Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 141


Chapter 141 Money for Life


The fist hit, the face of the fierce old ghost suddenly dented, Like a meteorite impact, the curvaceous mountains instantly turned into basins. An invisible air wave erupted from this center, sweeping everything around.

The ferocious old ghost's form flew upside down and slammed into the wall of the ancient house. Although the ancient house had strong protection, it still seemed a little fragile in the face of Li Heng's terrifying punch. , which was directly hit by a densely cracked depression, on the verge of collapse.

The owner of the old house was horrified, but she didn't care about the tragic situation of the fierce old ghost. Taking advantage of Li Heng's punch, her old strength was about to be exhausted, and when the new strength wasn't yet produced, it was swept away. The Yin Qi and the thought of resentment.

Yin Qi came in an instant, came to Li Heng, and wanted to beat him completely unprepared. But his expression is still calm, thoughts move, the natural phenomenon of the vast land suddenly manifests the underworld, and all kinds of things in Yellow Springs will be absorbed by Yin Qi.

What, it doesn't work!

While the owner of the ancient house was shocked, the fierce old ghost who was punched half to death by Li Heng came back to his senses, suppressed the injury that was about to collapse in his body, and a fierce black flame erupted all over his body.

This living dead is too fierce and must be dealt with as soon as possible!

The fierce old ghost gritted his teeth and broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he is normally cautious and uses strength in his body to protect himself all the time, otherwise if he is caught off guard by this fist, he will really be beaten to death! Where did the living dead come from?

The ferocious black flame came in an instant, like a fire sea, the magical flames were soaring to the sky, occupying all Li Heng's field of vision, and there were many twisted human figures in the fire sea wanting to pounce on him.

Fire? Limen is on fire!

Li Heng smiled lightly, he didn't even need to use the Extreme Yang True Fire. Microscopically thinking about the big sun, the verve of Extreme Yang True Fire erupted, and the fierce Fiend Demon flame stopped immediately, not daring to move forward.

Seeing this, the fierce old ghost turned pale in fright and quickly controlled the flames forward, but found that his magic flames simply couldn't get in, the magic flames were scared, as if there was a big terror ahead!

impossible Ah, that makes no sense!

The origin of his demonic flame is unfathomable, and it was obtained from a forbidden place somewhere in the past. The ordinary and strange demon was burned by his magic flame and turned into fly ash in an instant. The essence and soul of oneself must also become the sustenance for the magic flame to become stronger.

But now the magic flame is afraid? He doesn't understand.

Whether he understands it or not.

There is a town with the law of the land here, and the surrounding forces exert repression. The fierce old ghost and the owner of the ancient house suddenly felt a terrifying gravity pressure, making them somewhat unable to move a single step.

The fierce old ghost still hasn't figured out what this means.

Li Heng's fist is coming again in an instant!

Under his vigilance, he finally reacted, and hurriedly used magic flame body protection to force Li Heng back. This living dead is flesh and blood, even if it has the ability to counter the magic flame, it will not be able to move forward.

But that also has to be afraid of the burning of the magic flame!

This is the self-confidence he has gained from his demonic flames traversing the underworld. Could it be that this living dead is stronger than the Three Saints of Wan Yaoling? He doesn't believe it!

So he was robbed.

Li Heng's fist came to him, and the magic flame that he relied on as Absolute Defense, which could burn almost forever, was extinguished in fear at that moment, and hit it directly with one punch!

Li Heng killed Wang Xuanji with three punches.

Now he breaks through again, punching the old ghost with two punches!

Under one punch, there are Essence, Qi, and Spirit three flowers blessing, earth law blessing, great sun god blessing blessing, Taiyuan Jing blessing, buff piled up, even if the extraordinary Innate received this fist, That's gotta die!

The body of the fierce old ghost was directly blown up.

The strange soul was also caught off guard, and was immediately burst out by the divine will of the earth, and the divine will of the sun united to strangle it.

The fierce old ghost falls, source power +600!

This all happened in a flash, the owner of the ancient house couldn't react at all, and could only forcibly witness the murderous old ghost being bombarded by Li Heng, witnessing his terrifying ferocity.

next moment, she reacted with a shivered, regardless of her body, she fled back to the ancient house, and at the same time released cruel words.

"You can actually kill the murderous old ghost with two punches. Your strength is terrifying. I admit that I can't beat you. But I advise you to leave as soon as possible. You can't break the protection of the ancient house! Participate in The Innate of my wedding is not only a fierce old ghost, but also others. When they all come, can you beat our alliance so much?"

Peacock was still afraid before, afraid of Li Heng killed her, but when she witnessed the imposing manner of Li Heng's two punches, Heavenly God-like posture, and one punch to kill the fierce old ghost of Innate Grade, she couldn't help showing her obsession.

This man seems to be a little reliable.

Li Heng smiled lightly. He still wants to die with this tortoise shell? simply ignore him! The cold light flashed in the eyes, the thoughts moved, and the power of the earth's law was raised to the highest level.

The Taiyuan Sutra is also running fast to bless it.

I saw him slam the ground with one foot, and suddenly made a bang. The ground around him began to collapse, and the collapsed area continued to expand and spread out, reaching the ancient house.

A building that stands above the ground.

Can it compare to the earthquake demolition team?

Rumbling, the surrounding earth shook and collapsed, directly destroying the foundation of the ancient house. The ancient house showed signs of collapse. The roof collapsed, the walls were broken, and smoke and dust were rolled up.

In the ancient house, the owner of the ancient house turned pale in fright.

How is this possible that this living dead man can shake the ancient house and cause it to collapse? To possess such terrifying power? She knows that although the ancient house is immortal, it will take time to repair it after it collapses.

Who knows when those Innate guests will arrive?

Before she had time to think about it, her figure flew out directly, and flew away to the wild grave. While running for her life, she also wanted to find that guy and help her suppress and kill the living dead.

Li Heng raised his eyebrows when he saw the owner of the old house flying away. The direction of escape seems to be the deserted tomb, where there are vermilion coffins everywhere, do you want to find help?


He smiled lightly, pulled the peacock who had committed nympho on the spot, jumped, ran the Taiyuan Jing, and roamed endlessly with the help of the virtual, chasing and killing the owner of the ancient house who was running away.

After a while, the old mansion stopped collapsing.

Around World's Essence Qi, Yin Qi seemed to be attracted and rushed into the ancient house. Immediately, the ancient house seemed to press the reverse button, the shattered walls were re-bridged, the collapsed roof flew back again, and the entire ancient house seemed to have some life.

The owner of the ancient house fled in the air.

There was anger on her beautiful face, and it was the first time she was so embarrassed after all these years. And the living dead simply didn't take her seriously. Even if he was chasing her now, he was hanging far away, obviously trying to use her to fish!

Fishing, right?

I'll show you later, fish can eat people too!

The owner of the ancient house roared in his heart, and continued to accelerate, like a sharp arrow from the string, breaking through the air, setting off bursts of air blasting sounds.

In the air, Peacock was silent, a little embarrassed.

Because the posture at this time is not as she imagined, holding her directly in her arms, or leaning on the two side by side, but Li Heng grabbed her back collar with one hand. She was a little mad in her heart, I only thought that I was still beautiful, as for me?

Li Heng had no other idea when he brought a peacock.

It's just that he felt that since this peacock was related to Wan Yaoling, he couldn't leave her alone. However, he didn't think about the specific disposal, so he just took it with him.

This is a relatively broad plain. Except for a barren mountain extending from the mountain range in the west, the other three sides are extremely wide, and the end can even be seen at a glance.

The plain is flat, with flowing water veins, suitable for farming and many villages gather, so it is considered prosperous, not much worse than the Sanshan meeting, at most there is not much commercial trade.

But one night, everything changed.

The barren hill turned into a grave hill, the hill was covered with vermilion coffins, and paper money was spread all over the top of the mountain.

The paper money flew to the plains, fell into these villages, and turned into all kinds of gold and silver. The villagers were ecstatic, and they all pocketed it, and it became their life-saving money.

Since their lives have been bought, they are not human, but cunning.

So it has become a strange village everywhere, killing people.

The owner of the ancient house flew over this plain and was faintly frightened when he saw the situation in front of him. That guy has developed so fast, and has already taken this plain into his pocket?

This kind of speed will belong to the underworld in the future, and I am afraid that it will become his territory. What can I do to compete with him?

She looked at these villagers who lost their lives because of picking up money, and sneered. These mortals are like fools, but they are really bold.

How dare you pick up that guy's money?

Even in the underworld, there is no one who dares to pick it up!

All sorts of thoughts flashed through her mind, thinking about what to use to check that guy and prevent her plan from failing. But in the end, the idea is still conclusive, and I must solve the current predicament first, otherwise there will be no future!

Thinking like this, she flew to the grave.

After a while, Li Heng also came to the plain here. The paper money on the grave was flying all over the sky. He grabbed a piece of paper money flying in the air, frowned.

This paper money seems to contain some kind of mysterious power?

At this moment, the paper money changed instantly and turned into a shining gold ingot, which was grabbed by Li Heng. At the same time, a mysterious force appeared and wanted to invade his body.

This power is very strange, it wants to take away his life force, but because of the strength of the Spirit Physique, it has the essence of a ray of heaven and the sun, its power has never invaded the body, but the big sun is strong. The Spirit Physique bloodline did not purify it either.

Li Heng is slightly surprised, is this money for life?

He could feel that this power was not some kind of Yin Qi, or a variant of a strange power, but more like a rule, a mysterious rule.

If you take the money, you have to give up your life!

Take out the weird official newspaper that he has been suppressing all along.

He looked thoughtful, and it seemed he had a big harvest this time.

(end of this chapter)

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