Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 973: Wanjian torrent slashes demons!

"Don't struggle, Mo said it was you, the two little dolls in the distance who were better than you were badly wounded by me. What capital did you have to escape?"

The imperial heart on the ring was as cold as ice. "It turned out to be you." Upon hearing this, Lin Lang couldn't help but stare. The reason why Fang Lian could be captured by King Jing was largely due to a surprise attack by an unknown force during the war. Later, they once suspected the guardian of the stars, but never thought that at that time, it was the emperor in front of the ring, the true Hades power. However, the fact is the same. The emperor on the ring was a puppet arrogant for tens of thousands of years ago. Today's cultivation is even more unfathomable. Those immortal kings who have condensed the soul planet will not be his opponents at all. "That's right." The emperor on the platform shook his wings in the air, and decided to kill Lin Lang. He only said, "The human race has you, such as Tianjiao, which is much stronger than those so-called goddess talents. "This is what I want to say." Lin Lang smiled slightly. In the face of the powerful ringleader, instead of panic, he showed an unusually confident expression. The emperor on the stage is not a person who can bluff casually, and has not paid attention to Lin Lang. At this moment, he has already shot. He didn't know where Lin Lang's strength came from, but he didn't want to know. "It should be you!" Lin Lang gave a cold drink, and his fingers lightly touched the space ring, and suddenly there were countless rays of light. With a clear sword groan, a long sword greeted the air. Up. Crimson Ruxia is a drop of blood, ancient simplicity is a mountain is heavy, and brilliance is like a thorn is a clear sky ... Twenty-seven holy swords have risen up in the sky, lingering around Lin Lang, quickly combining changes to form a perfect sword array. . Forefront. The Sword of the Sword is the head of the million swords, and orders the swords of the world. "Xianxian Tianyuan array!" Lin Lang sighed softly, and the Sword of the Sun rushed out at this time, listed in the forefront of the swords, looming the power of the emperor, deterring all kinds of weapons in the world. Xianxian Tianyuan Array, one of Lin Lang's hole cards in the past, is a powerful sword array that can kill Xiandi. Lin Lang used this method to seriously damage a fairy emperor of the protoss. only. The Yuanxian Tianyuan array in front of us is still flawed and lacks the most important link. The Xianxian Tianyuan Formation takes sword as its core. The higher the grade of the sword, the greater the quantity and the greater the power. If you really want to urge this array, you need tens of thousands of swords, but there are only 28 swords in front of you. but. It's hard to beat Lin Lang. He stepped lightly at his feet, and the Five Elements Avenue and the Nature Avenue exhibited at the same time. With his location as the core and a hundred miles as the radius, he quickly radiated out. The two areas almost covered the entire imperial city. I saw the people at war in this fashion. The swords in their hands were pulled by an inexplicable force and flew out of control. Even in the middle of battle, the Emperor Kanshui with a holy sword, the sword in his hand also came out at this moment and flew into the depths of the imperial city. He watched this scene blankly, wondering what happened in the imperial city during this time. Gu Tianshu took advantage of the chaos to make him have to spend a lot of effort to resist. at the same time. At this time Lin Lang's side had been surrounded by countless swords, and the number had far exceeded 10,000. The shining sun sword in the forefront shined like a monarch in the sword, commanding the world's swords. The sword array is like a rainbow, like a dragon, and everywhere you can see a torrent of torrents covering the sky and howling. Wanjian torrent slashes demons! "Good boy, I still need such means." The emperor's face on the platform was also dignified, although his cultivation was already a rare rival in the same realm. But at the moment. He felt a fatal crisis in Lin Lang. He didn't dare to carelessly, and suddenly he heard the sound of wailing, and there were waves of gas around him. "Introduce the **** of darkness!" Wu Qi entered the body, communicating with the soul planet far away from countless light years, giving him even greater horizontal strength. Behind him, a tall ghost image of the Hades **** appeared, and he stepped in the void, like walking on the ground. At the same time, the power of the sword array poured out completely. The power of Rakshasa's true body also erupted completely! I saw the sky shrouded in dark green under the emperor's dark air, the sky was dark, and the whole world was overshadowed. boom! The sword array collided with the underworld. The entire plain sky has fallen into an extremely violent battle. The various ways in the sky tear everything in the sky. The space has become extremely violent, with infinite power shining everywhere. boom! Boom! There was a loud noise, a flat-bottom blast, like a thunder, shaking away in all directions. The sound was huge, shook hundreds of miles, and blasted the entire world of Daystar. The imperial city was instantly razed to the ground. The day star trembled, the entire planet stopped working for a moment, and terrible disasters came one after another. Not only the area where the two played against each other, but also on the ground far from the other side of the Sun, the ground began to crack quickly, forming a narrow slit, spreading hundreds of miles. Countless civilians looked at this scene in horror, feeling helpless and thinking that the end of the world! The sword array rushed through, but the **** of darkness persisted for a short while, and it burst into pieces. The emperor standing on it was the first to bear the brilliance, and was entangled by the torrent of swords. The terrible sword gas penetrated the bones and directly tore the emperor on the stage into pieces. In the broken space, the sword array Yu Wei has not disappeared, and the potential is more like being able to wipe out the world, swimming around the ruins of the imperial city with a punch. boom! There were dozens of members of the Hades squad that had previously hid in the Su Su dynasty. The ninety-nine-percent-perfect fairy king, headed by it, was drowned by the sword, and there were countless swords in his body. The other members of the Mind of the Mind of the Sky also failed to escape, and were killed in the chase of Jian Zhen, and none survived! Until then. The power of the sword array was then dissipated. Thousands of unsupported swords crashed to the ground in the sky, and the fiery sun sword turned backwards and straightly in front of Lin Lang. It seems that the sword spirit also senses the weak state of Lin Lang today, and he wants to guard his master in this way. Lin Lang sat in place, closed his eyes and adjusted his breath. Although the sword array slayed the horrible king on the ring, his consumption was also the same. Among them, swords such as dripping blood were consumed by the magical power, the sword spirit was asleep, and even the entire sword body was dimmed. The reason why the sword array has such power is that each sword spirit is the core, and the consumption of the sword spirit and spirituality is also consumed. Twenty-seven holy swords were directly scrapped for three battles. Among all his swords, except for the holy swords that have consumed the play, only emperor swords such as the Sword of the Yang can still persist. same. Wuxian Tianyuan Array also has quite horrible power, almost leaving scars on this planet that cannot be made up. There is no one million years of restlessness to return to normal. Where the imperial city is located, the 100,000-mile radius is razed to the ground, leaving only endless ruins and countless dead and wounded. Gu Tianshu, Fang Lian, and others, because of their high strength, were also a little far away from the center of the explosion. Although they were injured by the might of the sword array, they were not heavy. So are their opponents. Only under the consumption of such dramas, they have no intention of fighting. This is even more the case with the three old men in Yinshan. Just moments ago, they saw the almost **** in the sky who was almost so tall. They were tuned by the emperor on the ring, and they should transform their body into a semi-next to the tribe, naturally knowing the means of the emperor on the ring. Seeing that the battlefield in the palace was so fierce, even the emperor on the stage was forced to show his final card, but in the end, he still failed to escape doom. At this moment can not help but panic, Fang Lian seized the opportunity, almost the three of them out of breath, their lives are worrying. With no other choice, the three old men in Yinshan could only show the true body of the half-nin tribe, with no war intention, just to escape. After shaking a few tricks, the three quickly evacuated the battlefield, and the rapid speed brought bursts of wind. While ignoring the three men fighting Gu Tianshu. The three former ancestors who played an important role on the day star are even more stunned. "The Hades, they are really Hades!" The Sect of Kan Shuizong wanted to scold his mother. At the time, they came by invitation to stand on behalf of Emperor Pusu. Who would have thought that Tianjiao, who had offended the promising future of the three large Yexianzongs, would have accidentally fought a battle for the Hades. Just as the three Lin Lang said at the time, the private affiliation of the Hades is a major crime that will be pursued by the immortal collective. This was even more true of Patriarch Hachinohe. When he saw the emperor appearing on the ring in the palace, his knees were frightened. Time to this time. The three of them no longer intended to fight anymore, and were even more afraid of death. "In the beginning, Emperor Su Su allowed me to repay the trio, and the three of us were very wealthy. At the invitation of the dog thief, I was responsible for stopping the three." "I never expected that they turned out to be the underworld spies. I have a hundred courage to dare not obstruct the three. "" Well, if we knew their identities, why did the three young men take the shot, we old guys of the sun should also immediately take the shot to kill the remaining evil of the Su Su Dynasty. . "You three words, I hurriedly clarified that it has nothing to do with yourself. Later, they gave a heavy gift to the Fang Lian, hoping to let them go, or begged the Fang Lian not to report today's affairs to the Celestial Army. Having said that. The three almost fled and left the area where the imperial city was located, and hurried back to their respective gates. Fang Lian and the two did not continue to hunt, in contrast, they were more worried about Lin Lang's situation. Just a few dozen miles away can kill both of them. Not to mention Lin Lang at the center of the battlefield? When they arrived, they accidentally discovered that a young man was lying near Lin Lang, who was also seriously injured, and was stumbled to leave the battlefield. The young man's body could still recognize the python robes of the Su Su dynasty. "I don't think there is a remnant here." Fang Lian saw that she was out of breath and was about to go and kill the other party first. "Forget it, leave him alone." Just then, Lin Lang suddenly said softly. This man is the four princes. In the case where the entire imperial city has almost no liveliness, somehow, the four princes are lucky to save their lives. The four princes also stared at Lin Lang with complex eyes. At the beginning, he informed Lin Lang and Fang Lian that the original intention of the news was the intervention of monks in the fairyland. When they investigated the dynasty, they took away all monks who hindered him from inheriting the throne. In this way, depending on his strength, there is a great opportunity to reorganize the fanfare and re-create a great dynasty. Who would have thought that the three of Lin Lang had taken the initiative to enter the imperial city, let alone a succession, even if the Su Su dynasty was completely destroyed. Besides, he left those shallow foundations? "I'm too naive." The four princes laughed bitterly. The world is big, and there is a place for him to stay. Even if he escapes this time, he will be destined to be on the list paid by the immortal army in the future. "Get out." Fang Lian snorted coldly, and didn't continue to study. The four princes stumbled away from the imperial city, and the figure gradually disappeared into the sunset.

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