Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 983: Liu family has a girl

Lin Lang was about to step into the foggy area, but he heard a rush of footsteps behind him, and the old man limped.

He really had a red armour in his hands.

"Young man, what are you doing in such a hurry? If I hadn't just retrieved the armor from the village chief and passed by and saw it, then you will definitely die when you walk in." The old man gasped.

"Are they really there?" Lin Lang stared at the pair of armors in the old man with an incredible stare. He naturally recognized that this armor was exactly the one he had found in the fog.

Not bad at all.

Originally, Lin Lang thought the old man was talking casually, and only intended to leave him in the village. Unexpectedly, what he said turned out to be true.


The old man sighed and said, "This armor was uploaded by my ancestors. It is useless at other times except when I usually worship the mountain god."

"When you put it on, you'll probably meet a altar half a mile away. Don't go any further wherever you go. Don't disturb the old man of Shanshen."

The old man asked a few words with a long heart, and then delivered the armor to Lin Lang's hands. He was relieved when he witnessed Lin Lang wearing it.

Lin Lang thanked the old man.

Then stepped into the fog area.

This piece of armor is not simple. I don't know its grade, but it has extraordinary defensive capabilities, and it also has a considerable barrier to the fog.

After traveling about half a mile, Lin Lang also had a new understanding of the fog. Before the inheritance land was completely opened, the strange energy contained in the fog area was particularly strong.

Only a mile away, his cultivation has been suppressed to the realm of true immortality, and as he continues to move forward, cultivation is also falling.

After Lin Lang went into ten miles.

The cultivation around him was completely suppressed, leaving only the purest physical strength. At this point, Lin Lang stopped and did not move on.

He once had the experience of breaking into the inheritance land, but at that time the inheritance land had been opened, and the threat of the foggy area had been minimized.

Rao was in that situation, he also went beyond a hundred miles. And the most important thing is that he knew very well that after ten miles, there would be terrible foggy creatures, some of which were strong enough to rival the fairy king.

In this case, he is extremely difficult to counteract, so Lin Lang simply gave up and planned to wait until the inheritance place really opened.

Now he rushed in, just afraid that his life would be accounted for here.


Lin Lang returned on the original road. Of course, he did not return to Laozhang's house. After the inheritance of armor and other places, it was not too late to return.

Take advantage of this time.

Lin Lang was going to meet those friends in the past and see how they were doing.


Pingliang City.

Liu family.

The Liu family is a big family in Pingliang City and the first family of Pingliang City. The city and even the nearby cities of Fangcheng are all Liu's industries.

Not to mention the entire Luo Xingxing, but it has a considerable influence in this vicinity. The masters in the clan are like clouds, and it is said that there is an old ancestor of Tianxian sitting in town.

On this aura with a thin aura, the true immortal is hard to find, and the monks in the realm of heaven are already a mighty one.

Under a willow tree near the Liu family, at this moment, a girl, about seventeen or eighteen years old, sits gracefully in the shadow of the big tree.

She has a delicate face without any whitewashing. She is a bit cute and a bit playful.

In front of her was a guqin.

The delicate and delicate fingers touch the strings, and the graceful and light sound of the piano lingers around, which makes people listen to refreshing and enjoyable.

Fine and delicate hand, beautiful woman fiddle.

A song, flying at your fingertips.

The beautiful music sounded again.

Suddenly, the tune came. The girl struck her palm on the strings, but did not continue to play it down, because she wrote this tune herself, and she only felt that there was a flaw in the rhythm behind.

Ready to revise it.

At this time, there was a sudden sound of music in the forest, with a clear rhythm and endless tunes, although it was not the sound of a piano, it came from other instruments. But just to carry on the unfinished second half of the girl.


Seeing her hunting delight, the girl moved the strings in accordance with the tune from the forest, and seemed to be testing whether the tune in the forest fit the mood of the tune.

after a long time.

It was getting late, and the girl finally picked up the harp and shouted into the deep forest, "Well, thank you."

Say nothing.

The girl entered the gate of Liu's house.

In the woods, there was helpless Lin Lang. He was not a musical instrument, but he had learned something when he was with Liu Yeer in the previous life.

It was only the opening part of the concert that Liu Yaner played before, but it was cheating himself.

the next day.

Liu Yaner really appeared again, the same place, the same person, the same song is more than put down.

Just this piece of music, Liu Yaner overthrew several times, repeated exercises, only felt that the second half has not been satisfactory, playing the desired effect with the strings.

The music continued, and Lin Lang didn't leave, just sitting on the tree watching the girl quietly, and sometimes blowing wood leaves in his mouth, playing out some of Liu Yaner's favorite songs in his memory.

Three days, four days, five days.

The two did not meet each other for a week, so they were separated by a wood, with leaves in their mouths, and their hands stroking the strings.

It's more like a friendship between mountains and rivers. It has never met, but it seems to have been for years.

Finally, one day, Liu Yaner couldn't help curiosity, and stomped into the woods. He saw a young man lying on a tree branch with a leaf in his mouth.

"Sir, is this your instrument?"

Liu Yaner looked curiously at Lin Lang. Although not so stunning at first glance, he was also called handsome.

"The countryside in my hometown often picks up a few leaves to blow. If you want to talk about musical instruments, it probably counts." Lin Lang smiled.

"Also, just call me Lin Lang."

Of course, Liu Yaner also had no other ideas, but just felt that the elder brother in front of him had an inexplicable intimacy and was familiar with the rhythm.

At first sight, the two talked from noon to night.

"It's getting late, and I should go back, or others will say me again." Liu Yaner got up and left.

At this moment, a bitter voice was heard in the distance.

"Where did the little **** go, and told her to do the laundry in the morning, and there was no trace at night."

Under the willow tree in the distance, there are two women, who are similar to Liu Yier in appearance, and should also be the Liu family.


Liu Yaner's face changed slightly, and she ran out of the woods. Just a few steps later, she went back and asked Lin Lang: "You should come back tomorrow, big brother."

"Will do."

Lin Lang nodded gently.

Liu Yier then relieved his heart, trotting all the way, ran to the second daughter in the distance.

The two women are Liu Yier's second and third sisters, whose daughters are precious to their mothers. The owner of the Liu family is a mother who loves the second daughter. Therefore, the two of them have a high status in the Liu family.

Liu Yier should be regarded as Miss Four, but her mother died early, and her uncle's children did not support her family. Few Liu Lius really regarded her as Miss Four.

"I asked you to do the laundry in the morning, why haven't you gone back yet?" The third sister reprimanded, an unreasonable look.

"But I came out after washing."

Liu Yaner squeezed out.

"You still have reason? I just took off one, and I didn't see you come to wash it all afternoon. What else can I do? There is no talent for cultivation. How could you give birth to you as a sinner? "

Compared with the third sister, the second sister's behavior is even more mean, and Liu Yan'er scolded a dog blood spout in one breath, it seems that he is not deflated.

She swept away, saw the guqin under the tree, and kicked it with a kick.

"Every day you tinker with this broken piano, think more about what you can do to your family, a woman like a waste."

The second sister sneered: "Tomorrow, wash all our clothes, remember to help me clean up the room, and dare to disturb me to break your legs!"

"Sooner or later let you get out of Liu's house."

After that.

The two left with high spirits. Liu Yaner picked up Guqin and touched it with some distress. This was her mother's relic, one of the few precious things in the house, and she felt relieved when she saw that the strings were fine.

Lin Lang looked clearly in the distance. Seeing that Liu Yaner was bullied, he didn't plan to take a shot.

He also knows now that Liu Yaner's status in the Liu family is not high. Before she did not set foot on the cultivation road, she should not have been bullied by her family.

Later, she joined the Qingyan religion, and after a certain cultivation, she improved her status in the Liu family.

"Bullying the children like this should also give them some lessons." Lin Lang grunted coldly, his body flickered, and disappeared in place.


Lin Lang intercepted the two on the small road in the Liu family's house. There was nothing to say, but he stepped forward and slapped the two women with two slaps.

Without any warning, he turned around and left directly. He didn't want to trouble Liu Yaner, and it was okay to help Liu Yaner secretly.

Followed closely by two decibel screams.


The entire Liu family manor was shocked, and a lot of family guards ran over to inquire, the second woman's chest trembled, and her face also had hot pain.

The sharp slap was still printed on his face.

It was just that they had finished their experiences, and the family members were also stunned.

what's the situation? I was slapped twice in the Liu Family Manor, I don't know who shot it yet? how is this possible!

The Liu family manor was heavily guarded and there were many masters. How could there be outsiders with unknown origins? Maybe it was the two young ladies who added drama by themselves.

But they were also familiar with the tempers of the two young ladies, and they immediately got busy, catching the assassin who was unknown. This trivial matter has not yet attracted the attention of the Liu family's masters. It was only an abnormal farce, which soon subsided.

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