At this moment, the soldiers of the Su Su dynasty were full of grief and indignation, and witnessed the fall of a generation of war gods, which is more sad for the soldiers than breaking through the country. Many people would rather be killed than believe that these things are true. It can be said that the death of the Red Blood King further stimulated the ferociousness of the Sergeant of the Soviet Union. At this moment, they all rushed to Lin Lang like crazy. "Revenge for the King of Red Blood!" The voice was shocking, and a bit of the Su dynasty shouted a slogan, red eyes, and rushed to Lin Lang. Even if they knew they rushed to death, they would die. unfortunately. Their opponent is Lin Lang, a first-level fairy king, but capable of fighting the evil spirits that are 99.9% complete. The actions of these soldiers are destined to end in defeat. Lin Lang held a sword, as if it was Shura killed from hell, and opened the killing ring in the crowd, all the way forward from the main entrance of the palace. Behind him, countless soldiers and soldiers who died fighting, the body was everywhere, the blood flowed into the river. Gradually. These soldiers were also scared by Lin Lang's killing, even if there was a blood of revenge, at this time when he saw Lin Lang's figure like a **** killing, he could not help but back away. "I only know fear now?" Lin Lang stared indifferently at the countless soldiers in front of him. He went all the way, and a large number of soldiers retreated in fear, from outside the imperial city to the inner city of the palace. Resistance. that's it. In less than half an hour, a large number of the Guards had retreated outside the Chao Su imperial court, and ordinary guards approached the chaos, which was not allowed in the past. But now. They have no retreat. They were really scared by Lin Lang's killing, and who dared to take the risk of dying and rushed to the battle. As for the inside of the chapel, it was a mess, countless civil officials shouted unbridled, but did not have the courage to rush out to face the challenge. Emperor Pu Su was sitting on a dragon chair at a high altitude, and although he was a little scared on his face, he could barely maintain his majestic demeanor. "Did you come out to kill yourself, or did I go in and kill you myself?" Lin Lang stood in front of the court hall, speaking indifferently. What he was referring to was naturally the Emperor Susu. Prior to the appearance of the three men of Lin Lang, the Emperor Susu just sent out an incarnation of himself, and the true body did not appear. But he also did not abandon the city to escape, but stayed in the palace, waiting for Lin Lang, who came after him. "Now that he is here, the civil and military officials, please follow me to meet you." Emperor Su Su faintly said. immediately. He first got up from the dragon chair and slowly walked out of the chapel. Even though the civil and military officials behind him were afraid of death, at this time, they could only walk out of the court with the same scrutiny. The gathering of a group of people can be described as immense. It's a pity that Lin Lang didn't look at it, his eyes were just indifferently locked on the majestic middle-aged man headed by him. This person is the true body of Emperor Pu Su. "Rarely, I thought you had abandoned the city and fled at this time." Lin Lang smiled slightly and looked at Emperor Pu Su a few times. This person is only about seven feet tall, facing the ordinary, but it is difficult to hide the kind of aristocracy on his body, presumably also the temperament that he has developed for a long time. His cultivation is not weak, and there are about a few days of cultivation, which are already a group of people who are not weak in Daylight. "Under the whole world, all are the territory of the Su Su dynasty. Why did He escape?" The Su Su dynasty replied lightly. "Don't you be afraid that those things that happened to you will be chased and killed by the army from the fairyland?" Lin Lang looked at Emperor Wu Su with interest. "Is there no room for discussion?" Emperor Wu Su asked calmly. The surrounding civil and military officials were a little surprised by the attitude of Emperor Xu Su, and let the emperor give his wife a kiss, which has never happened in the past millennium. After thinking about it, it is still reasonable. Lin Lang's three people, both in terms of influence and background, are too much larger than the Su Su dynasty, not to mention, the Su Su dynasty originally hunted and killed the three. "What do you say?" Lin Lang said with a smile: "If I let you go this time, wouldn't I leave it to you in the future? I didn't know I had the same collusion with you." "Collusion I ca n’t afford the charge of the Hades. ”“ Yes, you and I are not at odds with each other. ”Emperor Su Su nodded gently, not knowing whether to admit the collusion with the Hades or to show his position. but. This sentence was heard in the civil and military hundred officials, but it was a surprise, many people have begun to doubt whether the Su Su dynasty really colluded with the Hades demon, as Lin Lang said. after all. The three Lin Langs are Tianjiao from the Holy Land. It is too late to welcome the Soviet dynasty. How can they intensify the contradiction to a level that must be killed. The most likely is that Lin Lang has some evidence in his hands, which can destroy the Su Su dynasty! "If that's the case, what should I do to stay?" Many people asked themselves. On the other side, Emperor Pu Su also looked at Lin Lang quietly, without any confusion, but just asked: "Facts are good, framed, what's your evidence?" "I brought them with me, ready to leave Bai at any time. Sun Xing, expose your crimes. "Lin Lang smiled. "That's good." After Emperor Pu Su spoke these three meanings of unknown meaning, from the chapel, flew an over-aged gray robe old man. The man lacked an eye, and a narrow scar spread on the left cheek. He was about six feet tall and somewhat thin, but when combined with his face, he looked extremely fierce. The ministers looked at each other, but did not expect that in the past hall, there was still such a strange-looking old man. "This is ... the emperor on the stage ?! His old man is still alive!" Among the civil and military officials, a founding elder suddenly exclaimed. "What! This man is the emperor on the stage? The old ancestor who led the Su Su dynasty to expand the territory and laid half a day star?" Everyone is calm. The foundation of the Su Su dynasty dates back to 200,000 years ago, but it was only a small country at that time. Until later. The rise of a royal member who called Yantai, drove the orthodox royal heirs to death, and after he took the throne, he successively attacked other forces, including the map of the half-day star within the sphere of influence of the Susu dynasty. To this day, 50,000 years have passed, and the emperor Su Su had been in power for more than 7,000 years, so many people here subconsciously forgot the powerful emperor in the past. "Within thousands of years, I ca n’t think that the disciples in the Holy Land have gone crazy to such an extent that they will destroy my son-in-law of the Su dynasty." The emperor's voice on the stage was dry and his laughter was very unpleasant. I ’m not killing one or two of Tianjiao, it ’s okay to kill one more today. ”Talking. The emperor on the ring has risen to the sky, don't look at his appearance on the surface, in fact, the strength is outrageous. The perfect realm of ninety-nine percent is even more immense. Otherwise, how could the world be dominated by the world, and why the powers of the Zongmen on the sun and the sun were shrouded in imperial power and bowed down to honor? If not, how could Emperor Su Su, who had only been repaired in the state of heaven, command the heroes to surrender a strong man like King Jing? As I saw the scene, the emperor's fast and ghostly figure on the ring platform constantly shuttled, like a shadow incarnation from the ghost, his breath was everywhere. "It's fast." Lin Lang's complexion also dignified, realizing that the strength of the emperor on the ring was not ordinary, he was afraid to carelessly, and the first time he played, he had urged the field of five elements. The Five Elements evolved the world and quickly constructed everything around it, but within the realm of the domain, the matter related to the elements of the Five Elements was all under his control. "Come!" Lin Lang gave a low sigh and clamored. Within the scope of his five elements, all the weapons and weapons were flying upside down, forming a terrible torrent that hit the emperor on the ring. "Broken!" A word from the emperor's mouth softly spit out a sound wave that spread rapidly, and any weapon touched by it was shaken out. At this time, the ghost-like figure on the ring has come to Lin Lang, with five fingers like hooks, grabbing Lin Lang's chest. "Thick soil!" Lin Lang quickly mobilized the power of the earth. Xu Sujian formed a thick earth wall in front of him. As the elements flowed, the thickness of the earth wall continued to increase, pushing Lin Lang at the rear beyond ten meters away. . boom! The emperor grabbed the broken earth wall with a claw on the platform, and several sharp nails shot suddenly. At this time Lin Lang had already turned away. Blessed by the water element, the flexible body avoids the sharp gray nails shot from a distance. "Is it actually a five-element spirit? It's also a rare constitution in all ages. No wonder the enemy has such a low level of power." "Unfortunately, the cultivation is too low. I am afraid that you are no better than the three masters of Yinshan who are trained." The emperor laughed on the ring. Few people know that the three old men of Yinshan, who are crowned with white stars, are the soldiers who were personally trained by the emperor on the stage, and even the combined attack was derived from him. Even though the strength of the three old veterans of Yinshan is already above the king of the ring, but that is the case of the three together. "Idiot." Lin Lang was too lazy to refute. After breaking through the realm of the immortal king, most of the supernatural powers of the previous life had been lifted from the restrictions. As for the strength, use the emperor in front of him to verify it. "Xiantian swordsmanship—Universal style!" Lin Lang held the Drip Blood Sword in his backhand and practiced his sword moves. Hetian swordsmanship was also one of the several swordsmanships he was best at first. The emperor on the ring did not hit hard, and his figure flickered away from the sword, but unexpectedly the sword continued unabated. The same move came from behind him. He stomped his feet, a large number of black light spots appeared around him, and quickly rotated, looking like the stars of a dead ruin. Ding Ding Ding! The black light spot hit the sword, and the sword was broken. Lin Lang didn't retreat, the sword move looked like the ocean, but it wasn't cut off. "Second style-stacked stars!" A ghost of a star appeared on the surface of the dripping sword, and the heavenly girl unfolded like a flower. The weight of the sword gradually increased, as if blessing the speed of a star hitting it. Breaking through the black spot blockade!

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