Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 986: Escape route

After the First World War, this farce should end with the arrogance of Tianjiao of the Underworld, who knows that Tianjiao of the Immortal World returns and brings new changes to the situation.

At the moment, including Fengrui and Wangyanxian, there are only six Tianjiao who are quasi-children, and the other four are immortals.

It is true that they are going to hunt down the Hades, but this is just a cover. They originally planned to shake the others away first, and then come back to find Lin Lang's trouble.

It's just that everyone thought so, and in the end they came back by accident.

"I really didn't expect that the most greedy interest was the monk monk." Lin Lang laughed and said, "In fact, there is no difference between the two realms of Xianming, only the differences in interests and positions."

"Today we can live in harmony with the Hades for the benefit, and tomorrow we will bow to the Hades."

Lin Lang's eyes seemed ridiculous, staring at the few people in front of him. Even though he had expected it, he did not expect that it was the human race that had the most ideas for him.

The bustling world is all for the good.

In front of absolute interests, not to mention the familial relationship, even family relationships are unwilling.

"Give up the magical powers and the beads transformed by Gu Xia, spare your life today." One of them shouted sharply.

"Who should I hand over my things to? Why do you have so many people?" Lin Lang arrogantly looked around, and no one dared to look at them.

That's right.

He is now seriously injured and consumes a lot, but this does not mean that he is already weak enough to be slaughtered by others, and actively ceding his own interests in order to save his life.

Not to mention that this group of people want to kill him, just to hurt him, Lin Lang will also tear a piece of meat on these people.

"Since you don't want to, then blame me for being ruthless." Tianjiao was blushed with a few words, and naturally it is impossible to continue entanglement on this issue.

One of them even gave a cold drink, sacrificing magical powers and rushed to Lin Lang. This group of people have stood in their own positions and blocked all the escape directions of Lin Lang.

Presumably, Lin Lang thinks that there is no more power to fight, he just needs to pay attention to his dying counterattack, and there will be no more problems.

"Want to kill me, do you deserve it?"

Lin Lang's eyes flashed purple, a sudden burst of heat waves erupted in his pupils, and a pure white beam of light spewed out instantly.

The moment the subfire appeared, the whole world was covered with flames instantly, and the intense sea of ​​fire spread out instantly, sweeping around.

The hot fireworks brought the high temperature of the world to the ground, evaporating everything between heaven and earth.

With a scream, a quasi-mortal child in the immortal world unfortunately made a move, and immediately began to ignite a fire.

Within a short while, the man had been burned into a pool of ashes. Poor a fairyland quasi-son, Tianjiao, was burned to death so vaguely.

The others responded quickly and launched their own means of life-saving efforts to escape. When the children converged, they finally escaped.

And at this time.

Lin Lang also withdrew the subfire, turned into a stream of light and flew into the distance.


The heavenly arrogance of all the immortals is the same mind, and at this moment chased out in the direction of Lin Lang's escape.

"Be careful, this kid has too many secrets. Don't be careful."

"Damn, what kind of flame is this, even the magical powers can't dispel it." Feng Rui's burned gray-headed face, secretly surprised with the power of Zihuo.

"It is one of the sub-flames split from the source of all fires." King Yanxian whispered: "I did not expect that he had such a fetish in his hands."

"The source of all fire ?!"

At this moment, when hearing these four words, an immortal Tianjiao could not help exclaiming: "Is that the first cluster of flames between heaven and earth?"

"It's not that the source of all fires in ancient times only left seven fires, and the rest split into thousands of later fires, which are all kinds of flames that have evolved now."

"I heard that the gods admired by the Yan people, the Yan **** was evolved from one of them."

As soon as I heard the words "The Source of Thousands of Fires", even Feng Rui wasn't calm now. This is the heaven and earth fetish. Even if it is given to one, even ten pieces of eternity cannot be exchanged.

The sacred thing is the sacred thing, there is no peerless treasure in heaven and earth, and it is accompanied by the strange power of creation.

Once born, it must be accompanied by the extraordinary blood and rain of the immortal world, and the immortal emperor cannot be alone.

But now, one of the seven fires is on Lin Lang, and he is still seriously injured, how can they calm down.

In their eyes, Lin Lang's magical powers and precious pearls are all inferior to a fire at this moment, and Lin Lang is a moving treasure house.

Of course, the five prospective sons could not give up hunting. Lin Lang hurried forward in front, while at the rear he wanted to kill Lin Lang's immortal people at the expense of blood essence.

"It seems that I only have to go there." Lin Lang changed his mind, and now he pursues too many soldiers behind him, and each one has red eyes. It is not easy to get rid of them.

So they can only take them to a place where they dare not step in. The place of inheritance is a good choice.

As for whether the secrets of the inheritance land will be exposed, Lin Lang is not worried. When the inheritance land is really opened, there must be a huge vision, and they cannot hide them.

Lin Lang hurried forward, with mountains and rivers passing behind him, and all the surrounding scenery quickly regressed.

Luo Xingxing is not as big as expected, even in the state of recovery, it is a little smaller than Dilinxing.

The so-called 10,000-mile land, the 100,000-mile land, is just a foot-raising effort in front of the monk of the immortal realm.


The road to escape was not so smooth, even though the people behind him could not catch up with Lin Lang, but the heavens behind him were arrogant to call friends, but all monks on Lin Lang's escape route responded and stopped Lin Lang in front.

Not long after.

Lin Lang encountered his first enemy. This man is not high, but he is just the top Tianjiao level.

But his appearance also successfully delayed Lin Lang's speed of action. Lin Lang raised his hand, and a mighty palm print blasted out the heavenly pride and flew away.

However, at such a short moment, Lin Lang's distance with the rear chasing force was again closer, and it only took a few breaths to land in front of Lin Lang.

So a few back and forth.

Lin Lang's several fairyland Tianjiao had intercepted him. After some fighting, Lin Lang's old and unhealed body added new injuries, and finally escaped the three men.

And at this time.

Lin Lang was already a place of inheritance in front of him. He wanted to go straight into the place of inheritance, and disappeared into the misty area.

"Be careful, I'm afraid there's something weird in this area." Feng Rui said in a deep voice, faintly aware of the unusual.

But where would everyone listen to his advice, at this moment they jumped into the misty area.


The moment they stepped into the misty area, they found that the cultivation in their bodies was declining infinitely, and their realm was falling.

"Oh my god, why is there only a peak in my realm?" One of the immortals Tianjiao exclaimed, showing a ghostly expression.

Cultivation is so important to a monk, not to mention the arrogance of a quasi-son who can seal the battlefield of immortals.

Once the realm fell to the peak, they would not even have the ability to save their lives in the crisis-stricken Fengxian battlefield.

"Me too, the realm is weakened. The predecessor knows this already, and deliberately invited us in." Wang Yanxian looked at Lin Lang staggering forward, and said with a deep voice.

In this foggy space, both cultivation and supernatural power are greatly discounted, and even the space spiritual ring cannot be opened.

This is the most dangerous.

"Be careful, since he chose to come here, maybe he is quite familiar with this place, and probably won't do jade burns."

"The practices we are weakening should be temporary." Wang Yanxian's mind was agile, and it was also said to comfort everyone.

"I think so."

The others nodded, even though their hearts had retreated, but at this moment they had to chase it hard.

Lin Lang and this group of people walked out of Sanli in total, and when they came here, the realm of the people also fell to the first stage of the fairy king.

"Damn, you play, I'm not accompanied." An immortal Tianjiao couldn't bear it anymore, turned and walked away.

There is at least some opportunity to retain the cultivation of the fairy king realm, but if the realm falls to the real fairy realm, then there is no chance of returning to the sect gate!

There were only four people left in front of the chase, so the people walked a few miles forward again, and Xiu Wei fell to the realm of true immortality.


In the distance of the foggy area, there was a primitive roar of beasts, one after another, as if there were a group of terrible creatures in the unknown area in the distance.

When everyone heard this voice, their faces changed slightly.

"It's the cry of the extreme heaven, and there are more than one, we can't go any further." One of the fairy world Tianjiao's brows were low.

Extreme magpie, a rare spirit beast that only grows in the old forests of deep mountains. It does not open its wisdom for life, but its strength is comparable to the immortal kings in the perfect state.

If it is normal, they will not be afraid of the cultivation of these people. But now, they only have the practice of true immortal realm, and there is only one way to go to the upper pole.

Not to mention more than one!

"Forget it, we can't stop him from trying to kill him. It's better that we wait outside the foggy area, and it's not too late when he comes out to kill him."

"It's better than staying in such a weird and unknown place." Feng Rui also resigned in her heart, and then spoke.

"I agree!"

This group of Tianjiao also retreated, and did not dare to go any further. At this moment, hearing Feng Rui's suggestion, the natural **** went down.

After a few simple discussions, a few people finally decided to temporarily withdraw from the inheritance land, and it was not too late to say anything else.

"How about you?"

Feng Rui saw King Yan Yan shook his head and asked.

"You go back first, I can't go yet. This child has played with me many times, and it will be difficult to calm the hatred of my heart without killing him." King Yanxian murmured silently.

Why didn't he want to leave this unknown place, but Zi Huo was so important to him!

This is the innumerable people of the Yan clan, countless generations have dreamed of it, but it is impossible to meet it, even if the Emperor of Immortals is rushing to it.

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