Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 4 Mountain And Sea Ring

"Crazy Knife Slash" "Xuan-level high-grade martial arts, use the true energy to condense into a sword to slash at the enemy""

Lin Fei can check it. Now that he has more than 300,000 gold coins, he is ready to play the lottery system and see how his character is!

With that said, he clicked on the lottery page, and there was a lottery opportunity given by the system!

I clicked directly to start the lottery. The pointer rotated quickly and finally slowly pointed to the four words "Thank you for participating!"

Lin Fei cursed secretly in his heart: "I know the system is so evil, how could it be possible that there would be something good the first time!!"

I don’t know if the system heard Lin Fei’s voice, but skipped the thank you for participating and landed on a sparkling object!

This made Lin Fei very excited, and then he heard the system's pleasant prompt:

"Congratulations to the host for drawing a peerless item. The chance is one in a trillion and you will get a mountain and sea ring!"

This made Lin Fei extremely happy. He had been drawn with such a slim chance, which meant that his character was still good. He quickly checked the attributes of the item!

"The Ring of Mountains and Seas "The level is unknown. It is currently in a sealed state. There are nine levels of seals in total. Currently, the Ring of Mountains and Seas is a small world that can store living creatures. In the future, as the host's strength increases, the seals can be slowly released."

After looking at the attributes of the Mountain and Sea Ring, Lin Fei almost couldn't control his excitement. This guy is so unbelievable, even more so than some space ring!

Lin Fei merged his mind into the mountain and sea ring and found that it was dozens of miles in diameter, with a lake in the middle, and the rest was empty!

So Lin Fei planted some spiritual grass obtained from the system space into it, and then his mind exited the Shanhai Ring!

But you can't let others know about this thing. If others find out, even the powerful Martial God will probably hunt you down!

Moreover, the Mountain and Sea Ring is still in a sealed state. I really don’t know what will happen if the ninth level seal is unlocked!

Fortunately, the Mountain and Sea Ring can be directly integrated into the physical body and cannot be seen by others. You can just find a space ring to hide it from others in the future!

Lin Fei said that he was going to continue the lottery. With his European Emperor's physique, he would definitely get a lot of good things!

"For once, thank you for participating!"

"Ten times, thank you for participating!"

Until the thirtieth time, I still thanked you for participating. Lin Fei’s eyes were red!

I guess I used up all my characters in the first draw, so I didn’t even draw any more afterward!

""Fuck, I don't believe it, do it again! "As the pointer slowly turned, it stopped on the upgrade coupon!

Lin Fei finally felt relieved and finally got something, otherwise he would have suffered a big loss!

After seeing that all the gold coins he had worked so hard to save were almost used up, Lin Fei felt like crying: "I'd better play less with this thing in the future. It's like gambling, it's easy to lose yourself!"

The right way to upgrade is to fight monsters honestly. Then I used the upgrade coupon I just obtained and successfully upgraded to a one-star martial artist!

In fact, Lin Fei also wants to wait until he reaches a higher level before using the upgrade coupon. After all, more and more experience is needed later, but the system will not give you loopholes to exploit!

Because the upgrade coupon is only valid for one day, it will be useless after the time has passed!

The system beep sounded again!

"Congratulations to the host for opening the recycling system "You can exchange unused items into gold coins"

"Congratulations to the host for being promoted to a one-star martial artist. The God of Killing Technique has been upgraded. The body of killing has been condensed for the host. The technique will automatically operate!"

"The killing body can make the host's attack power more powerful, improve the physical body, and recover from injuries faster!

The more blood and energy you get from killing enemies, the better! "

The technique runs automatically, restoring its own state at all times, and can be practiced independently. The higher the host's strength, the faster it runs!

Lin Fei was secretly happy. Isn't this equivalent to upgrading by hanging up? He is always restoring his true energy and gaining experience!

It seems that he will be one step closer to becoming a strong man. He will soon be able to go back and teach those who bullied him in the family a lesson!

Lin Fei recycled all the useless martial arts and weapons in the system space to the system and got 50,000 to 60,000 gold coins!

He also recycled several demon pills to the system and got another 20,000 to 30,000 gold coins!

It was also a big comfort. Who made me lose all the gold coins to draw the lottery!

Lin Fei is now a one-star martial artist, and he has become bolder. He began to slowly walk towards the inner circle of the mountain!

After all, it is challenging to kill a higher-level monster, and the high experience can help you upgrade quickly!

If you want to quickly gain a foothold in this world and not be bullied, you must work hard to improve your strength!

No matter where you are In the world, you must have strength to fight against fate or even control your own destiny!

Lin Fei is very clear about this, so he can't wait to improve his strength, because he wants to be the master of his own destiny!

Not long after, Lin Fei encountered a pack of wolves, a group of howling moon wolves, a group of demon beasts, dozens of them, dozens of pairs of eyes staring at Lin Fei from the dark!

It made Lin Fei a little scared. Not long after, the wolf pack surrounded Lin Fei, fearing that Lin Fei would run away!

Lin Fei didn't plan to escape, and he didn't want to miss the experience that was delivered to his door!

Most of these howling moon wolves are level 2 demon beasts, and only seven or eight are level 3. The wolf king leading them should be a level 3 peak demon beast!

Although it's a bit troublesome for Lin Fei, it's not a big problem. After killing these demon beasts, he can probably level up two more!

After saying that, Lin Fei rushed towards the wolf pack, and the Snow Drinking Knife instantly killed three level 2 Howling Moon Wolves!

"Congratulations to the host for killing the demon beast, experience 1000, gold coins plus 1000... or get the weapon Moon Blade, martial arts Gale Claw! "

The three consecutive mechanical sounds of the system made Lin Fei feel very happy!

After all, leveling up by killing monsters is to gain experience and gold coins, but not every monster can explode things!

But it also angered the wolf king, who roared to the sky, and the remaining wolves rushed towards Lin Fei in a swarm!

Relying on his rich combat experience and agile body movements, Lin Fei wandered among the wolves and killed several more Howling Moon Wolves in a short while!

However, those level 3 Howling Moon Wolves were still a bit threatening to him. He was scratched by the wolf claws several times, and once he was almost bitten in the thigh!

As time went on, Lin Fei solved most of the level 2 and three level 3 Howling Moon Wolves, and gained a lot of experience to upgrade Lin Fei to a two-star martial artist!

But what surprised Lin Fei was that the wolf king did not make a move. He bathed in the moonlight and stared at him coldly!

Lin Fei cursed in his heart: "My little brothers are almost dead, and my big brother is still not up. This wolf king must be sick, but this is exactly what I want! ”

Otherwise, the Wolf King himself might suffer a great loss, after all, the Wolf King is already at the peak of level three, equivalent to the realm of a human ten-star martial artist!

Lin Fei reached the realm of a two-star martial artist, and his strength increased a lot. The few remaining Howling Moon Wolves were quickly killed by Lin Fei!

As the system's prompts came one after another, these monsters turned into experience and gold coins, and some martial arts techniques, as well as some elixirs and the like!

Now only the Wolf King is left. At this time, Lin Fei felt bad and said: "Oh no, this guy seems to be promoted to a level four monster!"

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