At this time, Lin Fei saw his injured father and bought a Great Return Pill directly from the system mall. Lin Zhan quickly recovered from his injury after taking it!

Lin Zhan laughed heartily, patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said, "I really have a good son from you. I'm afraid his strength can even rival that of a strong Martial Master!"

At this time, the effect of Lin Fei's magical powers had just ended, and he almost fell down on the spot when his feet went weak!

Lin Fei said helplessly: "How can it be so easy? I have used all my cards. If I really encounter a strong Martial Master, I won't be able to take advantage of him!"

Then he pointed at the remaining one-eyed and red lady, you can do whatever you want with these two people, and then they sealed the true energy and found a place to lock them up!

At this time, the old man of the Chen family congratulated and said: "Brother Lin, you are so lucky to have a good grandson. I will rely on your Lin family a lot in the future!"

The old man of the Chen family is also worried, fearing that the Lin family will take action against them. After all, the Lin family is so powerful now!

Lin Daqiang is already a ten-star martial king, and even Lin Zhan is a seven-star martial king. He is about to catch up with his own strength!

Especially Lin Fei, a little monster who killed more than 300 people with one sword, it would be an exaggeration to call him a butcher!

I'm afraid that Lin Fei will attack the Chen family with his hundred-meter machete. The Chen family really can't stop him!

Lin Daqiang said with a smile: "No matter what, our two families have always been on good terms, and the friendship between you and me is not comparable to that of ordinary people. I will not burn bridges by crossing rivers. Our Lin family cannot do that kind of thing!"

The old man of the Chen family was relieved when he heard what Lin Daqiang said: "Brother Lin, I am relieved because of your words!"

At this time, Lin Fei said: "Actually, our two families have formed a formal alliance to help each other and develop together!"

“We will first take over the forces of the City Lord’s Mansion and the Li family, and then we will unify the remaining small and medium-sized forces in Tianfeng City!

After all, there is strength in numbers. If we run Tianfeng City together, we can grow our strength faster! "

The old man of the Chen family smiled and said: "This is a good suggestion, and our Chen family strongly agrees with it!"

"Lin Fei, what do you think of our Linger? I think you two young people are a good match!"

Lin Fei almost spat out the old phlegm. This old guy wanted to sell his granddaughter!

However, Lin Fei still turned around and looked at Chen Ling'er. Her skin was as white as snow and she looked delicate and elegant. Although she was not as good as Xia Ruoxue's appearance, she had a delicate and orchid temperament!

Chen Ling'er's face turned red when Lin Fei saw him, and she lowered her head silently!

Lin Daqiang looked at this scene and said directly! "It just so happens that my boy is not yet married, and when the time comes, our Lin family will come to propose marriage!

Haha, our two families will become in-laws by then! "

"With this relationship, our alliance will be stronger by then, so there is nothing to worry about!

The little girl from the Zuo family actually came to break off the engagement last time. Let him regret it this time. Not everyone in our family, Lin Fei, is worthy of her! "

However, Lin Fei said a little helplessly: "You didn't listen to my opinion, and you decided my life's major events so hastily!

Besides, the girls haven’t stated their wishes, so it’s not good for you to just make up your mind like this! "

Lin Zhan said at this time: "You brat, you still look down on such a good girl like Ling'er! What's more, your parents ordered a matchmaker!"

Then he smiled and said to Chen Ling'er: "Ling'er, what do you think of this boy Lin Fei? If you don't object, I will settle the matter!"

Chen Ling'er's face turned red and she hummed softly!

After all, the scene of Lin Fei killing more than 300 people with one strike, like a god descending to earth, left a deep impression on Chen Ling'er!

Where can I find a man like this, so I have no objection to my father making the decision about my marriage!

Chen Jiu said happily: "Young people have young people's ideas. You can get engaged first, and your relationship can be cultivated slowly. Over time, you will fall in love!"

"Okay, it's settled. In a few days, we will prepare the betrothal gift and go to the Lin family to give the betrothal gift! Lin Zhan also smiled!"

Chen Jiu also smiled and said, "Then I look forward to my in-laws coming in the morning!"

With that said, everyone in the Chen family also said goodbye and returned to their own families!

This made Lin Fei speechless. It was too casual, but Lin Fei didn't resist. After all, Chen Ling'er was still very beautiful!

Not hanging out with girls is a treason!

Everyone in the Lin family cleaned the battlefield and took off all the storage rings. Maybe there would be something good!

We still need to clean up the corpses. The yard is full of broken corpses, and the ground is dyed red with blood. It looks too much like purgatory on earth!

The Lin family also wanted to repair the Lin family's mansion. Lin Fei almost destroyed nearly half of the Lin family's residence with a knife!

Lin Fei returned to his courtyard as if nothing had happened. Fortunately, his courtyard was relatively remote and was not destroyed by him!

Sit down cross-legged and open the system's properties interface:

Host: Lin Fei

Level: Six-star Martial King

Experience: 3400000/6000000

Kung Fu: Killing God Jue "God-level kung fu, the kung fu operates automatically and quickly recovers the state. The body of killing is currently condensed, and the blood god of killing can be condensed at the next level."

Weapon: Blood Drinking Knife "Currently a top-grade earth-level weapon, it can absorb energy and blood to upgrade"

Martial skills: Phantom Xiaoyao "high-grade earth-level", Yiyang Finger "low-grade heaven-level", lion's roar "high-grade earth-level", Bahuang Liuhezhang "high-grade earth-level", Shura Tyrannical Sword Kill "low-grade heaven-level"!

Drawing the sword "Special martial arts, gathering strength to form an invisible sword energy, increasing the attack power by five times, and having a 30% chance of killing the enemy instantly"

Sub-profession: Alchemist level 5 "Proficiency 6500/10000", currently able to refine fifth-grade elixirs!

Supernatural power: Fury "Increases strength tenfold in one hour, gains three times experience by killing enemies, cooldown time is one day"

Immortal Golden Body "Within one hour, you can be immune to the power of enemies in two realms higher than yourself"

Gold coins: 13000000

In fact, there are many weapons and martial arts skills. These items are all in the system space. If Lin Fei does not use them or practice them, they will not be displayed in the attribute interface!

Lin Fei sighed: "It seems to be more and more difficult to upgrade as you go forward. Now it takes millions of experience to upgrade to a one-star Martial King. It seems to be a headache!"

But it’s not always like today, where experience is delivered to your doorstep, and you jump up several levels in one go!

After almost half a day, Lin Zhan hurried over and handed Lin Fei a storage ring!

Lin Fei was a little confused: "Father, what are you doing!"

Lin Zhan said: "These rings are all elixirs. They are the harvest from destroying the enemy this time, as well as the collection we have made during this period, and all the inventory of the Chen family!

I leave it all to you, hurry up and refine the elixir, you will leave for the imperial city in a few days!

When the time comes, we will use half of the refined elixir as a betrothal gift to propose marriage to the Chen family, and we will be very prosperous by then."

Lin Fei smiled bitterly in his heart, feeling that he was being treated as a coolie, but there was nothing he could do about it, who could let this be his father!

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