Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Taiyin and Cold Water

"Ma Family girl, I will give you another chance."

Wang Xuanji Stand with hands behind.

"You leave now, I'll let it go, and I promise I will never trouble you and the Demon Slayer Department in the future. But if you provoke me again and again."

"Then the deity can only discipline you for your parents."

This time, Wang Xuanji didn't call himself a pedant, so he was obviously really angry. The explosive power of Innate even caused everything around him to tremble like a god.

Unexpectedly, Ma Suxuan smiled softly.

"You and I are both Innate, why are you making such a rant?"

After saying that, Ma Suxuan attacked Wang Xuanji directly.

Between Heaven and Earth, the void vitality condenses and turns into a big hand of vitality, which rises in the wind, one zhang, five zhang, ten zhang. It almost covers the place where the welcome hall is, wrapping Innate pressed against Wang Xuanji.

"little girl, don't you look down on this deity?"

Wang Xuanji smiled faintly.

"When it comes to controlling World's Essence Qi, you are far inferior to me." With a big wave of his hand, the invisible turbulence rippled, directly releasing the vitality that was enough to shatter a building. Leave.

Reincarnated as pure World's Essence Qi.

"If you want to fight with me, go up. This is the place of my Wang Family anyway." Wang Xuanji looked at Ma Suxuan indifferently, then stepped into the void and came to the sky above Bei'an City.

Ma Suxuan sneered and followed closely.

This scene was watched by Li Heng's Heavenly Eye.

He frowned, revealing a thoughtful expression. It is said that Innate is extraordinary, possessing all kinds of supernatural powers, and can control World's Essence Qi against the enemy. It doesn't look fake.

The big hand just now was only a dozen feet in size.

But he could feel that this is Ma Suxuan's intentional control range. If he doesn't control it, he will use some method to make more World's Essence Qi resonate, and tides will appear, and it can even be expanded to the hundreds of zhang. even a few hundred zhang.

It can be said that destroying a street with a slap is not a lie!

How many streets are there in a city?

If I spend a little more time, I'm afraid it will be


While Li Heng was still thinking, a huge explosion came from the sky above Bei'an City. This is World's Essence Qi strangling and colliding with each other, rippling waves, washing the entire Bei'an City, and blowing strong winds.

In Bei'an City, the expressions of those True Qi Realm Grandmasters changed.

Is this the power of Innate Grade?

The World's Essence Qi can directly interfere with the entire city, causing it to become disordered and become extremely violent, unable to calm down for a long time, and unable to absorb it into the body for cultivation.

If you play a little longer.

The rampant World's Essence Qi will even affect the ordinary person!

Meng Lingyun watched this scene with emotion.

He could have broken through the Innate Realm, but he still took a gamble and cultivated the cultivation technique, and has yet to break through. I don't know if that decision was right or wrong.

Li Heng walked into the Wang Family mansion like a stroll, and immediately saw the welcoming hall that was blasted with breath. He ignored Wang Haitao, the Wang Family patriarch, who was crying without tears, and came to Meng Lingyun.

"Old fogey, this kind of movement is a bit big."

He said lightly with a smile, which made Meng Lingyun look sideways.

"You brat actually came? But this movement is indeed a bit big. This is the power of Innate Level numbers. But with your potential, Innate is not a problem, and you can even see above Innate."

Meng Lingyun sighed with emotion, and felt a sigh in his heart.

Originally, he was still annoyed at himself, a big man, but was pressed on by Ma Suxuan, but now he has no such thoughts. Just kidding, he can't beat this level of strength!

"The strength of this Innate is not bad, it is worth being cautious."

Li Heng nodded slightly.

Unexpectedly, Meng Lingyun was taken aback and looked a little weird.

What is this kind of power? How do I feel that you don't respect Innate's appearance at all, this is extraordinary power! Do you still want to defeat Innate with Exchanging Blood Realm?

If it was someone else, he would probably laugh at it as a dream.

But for Li Heng

He thought of Li Heng's unfathomable strength and the terrifying flame, and he couldn't help but beat a drum in his heart.

No way , this kid is really so defiant! ?

"Look, they are going to hit True Fire."

Li Heng smiled faintly, watching the battle between the two Innates with Heavenly Eye. I kept trying to figure out the flow of vitality in it, and I learned a lot, which can be integrated into the Taiyuan Jing.

"True Fire?"

Meng Lingyun was stunned for a moment, then looked up and looked towards the sky, then his pupils shrank, and he saw the majestic power of the divine way erupt, covering the entire Bei'an city , which made Wang Xuanji's imposing manner rise steadily.

And in Li Heng's Heavenly Eye field of vision.

The city all around, and several golden beams of light that the ordinary person could not see or touch rose up, which were connected to Wang Xuanji in the sky above and infused him with power.

Li Heng looked slightly cold, like a big rat.

Stealing the incense of the people, the spirit of the rat!

Over Bei'an City.

Ma Suxuan looked coldly at the power of the divine way, Wang Xuanji like Spiritual God. "You Wang Family's methods really haven't changed at all, it's really annoying to look at!"

"So what? It's easy to use."

Wang Xuanji smiled slightly , Under the state of the power of the gods, he can even slightly change the law of heaven and earth, display the golden body of Spiritual God, wrap the majestic Heaven and Earth Might, and suppress Ma Suxuan.

Suddenly, he raised his hand and suppressed Ma Suxuan away.

This repressive force is invisible. It is made up of the incense and essence of the people. It represents the people who have sacrificed to the Temple of the Earth in Bei'an City. It can be called the coercion of the people!

Ma Suxuan's complexion suddenly turned cold, and immediately the anode real flame erupted, resisting the coercion, and turned into a cloud of fire, causing the temperature of the entire Bei'an City to rise a bit, burning it towards Wang Xuanji.

Suddenly, Wang Xuanji was covered with golden light.

The anode True Fire, which was incinerated, was directly blocked in front of him. No matter how the anode True Fire changed, it still couldn't penetrate.

"The Taoist golden light spell is really a fake Taoist priest!"

Ma Suxuan immediately realized what the trick was.

"Girl Ma Family, can you admit defeat?"

"As long as you retire, I will not blame you. Otherwise, don't blame me for casting Spiritual God golden body to suppress you. At that time, even if the elders of your Ma Family come to settle accounts, I have a reason."

Wang Xuanji was condescending, and the victory was in his hands.

He really wanted to suppress Ma Suxuan directly.

But when he thinks of a series of things that happened recently, he is even more suspicious that this is a game. If he and Ma Suxuan are having a good fight, and then someone sneak attack from the side, then it will be bode ill rather than well.

Below, Meng Lingyun looked sad.

It seems that Su Xuan seems to be at a disadvantage?

"Old Master, don't worry, I'll be right back when I go."

Li Heng dropped these words, and immediately body moved, rushing to where the beams of light were. land.

In the sky, the two are still facing each other.

Wang Xuanji is naturally not in a hurry, he is invincible, and he can even take this opportunity to investigate the dangers around him. If all the surroundings were checked and there was no danger, he would not be stingy to suppress Ma Suxuan directly.

Ma Suxuan frowned and thought.

How can I break this golden light spell?

Because Ma Family's Yang Zhenyan is called the first exorcism, it specializes in restraining strange demons, but the golden light spell is not a mysterious demon method, but a just and honorable magic spell.

This Wang Xuanji is also a wonderful person. With his own Shinto bloodline, he also went to Taoist cultivation, which is really a mental disorder. Ma Suxuan cursed inwardly, this golden light curse is like a turtle shell!

Li Heng has come to a beam of light.

This is still the Temple of Earth God.

He didn't linger too much, and directly entered the temple like a phantom, smashing the Divine Idol, and then he didn't understand the reaction of those temple blessings, so he walked away and rushed to the next beam of light.

In the sky, Wang Xuanji's complexion changed, connected with him, and delivered incense for all the people. The light beam of essence was actually broken! How is this going?

Ma Suxuan suddenly felt that Wang Xuanji's breath had weakened a bit. Although he didn't understand what happened, it was a good opportunity. Yang Zhenyan regrouped and attacked Wang Xuanji.

Wang Xuanji was seriously injured in the battle with the female Great Demon. Now that the incense was delivered to him, the light beam of essence was broken again, resulting in a drop in the intensity of the golden light spell.

Under the collision between the golden light spell and the real anode flame, there were also ripples, as if the next moment would be shattered, no longer like before, Motionless As Mountains, safe and sound.

It didn't take long for his beam of light to break off one after another, completely losing the blessing of incense and essence.

But he is now being held back by Ma Suxuan, so he can't go back to Bei'an City to suppress and kill the thief who destroyed his beam of light. He secretly hated, who is this? Is he already in deep trouble?

Thinking of this, he was dignified and already had the intention of retreating.

Li Heng finished his work, clapped his hands, and returned to Meng Lingyun's side, looking relaxed.

"Old Master, look, doesn't this have the upper hand?"

Meng Lingyun watched this scene nodded, and was a little surprised. "What's the matter, suddenly gaining the upper hand? No, it seems that Wang Xuanji's breath has weakened a bit!"

He couldn't help thinking of Li Heng's departure just now, and a bold feeling rose in his heart. Guess, is it all because of Li Heng? The thought made him startle.

How could this kid get involved in the Innate fight?

Is this what Exchanging Blood Realm Peak can do?

Are you Exchange Blood Peak or Innate Realm Peak? ?

Meng Lingyun had a lingering shock in his heart. But even if Li Heng knew this, he didn't care, he just had no effort at all anyway, and it just so happened that he didn't like those temples.

At this point, Wang Xuanji was already planning to break the jar.

This Ma Suxuan simply did not agree to his peace talks, and did not want to let him go, she really thought he was easy to bully. After letting him live for so many years, naturally he has no cards to use!

This Ma Suxuan must be resolved as soon as possible.

The sense of crisis in his heart is getting stronger and stronger, and he feels that he has entered a trap, and he must solve this matter as soon as possible, jump out of the trap, and jump out of this trap!

Thoughts move, a drop of water appears in the void.

This is just a drop, but it exudes an endless chill, so that the water vapor in the void condenses into ice and spreads out, trying to turn it into an ice field.

As the chill intensified, even the void froze.

Ma Suxuan's complexion changed, this is too yin and cold water! ?

Without thinking about it, she directly burst out with all her strength, the endless anode true flame, and even the fire of the Extreme Yang True Fire was thrown out without reservation.

After doing this, she turned and ran away without the slightest hesitation!

This thing can freeze even space.

How could he have this thing!

Wang Xuanji tried his best to avoid freezing his mind, and reluctantly controlled the drop of Taiyin cold water to shoot at Ma Suxuan. After doing this, he gasped with difficulty. Even for his owner, too cold water is too dangerous.

Those majestic anodes True Fire faced the challenge, but they were frozen directly before they touched that drop of cold water.

The flame was not extinguished, but was frozen in ice! How incredible, even a little absurd, but it's the truth.

As the lunar cold water progressed, a large swath of the anode True Fire's fire cloud was frozen, forming a thick layer of ice. Then, due to the effect of gravity, it fell directly.

Until this drop of cold water.

Meet the tinder of Extreme Yang True Fire

(end of this chapter)

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