Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 136


Chapter 136 Yin Marriage

After registering the information, Li Heng left directly.

Wang Donglai stared at Li Heng's leaving back, and couldn't help but mutter in his heart, is this really okay? After thinking about it, he still felt that it was safe, and he didn't care that he was busy, so he ran to report it.

Let the Director know about this first.

Leaving the inner city and passing through the inner city gate, Li Heng raised his eyebrows in surprise. Because the unprecedented criminal did not guard the gate here, did he run to the city gate in the outer city?

When he came to the outer city, there were few people on the streets.

At some intersections and alleys, there are still some gang members standing there, staring fiercely at those pedestrians, and there are also some county officials who are responsible for managing the order.

What is this, a family of officials and bandits?

Li Heng couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Of course, he also understood that Bei'an City was so big and the county government had so many people. It would definitely need the assistance of those underworld gangs to completely suppress the whole city.

"After shopping, go home quickly, don't go out!"

Seeing a pedestrian roaming the street, the yamen scolded. The gang members next to him even showed a ferocious expression, and the frightened pedestrian accelerated and ran to the house.

Recover your mind and continue to walk towards the city gate.

Although the whole city is under martial law, people must stay at home and not go out at will, but for Li Heng, that is unimpeded. When the yamen and gang members saw Li Heng's clothes and the token on his waist, they didn't dare to catch a breath and let him go.

Come to the city gate.

No surprise, there are heavy guards here.

The city wall is constantly patrolled and walking around. Under the city gate, there are also many martial artist cultivators, among which the highest cultivation base even has True Qi Realm, always on standby.

This is probably the team that Bei'an City can show.

Although it is very efficient now, it seems very reassuring to be able to mobilize so many people to station. But Li Heng knew that this was only temporary. As long as the external danger was lifted a little and Bei'an City was not endangered, the martial law at this level would be lifted in a few days.

Even if things don't work out.

No surprise, these guards were the first to run!

Li Heng stood in front of the city gate, and faintly heard the complaints of some warriors that his own Gang Lord pulled them up early in the morning, and how his own Hall Master squeezed them.

Now it's just the data on paper.

He shook his head slightly, flashed the Demon Slayer Department token, passed the Formation test, and planned to leave the city.

"Brotherly Li, are you going out of town?"


A guard standing outside the city gate stopped Li Heng.

Li Heng turned around and saw that it was Xing Yong, who was professionally guarding the city gate. At this time, Xing Yong was wearing iron essence armor and holding iron essence long spear in his hand.

With his strong and mighty body combined with his Exchanging Blood Realm cultivation base, his qi and blood were surging like a furnace, and he really stood there like an iron tower. This imposing manner, even the few True Qi Realm next to him can't compare.

If it is placed in the ancient times of Earth, it is Li Yuanba alive!

"Xing Zhukuai, I thought you were at the inner city gate."

Li Heng lightly said with a smile.

Xing Yong smiled awkwardly. "Nowadays there are great changes outside the city, and the defense of the outer city is more important. But there is not much more than me, and there is not much less than me, and there are several True Qi Realm Grandmasters next to it."

"Now the city It's dangerous outside, I don't know where Brotherly Li is going? I've been guarding the door here all morning, and I also heard some news, which may be of some help to Brotherly Li."

"I'm about to go to Lanyuexi. "

Lanyuexi is relatively close to Bei'an City. At the same time, he is also interested in the huge ancient house that smashed Lanyuexi, and wonders what is inside?

And by coincidence.

The cemetery where the scarlet coffins are everywhere is also in that direction.

"Lan Yuexi!"

Hearing these three words, Xing Yong was taken aback.

"You can't go to that place, someone died in the morning!"

The movement of the two men's conversation attracted the attention of the other guards, who all cast their eyes on the two of them. , with a strange look on his face, how would anyone go to that kind of ghost place now?

Didn't this guy from the Demon Slayer Department get the message?

"What's so strange about dead people?"

"Brotherly Li, you don't know. It's not surprising that people are dead. In this situation, it's not surprising for a village to die. But in the morning Those who died in Lanyuexi were a Hall Master from the Qianqian Gang and a Constable from our county government, both of them were True Qi Realm."

Xing Yong said solemnly, his eyes showed horror.

"It's really dangerous to have two True Qi Realm dead."

Li Heng nods.

There aren't many True Qi Realms in Bei'an City, but now two of them died at once, so Lanyuexi is indeed a forbidden area that absolutely cannot enter for these ordinary martial artist cultivators.

Once inside, it is no different from courting death.

But that's just for them.

"many thanks, Xing Zhukuai reminded me, then I'll leave and say goodbye."

Li Heng didn't intend to entangle with people too much. After thanking him, he left directly. Nong Xing Yong was stunned for a moment, and didn't react until Li Heng's figure completely disappeared.

He was a little confused.

You know the danger, why do you dare to go?

"Come on, come on, open the market."

"Betting on whether this slayer can come back alive, the location of Lanyuexi, bet big or small?" A gambler A martial artist from the Bone Refinement Realm. I just watched from the sidelines, but now I don't think it's a big deal, and I directly greet everyone to bet.

"Zhang Xiaoliu, you're not afraid that person is bragging. In fact, he doesn't go to Lanyuexi at all." Another bone-refining martial artist joked, and the others also agreed.

"It doesn't matter where this kind of stunned blue tooth goes."

The gambler Zhang Xiaoliu waved his hand, which immediately made many people's eyes shine. So young, I want to come to the cultivation base is not very high, and still so stunned.

Judging from the deteriorating situation outside the city, Exchanging Blood Realm will die if one is not careful, even more how? Those demons that run out of nowhere are weird, but it doesn't matter whether you are afraid of death or not.

"Okay, I'm interested, I'll kill him!"

After leaving the city, Li Heng hurried to Lanyuexi.

Yin Qi outside the city made him faintly startled. The intensity of this Yin Qi is several times that of yesterday, and it is still growing rapidly. It's no wonder that it will break out at one time, and there will be a mutation, and it would be good not to play the strange realm!

Yin Qi is so strong, let alone an ordinary person, even those Body Refinement and bone-refining warriors can't get out of the city. Once they go out, they will be eroded by Yin Qi and instantly die.

As far as Exchanging Blood Realm is concerned, it can be carried by the blood furnace.

Of course, carrying it for a long time is also a death.

Walking on the small road leading to Lanyuexi, my mind was released, and I sensed the surroundings, and found that there was actually a Chaotic Burial Mound in front of me. The Yin Qi was so strong that it formed a strange realm, and there were many Resentful Souls. Wandering in it.

He frowned, it's too close to Bei'an City.

Looks like it's easy to clean up.

Arriving at the Chaotic Burial Mound, Li Heng found more than a dozen fresh corpses on the ground. All of them looked like ordinary people in plain clothes. There were also some goods and poles scattered on the ground.

Obviously, he wanted to go into the city to sell goods as soon as possible, but this tribulation made it difficult.

In the shadowy realm, no strangers come near.

Li Xing did not visualize Yin Qi, and it was strange that he was transformed into a living dead. So when he broke into this place, the Resentful Souls wandering around noticed him and rushed towards him. Some of the Resentful Souls look like the corpses on the ground.

A touch of Extreme Yang True Fire flew out, and all the Resentful Souls in this place were burned to the ground in an instant, leaving not even a trace of fly ash. Fifty points have been added to source power.

He shook his head slightly and sighed, life was devastated.

Looking at this Chaotic Burial Mound, there are no tombstones, only bones exposed outside the mound, and some tattered straw mats. But this is not surprising. How can the poor have the money to buy coffins?

He was about to punch out, and wanted to blow up this strange realm.

At this moment, a sudden change occurred. A hole appeared in front of him, like ripples on the water surface. It was said that it was only fist sized. A festive horn sounded.

The wedding procession is twelve people.

In front there is a pair of golden boys and jade maidens spreading flowers and opening the road, in the back are five musicians who play trumpets and have heavy makeup on their faces, only red and white musicians are left, and then there are three musicians. A brawny man in white clothed, beating gongs and drums. Finally, there is a carriage with an old woman driving the car, and the car is obviously a bride.

Li Heng was stunned for a moment, then smiled again, and immediately visualized Yin Qi, incarnated as a living dead strangely. This was a wedding in the underworld, so he also had to be in the underworld.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

The old woman who was driving saw Li Heng stopped in front of the entire team, and made a hoarse sound, when the pale and The old man's face twitched, and he looked a little angry.

"What's your business with me eating here?"

Li Heng answered lightly.

Eating? The Old Lady was stunned for a moment, looked around, and saw that there was not a single ghost in this Chaotic Burial Mound, she suddenly understood, and she sneered and screamed.

"I wonder where those little monsters have gone? They were eaten by you? Do you know that this monster realm was opened up by my lord to connect the underworld and marry a bride? ?"

"Where did the ignorant little trick come from to make trouble?"

"Kill it, don't waste the good time."

That Old When Lady waved her hand, the golden boys and jade maidens who had scattered flowers, the musicians who played the trumpets, and the brawny man who beat the gongs and drums stopped in an instant and rushed directly to Li Heng, blowing gusts of gloomy wind.

Are these weirdos unreasonable?

Li Heng felt helpless, forget it, he can't be angry, he still has to teach these weird things. Immediately, he thought move, visualized the vast land, stomped his feet and shattered in an instant.

Source power +50.

What? how can that be?

The Old Lady was shocked, but before she could make any move, an Extreme Yang True Fire floated in front of her, just a tiny bit away from her, and could set her on fire at any time .

Old Lady froze for a moment, not daring to act rashly. After all, he is not that group of puppets, and he still cherishes his life, knowing that he has kicked an incredible iron plate.

"Okay, now you should understand something."

"Tell me where you came from and where you are going."

Li Heng indifferently said .

(end of this chapter)

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