Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 987: Liu family bowed his head

"Uncle Xu, first let go, this is a misunderstanding." Liu Yaner quickly blocked everyone in front of the Liu family and tried to stop it.

No matter what position she was in, she couldn't just watch the two men fight. However, she was quiet, how could the Liu family listen to her instructions?

"Get away from the small evil barrier, don't blame me to fight with you!" Xu Bobo snorted coldly, but there was no pause in his moves, and there was no concern about whether Liu Yaner was in the middle.

Seeing that Mr. Xu's attack was about to fall on Liu Yeer, at this moment, Liu Yier was waving a soft light pattern.

Uncle Xu's attack not only did not hurt Liu Yeer in the slightest, on the contrary, it was more like hitting a thick wall.

Flying Xu Laobo Zhen out a dozen meters away, it was even a big mouth vomiting blood, which obviously hurt the internal organs.

"what's the situation?"

Everyone in the Liu family was already embarrassed when they saw this scene. How did Mr. Xu say that he was also a weak monk who was not weak, why was he seriously injured?

"She should have a magic weapon on her body." Gongzi obviously did not realize the key to the problem, only if it was caused by some magic weapon on Liu Yier.

Right now.

He stretched out his hand, and his palm quickly expanded to cover the position of Lin Lang.

Lin Lang flicked his hand gently, and immediately like the old man Xu, Liu Gong flew out instantly, vomiting blood in his mouth, and was seriously injured.

"It's him ... why ?!"

At this time, the masters of the Liu family finally realized that the problem was not with Liu Yaner, but that they were facing a peerless master.

He is the true god, not the ants who let them handle it!

"Take me to meet your father."

Lin Lang looked at Liu Yaner beside him and smiled slightly. Liu Yeer was shocked at the moment, she never expected that the big brother who had been together for such a long time was not only physically fit, but also a master.

Before that, she wouldn't even think of killing her!

"Forget it, brother, if my family offends you, my son will accompany you first."

Liu Yaner didn't want to make things big. Moreover, in her mind, the family of the Liu family is so ingrained that no one can shake it.

Breaking into the Liu family in this way is afraid that it will cause a group of siege masters, and even alarm the old ancestor of the fairy is very likely.

"rest assured."

Lin Lang touched Liu Yier's head and said with a smile: "They made Lie so much aggrieved, and my elder brother will get you justice."

Talking, he pulled Liu Yaner forward. Everyone in the Liu family didn't dare to stop, and hurriedly backed off. Miss two and Miss three ran in the forefront.

"This is how to do?"

Ms. San was so anxious that they made a lot of preparations for today's affairs, and even invited the elders of the Liu family to Zhengtang to try Liu Huaer.

Who ever thought that things would change over and over again. Although he caught Liu Yaner's appearance, he caused a great master of terror.

"What a panic, just now the masters of the Liu family are in the inner hall, leading him to just grab him." Miss Er said fiercely.

To be honest, she didn't know the truth. After all, defeating Dixian is as simple as drinking tea or drinking water. It is still unknown whether the masters of the Liu family can win him.

that's it.

With a loud noise, the young people of the Liu family retreated to the inner hall.

"It's panic, is the sky falling or the ground sinking, what kind of system is it?" The main family of the Liu family sat in the main hall and saw the two young ladies rushing in.


He frowned again and asked, "Pinger Shuanger, what do you both mean to invite the clan elders here?"

"Not good, enemy attack!"

The second lady hadn't even breathed yet, and everyone in the Liu family had already carried the seriously injured Liu Family and Xu Laobo in.

When the owner Liu saw the dying Liu family son, his face suddenly sank: "Who did this?"

"it's me."

And at this time.

Lin Lang stepped forward.

"Have my son look like this, you have a vicious heart." Master Liu's face was somber that he could drip water. "Dare to ask the dog to have revenge against you?"

"I want to fight, naturally I will."

Lin Lang said faintly, looking around the room. In addition to the Liu family owner in the center, there was a group of elderly Liu family members.

These people are almost equivalent to most of the masters of the Liu family.


An old clan heard that his beard was half-stretched: "The old man has been arrogant for years and has never seen such a arrogant person!"

"His Excellency is too concerned about the Liu family."

"Due to your own cultivation, you also want to cross the stars?" Lin Lang squinted at the famous clan, without any shame, just as he calmly explained the facts.

"Dad, she bullied her a little bit, and deceived her, and when we found it, she became angry and hurt her brother."

"Now my sister-in-law is afraid of being chastised by him."

"I hate that I am weak and incapable of doing anything to help my brother. I can only let this devil do evil." Ms. Er touched a tear and was emotional.

If she didn't know it, she would think she was a good sister who cares about her younger sister.

"Anything else?"

Liu Jiazhu didn't say a word, his face was more like the tranquility before the volcanic eruption, and the wrath of the sky may erupt at any time.

"Hurting my people, bullying my daughter, and abandoning my son, are you bullying Liu into the age, why can't you?"

"No father, this is not the case at all. The elder brother treats me very well and has no disagreement with me."

"It is the second sister, the second sister is lying!" Liu Yaner quickly explained, but at this time, the owner of the Liu family would not listen to her.

On the one hand, she talked softly, and on the other hand, the second lady, the wicked, sue in advance, and the owner of the Liu family was only deceived by Liu Yaner, and the testimony could not be true.

In addition to the most important, Lin Lang injured the most important son of the Liu family owner, broke into the Liu family, and how could he shrink back as the family owner.

"kill him."

The owner of the Liu family did not pay attention to Liu Yier, and instead gave orders to the experts present.

For a while, the master Liu Family, who had been unable to hold back his heart, was rushing up.

There were dozens of players in the Liu family who were present. Each one was a master of the earth fairy level, and there were four giants who converged the Dao.

"Out of your own control."

Lin Lang was arrogant, looking at the master Liu family who was flooding in front of him, he took a step forward.


This foot was like the revenge of the giant spirit god. When he stepped on the ground, the whole ground continued to tremble and collapsed.

The invisible ripples spread everywhere, and the Liu Family master who was still aggressive before the moment was like a pot of dumplings just boiling.

It was falling from the sky, and each of them was wounded, just like the previous grandson of the Liu family.

In one kick, almost 80% of the masters of the Liu family were buried, and the dignity of everyone in the Liu family was also broken.

"how can that be!"

The owner of the Liu family almost lost his voice.

He never imagined that there could still be such a terrible existence in the world, and with his own strength, he hurt dozens of giants.

And he himself never really shot from beginning to end. This practice shocked him.

"The Liu family actually recruited a master of heaven?" The thought of the Liu family owner began to panic at the thought.

Tianxian is enough to open a sect on one side of the land, just like their ancestors of the Liu family, is Tianxian Xiuwei, and the Liu family ’s most powerful weapon to deter foreign enemies.

And now.

They actually got into a fairy!

"If you have such a practice, why should you bully my Liu family? In all fairness, my Liu family didn't do anything to you." Liu family owner said arrogantly.

"Now can you talk about it? It's late!" Lin Lang said coldly, "Today, what your Liu family did is enough to kill me thousands of times."

The lord of the Liu family trembled, and he dared not look directly into Lin Lang's eyes. He had to look to Liu Yaner for help, and said, "Hey, you are old with this senior, why not ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Lin Lang's sneer: "Now that you know she's begging, you really are a good family."

"No, no." The owner Liu waved his hands quickly, and said, "I just want to let her explain it. I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Would n’t it be better if the misunderstanding was resolved?"

"Why should I explain to you."

Lin Lang sneered endlessly, his contempt overflowed in words.

"Big brother, we all blame you, my father and they are also concerned about my safety. Is it possible for big brother to calm down ..."

Liu Yaner begged to look at Lin Lang, who was unmoved, as if he hadn't heard it at all.

Once at this time, the Liu family will only think that everything is fine and how to do it without giving them a lesson.

Hearing this, the owner of the Liu family was completely desperate: "Have you had to let my Liu family break down to be willing!"

"Your cultivation is not bad, but there is a big teacher on Luo Luoxing, and there is a Qingyan religion behind the Liu family. They will preside over the justice for the Liu family!"

The owner of the Liu family also saw that today's things can no longer be good, and he simply stiffened a little. He didn't stop the other person to hear the Qingyan teaching.

"Sin barrier, you shut up for me!"


A crisp slap sounded, and immediately afterwards, a commoner old man appeared in the main hall, and it was the Liu family owner who was slapped slap hard.

"Sin barrier, you are the one to make the Liu family impossible!" The commoner's eyes were angry, and he could not wait for the master of the Liu family to be ashamed.

"It's the ancestor!"

"The ancestor is out. The ancestor is Tianxian. He has great powers. He must be able to kill this demon."

"Yes, yes, the ancestors also asked for justice for the Liu family!" Many members of the Liu family in the inner church started to speak.

This person is the founder of the Liu family, a monk in the heavens. And his appearance also gave the people present a peace of mind.

The eyes of the ancestors of the Liu family glanced at many people and gave them a severe glance. Then they turned around and looked at Lin Lang with a smile on his face.

"This is the fault of my Liu family. If you are still dissatisfied, just ask for it. Those who have previously shot at you can also be punished."

"Old man, on behalf of the Liu family to pay for your crimes." The old ancestors of the Liu family politely bent down and apologized.

And this scene.

Falling in the eyes of everyone in the Liu family, it was more like seeing a ghost, only feeling that all nerves could not return.

Their ancestors, divine masters, bowed their heads and apologized to them without such dignity?

What is this person about?

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