsters can naturally fly. The roars of the two beasts shocked the nearby low-level monsters and fled in all directions!

They cannot participate in an emperor-level battle, and the aftermath of the battle alone is enough for them!

The battle between the two monsters caused rocks to roll down, and trees collapsed and destroyed in pieces. Lin Fei secretly retreated a long way!

Although he retreated far away, he was still affected a little, but Lin Fei did not use his true energy, but relied on his strong body to resist!

I'm afraid that if I use my true energy to resist, the two demonic beasts will be noticed, and it will be bad if they turn around and chase me!

After a few hours, the two monster beasts were covered in blood. Although the white jade rhinoceros was stronger, the earth violent bear was weak due to childbirth!

But the White Jade Rhino had to pay a heavy price if he wanted to win it. In the end, it pierced the body of the Earth Dire Bear with a single horn, and it was seriously injured by the Earth Dire Bear's bloody mouth!

The two monster beasts fell from the sky together not far from Lin Fei, and Lin Fei's eyes lit up!

Now it's about to happen. The two level seven monsters will hurt both of them, allowing me to take advantage. If I kill them both, I'll probably gain a lot of experience!

At this time, he looked at the body of the earthly violent bear, which was more than ten meters tall, struggling to stand up, but failed because the injury was too serious!

On the other hand, the White Jade Rhino stood up with difficulty. Although his body staggered a little, he still slowly walked towards the Earthly Bear, wanting to quickly deal with the opponent in front of him!

However, it was also seriously injured and struggled to walk to the location of the Earth Storm Bear!

At this time, Lin Fei secretly said: "What a great opportunity to kill you while you are sick!"

Directly using the magical power of Immortal Golden Body and Violence, the golden light and powerful power on his body made Lin Fei a little swollen!

A sword repairing sword was slashed directly. Now that he was using this martial art, he actually slashed out a sword energy of two hundred meters, which was more than a little powerful!

Lin Fei thought that this sword could kill the white jade rhinoceros in front of him. Who knew that when Lin Fei was getting carried away?

A single horn appeared in front of him and pushed Lin Fei more than a thousand meters away, breaking many trees along the way before stopping!

Lin Fei patted the dust on his body. It was true that a skinny camel was bigger than a horse. He struck almost with all his strength, but only left a small wound on the white jade rhinoceros!

Fortunately, I had the foresight to activate the Immortal Golden Body, otherwise I would have been doomed by this collision!

The white jade rhinoceros said angrily: "It's another ant from the human race, unexpectedly attacking me and seeking death!"

The white jade rhinoceros was beaten to death. I didn't expect that a human boy could hurt me. You can imagine the anger in my heart!

But at the same time, he was also a little shocked. Although he was seriously injured, Lin Fei was able to hurt him, which shows that this boy is not simple!

And even after receiving a blow from him, he was unscathed!

Without holding back, he dragged his seriously injured body and charged towards Lin Fei again. He had to deal with this kid quickly, otherwise he would really let him slaughter him if he didn't hold him back any longer!

Lin Fei was about to use the nine-star combo at this time, but the white jade rhinoceros was too fast, and he was knocked out again!

However, relying on his immortal golden body, Lin Fei was still unscathed. Lin Fei could see that the white jade rhinoceros was seriously injured and did not have much ability to fight back!

So he used the Nine-Star Combo and slashed with the Asura Tyrannical Sword, and the true energy in his body poured out like it was free of charge!

The last move of the direct nine-star combo, a black sword energy of nearly 800 meters was swung out, hitting the white jade rhinoceros and causing a huge collision!

For a moment, the sand and rocks were flying, and he couldn't see the situation clearly. Lin Fei was a little exhausted and held on to the Blood Drinking Demon Sword. The sword just now consumed almost half of Lin Fei's real energy!

The nine-star combo is simply a martial art that consumes true energy. It is estimated that ordinary martial arts masters cannot use such a powerful move with their true energy!

This move of his can probably kill even a six-star warrior. This big guy has been seriously injured, so he should be able to kill him!

If he couldn't kill this big guy, he could only use the Sky-Destroying Strike. However, the cool-down time of the Heaven-Destroying Strike was fifteen days. Lin Fei didn't want to use it until the critical moment!

Fortunately, the system prompt sounded at this time, and Lin Fei breathed a sigh of relief!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the seventh-level elementary monster White Jade Rhinoceros!"

"" Obtained 9 million experience points, 3 million gold coins, and the weapon Heavenly King Shenglong Stick "Prefecture Level Top Grade" ""

"To obtain the martial skill Barbarian Bull Crash "Heaven-level mid-level martial skill" requires the practitioner's strong physical body, coupled with the strong true energy to condense the whole body, and quickly rush towards the enemy, the power is extremely domineering!!"

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