Invincible Fairy King in the City

Chapter 938: Star Assault

This day, Lin Lang's mood was so heavy that he had long lost his expectation when he first met Jiang Xinyue.

Because he knew that in a few years, Jiang Xinyue would also embark on her journey alone, across the stars to find her parents.


It was destined to be a tragedy, and even if he were to become stronger, it would be difficult to change.

"Can the dead be resurrected?" Lin Lang muttered, thinking about this question along the way.

It is a rule of law that a person dies and cannot be resurrected. Even a monk who is good at the avenue of life cannot save a person who has died for a long time.


Isn't there no exception? In the middle of life and death, the soul of the sky is gone, but the only remaining soul can live forever.

Lin Lang has been thinking about this problem, lowered his head all the way, returned to the boat of the Emperor Xianzong, found a place to sit down casually.

After about half a day.

Zheng Qi and a female Ye Tianzong, Tianjiao, walked into the cabin and saw Lin Lang again.

"let's go!"

Zheng Qi angrily pulled the female friend around her and turned to leave the cabin.

"Qi Guanren, aren't you saying that you are going back to the cabin to get back your awakening futon, why did we leave directly?" The female friend looked puzzled.

"That **** again!"

Zheng Qi clenched her silver teeth, and said indignantly, "This **** is clearly not able to get along with me, just grabbing my place several times, and this time, I even sat directly on my awakening futon!"

"Aren't you angry at you?"

Da Ye Xianzong's Jurchen Fairy's eyes turned, and a smile appeared on her face, saying, "I don't think so, my little Kiki."

"What do you mean?"

Zheng Qi looked at her in doubt.

The Jurchen Fairy giggled and said, "I see that he clearly saw our little Kiki, and wanted to use this method to attract your attention."

Zheng Qiqiao blushed and hummed coldly: "I think you think too much, he is my big enemy, and he always looks for my stubble, how can it be ..."

Before Zheng Qi finished, she was interrupted by the Jurchen Fairy. She smiled and said, "I'll tell you, there are only three routines for these bad men to chase girls."

"Either sweet words, gentle offense, and unconsciously melting your heart, so that you have the meticulous illusion to be taken care of, and fall in love with him."

"Either it is to actively pursue it, and at the same time show your mind, it will also grill you on the fire. If there is a good feeling in your heart, then 80% will be given by the bad man."

"As for the other one."

"It's like Lin Lang, and it's the most obvious way to deliberately find your stubble and make you angry, so that he can successfully occupy a place in your heart."

Jurchen immortal looked at Zheng Qi meaningfully.

"You bullshit!" Zheng Qi's blush was burning. "That one will only be my opponent. I will surpass him at all costs. And even if he likes me, I don't feel anything about him."

"It's only you who knows if you have any good feelings." Jurchen Fairy hid her mouth and smiled. "Our little Kiki's eyes are so high. There are countless young men pursuing her. It's not so easy to gain favor."

"Brushing your face is definitely not going to work anyway, so you have to use this contrast method to get your attention. I guess his next step should be a sweet talk offensive."

Jurchen's face was ambiguous, showing an expression that saw through the man.

"Caught my attention?"

Zheng Qi frowned. For some reason, when she heard this sentence, her heart trembled suddenly.


The month-long mountain worship activity of Dayzong Emperor Zong ended here. After leaving Jiaoyuezong, Elder Guibei took everyone to visit several prestigious religions in Xianjie.

The two top sects met, and both brought some of the most outstanding disciples, and naturally inevitably collided.

But these.

It has nothing to do with Lin Lang. He meditates on his knees, quietly comprehending Wuxing Avenue and Guangming Avenue.

After seeing Jiang Xinyue, Lin Lang seemed to have unlocked some kind of maggots, and his understanding of the avenue was improved.

He had a vague feeling.

I am far from the Five Elements Dacheng, and the days of the Bright Avenue Dacheng will not be too far away!

After that, the people of Daye Xianzong successively landed on several prestigious forces in the fairy world, such as the fairy beasts.

The disciples on both sides inevitably struggled, while Lin Lang stayed in the cabin and never walked out of the flying boat.

that's it.

Day Ye Xianzong's one-year worship service ended. Among them, several Tianye Zong of Tianye Zong successfully stepped into the realm of fairy kings in the process.

They have already accumulated enough information, and in addition to the rich experience on the road, they have come into contact with the cultivation concepts of different schools.

Breaking through to the realm of fairy kings is a matter of course. And the time has come when the hundreds of immortal wars began.

Fairyland has a list of fairy kings, which will make the world's fairy king from strong to weak, and determine the corresponding ranking.

The criteria for determining the rankings of the hundred war immortals are based on the record of the hundreds of immortals.

The higher the score, the higher the ranking in the Battle of the Celestial Kings list, the greater the influence. Generally speaking, the major holy places will basically let their disciples compete for this ranking.


Fengxian Battlefield is also a good place to experience. Even if the crisis is perilous, once you come out of Fengxian Battlefield alive, there will be great breakthroughs in repair.

This is a path full of crises and opportunities. Basically, all the imperial emperors of the past have gone through such a path, and they broke through the original practice shortly after returning.

"I must go to the Fengxian battlefield." Lin Lang didn't hesitate too much. He entered the Fengxian battlefield once a thousand years ago and gained a lot.

Not only does it break through to a perfect realm of 99%, but it also condenses the dark road and the soul planet.

Although he couldn't break through the realm of Xiandi, under these conditions, he also had the retrograde cutting of the immortal, and the capital against the Emperor.


He didn't want to miss the opening of the Fengxian Battlefield this time. There was no place in the fairyland that could match the experience of the Fengxian Battlefield.

Da Ye Xianzong's Feizhou embarked on the return journey. On the Fei Zhou, the old man with turtle back smiled and said, "Little guys, you are doing well this time, but you have not fallen into the name of our Big Ye Xianzong."

"The next Fengxian battlefield is the time for the fairy kings to play."

On the way to the Fengxian Battlefield, you will pass through the Great Leaf Fairy, so the old man on the back of the turtle decided to send the little ones in the real fairy realm back to the gate.

Then he recruited the disciples of the Emperor Xianzong Realm of the Big Leaf to go to the Fengxian Battlefield together. The disciples of the immortal king on the flying boat in front of him are just a part of the elite of the Emperor Xianzong.

The reason why they brought them together was to a large extent that they wanted to tour the cultivation concepts of all ancestors. It would be best if they could break through.

"Too much, what exactly is the Fengxian battlefield, why do most of the disciples of Xianzong have to participate?" Feng Lin was a little puzzled.

The old man with a big smile smiled and said, "You should know that there is a third realm in the world besides the lower realm and the fairy realm, right?"

Feng Lin nodded and said: "Since ancient times, the fairyland and the underworld have been mutually exclusive. It is said that wars often broke out at the junction of the two realms, and each time it was countless."

"Moreover, I heard that all people in the underworld are bloodthirsty creatures that feed on humans and take pride in hunting protoss. Anyone caught by them will definitely die."

"that's right."

The old man with a small smile smiled and said, "The creatures of the underworld are divided into the bone race, the soul-eater, the Yanluo, the Shura, and the Raksha."

"The Bone tribe cannibalize the bones, the soul-eaters devour the spirits and souls, and the Yanluo and Shura tribe are the two strongest single races among the underworld creatures. Of course, one must also count as a free ghost."

"Therefore, since the ancient times, thousands of people in the fairyland and the underworld have fought countless battles, and the grievances have continued to this day."

"Eating human flesh and drinking human blood, isn't that the same as the blood race?" Xingdu also said curiously.

"That's the theory."

The old man on the back of the turtle also remained silent for a moment, saying: "The blood race is a native race born in the immortal realm, and does not belong to the underworld."

"So there is no essential difference between the blood and the underworld. Some are only disputes between the immortal world and the underworld. Perhaps there is a dispute over grievances that has not existed from any generation."

"So sometimes, we don't even know why we hate each other," Feng Lin muttered.

"However, we are monks in the immortal world. Even if we are to protect our country and defend our country, we will expel those disgusting underworld creatures," said the old man Turtleback.

"Perhaps you understand that war will be better. The fairy world represents us, and the underworld is the demon who is going to invade our homeland."

"There is no right or wrong in war."

The crowd was also rarely silent, and changing to another immortal emperor might confuse these junior juniors with ecstasy soup and arouse their confidence in fighting against the demon of the underworld.

But the old man with turtle back did not. He just told everyone that there is an extremely real problem. There is no right or wrong. Only survival is the source of disputes among all living beings.

Lin Lang nodded secretly, agreeing with this truth.

The flying boat of the Emperor Xianzong constantly jumps in space and shuttles in the vast and infinite starry sky, surrounded by peace.

And deep in the sky.

A huge ship group also set off at this moment. On the battleship stood a veiled mysterious man, who was shrouded in a layer of inexplicable truth and could not see his head.

This huge ship group, the direction of travel, also happens to be the opposite direction of the large Ye Xianzong flying boat.

"Alas, the prey of the Great Leaf Immortal is finally about to enter the net." Among the ships, a huge boat stood quietly in a figure.

He was shrouded in a layer of black robe, exuding a strong death gas all over him, and under the influence of the invisible avenue on his body, he turned a thousand miles around him into a dead zone.

About half a day later.

The flying boat of the Emperor Xianzong jumped to this place, and the starry sky suddenly lit up countless fine lines, and a large net was formed in an instant, and it enveloped the flying boat quietly.


The flying boat slammed into the net fiercely. It could have ignored the obstacles and jumped directly into the space, but could not continue to use the space to jump.

The inner space of Feizhou was a tremor at the moment. The disciples of Daye Xianzong were uncontrollable and fell to the west.

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