Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 129


Chapter 129 Techniques, Laws, Dao

"If he dies, he will die, just trash."

In this splendid palace, a Divine Idol next to it suddenly opened its mouth and sucked, and the fragments scattered on the ground from the broken Divine Idol flew into its mouth and chewed.

"Just don't waste these golden body fragments."

"But Wang Xuanji has not even returned the Divine Soul or even the memory. He is completely dead and has no chance of resurrection."


"Totally dead? Interesting, send someone to Bei'an County to investigate, and let him solve the opening of the node and the reinforcement of the seal." The Divine Idol was still chewing, disapproving.

In Bei'an City, Li Heng has returned to his residence.

After a period of pranayama, the inner Qi's blood finally calmed down and no longer boiled. The injured Innate is also Innate after all. If he hadn't used all the powers except the Great Sun Dharma and the Great Sun True Fire, it is estimated that the Undead King mystery would have been played.

He pondered in his heart, contemplating his gains.

Hundred Beast Ridge and his party, he has obtained a total of 1,500 source power points, and all the source power reserves have reached 2,900 points. It can be said that he became rich overnight.

According to the calculation of one thousand points of source power of Innate Level, he conservatively estimated that two things can be realized or upgraded to Innate level.

One thousand of them have been reserved by the Great Sun Dharma Master.

There are only 1,900 points left for free use

He thinks in his mind, what is the most helpful for him to improve. Earth law? No, the progress of visualization is not high enough now. Just like the Great Sun Method, rushing to improve will only waste potential.

Then only the function of upgrading and adding points is left.

Currently, the highest upgrade points can only be upgraded to True Qi Realm, spending 1,000 points of source power may be able to upgrade the cultivation technique to Innate Grade, which will also be of great help to his future Innate promotion.

Slightly sensed it, as he expected.

If you want to upgrade the data panel's upgrade point function to Innate Grade, you need at least 1,000 points. Of course, this is only at least. If Li Heng wants to, he also has source power, and he can add more.

He estimated that this should be because Innate is divided into many levels, and the gap between these levels is quite huge. One thousand points of source power can only be upgraded to the first level of Innate Grade.

It should be under the big Innate that Old Master Meng said.

I just don't know how many levels Innate has?

Retract your doubts and calm your mind.

No matter how many levels Innate has, one after another will do. For him who has the Divine Ability of visualization, as long as the source power is enough, there will be no bottleneck.

Now it's better to spend 1,000 source power points to test the water.

900 points left for use.

Those strange people gathered on the Hundred Beast Mountains are numerous in number, and their strength is stronger than the general strangeness. Then it means that the strangeness in Bei'an City may not be much left.

Burn a thousand points of source power to strengthen the function of upgrading and adding points.

Li Heng immediately felt that the upgraded function module of the data panel had undergone a mysterious change, which seemed to jump from the mundane to the Transcendent Realm world in one fell swoop.

Even the originally very simple data panel interface has become beautiful and tidy because of this change, and there are even more rune-like things in the corners.

Spending money is like running water, and earning money is like climbing a mountain.

Li Heng sighed with emotion. One thousand source power was spent like this. In the past, he simply didn't dare to think about it. I hope this upgrade will be worth the money and not let him lose too much.

First of all, first improve your fundamental cultivation technique "Taiyuan Jing".

He thoughts move, click the plus sign behind Taiyuanjing to raise it to Innate Level. Originally promoted to True Qi Realm, with Essence, Qi, and Spirit three flowers blessing the incomparably rich blood, and instantly reduced by more than half.

Then a percentage progress bar appeared behind Taiyuanjing.

Obviously it is time to deduce the follow-up cultivation technique.

Li Heng felt the consumption and was a little emotional. It seems that Innate Realm is really strong, he is so thick, a drop of blood can even kill a cow's blood, more than half of it is consumed.

It's almost empty.

The Taiyuanjing is still like this, what about the special cultivation technique Sanhualu? He sensed it slightly, and a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart, warning him not to do this. Obviously, his own qi and blood are not enough to support the consumption of upgrading Hualu. Forcibly upgrading will only run out of qi and blood, and die suddenly.

He looked calm, as expected before.

It seems that if you want to upgrade the Sanhualu, you have to find something that can strengthen your blood, or break through the Innate Realm, or seek a breakthrough on the Great Sun Spirit Physique and be promoted to the top of the Great Sun Spirit Physique .

This is also related to the visualization progress of Da Sun. Now the visualization progress has reached 37%, and after reaching the critical point of 50% breakthrough, Da Sun Spirit Physique will be able to Followed by promotion.

At the current speed, it's not far off.

For the time being, let's put the matter of Sanhualu aside.

Li Heng sat cross-legged, running the Taiyuan Jing, swallowing World's Essence Qi. After a long time, he recovered his depleted qi and blood, and then set his eyes on his own killing method "Martial Scripture" .

The reason why I was able to kill Wang Xuanji with three punches was because Martial Scripture also contributed a lot.

Just as he expected, after Martial Scripture is promoted to Innate, it is estimated that the Martial Arts Divine Ability of Innate Level will evolve, which is also of great benefit to him, and it is better to promote it as soon as possible.

Click on the plus sign after Martial Scripture to advance to the Innate Level.

The originally recovered qi and blood lost a lot in an instant, just like the previous Taiyuan Jing, and a percentage progress bar also appeared behind it, obviously it was also being deduced.

Li Heng once again felt his own deficit and felt a little emotional.

Other people's extraordinary body can't be used up with so much qi and blood, and it even overflows. But for him, the blood is still too little, even if he has such a high-level super mortal body system as the Great Sun Spirit Physique.

I thought that physique could withstand the consumption of qi and blood.

didn't expect or not.

But Li Heng doesn't regret it. After all, when he had the ability to upgrade and add points, he had the most energy and blood, and it's the same now. So much qi and blood are lacking, if it is replaced by other costs, wouldn't it be even more lacking?

Can't really let him die? That doesn't work.

Once the upgrade can't keep up with the consumption, it will be completely cool.

Having improved the fundamental cultivation technique and the Method of Killing, Li Heng set his sights on the secret technique of Chunyang Soul Practice, thinking about whether he would like to be promoted as well.

But he suspects that the boost won't do much.

Because the Pure Yang Soul Refinement Secret Technique is just a secret technique, it records only the method of quenching the soul of spirit refinement. " character generation.

Technology, law, and Taoism are three completely different levels.

If it is said that the technique is the unorthodox way, it is something that warlocks rely on. Then the Fa is a systematic thing, used to improve one's life, and it can be cultivated along the way. As for Tao, it involves Heaven and Earth Source, let's not talk about it for the time being.

Unless the "skill" can be upgraded to "law".

"Pure Yang Soul Refining Secret Art" becomes "Pure Yang Jing".

However, Li Heng doubts that if it is upgraded like this, it is estimated that 1,000 source power points will not be enough. After all, the Pure Yang Soul Refining Secret Art is only a small book in the appraisal function. If it becomes the Pure Yang Sutra, it will be a large book, and it is estimated that it can involve the secrets of the three thousand Taoist treasures!

Continue to sit cross-legged to restore Qi and blood.

After the qi and blood were all recovered, Li Heng directly improved the pure yang soul training technique. Anyway, qi and blood can be restored without money. Even if the improvement is not large, it must be improved.

The qi and blood dropped a lot again.

Pure Yang Soul Practicing Secret Art is also like Taiyuanjing, Martial Scripture, pulling out a percentage progress bar. Li Heng raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, he thought it would improve instantly.

The percentage progress bar appears, which means that this is the latter part of the automatic deduction. It is estimated that there will be information that the original Pure Yang Soul Refining Secret Art does not have, which is worth his expectation.

Even if it cannot be upgraded to law, it is estimated that there are many benefits.

Looking at the three progress bars, the speed is a bit slow. It is estimated that it will take a lot of time for Li Deduction to complete the upgrade. He closed the data panel and calculated in his mind that he would have to upgrade the data panel when the source power was sufficient.

Although it is an instant thing to upgrade and add points according to the existing cultivation technique, if there is no follow-up of the cultivation technique, it will take time to deduce, and an instant deduction function will be added in the future.

His thoughts returned to calm, and Li Heng entered the cultivation state.

It is still night and can be used to visualize the Great Sun.

It's been a long night without a word.

Li Heng recovered from the visualization state with surprise in his eyes. With the joint efforts of him and Shinto Avatar this night, the progress of the Great Sun Visualization has reached 40%!

The progress of earth visualization also reached 23%.

A person who has traveled a hundred miles is half-ninety. The more he gets to this juncture, the more he needs to work hard, so Li Heng firmly cheers for Avatar in Shinto, and tells him not to slack off and continue to meditate.

Anyway, Shinto Avatar has nothing to do with the female Great Demon.

"Meng Lingyun, tell me the truth!!!"

Suddenly angry roar turned into bursts of sound, resounding directly throughout the Demon Slayer Department, making Li who heard it. Heng couldn't help but froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled, it seemed that Aunt Xuan had a showdown with Old Master.

It is estimated that he also talked about what happened last night.

“bang bang bang!”

The door of the yard was knocked on, Li Heng raised his eyebrows, who is it? He sensed the breath slightly, and suddenly showed a warm smile, pushed open the door, and opened the gate of the yard.

"Old Master, what are you doing here so early?"

"And the monk and Taoist Master?"

He looked anxiously in front of him Meng Lingyun, and the monk and Taoist next to him with a wry smile, pretended to be very surprised.

"Don't say it, didn't you hear what you said just now?"

Meng Lingyun got in anxiously, and the monks and Taoists had no choice but to follow, Li Heng shrugged , closed the gate of the courtyard, and looked at Meng Lingyun and the monk and Taoist sitting on the stone chair.

"What do you want? I only have tea here."

"How can I drink tea if I don't drink it? This woman is really an unfathomable mystery. She knows how many friends she has, so she knows it."

Meng Lingyun complained.

Li Heng smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Who is Ma Suxuan and she is Innate?

Instead, he looked towards the monk and Taoist next to him, thought for a moment, and said a word slowly.

"Do you know the destiny?"

(end of this chapter)

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