Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 26 Water Spirit Body

The old man of the Chen family said excitedly: "Brother Lin, this betrothal gift is too expensive!"

Originally Lin Fei wanted to interrupt and say a few words, but Lin Daqiang's eyes signaled Lin Fei not to speak, so Lin Fei had no choice but to nod!

Lin Daqiang said solemnly: "Brother Chen, put aside our feelings!"

"The most important thing is that our Lin family wants you to know our sincerity and our intentions, instead of just treating Ling'er as a tool for family marriage!

Our kid won't let Ling'er suffer. These pills were also refined by Lin Fei. He is now a level six alchemy master!

Coupled with this boy's talent, he will definitely shine in the future, and it won't be a disadvantage to be friends with our boy! "

"This also shows the attitude of our Lin family. We sincerely hope that in the future our two families will work together to help each other, just like one family!

Brother Chen, just accept it, you're welcome, we will be a family from now on! "

The old man of the Chen family no longer refused and accepted it directly, and said happily: "Okay, I can rest assured that this girl Ling'er will be left to Lin Fei!

In the future, our two families will work together and become stronger! "

Afterwards, the two families were planning their future development, and Lin Fei felt a little bored!

Then he turned to Chen Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, please take me around Chen's house. It's too boring here!"

Chen Linger was a little shy, but she still nodded in agreement!

So he said hello to his grandfather and other old men, then took Chen Ling'er's hand and walked out!

Chen Ling'er was held by Lin Fei's hand, and she instinctively wanted to break free. After all, this was the first time she had such close contact with a man!

But Lin Fei didn't know if it was intentional or not, but he grabbed her hand tightly and wouldn't let go, which made Chen Ling'er feel a strange feeling in her heart!

He no longer resisted and let Lin Fei hold his hand and walk out!

Lin Daqiang in the hall looked at Lin Fei and the two with a smile and said: "This guy has his own tricks. I don't know how much romantic debt I will owe in the future!"

The old man of the Chen family also smiled and said: "From now on, the world will be dominated by young people. It depends on them how they choose to go!"

Lin Fei and Chen Ling'er walked to a small lake in the Chen family. Chen Ling'er said shyly: "Lin Fei, can you let go of my hand? I feel very uncomfortable like this!"

Not only did Lin Fei not let go, but he squeezed Chen Ling'er's little hand again!

How could Lin Fei be willing to let go of his weak, boneless little hands!

He said shamelessly: "Ling'er, you will gradually get used to it in the future, after all, you are now my fiancée!

It's nothing to hold your little hands, I haven't kissed you yet! "

As he spoke, he moved his mouth to kiss Chen Ling'er's little face, but was pushed away by Chen Ling'er's other hand!

Lin Fei's provocative words and actions made Chen Ling'er very shy, and her body was so nervous that she was trembling!

He said softly: "Why are you so bad? We are not married yet, you can't be like this!"

Lin Fei saw Chen Ling'er looking so cute and didn't want to tease her anymore!

Even though she is so nervous, she still looks as gentle as water. She will definitely be a good wife in the future!

Lin Fei let go of Chen Ling'er's little hand, put his arm around Chen Ling'er's slim waist, and held her in his arms!

Lin Fei's sudden movement shocked Chen Ling'er, thinking that Lin Fei was going to do something bad to her here, so she struggled in Lin Fei's arms!

However, he still couldn't break free from Lin Fei's arms. In the end, he could only rely on Lin Fei's chest, with a look of grievance on his face, and he was about to cry!

Lin Fei flicked Chen Ling'er's nose and couldn't help laughing: "Silly girl, am I so scary? I can't eat you. Besides, we are engaged, so cuddling is normal!"

In fact, Lin Fei wished he could have Chen Ling'er executed on the spot right now, so that he could lose his virginity!

But don't be too anxious now. After all, Chen Ling'er doesn't have a deep relationship with him. He was just engaged by his parents!

You have to keep pace with the cycle, don't act too hastily, and cultivate your feelings slowly. Anyway, sooner or later it will be yours, and you won't be able to escape!

Lin Fei couldn't get it now, so he had to comfort himself in his heart!

Chen Ling'er's head was buried in Lin Fei's chest, and she didn't dare to speak. The look made Lin Fei very affectionate and touched Chen Ling'er's hair!

Lin Fei had no choice but to let go of Chen Ling'er. This girl was too shy!

This made Lin Fei a little helpless and didn't know what to say!

Finally, Lin Fei took out a large handful of elixirs from the ring, which were refined by Lin Fei himself. He kept some for himself as a spare, and there was also a marrow-cleansing elixir!

He handed the elixirs to Chen Ling'er and said that these elixirs can quickly improve your strength. I give them to you, Ling'er!

Chen Ling'er waved her hand and said: "This is too expensive, I can't accept it, and the elixirs you gave as a betrothal gift are already enough!"

Lin Fei smiled and said: "The betrothal gift is a betrothal gift. What I give to you is what I give to you. Besides, what is mine is yours. Don't be so polite to me!"

After saying that, he forced the pill to Chen Ling'er. Chen Ling'er couldn't refuse Lin Fei!

He lowered his head and said softly: "Thank you, Lin Fei!"

Chen Ling'er felt in her heart that she was not at all disgusted with Lin Fei in front of her. He was not angry at all when he touched and said bad things to her!

Moreover, there was an inexplicable sense of security in Lin Fei's arms. Chen Ling'er didn't even know what was wrong with her. Did she fall in love with him so quickly?

Lin Fei also found that he seemed to like Chen Ling'er more and more. She had a gentle personality and felt that he felt particularly comfortable with her!

It can make you feel particularly relaxed and feel an indescribable fate!

Lin Fei suddenly remembered the Eye of Insight. He had never used it since he obtained it, and he almost forgot about it!

So he used the Eye of Insight to scan Chen Ling'er!

Then a line of information is displayed!

"Chen Ling'er, an eight-star martial spirit, the martial art Xuan Shui Jue "Earth-level low-grade" is born with a body of water spirit. "It is very easy to understand the power of water. Practicing any water-attribute skills will get twice the result with half the effort." As the strength increases, the physical fitness can be gradually upgraded. !”

Seeing this, Lin Fei realized something. No wonder he was so gentle. It turned out that Ling'er was made of water!

But this is Lin Fei's joke. Chen Ling'er has a body of water spirit and is extremely talented, but her skills are a bit poor!

Lin Fei is going to take the time to find a good technique and some items for Chen Ling'er so that she can quickly improve her strength!

As the saying goes, if a woman is too beautiful, she will definitely have a lot of troubles!

After all, she will be his woman sooner or later. As Chen Ling'er's strength improves, she can save a lot of worry!

Later, she talked with Chen Ling'er about her life ideals. Chen Ling'er gradually became closer to Lin Fei and was not as shy as at the beginning!

The relationship gradually became harmonious, Lin Fei felt that the beauty was beside him, and the scenery became more pleasant!

Lin Fei felt like he was a bad uncle, abducting a little girl. After all, he was in his late twenties in his previous life, and he had quite a lot of love experience under the influence of the girls in his previous life!

How can the little girl here stand up to Lin Fei's tricks? It won't take long for her to fall completely!

But at this time, a servant suddenly came and announced that the two of them would go back to the Chen family hall!

This made Lin Fei a little disappointed, but there was nothing he could do, and he couldn't get angry. After all, Lin Fei still paid more attention to his own image!

I had no choice but to walk towards the hall with Chen Ling'er. They walked side by side, like a young couple in love!

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