Invincible God Of Killing System

Chapter 20 One Star Martial King

At this time, Lin Daqiang also came on the stage and said: "City Lord Luo is so majestic. We can discipline the people of the Lin family ourselves, so I don't need to trouble you to take action!"

"Let the juniors solve their own affairs. If Luo Cheng is mainly interested, we can try our best someday!"

The city lord laughed angrily, seeing that Lin Daqiang, who usually kept a low profile, dared to talk to him like this today!

"In this case, there is no need to change the date, just today, let me see how many abilities you, this old guy, have gained recently!"

Just as City Lord Luo was about to take action, he was interrupted by a faint voice!

At this time, Venerable Chen who was sitting spoke: "City Lord Luo, it's unfair for you to do this. Since your son has been seriously injured, please take him off the stage with you!"

City Lord Luo had no choice but to reply respectfully: "Yes, Your Majesty! We had no choice but to take Luo Tian, ​​who was seriously injured, off the stage!"

Lin Daqiang also turned around and returned to his seat. At this time, the head of the Li family next to him mocked: "Mr. Lin, you are so domineering. He dares to challenge the city lord. I guess his strength must have increased greatly recently!"

Lin Daqiang didn't bother to pay attention, and just said lightly: "If you don't believe me, the Li family can come and try it, and you will know by then!"

The head of the Li family looked somewhat unhappy and said, "I hope that when it comes to that, the Lin family will still have the confidence they have now!"

Mr. Lin didn't explain much, just let your strength speak for itself when the time comes!

Seeing Lin Daqiang being so bold, Luo Yang was very angry and really wanted to clean up the Lin family immediately!

But Venerable Chen had already spoken. Luo Yang knew that he could not afford to offend the man in front of him yet. He was coming from the Imperial City, and he was also a powerful martial artist! !

I have to give up for now!

Now only Lin Fei and the boy in black are left in the arena!

Lin Fei smiled modestly: "Brother, you can hide it well, but I'm afraid your strength is not inferior to mine!"

Then let's have a fight!

The boy in black suddenly shook his head and said, "I can see that I am no match for you, so I give up!"

Then he turned around and jumped off the ring!

Lin Fei was a little stunned: This guy was so decisive, and he didn't even have time to react. I originally wanted to give him a try!

Lin Fei helplessly spread his hands!

At this time, the system prompts:

"Congratulations to the host for completing the mission, winning the first place in the Tianfeng Competition, gaining 1,000,000 experience points, 1,000,000 gold coins, and 10 Marrow Cleansing Pills!"

"Marrow Cleansing Pill, a sixth-grade elixir that can wash the marrow and cut hair of warriors and improve their talents."

"Congratulations to the host for upgrading to a ten-star martial spirit!"

Lin Fei sighed, this mission is quite easy, and the rewards are so generous. It is not far from the realm of King Wu, and it is estimated that it will be achieved in a few days!

Then Venerable Chen announced that Lin Fei won the first place in the competition, and then called Lin Fei aside alone!

City Lord Luo and the Li family looked very uncomfortable and thought that His Holiness valued Lin Fei particularly, which was very detrimental to them!

They were all thinking that they must get rid of Lin Fei, otherwise he would be a big problem for them in the future!

Lin Fei, who was called aside by Venerable Chen, asked: "Sir, what do you want from me?"

The old man looked at Lin Fei carefully, his smile gradually grew, and he said: "Do you know why I came to Tianfeng City to select talents this time? In the past, I have always come to the Martial King realm!"

Lin Fei came to his senses and said excitedly: "Did Ruoxue ask you to come? How is she now? I miss her very much!"

Venerable Chen laughed loudly and then whispered: "I watched the princess grow up, just like my own children!

"This time the princess asked me to bring you a message. She is fine now. Don't worry. The princess misses you too!"

"I also told you not to forget to miss her and not to flirt with women outside, otherwise I won't let you go!"

Lin Fei smiled!

Venerable Chen sighed: "As we age, the future belongs to you young people. I hope you can treat the princess well in the future. I sincerely wish you all the best!"

Lin Fei replied respectfully: "Don't worry, I will definitely treat Ruoxue well in the future and protect her from being bullied!"

Venerable Chen laughed heartily, patted Lin Fei on the shoulder and said, "Okay, work harder, I want to see you two achieve enlightenment as soon as possible!"

Then he led Lin Fei to the crowd and took out ten tokens from the storage ring. The tokens were made of pure gold, with a golden dragon and the words Dongxia engraved on them!

He handed it over to the ten people selected from this competition, and explained: "Come to the Imperial City within three months to participate in the Tianjiao War. By then, these tokens will be the certificate and a qualification!"

"You will experience some dangers on the way to the dynasty, which is also a test for you. It is also an experience. This world itself is about survival of the fittest!

I hope you can all appear in the imperial city by then! "

"Okay, everything is settled, it's time for me to go!"

In an instant, he was flying in the air and disappeared. His speed was very fast. He was worthy of being a powerful martial artist!

Lin Daqiang brought everyone in the Lin family back to the family and said, "Well done to Lin Fei. Even the ten-star martial arts spirits are no match for you!"

Lin Fei said calmly: "Actually, I haven't tried my best yet!"

This shocked everyone on the side. It turned out that Lin Fei didn't brag last time. Lin Fei could compete with ordinary Martial King experts!

However, Lin Daqiang still said: ""You can't be complacent, you have to work harder to practice! "

And the three of you will follow Lin Fei’s example and practice hard.

The Lin Feitang sisters answered honestly: "Okay, Grandpa!"

At this time, Lin Fei took out the Marrow Cleansing Pill he had just obtained!

"A good thing for you!"

Everyone in the Lin family was a little confused. Lin Zhan asked: Fei'er, what kind of elixir is this and what does it do?

Lin Fei smiled and replied: "This is a sixth-grade elixir, the Marrow Cleansing Pill, which can improve a warrior's talent. This is a really good thing. Grandpa and uncle can all take it!"

"After Grandpa takes it, he will stabilize his realm. By then, it will be a sure thing to reach the Martial Master realm!"

You each take these ten pills, I take one pill, and you keep the remaining three pills for later use! "

When the time comes, my father and uncle will all have the opportunity to become powerful martial masters or even martial emperors!

Lin Feng, Lin Yu, and Lin Jiao are still young now and have more room for growth in the future. When the time comes, they will be more likely to be favored by the sect when they go to the Imperial City! "

Lin Fei has a system that doesn't use this kind of elixir. It doesn't matter whether you have talent or not. You can level up as long as you kill monsters, and you can also practice independently!

Everyone in the Lin family was so happy. They didn't expect Lin Fei to have such a good thing. Then they divided the elixirs and hurried back to prepare to refine the elixirs!

Lin Fei also returned to his small courtyard. After checking his experience, he was only 50,000 experience points short of being able to upgrade to a one-star Martial King!

At night, Lin Fei sat cross-legged, preparing to take the initiative to practice. Seeing the rapid increase in experience, Lin Fei estimated that he would be almost done in one night!

Soon it was morning, and Lin Fei finally waited for the system prompt!

"Congratulations to the host for reaching full experience and being upgraded to a one-star Martial King!"

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