Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 985: Unseen secret

The Qingyan religion is the largest gate in this area with a radius of more than 100,000 miles. There are many masters in the gate, there are countless monks in the heavens, and it is the old ancestors who have the real fairy realm.

Even on Luo Xingxing, Qing Yanjiao is also a big force in the ranks. Including the nearby Liu family, Su family, and so on, all lived under the teachings of Qing Yan.

Qing Yan teaches a word, can determine the rise and fall of the family!

The youth in front of the family also recognize that it is the chief disciple of Qing Yanjiao, Wang Yue.

Don't look at him as a young man, less than a hundred years old, but he already has the practice of Luo Xingxing, who is quite famous among the young monks.

Lin Lang didn't know this person. Although he had also spent some time in the Qingyan religion, he was not impressed by Wang Yue.

Presumably Wang Yue was no longer teaching at Qing Yan.

"who are you?"

Wang Yue glanced at Lin Lang and did not take the latter to heart. Based on his practice, even if they meet old monsters in the family, they can retreat from their bodies, how can they be afraid of an unknown little monk.

"It doesn't matter who I am, you just need to know that this spirit stone vein is not something you Greenflame can touch."

Lin Lang said faintly.

Although Qing Yanjiao was also his teacher, to be fair, Lin Lang's attitude towards Qing Yanjiao was mediocre, and he did not have much gratitude.

After all, he was not happy when he was teaching in Qingyan. He was crushed too much by the suzerain. He did not get justice for himself, but he gave it to his face.

"His good breath."

Wang Yue sneered: "It's the first time I've seen anyone who doesn't take Qing Yan teaching seriously. It seems that if you don't knock off your front teeth today, you won't be convinced."

"You can try."

Lin Lang was still an indifferent expression.

"I waited for a few people to come forward to find out. I was about to pass the news of the spirit stone veins to Qingyanjiao. As a result, the boy was killed in the air, and I lost all in his hands."

"Wang Dianzi must be careful, this person's cultivation may have reached the level of Tianxian." People from several major families have spoken in succession.

Anyway, Qingyanjiao has noticed the anomaly here, and they think it is impossible to swallow it alone. It is better to let it go, at least to think about it.


Wang Gongzi's palm shook, and a long sword appeared in his hand. Between several breaths, Jianwei broke out, and the waves of swords rushed to Lin Lang.

In the sky, it seemed as if it was covered with countless sword shadows.

The sword swelled, even if the masters of the various families were far apart, they still felt a terrible power that made the soul fear.

"Is this the power of Tianxian!"

The masters of the major families are all horrified. Tianxian level is already the foundation of the deterrents in their clan. How can they be seen on weekdays.

Several people couldn't help looking at Lin Lang with pitying eyes, and they also gave a hint of joy. The same family was killed in the front. Although they were not revenge themselves, they could watch the enemy being killed. Why not?


Lin Lang's face was calm, he stomped his feet lightly, the sky's sword smashed instantly, and ripples radiated from his side.


Wang Yue's sword strokes were instantly cleaned, and he himself, like a heavy blow, flew away from a distance.

With his head tilted, he was dead.

A pitiful generation of Luo Xingxing's Tianjiao has fallen so faintly. Anyone will feel sorry.


For everyone present, this undoubtedly completely destroyed their worldview. There will still be such masters in the world, stomping a Tianxian?

"Isn't it true ..."

The tone of the crowd was already trembling. At this time, how could they have the courage to fight Lin Lang?

"Why is it?"

Lin Lang looked at the crowd away and shook his head. In his eyes, these people are ants that can be killed freely, and he naturally does not care.

As for this spiritual stone vein, Lin Lang did not have the time to dig it himself. He simply extended his hand and left a word on the mountain wall in front.

Gengjin sword gas appeared, stone debris flew on the mountain wall, and four powerful characters appeared in a blink of an eye.

This mountain has a master!

The fingertips are painted by swords.

Presumably wait for Lin Lang to leave. If anyone else comes, he will look back at these three words. The mountain wall lettering shows his cultivation behavior, stroke by stroke.

If someone else touches it without permission, he will only be injured by the sword gas, which will kill his life.

That's it.

Lin Lang then left contentedly. It is estimated that Liu Yan'er should be busy at this time. Don't let her come out and disappear.

As soon as he shook himself, several blinking rooms had returned to the woods outside Liu's door. Really, Liu Yaner was already waiting there.

"Your leg?"

When Lin Lang approached, he frowned. He noticed carefully that Liu Yan'er's left ankle bone had been deformed, and the exposed foot surface was swelling a lot.

"I'm fine. I accidentally stumbled when I was doing work in the morning." Liu Yaner tried to explain that although she was trying to cover up, her one leg was still a little difficult to support.

Shake it from side to side and almost fell.

"Did they hurt?"

Lin Lang frowned, thinking about it, the only two young ladies who often hurt Liu Yaner at the Liu family.

"No, it has nothing to do with her sister." Liu Yaner quickly and weakly explained, but how could she hide it from Lin Lang.

I had to lame, and said, "Anyway, it has nothing to do with them, so you don't care."

"Then you should be careful yourself later," Lin Lang said. The two talked for a while, and it was not early, and Liu Yaner returned to Liu's house.

Lin Lang turned around and his body had drifted into the Liu family.

In Liu's house, Miss Er's room.

Miss Three sat at the table, and the two talked and laughed. Ms. San covered her mouth and laughed: "I can't think of Liu Xiaoer's little bitch, which is so obedient, and asked her to serve the old man every day, but she really did."

"That little **** is idle every day, so letting her serve the old man is a contribution to the family."

"I heard that Old Man Sun is a lascivious old guy. Many of the maids in the family have been treated by him lightly. If he had been seriously injured to save his father then, could he be kept to this day?"

Miss II sneered.

"You said, let that little bargain often give Sun the old man medicine. Over time, will there be something happening to the two of them?"

The heart of Miss Three's gossip was burning, and her eyes even looked forward to it.

"That's why there's a reason to let that little **** get out of Liu's house." Miss Er said with a touch of pride: "Forget it, don't mention that bitch."

"Let her help me clean up the room in the morning, but turned out my personal belongings and broke her one leg."

She snorted.

Hearing here, everything is clear. Despite Liu Yan's dissuasion, Lin Lang still didn't plan to stand by.

He reached out his hand gently, two negligible breaths came out quietly, and landed on the legs of the second daughter.


With two screams, the two women's legs were instantly broken by energy, and the only pain was screaming, and a scream of sorrow spread throughout the Liu family mansion.

Not long after, the entire Liu family mansion was startled again. The family members rushed out of the room. The two young ladies were already lying on the ground mourning.

Many of them were monks. After they walked over to make a diagnosis, they concluded that these two legs were completely disused, and they still had terrible vigor and could not be eliminated.

In fact, the monk's broken bones can be re-connected with a panacea. However, in the case of the two young ladies, the vitality remaining on the wound must be dealt with first.

No one has this confidence.

After all, with Lin Lang's cultivation, even if he hits with one hand, there is almost invincible existence on Luo Luoxing. Who in the world is willing to take risks and heal two women with no background?


Even the owner of the Liu family was shocked. He usually loved the two daughters on weekdays, so they were injured and came to hear the news.

"How is this going?"

The owner of the Liu family frowned.

"We don't know. We were chatting in the room at night. Who knew that there was a sudden pain, and that's it."

Miss Three cried like a teardrop, and even spoke a little bit unfavorably.

"Also, we were walking on the road yesterday, and we didn't know who suddenly slapped our two slaps. Look, there are still slap prints on the faces."

Said Miss Two hastily.

"Is that right?"

The owner of the Liu family frowned, pondering for a long while, and then he said, "Then it won't be any spiritual incident. Maybe a master is lurking around the Liu family at this time."

The owner of the Liu family was also very keen to make a judgment: "This person can hide that the Liu family masters hurt people, which is enough to prove his good strength, and his injuries are not killed, indicating that he just wants to give you two lessons.

"Think about it yourself. Have you offended anyone recently? Should it still be close?"

Liu Family asked.

"Second sister, do you remember that she broke her foot yesterday ... and the day before yesterday ..." The third sister thought about it, suddenly thinking of Liu Yaner.

After thinking about it, she seems to be the only one offending recently.

"Impossible." Miss Er glanced at Miss San fiercely. Liu Yan'er's feet were interrupted by her life, and the slap was also the two of them.

The problem is.

What Liu Yaner said was also the natural flesh and blood of the owner of the Liu family. Could it be that they still have to explain a little bit of guessing and explain their actions?

Will the Liu family owner punish them?

Miss Three was not a fool, and she reacted instantly, silent.


The owner Liu looked at the two in doubt.

"I heard that today's sister-in-law also accidentally twisted her ankle. I was wondering if she would also be followed." Miss Er quickly explained.

"So it is."

The owner of the Liu family nodded saltily and did not take it seriously, saying: "Presumably that person is not malicious. The two of you have gone out as little as possible recently, and he should not embarrass you any more."

"As for your legs, I will find someone to look at them for you."

After speaking, the owner Liu took him directly. He didn't take this little thing seriously.

After the owner of the Liu family left, Miss two and Miss three looked at each other.

Ms. Er resentfully said: "It must be the little bitch, she must have a secret on her, and we will find her to look good when we find out!"

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