"No way."

Lin Lang's eyes were gradually condensed, although he had long expected that it was this innocent man who had been watching him secretly.

But until he really appeared, Lin Lang was still a little unacceptable. After all, a monk who has survived from ancient times to the present day, even the nine emperors of ancient times, may not be able to do so.

"Little baby, have you heard my story?" In the sky, the immense face of Wudao stared at Lin Lang.

Beside Lin Lang, the four emperor corpses looked at each other as if they were ordered without a word, and they would rush to tear Lin Lang into pieces.

"It is indeed a very clever way to preach without a word, but ..." When speaking of this, Lin Lang stopped talking.

"It's nothing?"

Innocent voice is indifferent.

"It's just that you are not completely out of the shackles of the avenue today. For example, you are restricted by the heavens and cannot walk out of this ruin." Lin Lang also stared at the other side.

In fact, he is also testing, after all, if no one has the ability to get out of here, he will not be stuck in the rubble for so long.

"What about it?"

Wudaozi still has such an indifferent look, without any wave on his face.

He didn't seem to want Lin Lang to stay here all the time, and said lightly, "My disciples, what are you waiting for? Send this intruder to the sky."

The four corpses received orders and acted one after another, approaching Lin Lang step by step.

The four emperor corpses, even if the spirits of them have disappeared in the long river, but the avenue power contained in the emperor corpses can still kill any immortal king.

Not to mention Lin Lang.

"Do you really intend to use them to deal with me?" Lin Lang was not at all confused, but suddenly laughed.

But obviously.

Wudaozi had no interest in Lin Lang. After giving orders to the four emperors, the faces in the sky were masked and it seemed that he had left the place.

Four emperor corpses flew, Lin Lang's figure flickered, and the whole person disappeared from the place. When he appeared again, he was already standing in the air of the Taoist Temple.

"A few of them can't deal with me, no way, I think we can talk about it." Lin Lang looked at the void silently.

He knew that the Waylessness did not leave, or in other words, the Wayless Thinking existed in every part of the area.

"kill him."

No sound came from the void. He didn't want anyone to disturb his precious time for research. Moreover, he has nothing to talk about.

Even if an immortal emperor stood here, he wouldn't look down on him if he wanted to sit with the innocent. In this world, no one can understand his research results.

"Putting hope on these dead things, there is no way, it seems that your research results are still very flawed." Lin Lang smiled slightly.

If Wu Daozi is still the immortal Emperor who was shocked and amazing, he can slap Lin Lang with a slap.

Wudaozi may live forever in this alternative method, but perhaps the price is that he cannot have what he once did.

"is it."

Without a sneer, he ordered again, but it was strange that the four corpses did not move and remained in place.

"This is the Seventh Prohibition. It is not bad for a true immortal to cultivate to the Seventh Prohibition." Wudaozi had sharp eyes and saw the essence at a glance.

He wasn't surprised at all, because when he was in the realm of true immortality, he had practiced to the level of the Seventh Ban.

"Do you really think that I have lost the ability to shoot?" In the sky, the face of insomnia appeared again.

"Losing the power of the avenue, you should have lost all your means of attack." Lin Lang fainted.

The reason why monks are stronger than mortals is that spiritual power is one of them. The other most important thing is road power. As long as they are strong enough, they can mobilize road power to destroy everything in front of them.

"You won't understand, the power of Wudao." Wudaozi's face was indifferent, and he opened his mouth gently, exhaling a strange energy.

To be precise, this attack can no longer be called energy, intangible and ineffective, without any lethality, yet it deprives everything.

Can destroy all power in an instant!

And Lin Lang, the whole person was shrouded in such a strange field, Shou Yuan, the physical body, and various avenues in the body were deprived in an instant.

at the same time.

His physical body also began to collapse, and the skin disappeared layer after layer, followed by the blood under his skin, which also disappeared strangely.

"Nothingness and silence are destruction. They are the strongest destruction force in the world, while no one can destroy nothingness. It is the most terrible force in the world." No words said.

His eyes fell on Lin Lang without much emotion. He just wanted to look at the creature in front of him and it was evaporated.

In an instant.

Lin Lang's blood was also quickly evaporated to dryness, and there was only one skeleton left in the whole person, the crystal jade bone, exuding a strange light.

"What will disappear next is your thinking. No one can understand the power of the Tao. It is a power that surpasses the heaven, and it is the strongest in the world."

Shamelessly shook his head, but unfortunately, this terrible power can only be grasped by himself in the world, and no one can understand this power.

"You are too happy."


Lin Lang sneered.

In the eyes of Wudaozi, Lin Lang, who should have collapsed in the flesh, began to repair slowly at this moment. He had to return to his original appearance.

The flesh was plump, and no trace of it ever being eroded by inhuman power was seen.

"How can you?"

Wordless finally moved. He also met for the first time, and the power of infidelity cannot be eroded, and he can even be reborn.

"What you call" no-way "is only to destroy with no-way, not to create, so you are just a poor worm resting on the corner of a dark avenue that has lost the sun.

Lin Lang sneered.

Wudaozi ignored Lin Lang's words and was not provoked, but frowned deeply on his face: "What the **** is going on?"

"It's very simple. Your avenue excludes any heaven and earth avenue, but it can't really destroy the avenue. It just drives the avenue out of your area."

Lin Lang fainted.

After such a long time, he finally figured out that the so-called powerlessness of Wudaozi is not to destroy the avenue, but to drive all the avenues of the other party and even the other party ’s body outside.

His Wordlessness is just the Wordless Realm.

It is not that the real material is not born and the magical power does not exist.

"No, I didn't ask you this." Wudao frowned. "What I want to know is how do you regain control of the road in the Wudao realm."

"Material is not easy, but I have exclusive respect." Lin Lang spit out eight words gently, but the opposite Wuzi heard it, but was hit hard.

"The material is not easy, the road is not changed." Wudaozi is indeed the most savvy people in history. Almost at the same time Lin Lang spoke, he already understood the meaning.

"But this is the power of creation, how can you master this power!"

Between heaven and earth, there is no way to disperse any avenue, but one exception is the creation of the world. Where the avenue does not exist, a world of five elements is created from nothing.

Pathlessness is driving away, while creation is created out of thin air, which is a force that overrides the pathlessness.

This is also Lin Lang's current practice.

"It's very simple, because in my body is a world. In my world, I am God, and I can create everything that belongs to me."

"There is no way to disperse my physical material, and as long as my world does not die, I can still control the avenue that belongs to me."

Lin Lang smiled slightly.

This is the essence of Lin Lang's first layer of exercises. As long as the world inside him is immortal, he can reorganize arbitrarily.

The thoughtlessness on Wudaozi's face almost asked subconsciously: "What should the real Wudao be?"

Lin Lang thought for a long time and seemed to be thinking about this issue. For a long while, he slowly said, "The avenue of the world can be found, but I have no way."

This is similar to the way he went. The world is full of avenues, but only by itself is not bound by avenues, which is probably the true meaning of dao.

"in this case……"

Wudaozi's eyes also seemed to have the light flowing, as if he could see a new avenue. Lin Lang did not continue to control him, turned around and walked to the surrounding wall carvings, carefully enlightened.

What is imprinted on the wall is the natural avenue that has been transformed into doctrines, and the reincarnation insights behind it, and even the way in which the Tao transforms itself into the Tao, these are things that can not be found.

"I can't stand on the top of the road without my own way." Wudao always repeats this sentence, and if there is a feeling of ignorance, it is always difficult to transform it.

As time passed, the two kept this state. Lin Lang sat in front of the wall carving, realizing that once he had no idea left a sense of nature.

One year.

ten years.


Time seemed to stand still, a meditation face in the sky, and Lin Lang sitting on the ground facing the wall.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe hundreds of years, or maybe thousands of years. At this moment, the two of them have no concept of time and concentrate on their own perception of the avenue.

at last.

For a moment, Lin Lang stood up slowly, surrounded by a magical avenue energy, the natural avenue bloomed, let Lin Lang's entire person fall into an ethereal temperament.

Extremely peaceful.

That's the power of the Great Avenue of Nature. Everything returns to its original state.

"Heaven and earth are alive, everything is born, and the Jewish couple are alive, and the son is born alive." Wu Daozi also withdrew from the state of enlightenment. He looked at Lin Lang with a slight voice.

"The reason why you feel the natural avenue can only be stuck in the Dacheng realm, and it cannot be transformed into doctrines. The problem is here."

"Natural avenue is also the way of man. Born with grain to eat people, raw silk and linen to clothe people, it is not natural for a man to be a farmer and mulberry girl."

"in this case……"

Lin Lang's eyes flickered and he did not speak, but thought carefully about the wordlessness.

at this time.

Wudaozi said again: "Every action or action has its own purpose. If you want to do something, you can do it."

"Indifferent, and inactive ..."

Wudaozi recites the ancient scriptures, and a sound falls in Lin Lang's ears, just like a precious scripture, making people impressed.

After all, Wudaozi was a powerful man who realized the nature avenue to the uttermost extent. Even if he gave up the avenue later, there was something in his mind that ordinary people could not compare.

With him by his side, it was like an immortal emperor exhausted everything, willingly wasting his countless cultivation time to personally guide him.

Even if it is a mediocre person, after a certain period of time, it is enough to comprehend a complete avenue. Not to mention Lin Lang.

that's it.

The two really sat down and argued. On the one hand, Wudaozi guided Linlang Natural Avenue, and on the other side, Linlang and Wudaozi jointly deduced the true meaning of Wudao.

Time has probably passed nearly 10,000 years. Lin Lang finally turned the natural avenue into a doctrine, because the place is special and no vision appeared.

But Lin Langhun's body was flooded with nature roads. A road representing the nature road broke in the body, the cocoon turned into a butterfly, and a chain passed through the small world in the body.

Taoism is the first threshold of immortal realm. That is to say, as long as Lin Lang condenses the soul planet, he can directly break through to the realm of immortals.

But he didn't want to do that.

After the monk was in the realm of immortal emperor, the road had been completely solidified, and he could only continue on the road condensed by the realm of real immortal king.

It is difficult to gather new kinds of doctrines. Originally, he thought he would step into Ningdao with the Avenue of Light.

Whoever wants to know the natural avenue that has never been realized before, but takes the lead in breaking through, and condenses the debut is chained.

Next is math.

"Next is the avenue of light and the Five Elements. By transforming these two avenues, you can break through the realm of fairy kings."

"As for reincarnation ..."

Lin Lang's gaze turned to the wall with information about reincarnation.

"Reincarnation is not an avenue." Wudao slowly said, "I have deduced about reincarnation for nearly 100,000 years, but I still haven't seen the path to reincarnation."

"So I conclude that reincarnation does not exist."

No sound came out.

"I don't think so." Lin Lang shook his head, reminiscent of himself, and he was able to return to his youth and be born again a thousand years ago.

He speculates that the real reason may be the retrospective of time, but since the retrospective of time exists, it can also prove the samsara from the side.

"In this world, there may be reincarnation, but it is not a avenue or under heaven, so it cannot be deduced."

"Have you heard that Xi Tufo Men reincarnated and reborn?"

Wudaozi pondered for a moment, nodded, and said, "I know this, the Buddha has a rebirth, the Buddha is sitting, and the soul and memory will be placed on the body of another Buddha."

"This is the buddha's bones in the mouth of those bald people, and Huigen is pure. When I was studying reincarnation, I also caught a young monk who reincarnated the Buddha and studied it for nearly a thousand years."

Lin Lang's eyelids jumped.

This wickedness was really a fierce man!

In the realm of Buddhism, you can prove the Buddha's position, and very few of them can be called Lord Buddha.

The Lord Buddha is generally a true Buddha who has experienced more than nine eternal calamities. It is impossible for a Buddha to capture a Lord Buddha, and it is not ruled out that other Buddha Lords have shot it.

Wudaozi doesn't care about these, but just said: "The real Buddha Nirvana I observed is actually just a relic, with his own spirit and traces of the road."

"The essence is just a special way of inheritance, not reincarnation."

"No." Lin Lang shook his head and said, "Incarnation is actually traceable, but it may be an aggregate of countless avenues."

"For example, at a certain time line, when your heavenly soul is annihilated and the memory is lost, you take all the avenues of your life through the space, and that is samsara."

"Reincarnation should be a combination of multiple avenues of time, space, etc. Have you tried to combine multiple avenues to create new ones."

"of course."

Wudao arrogantly said, "Combining multiple avenues to condense new avenues is not something nobody has tried, but only a few successful ones."

"I know what you mean, similar to the arithmetic of your gates, dissecting a Supreme Avenue into countless trails."

"Then the trails were cultivated to a certain level, and eventually transformed into avenues. But that was a case of knowing the composition of a avenue."

"So have you ever tried to merge two disparate avenues to form a new, unknown avenue." Lin Lang looked at Wudao, his eyes shining brightly.

"This ..." Wudao is also rarely silent. Two opposite avenues are mutually exclusive, and there is no possibility of integration.

What if?

Although Wu Daozi came from a Taoist door, but in its essence, he is an outrageous lunatic. The more things that cannot happen in the eyes of others, the more likely he is.

Therefore, when Lin Lang's hypothesis was raised, it was completely ignited the insipid mood, and he began to breathe quickly.

"What if the two Henggu Avenues merge?"

Think of it here.

Breathlessness is more rapid, which seems to be possible. The so-called reincarnation may indeed be transformed by several avenues.

As for why no one has studied it, it is because it is necessary to cultivate a variety of Henggu Avenues, and few people can cultivate two Henggu Avenues at the same time.

Without this premise, even if the real immortal comes, it will not help.

"So, we can classify the nine kinds of Henggu Avenue and the other 100,000 Avenues as the foundation roads, and these foundation roads form the other Xinsheng Avenues."

"Like runes, countless basic runes can be formed into arrays. Different basic runes have different attributes and different combinations and arrangements, which can create countless arrays."

"The same goes for the avenue."

When the hypothesis of Lin Lang was put forward, Wudao was completely insane.

"Yes, yes, yes! I went the wrong way when deducing reincarnation. If I tried this method, even if no deduction was possible, a new avenue could be formed.


With that said, the light in Wudao's eyes faded again.

Lin Lang certainly knew why Wudaozi showed such an emotion, saying: "You are transforming yourself into a Wudao material, although it is an alternative eternity, but you cannot continue to cultivate the avenue."

"Eternal life lost for freedom, then why don't you withdraw from this state?"

Wudao shook his head: "Easy to say, I have imprisoned myself eternally since the moment I turned into a ruthless substance."

"Unless I can take control of the avenue again, but that is impossible. Destruction is easy, but nothing is created. It is too difficult!"

"Wait! Out of nothing ..."

Wudaozi's eyes gradually lighted up. He can't do nothing out of his current state, but Lin Lang can!

He is a true body that has not been transformed into a ruthless material. As long as he has practiced a certain amount of ruthless knowledge, he may indeed be able to save him from this state.

"Yes, I might be able to save you out." Lin Lang smiled slightly and understood the idea of ​​innocence.

Imagine that a terrific and terrifying human being, Tianjiao, would be willing to be trapped in a closed space and become a monster that is neither human nor ghost.

"What about the price?"

Innocence is also clear.

At no cost, no one will easily give help, even if it is just a hand. What's more, in his case, trying to get out of trouble is not an easy task at all.

"I think it is also a good thing to have a good relationship with a top immortal. You have this qualification." Lin Lang smiled slightly.

"Well, I accept your favor." Wudao also solemnly spoke. In any case, he was in debt.

"I'll teach you no knowledge." After speaking, Wudao made a rumbling voice, and began to tell in a simplified way how he figured out the way.

It's not easy.

Even if Lin Lang already has a certain understanding of incompetence, this is a completely new concept. It takes a long time to get through.

At first, it took tens of thousands of years to transform myself into a form of infidelity. Lin Lang wants a comprehensive understanding, and it is impossible without time to build the foundation.

Wu Daozi talked about it while Lin Lang listened to the scriptures on the side. This process lasted for tens of thousands of years. Even Lin Lang himself could perceive that his life was drying up.

This process is difficult!

"There is no way, no dream, if there are three thousand dreams!" Lin Lang turned his hands, and all the avenues around his body were emptied in an instant, and he shot forward a wayless energy.

See you.

Everything in front of him is annihilated, no matter whether it is the real material or the empty road, it disappears without a trace under this attack.

If this blow is outside, it is more powerful than any magical power. Even if the Emperor is not cold, he will be evaporated into nothingness by this strange attack.

"Having mastered this power does not mean that the world is invincible." Lin Lang showed contemplation.

"It's too early for you to be happy." Wudao smiled coldly and relentlessly. "This kind of power shouldn't exist in the world at all, so once it is performed outside, it will immediately lead to natural punishment."

The voice has not fallen.

Clouds are brewing in the sky.


Out of nowhere, a silver lightning fell without warning and slashed towards Lin Lang. This is the purest heavenly **** thunder. Even a single blow is enough to kill an immortal emperor.

"Disgusting heaven."

The face of Wudaozi Sky opened his mouth and sucked, swallowing the Heavenly God Thunder, and the thunderous sound erupted in the void, but the Heavenly God Thunder could hardly break through the Wudaozi blockade.

Even though he is now in this strange state, he still maintains a lot of fighting power, especially in the face of day punishment.

He has become very resistant.

Lei Yun dissipated at this point, and there was no follow-up penalty. Lin Lang also breathed a sigh of relief.

"You see it, too. It can blind the sky. The power of the God of Thunder has been greatly reduced, but it can still sense your presence."

"So outside, you'd better watch carefully, don't use infidelity easily, or you will just kill yourself."

Lin Lang also focused his head.

The wordless material can only be used as his final hole card. If it is a last resort, it cannot be easily used when it threatens his life.

"I also have a good foundation in math skills, so I will teach it to you together." Wudao faintly said.

As one of Daomen's most outstanding powers, his accomplishments in Daomen's arithmetic are also quite amazing. He has passed a series of knowledge about arithmetic operations to Lin Lang without reservation.

This process continued for about 3,000 years, until Wudao saw that Lin Lang had mastered arithmetic.

This was a wave.

"That's all I can pass on to you. It's not suitable for cultivating avenues. You should leave as soon as possible."

"I have no use to keep these four emperors, so I will give them to you as your last amulet."

"Hope to hear your good news."

Four emperor corpses appeared in front of Lin Lang, and he collected them. There was no word there, raising his hand, and a hurricane immediately set off.

Lin Lang blown away very far.

By the time he returned to God, the whole man had appeared outside the ruins of Daomen. He looked into another space, and was quite emotional.

If, before he came, a person told him that there were monks who could live forever in the world besides the detached, he would certainly sniff.

after all.

Even if the immortal Emperor Shouyuan is endless, it is very rare to be able to survive the tenth dimensional disaster. How can it live from ancient times to the present?

But now, the appearance of innocence has completely changed his mind. Yes, there are many ways to truly live forever. For example, there is no way to open up a new road.

Live forever without the Word.

It's just that he went the wrong way.

Although Tiandi Avenue has been unable to imprison his Shouyuan, he is also bound by himself and cannot walk out of this ruined little world.


Being between disappearance, he couldn't use his own power, without any human characteristics, it was an alternative eternal substance.

And now.

After seeing Wudao, and after realizing part of Wudao's knowledge, Lin Lang also seems to have seen a lot of ways. Eternal, it is more than a way out.

Moreover, Nature Avenue has been transformed into his own doctrine, stepping into the condensed state, this time the gain is really great.

far away.

An old man looked at him with a smile, it was the Li Taoist.

"Little baby, you should have a lot of gains." Li Huodao smiled at Lin Lang with a smile.

Lin Lang also looked up, looking at the Lidaodao, nothing changed around him, he is still in the period of time shortly after entering the ruins.

There is no road rule in the ruin space, and naturally there is no concept of time. The shortening of his life is a decline in physical condition, not a function of time.

The tens of thousands of years in the Ruinless Ruins actually experienced less than half a day outside.

"not bad."

Lin Lang nodded and said, "I will fulfill the agreement with the seniors normally, and when I go back, I will sort out what I got and give it back to the seniors."

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