Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 980: Nightmare in District 14

Injured? He doesn't care at all! However, Lin Lang's moves are getting faster and faster, and at the same time, he is not at the slightest disadvantage against the top two top heavens. He is like a ghost in the night, erratic, and sometimes like a **** hunter, with a sharp blade. "His avenue is just restraint from us." The Tians of the bone tribe stunned in their hearts, the Ming tribe believed in the dark avenue, and the fairyland believed in the light. Any monk who practiced the Avenue of Darkness had a great restraint effect on the ordinary monks in the fairyland. Guangming Avenue is the same for the underworld creatures. of course. Those princes of heaven can not be counted, they basically have some way to avoid this. only. The two bone monks in front of him did not have this ability, even if Lin Lang was one enemy and two at this time, he also had the absolute upper hand at this time. His body flickered, and in the blink of an eye he fell behind one of the bone monks, the Avenue of Lights bloomed, and the qi of his body began to fall apart. And at this time. Lin Lang's sword tore the black robe, and the bone tribe Tianjiao, who was in the black robe, was cut off, and his skull was rolling round and round. The bone group did not die, and the headless skeleton tried to pick up and assemble its own head again, but Lin Lang had already been killed again, and the fierce swordmang left more than 180 sword marks on the latter. Sword wounds on dry bone. "Go to death!" The other person saw the situation was not good, and came behind Lin Lang and planned to sneak attack. At this time, Lin Lang turned back suddenly, squeezed a lotus flower in his hand, and had fallen into the arrogant and generous black robe of another bone family. boom! The magical power exploded, the Nature Avenue and the Five Elements Avenue, among which the power that contained the Avenue of Lights bloomed instantly. I saw that black robe, filled with dazzling light, like a blazing sun, expanding rapidly. With a loud noise. The bone tribe Tianjiao was directly blown into pieces, Lin Lang walked to them, put his fingers into the skull, and crushed two of them. The body structure of the bones is a bit complicated. For example, the condensed spirit planet is actually hidden in two ghost fires in the eye sockets. This is the only link to establish a connection with the spirit planet. Lin Lang didn't leave the two men with a half chance. They simply killed the two. After finishing these things, he immediately returned to Fang Lian. Looking at this cold corpse, Lin Lang was also full of apologies. If he was not on the avenue of enlightenment, he had to be protected by outsiders. There was also a chance for Fang Lian to break through. At that time, if Fang Lian used the last defensive weapon on herself, she would least wake up Lin Lang from her cultivation, and at least she would ensure she left. however. She had no choice. She did not escape alone, nor did she wake up Lin Lang. Instead, she protected Lin Lang at the last moment of her life to prevent his state of silence from being interrupted. "Sister!" Lin Lang was sad in heart. He grabbed Fang Lian's palm and looked at the sister who was not so deep but deeply affectionate. Wouldn't the great sister suffer because of him being in a state of stillness at the critical moment? Don't blame him, who? "Huh? No." Lin Lang grabbed Fang Lian's palm, and now he saw the **** wound on the latter's hand, and his body was softened. It is clear. This is the state where the bone marrow is drained, and then Fang Lian's body is carefully examined. Finally, he notices a trace of life that is so weak that it can be ignored. Fang Lian wasn't dead. At least for now, it can be said that her spirit planet has not been destroyed, but she has suffered severe injuries and her bone marrow has been drained. "Should still be saved." At this moment Lin Lang no longer hesitated, dripping the last drop of elixir left in his body into Fang Lian's mouth. He controlled the spiritual power and helped Fang Lian absorb the effect. This was the juice he had obtained when he was accidentally cut off a tentacle of a creature suspected of immortality when he was outside the imperial palace. How strong the vitality of a drop of elixir is to save a person easily. I saw Fang Lian's injuries caused by the war healed quickly at this moment. in a blink. She has recovered as before. however. This can only help her hang on to a life. Her trauma and internal injuries have been cured, but her lost bone marrow is difficult to recover in a short time. For the present, there are only two ways. One is to continuously give Fang Lian the elixir to improve her body, so that the lost bone marrow can quickly recover itself. The other is to plunder the bone marrow and transfer it into the lotus root. Although it will lose most of it in the process, it is the fastest method. If you let the body adjust itself, I'm afraid to wait until the end of the battle of Feng Xian is still like this state. "Bone tribe, you **** it!" Lin Lang gritted his teeth, hugged Fang Lian, and disappeared into the distance. quickly. He found a relatively safe unmanned cave house, built a simple wooden bed for Fang Lian, and carefully arranged the defensive formation, and then returned to his place. The battle is not over yet, since Fang Lian can spare everything for him, I think Gu Tianshu's temperament will be even more so. He hurried back, intending to rescue Gu Tianshu before dawn. It's a pity, wait for him to return to the place where the previous three people belong. Upon closer inspection, it was found that five bone cold corpses were lying on the corner of the street, and the upper side was full of knife wounds. As for Gu Tianshu, it had long disappeared. The only thing was a pool of blood on the ground. "Brother Gu should be safe." Lin Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Gu Tianshu was not a master of knives, nor was he the five bone tribe Tianjiao opponent. Since there was a knife wound on the body, Gu Tianshu might have been rescued by a monk passing by here in the middle of the night. or. He has already made a siege, no matter which one, at least Gu Tianshu's safety does not need him to worry about at present. Then the rest. Is to make a good account with the bone family! The main culprit that caused Fang Lian to look like this is the bone marrow, how could Lin Lang's character be able to give up. In addition, what Fang Lian lacks is a large amount of bone marrow essence, and the bone family just happens to be the largest nutrient that Fang Lian has recovered. In the next few days, Lin Lang basically came out day and night, and went out as little as possible during the day to avoid exposing himself and Fang Lian. In the evening, he went out to hunt the bone tribe Tianjiao. Based on his current practice, as long as he doesn't encounter the epiphysis himself, or a half-step master of the same level, basically no one can threaten his life. and. Even if you meet a master of that level, with Lin Lang Xiaocheng's Bright Avenue, you can perceive it from a great distance and avoid it early. In a month. There was a small-scale sensation throughout the fourteenth district, and many people had a bone hunter in the fourteenth district. As long as the bones are not high, they have been killed when they were found, and the bone marrow essence on their bodies has been drained. One month after another. Many masters of the bone clan have also found abnormalities. Although Fu Yunhai is dying every day, it is also common for the bone clan to be damaged. but. Recently, the bone tribe Tianjiao's death rate has been too fast. Rao is one of the ten major races in the underworld, and there are many Tianjiao bones. There are thousands of people staying in Fuyunhai. However, several Bone tribes die every day, and they quickly attract the attention of Bone tribe masters, and even they may infer that they may be so-called within the Bone tribe. after all. Of all the races in the world, only the Bone tribe will take the initiative to devour the sacred bone marrow to improve themselves after killing the monks. To verify this. Soon, the bones set an ambush, waiting for the "uninvited guest" to come. However, when Lin Lang ’s Purple Flame God's Eye and Guangming Avenue are opened at the same time, they can be avoided basically every time in advance. Let the bones' plans fail in one go. On this day, they had to change their tactics, and one of the half-step saints of the Spirit Eater was hidden among several bone tribe pride. Unlike the Bone Clan, the Devouring Clan devours the spirit of the monk to improve itself, and is best at concealing the path of cultivation and perceiving the opponent. This is the reinforcements invited by the bones. Unfortunately. Lin Lang was hit by the master of the Spirit Eater that night, and teamed up with the bone tribe Tianjiao, and a war broke out. Lin Lang is also well aware of his own strengths and weaknesses. He is certainly inferior to the master of the Spirit Eater, as far as the soul is far worse. The only advantage is his perception ability, which is far more prominent than others. During the fierce battle, he avoided the Devourer Tianjiao, and kept his distance from the opponent as far as ten miles away. "I can't stop the person I want to kill!" Lin Lang sneered, taking advantage of the night, stepped out, the sword in his hand burst into a holy weapon, cut a bone tribe Tianjiao, and then left calmly. "He hasn't gone far, I'll go after him!" The half-step Shengzi, the bite-eater, only felt that his face was a little unsustainable, and chased in the direction of Lin Lang's escape. But he never thought of it. Lin Lang did not escape, but walked around and came to another gathering place of Tianjiao. The other side had three bone tribe Tianjiao, without any communication, a war broke out. Today Lin Lang's cultivation is very strong, and there are few top-level Tianjiao opponents if he is single-to-single, but it is not as easy as killing a dog. At the same time fighting with three bone tribe Tianjiao, it is almost his limit. At this time, it was midnight, and Lin Lang was unwilling to fight, but he was also going all out, and he was urged to the extreme by the road. Just listening to heaven and earth, the deafening roar of the avenue is everywhere. The three bone tribe Tianjiao are also not to be outdone. After sending out the help message, they go all out to drag Lin Lang. This was a deathmatch. From the beginning, Lin Lang was looking for a deadly magical power. His hole cards were frequently played. Under the situation of one enemy and three opponents, he continued to hang on. Between heaven and earth, the first rays of dawn dawned on the earth. Lin Lang also ended the fight at this moment, he successfully killed two bone tribe Tianjiao. The other escaped, and after ramming two corpses into the space spiritual ring, Lin Lang calmly left. "Relax, I will let you recover."

But at this time Lin Lang didn't pay attention to this. Under the anger, he just wanted to kill the two bone monks in front of him to vent his anger.

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