Invincible From Visualizing The Sun Chapter 103


Chapter 103 Two Moons

Although the street and the plains in front of him are in the same place In the light of the same moon, but it is clear that this is the two completely different mystery realms.

If he rashly sets foot in this plain and strange area, then his real coordinates will change accordingly, not only where he will run. If it's another city, that's fine. If it's an abyss Jedi, you won't be able to come back.

So just to be cautious, he didn't step in rashly.

Of course, not now, but not in the future. In the future, when my own strength is promoted, and if I have the ability, I will definitely move forward along this dark road and see the end of this dark road.

And what is that so-called channel.

The source power represented by Yin Soldier made him very envious. Only 50 Yin Soldiers, the establishment of a general flag, allowed him to obtain 500 source power, and if there were more, he would take off directly.

He also thought about intercepting the follow-up Yin Soldier in this strange street, on the dark road. But on second thought, it felt unrealistic. According to the information from the Demon Slayer Department, Yin Soldier's silhouette appears from time to time without regularity, and he is impossible to stay here all the time.

Not to mention that if you kill too many teams, the general behind you might notice it and cause disaster.

Thinking about it.

Li Heng shook his head regretfully, after all, he was still strong.

After waiting here for a long time, there is still no Yin Soldier. His heart calmed down and slowly spat out one mouthful of impure air. Forget it, since it doesn't, it can't wait any longer.

Perhaps you can stop by from time to time?

Thinking about this, Li Heng immediately visualized the big sun, and threw out a fist, which directly tore a crack in the street, he stepped out, and returned to the world in an instant.

Because of the frequent occurrence of strange things recently.

There are no lights in the west city, almost all the residents are hiding in their houses, like an ostrich buried in the sand, hoping that they will sleep until dawn without encountering strange things.

But there is still a bright moon hanging in the sky.

Even if there are no lights, the streets are not too dark.

Li Heng looked up at the bright moon, and remembered the gloomy moon in the strange realm. He dared to conclude that the two moons are definitely not the same, and the moon in the strange domain should be false.

This made him think of some guesswork.

Could it be that the gloomy moon, which crosses many terrifying domains and illuminates many terrifying domains, is the key to providing Yin Soldier's passage by connecting these terrifying domains together to form a shadowy road?

He was slightly shocked, it was really a big hand.

I don't know which peerless terror shot.

Looking around all around, trying to determine my position, I plan to go back to the Demon Slayer Department first. Suddenly, he saw a temple in front of him, it was the land temple built by the Aristocratic Family!

Li Heng looks weird, is he really related to this land temple?

In this case, you can make a mess along the way.

Obviously, this is still West Side, the Connect To Heaven River next to it, and the docks where the cargo is stacked can attest. Then the land temple in front of you should be built by the Aristocratic Family in Xicheng.

It seems that the East, West, North, and South fourth layers also need to be repaired.

At this moment, Li Heng has not changed his image, and he is still the same as Yin Soldier. He also did not intend to change into a living dead, and walked slowly into this land temple directly in the form of Yin Soldier.

Without the slightest disguise, just and honorable approached.

He wasn't afraid that the Aristocratic Family Wang Xuanji would notice.

He is Yin Soldier now, so if Wang Xuanji has the ability, he will go to kill those Yin Soldier troops. He wanted to see if this Innate Grade Wang Xuanji was powerful, or if the army that was trapped in the battle was powerful.

The decoration of the temple is exactly similar to the one in Nancheng.

It's just that when Li Heng, the Yin Soldier, walked in, the tall and mighty Earth God opened his eyes suddenly and strangely, and his facial features moved, making a look of anger.

"Little weird, dare to trespass on my land temple, you will die!"

Like the lion's roar in the east of the river, and Hong Zhong Da Lu, directly shaking the land temple here, like an infrasound wave , The penetrating power is extremely strong, and it can directly penetrate the brain of a living being, causing its brain to explode and die. It is even mixed with a bit of divine power, specially restraining some weirdness.

Obviously, after the last time he suffered a loss, Wang Xuanji learned his lesson and strengthened the protection of these earth temples. Before Li Heng started, the Earth God statue had already sensed the breath and started to attack.

That's all? Your land is still too weak.

Li Heng shook his head in his heart, and held the bronze lance in one hand and inserted it into the ground. At the same time, he visualized the vast earth in his heart, and the endless divine will of the vast earth erupted, covering the entire earth temple.

You call it land.

Let you see what land is!


With a loud bang, this little Earth God statue simply couldn't resist the divine will of the vast earth, and a crack appeared on his face, and in a flash It exploded into a pile of shards.

Li Heng smiled slightly and turned away.

I hope Wang Family likes his gift.

Not long after he left, Wang Xuanji had already arrived here, looking at the mess in the Temple of Earth and the exploded statue of Earth God, his face was gloomy and angry, and his breath suddenly burst out. Come on, let this earth temple collapse directly!

Who the hell is that? Dare to target them Wang Family!

In extreme anger, he directly broke out all his cultivation base, began to trace the residual breath around him with his Wang Family secret technique, and finally brought these breaths together into one picture.

This. Wang Xuanji looked at this picture, his pupils shrank suddenly.

Fuck, Yin Soldier? ! Yin Soldier of West City? !

Aren't you on your way?

He was silent for a moment, and his expression froze. It took a long time to recover the news that broke out. What the hell is going on? Why does Yin Soldier also have a problem with his Earth God temple?

Wang Xuanji was a little sad and angry.

Forget it, he can't afford to offend, at worst I won't build it!

He stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and left in grief.

The big movement of one after another directly woke up all the people in Xicheng. But they didn't dare to go out and hid under the covers shiver coldly. Are all the dirty things so fierce now?

Li Heng returned from the moon and soon came to the inner city gate.

Then he froze.

Without him, because that Xing Yong Xing Zhukuai is still guarding the door? No, Xing Jukuai, how did you offend others? It's midnight now, are you still guarding the gate? Don't you change people?

He secretly complained and came to the inner city gate.

"Xing Zhaokuai, you are really diligent."

He looked at the description of the gatekeeper like an iron tower, and hesitated for a moment before saying so. No matter which part of the world is working, it's hard work. Li Heng sighed in his heart.

“Brotherly Li, have you finished your mission and come back?”

Xing Yong was a little surprised to see Li Heng come back.

"But don't mention Brotherly Li. It's so late, I don't want to stay here, but the situation is changing too fast. But Ren Papi suddenly told me, I broke into the Demon Slayer Department The investigation was very unreasonable, and then I was fined to continue guarding the door."

He said a little blankly, and immediately became gnashing teeth again. "Obviously, I went to the Demon Slayer Department to investigate, and it was Ren Baopi who was pleased. He didn't have any opinions at that time, so why did he turn his face in a flash?" Xing Yong was extremely sad and angry.

Li Heng smiled slightly, and probably understood what was going on.

Eighty percent of the time, the old Innate Level lover of Old Master Meng came, so that the county Magistrate also needed to express his stance quickly. Therefore, some criminals who offended the Demon Slayer Department were punished.

But this also has some benefits for Xing Yong.

If the sea penalty is not punished, don't pretend to be seen by some Demon Slayer Department's slayers, and let Xing Yong live in peace. Then, maybe Xing Yong will be sacked and beaten when he walks on the street.

The demon slayer walks in strange things, almost always on the verge of life and death, with a lot of pressure and a lot of hostility. Not everyone has a good temper like Li Heng.

"Forget it, let's not talk about that."

Xing Yong sighed and shook his head.

"Why should Xing Zhukuai undervalue oneself? This is also a good thing." After a few casual conversations, he started to walk through the process, passed the Monster Revealing Mirror, passed the Formation, and after confirming that there were no hidden dangers, he said goodbye to Xing Yong.

Xing Yong watched Li Heng leave with a burst of envy in his heart.

It is said that the demon slayer walks on the edge of life and death, dealing with the strange, very dangerous, even if he is a beggar, he should not be a demon slayer. But why does he think that the demon slayer is better than looking at the door?

The inner city is safer, so there are some lights.

Some young children who have been suffocated recently, or some Eldest Young Lady, have often wandered and wandered in the inner city streets during this period of time, which has added a bit of popularity to the usually deserted inner city.

Li Heng was not moved at all when he saw this scene. The security of the inner city is actually exchanged for the security of the outer city. The people living in the outer layers have no slayers or Formations to protect them. If you encounter strangeness, you will die if you die, and there is no other way.

At most, after the incident, the slayer will go to investigate.

"Hey, are you the demon slayer of the Demon Slayer Department?"

"This Young Lady hired you to protect me with 1 gold tael, how about accompany me to the outer city? Don't worry, I will never let you suffer, and if there is any danger, I will definitely add more money!"

Suddenly, because she is about eighteen years old and has a beautiful face, it is obviously the Eldest Young Lady from a wealthy family. When the girl saw Li Heng, her eyes lit up, she ran directly in front of him, and said so.

Li Heng frowned, "No."

"Ten tael of gold!" This Eldest Young Lady continued to add money.

Li Heng sighed, patted her shoulder, shook the girl to the ground, and wiped away.

Also ten tael of gold? Do you know how big this amount is? These little girls who stay at home and don't know about finance really dare to quote. Even if she agreed, she couldn't bring it out.

Even if she could come up with it, her family probably wouldn't.

He didn't want any bloody plot to unfold.

The girl froze in place for a long time before recovering from her stiff state. She was stunned for a moment, and immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation, but it was only ten tael of gold. Does this guy really think her Wang Family can't come up with it?

It shook her to the ground.

She stomped her feet in anger, until she saw a candied fruit stick on the street, then she lost her breath and ran to buy a stick.

Back to Demon Slayer Department, Li Heng went directly to Meng Lingyun.

The matter of Yin Soldier in Xicheng is no trivial matter, and I have to report one or two.

(end of this chapter)

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